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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
tmmmmrmt swtfii" iJU HM IWtHWIHWIi'lHWlW V'Vafc' . " COCONINO SUN. ONE MILLION ACRES Restored to the Public Domain -Old A. LP. Land Grant Between Needle and Mohave Open to Settler. Uncle Sam shortly will restore 1,000, (WO acres In Southern California to the pubic domain, to be subject to en try under tho general land laws of the United States within sixty days after tho official notification to tho public. By this wholesale re-creation of pub lio domain, unprecedented in amount of land involved, thero will be placed at tho disposal of tho public, subject to tho government's land laws, a huge and diverse tract, offering an oppor tunity for a great inrush of tillers of the soil to tho commonwealth of Cali fornia. The million acres in question, com prising much valuable land, lie along tho line of tho Southern Pacific Rail road between Mohavo and Needles, on the Colorado River. Notification of the intended restoration has just been received by the local United States Land Office from the Department of the Interior, through Commissioner Richards of the General Land Office, and the officials here are busy preparing for tho rush for tho land which is expected to set in on tho day the great domain is laid open to entry. It will take some busy days to get everything in readiness for tho on slaught, and tho Land Office in tho Potomac Block will bo tho goal of regiments of " anxious inquirers" and sacks of communications, as soon as the news is spread. At least Uncle Sam's worthies up there are putting themselves on the defensive in prepar ation for such a siege, and not at all doubtful that the blow will fall heavily. Somo time ago tho United States Supremo Court decided, in tho suit generally known as No. COO, that the United States holds an equal undivid ed moiety in all odd-numered sections which lie within tho conflicting place limits of the famous old grant made to the Atlantic! and Pacltlo Railroad by act of July, 1860, and that tho South ern Pacific Railroad Company holds the other equal undivided moiety therein. Tho Southern Pacific was called upon to make its selections of secti ns, and choso accordingly. Tho sections remaining to tho government, which are to bo restored to the public domain, arc the sections numbered 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31 and 35, in every township falling within tho conflicting place limits of tho grant, except where the railroad company has in the past sold such sections or portions of sec tions, in which case it will bo allowed to perfect title for its grantees. Any entries on said lands which may have been allowed will be per mitted to stand, and may bo perfected If no superior adverse claims are pre sented; but all prior applicants, who havo not been allowed to perfect, notice is to be given that, whatever the claims they assert, their applica tions confer no rights on them, and that on the day set for restoration, tho lands will bo opened to entry and dis posed of without regard to such ap plications, " which shall be held to be rejected." Within two months the government, by this big breaking up of tho old " A. and P." grant across the desert, will make room for unnumbered new colonists, whoso settlements should be tributary to this city. Los Angeles Times. PenHenttarv Outbreak. A report from Yuma Sunday gave meager details of a jail delivery Fri nay night. Two brothers name Steele escaped from the penitentiary and suc ceeded in getting a start of several hours, but were captured the following day by prison guards, and are now doing penitence in the dark cell. Their escape followed an attempted escape of two convicts about a week ago, when " Billy" Doheny, a guard, shot and killed one, and perhaps mor tally wounded another prisoner. It is reported that tho two jail breaks are the only tangible results of a premed itated plan of the majority of the pris oners to effect a general prison delivery. Tho Steele brothers woro being .held at Yuma pending tho securing of requi sition papers for their return to 'San Diego, on the charge of horse steal ing. The papers had been issued, and Constable Marks was on the way from Sacramento with them. The men are deserters, also, one from tho cruiser New York and tho other from the training ship Mohican. SEVERE ATTACK Of GRIP Cured by One Mettle of Chamberlain's Couth Remedy. " When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I .actually cured myself with one bottlo of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy'" says Frank W. Perry, editor of the Enterprise, Shortsvlllo, N. Y. "This is the honest truth. I at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a teaspoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seem ed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To "say that tho remedy acted as a most agree able surprise is putting it very mildly. I had no Idea that it would or could knock out tho grip, simply because I had never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed with tho second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only be of less severe, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid mo adieu." For salo by all druggists. The Benefit of AdvertHlni. An exchange says: A newspaper reflects tho business interests of a town in its advertising columns. A business man looking for a location always examines newspapers to see if his particular lino is represented. If he is a druggist and sees no advertise ment by tho druggists ho concludes there are none, or, if there are, they are all dull. If he is a doctor or a lawyer, ho looks over tho professional cards to see if his profession is repre sented. Prospective buyers like an invitation to como and trade with merchants. A card of the professional man is just as essontlal as the sign in front of his door. It is not a question of being able to get along without it. A hardware man need not heat his store to keep things from freezing. He might havo a booth out on the street or at a skating rink, and do a lot of business, Instead of paying rent at his store and buying fuel to heat it with, but it might not be economy to do so. Advertising Is not a luxury, but rather an economic proposition recognized by all the best and most successful business men tho world over. So Sweet ewnd Pleexaln In Tbl1 I Mrs. C. reterson, 625 Lake St., To peka, Kan., speaking of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, says : "It has never failed to give entire satisfaction, and of all cough remedies, It is my favorite, and I must confess to my many friends that it will do, and has done, what is claimed for It to speed ily cure a cough or cold; and it is so sweet and so pleasing in taste." 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottle at Pioneer Drug Store. ' i ' r. A. HOtDAN. PmUtal. ," U. J. XJOfDAN.SccnUrr ! ( I "" F.W. SISSON. Tmmrtr. "J " ' , j: ARIZONA j TTTKMUUU a m TTKjmnn ULiwryiix : I I I I Mtauhcturen or , Native Pine Lumber, ; Props, Stalls, " Boxes, Lath, Piling, Shingles, Ties, Lagging. Sasb and Doors. j: ' ' Flagstaff, Arizona, ij ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Sayings Deposits. Drafts Sold Upon all For eign Countries. We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative terms. T. E POLLOCK, President. T. J. POLLOCK, Vice President C O. ROBINSON, Cashier. i LIQUOR STORE I JULIUS AUBMEAU. I OCALIR IN t C FINE -. S WINES, WHISKIES I 7 LIQUORS-CIGARS i 2 QutetcBt plice in town. S 5 No gambling allowed L Family Trade Solicited. ? B. HOCK, (gKOMMM and- Stationery News Stand FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Friits aid Coifectlonery. RAILROAD AVENUE. I. W. HARPER WHISKY Sold for Medical Purposes only. J. J. DONAHUE, Soie Agent for arfzona. : hwjmdmWmkw6&W1& j&? i i -t&'" skkrvir "i&rTtixl&z&F-r TH- iiwmm m.ul