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kbhBBH9mHEI 9SHSnuEuHHi9hwBH , Jrs"" " " -lrifojltiKmm V.-?-; COCONINO SUN. WlifPriyMtfpW B BISBEE COPPER DISTRICT United States Ceolollcal Survey Studies the Nature and Orlfln of the Copper Ores. During the last autumn and winter the Bisbee copper district, in Arizona, has been scientifically studied by the United States Geological Survey. The district was geologically mapped and a detailed study made of the oc currence of the copper ores, with par ticular reference to their geologic re lations and origin. Mr. P. L. Ran soroc, who was in charge of the work, is now engaged in preparing a full re port on the geology and ore deposits of tho district, based upon the field work just completed. This report, which will bo accompanied by maps and illustrations, will probably appear early next year. It is expected that it will afford a more satisfactory basis from which to plan deep prospecting than has yet been available. For over twenty years the great Cop per Queen mine at Bisbee, 7 miles north of the Mexican lino, has been producing an average of more than 10,000,000 pounds of copper annually. In 1880 the output was 1,379,040 pounds, and this has increased to a maximum of nearly 40,0110,000 pounds per annum. During tho last two years a second company, tho Calumet and Arizona, has entered tho field so long solely oc cupied by tho Copper Queen. The new mine, which is almost surrounded by tho property of its long established neighbor, has been 'rapidly developed and in December last was producing from 30to 40 tons of copper a day. Co incident with this increase in mining activity, tho new smelting town of Douglas has sprung up, in Sulphur Spring Valley. Hero are tho new smelter of tho Calumet and Arizona mine, and tho nearly completed works of tho Copper Queen Company, intend' ed to replace the old smelter in Bisbee. Tho El Paso and Southwestern Rail road, under the samo ownership as the Copper Queen mine (Phelps, Dodge & Co.), has within tho last few months, completed its line to El Paso, so that Bisbee and Douglas now enjoy un usual railway facilities, through this road with its several connections, both north and south of tho international boundary. Death of D. R. prime. Daniel R. Prime died at his home in Flagstaff on Wednesday morning. Two years ago he was striken with paralysis from which he never re covered, gradually growing worse un til his sufferings were relieved by death. Mr. Prime was a pioneer of Arizona settling in the Vcrdo valley years ago, although for ten years past he had been a resident of this place. He held tho office of justice of tho peace in this precinct for two terms. He was a member of Flagstaff Lodge I. O. O. F. and was prominent in the order. He was an excellent citizen and respected by all who knew him. Ho leaves a wife and three daugh ters to mourn his loss, Mrs. Dolph Wllliard, of Verde valley, Mrs. D. A. Raudebaugh, of Williams, and Mrs. H. H. Hoxworth, now at Agua Cal- iente, Arizona. Tho funeral took place Wedneday afternoon at three o'clock from tho residence. The interment was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Rev, George Logie, of the Presbyterian church conducted the funeral services 1862 40 YEARS 1902 Washington Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK V. A. BREWER, Jr., ES. FRENCH, ' Pretident Vict'Prtsident For Stomach Troubles. . "I have taken a great many different medicines for stomach trouble and constipation," says Mrs. S. Geiger of Dunkerton, Iowa, " but never had as good results from any as Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets." For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. Nearly FotioIIs His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on tho leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all tho doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salvo had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for burns, bruises, skin eruptions and piles. 25c at all drug gists. LETTER LIST. Statehood a Rider to Postofflce BUI. Senator Mason from the committee on postoffices and postroads today reported the postofflce appropriation bill. In addition to the amendment providing for the admission of Okla homa, Arizona and New Mexiio as states, the bill makes changes relating to the conduct of the postofflce depart ment. The statehood amendment is somewhat different from tho statehood bill, as Arizona is the first of the ter ritories mentioned in the amendment, whereas it is the last mentioned in the bill. The transposition was made in order to give Arizona the benefit of tho first vote in case of a division on the question. List of letters remaining in the post offlce, uncalled for, for tho week end ing February 21, 1903: Gray, B. H. McClure, Gus T. Looke, Allen Nathan, John Page, John II. Warren, G. B. When Inquiring for tho above mail, please say advertised. T. J. COALTEK, P. M. Notice for Publication. Land Olllco at Prcscott, Ariz., Jan. 28, 1903. Notice ii hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before A. E. Doug lass, Clerk of tho Probate Court, at Flagstaff. Arlr, on March 9, 1903, viz: William K. Ross, for Lots 3 and 4, SB H NW it, and SW H of NE H Sec. 6, Tw p. 20 N, Rango 6 East. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A. L. Hawkins, of Rhoades, Ariz., O. W. McCormlck, of Rhoades, Ariz., E. N. Isbcll, of Flagstaff, Ariz., and George Black, of Flagstaff, Ariz. Few. S. HiuiKKTit. Register. First publication Jan. 31, 1903. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is tho best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my fam ily. I have not words to express my confidence In this remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. Are You Restless at Night And harassed by a bad cough? Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. 25c, 60c and $1.00 bottle at Pioneer Drug Store, SUMMONS. In the District Court of tho Fourth Judicial District, of the Territory of Arizona, In and wr iau iouniy 01 uoconino, David )labbitt.aeorge Babbitt,! iiauDiK.ana whliwd- Rllm. v. rv -T bitt, co-partners, plaintiffs. J. R. Willnrd, defendant. J The Territory of Arizona Sends Greeting to J. R. Wlllard. You are hereby summoned and required to appear In a civil action brought against you by the above named plaintiffs In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial DIsiHpt. in nn.i f r- nlno County, Territory of Arlrona, and answer i:iu compiuini mcu wun mis uourt at Flagstaff, In Raid CaUntV ftlnnvnf Whfnh ftnmnlalnl n OCCOmnAnles this Rlimmnnat tvlthln ..,. dajs (exclusive of the day of service), after the upvu juu ui iqih summons, h senea within the County. In all other cases thirty days. And you are hereby notified that if you fall to aDDcar and answer the miilntnt at Hhw. rcoulred. the nlnlntlffa win intra turitrmnnt .., default against you. uiren under my band and the seal of the said District Court nt. Flfitretnfr IpImh. 11,1a O.I. day of February, A. D. 1903. laeaij u M. FUNSTON, Clerk. Thos. A. Flynn, attorney for plaintiffs. First publication February li, 1903. 10 Survivorship Dividend Policies These Policies are Easily Defined - THEY ARE- Non-forfel table. THEY ARE- Unrestrlcted as to residence and trat el after one year. THEY ARE- Inoontestable after one year, except as specifically provided. THEY ARE- Sccured by an Invested Reserve. THEY ARE- Solldly backed by Bonds and Mort gages, first Hens on Real Estate. THEY ARE- Safer than Railroad Securities. THEY ARE- Not affected by the Stock Market. THEY ARE- Better paying Investments than U. S. Bonds. THEY ARE- Less expensive than Assessment Cer tificates. THEY ARE- Moro liberal than the law requires. THEY ARE- Dcflnlte Contracts. J. H. O'RIELLY, Gcoerel Maoaftr New Mexico tod Arizona. ALBUQUERQUE, N- M. , a MILUGAN, MANUFACTURER Or Brick and Lime, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER.. Estimates Made on any kind ot Stone or Brick Work FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA. POHLE & PARMELEE ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS, Special Attention to Control Umpire Work Ores tested to determine the best method of treatment. We have new a and thoroughly squlppcd Laboratory. Over 30 years of practical experience In Colorado. Prices and sample sacks free on application. 1627 Champa St.. Denver. Col. J Mr Ik tCf(tM-ftCM FLAGSTAFF UNDERTAKING PARLORS ED. WHIPPLE. Manacer and Emtalmer. A fun stock of up-to-date- and- METALLICS GASKETS, A large assortment of Burial Robes for men, women and chil- JJ dren. m San Francisco St.. near Railroad Ave., FLAGSTAFF. ' ' ARIZONA, m 944i4-M44444444' LODGE DIRECTORY. MOUNTAIN LODGE, NO. 15, K. OP P. Meets In Elk's Hall every Wednesday night. Visiting knights are cordially Invited to attend, W. A. LAHKON, C. C T. J. Ross. K. of R. and S W. II. TlMERBonr, M. of F. c OURT COCONINO, NO. 886, INDEPEND ENT OBDEH Or FORESTERS. Meets second and last Fridays In each month In Elk's HalL Visiting members Invited to at tend the Court meetings. A. C. Wiukur, C. R. W. R. Banks. Recording Secretary. W. IL Norman, Financial Secretary. FLAGSTAFF LODGE. No. 499. BENEVO LENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS. Meets every Tuesday night In B. P O. K. ball, corner of San Francisco street and Aspen ave nue. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. GEO. E. SULLIVAN, E. R. H. P. OUUJNAN, Secretary. pLAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. 13, A. O. U. W. Meets etery Thursday night In Elk's Hall Visiting members Invited to attend. W. W. Williams. M. W. SOOTT T. LINN, Ree. J. a GRIM, Fin. pLAGSTAFF LODGE NO. 7. F. & A. M. Regular meeting, on first Saturday ot each month at Elk's Hall. Visiting brethren Invited to attend. F. S. Breen, Sec T. J. Coatler, W. M. PLAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. tl, L O. O. F. Meets first and third Friday evenings of each month. Visiting members Invited to attend. Cuas. a Clark, N. G. N G. Latton, Secretary. Tnos. a Job. .E. S. Clark. JOB & CLARK, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Bank Building, Prcscott, Arizona. w. S. ROBINSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Flagstaff, Arizona. Ofice In Postofflce building. Office hours. 10 to II a. m.; t to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Thousands Saved By DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERT This wonderful medicine posi tively cures Consumption, Coughs Colds, Bronohitis, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50c &$ I. Trial bottle free. CHURCHES. "IIURCH OF THE NATIVITY, PHURCH OF THE NA1 Rev. Valbre, rector. On Sundays: Low mass at 8 o'clock a. m.; high mavs at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school at 11:30 o'clock a. m. Rosary and benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. On week days, moss at 8:15 a. m All cordially Invited. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. J. IL Henry, pastor. Sabbath services-Sunday-school. 10 a. m.; preaching service, II a. m.; class meeting, 1J.00 m.; Junior League 3 p.m.; Epworth League. 6:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30 pm.; weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Every one Is cordially welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Geo. Logle, B. D , pastor. Services: Sunday-school and Bible Class, 10 a. m.j morn Ing service, 11a.m.; Young People's meeting 6:45p.m.; evening service, 7:30 p. m.; praye meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. You are cor dially Invited. Strangers In town are asked come and make themlseves known. MINING'S riu;33 FORTY-THIRD YEAS. 48 Paget t Teddy t Oltatnted. INDISPENSABLE TO MMNG MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. BEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. MmiNG-Sdentlflc PRESS S30 MARKET ST.. BAN IT..yTCISCO, CAL. 'j aji..n ii ixuMifljtJT hMww.. ! If!f.r , . i a, n i r i - iii.iiiniatj n jr-" --i - ifaMfttflti " ftlii ' ""it i nin -. " "" .. .".-.- - -' , iar-,,tfT? !! Nil I iiiMI MTTTTTWMrTTllMlWimf I I Mil II .. Jbw I II BUM II II III .?& ' ', i ii HilihaiiiiMMIil 'in If ii I MiAlLWT'l'j 'i iiiiM 1'iwft ii 3&.iei va