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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
A. ' yt T' "'kjft ? 'r.1 tm Mt 6 COCONINO SUN. LOCAL BREVITIES. Buy a Brownie kodak, $1, at Bab bitt Bros. Frank Leslie and wife, returned Wednesday from Indiana. The Douglas $3.50 shoe at New York store, is the best shoe made. Christopher's candies, the best made, in fancy boxes, at Black & Jones. For mandolins, supplies and music Scott T. Linn. guitars, musical of all kinds, see Mrs. J. L. Treat left Tuesday for a months stay in Los Angeles, for the benefit of her health. Found A small sum of money, which the owner can have by applying at this office, and describing same. F. C. Reid has opened a law otllce in the rooms in the Babbitt block, formerly occupied by E. E. Ellinwood. Prof. M. Dlmmlck left Tuesday for California. Agency for standard New York store. patterns at tf Leave your orders for bread, pies and cake with Black & Jones. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. It's the educational opportunity of your lifetime. Tho Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper $2.50 for one year. The Greenlaw mill after being idle the greater part of the winter will start up on Monday. They have logs enough on hand to keep the mill run ning the balance of the year, there will be no lack of water during the sum mer. Episcopal service will bo held in tte City Hall at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday March 29th. Holy communion will be administered at the 11 o'clock service. Rov. W. R. Sea borne of Gallup, N. M., will conduct the service. One day this week James A. Vail sold to Babbitt Brothers, a fat Cow which weighed one thousand seven hundred and twenty poundson foot. It was the largest beef ever sold in this market and it is probable that tho size has not been exceeded in the Territory. The Good Templars lodge here is prospering. Nine new members were initiated on Monday night. The lodge holds the banner for having ini tiated the largest number of members of any lodge of that order In the ter ritory during tho past three months. Jeff Venters, who has been in Agua Callente, for several months, returned Monday. Send to the Curio, Williams, Ariz., for your Butterick patterns and sew ing machine needles. Frank Owenby of Cottonwood, came up this week to see how deep the snow is on the cattle ranges. Rubber heels relieve that jar on the nerves, protects the health, makes walking easy. Get a pair at the O. K. Shoe Shop, opposite post-offlce. 14 R. W. Boyle the jeweler, has a line of clocks which are both useful and attractive. -Anything In the watch or jewelry line can be found in his stock. Normal practice school is having a vacation of two weeks. The school work will be resumed on Monday March 30. The vacation will not be lost to the pupils as the school will be continued for two weeks longer time than originally intended. The logging camps south of town are taking an enforced vacation. The melting snow has caused the ground to become so soft that it is impossible to do any work, it is expected that the ground will be in condition to resume work in about ten days. The men from the camps arc spending their va cation in Flagstaff. Fdward M. Doe, district attorney, bas been in Phoenix during tho week looking after the passage of an act regarding tho payment of the Santa Fo railroad taxes to the various coun ties on tho line of the railroad, in accordance with the license tax law passed by Congress last year. He was successful in having the legisla ture pass a satisfactory bill. E. Redlwell of Phoenix, spent several day 8 here this week. Fresh oysters and blue ribbon celery at Black & Jones. Fred. C. Roberts is with the Santa Fe survey force in California. Eastman kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices at Babbitts'. The town council held a meeting Tuesday at which routine business was transacted. Bread, pies, cakes and for everthing turned out in a first-class bakery go to Black & Jones'. Louis Burns is now occupying the position at Greenlaw mill recently filled by M. Dimmick. To Exchange Nearly now Improv ed Singer machine for driving horse or town lots. Inquire at this office. K Williams has a number of cases of small-pox. The cases are light and similar to the cases which occurred in Flagstaff during the past three months. The authorities of Williams are en forcing a rigid quarantine and it is thought that the disease will be con fined to the present cases. Miss Lulu R. Hunter on Sunday re ceived a telegram from her home in Rockport, Mo., announcing the serious illness of her father. She in company of her sister, Mrs. D. St. Clair, of Prescott, left for their homes. Sunday afternoon a telegram was re ceived which announced tho death of Mr. Hunter. Miss Hunter will be ab sent about two weeks. The hearing of the case of James Smith, charged with attempt to com mit manslaughter was had on Monday before Justice of the Peace Quinlan, who ordered Smith held to appear be fore the grand jury at the April term of district court, under $50. bail bond which was furnished by tho defendant. Jesses Burks, tho young man shot by Smith, when acting as deputy mar shal, is able to be about the streots. The travel to the Grand Canyon of Arizona by the railroad from Wil liams is increasing and each train on the Santa Fe main lino brings its quota of tourists bound for tho Can yon. The tourists complain of the in sufficient hotel accommodations at the Canyon, and it is expected that the railroad company will remedy the complaint this year by building a new and commodious hotel on the brink of the Grand Canyon. F. D. Preston, of the United States geodetic survey, was here two days observing the variations, dip and hor izontal Intensity of tho magnetic needle. Mr. Preston has made like observations all over Arizona. It is the intention of the government to es tablish a magnetic station in Arizona, either at Phoenix or Flagstaff. These places have been tested, but it is not known yet which will be chosen. Mr. Preston left for Navajo Springs. Holbrook Argus. Cut full Levi Strauss cCcts Copper-riveted Overalls the most dependable garments in the world for worMng men Today is the first day of spring and there can bo no objecton to the weather. furnished, it being a regular summer day. Rev. J. H. Henry returned froDY Tucson last night. There will be ser vices in the M. E. Church as usual to morrow. John Schmidt, who has resided in Coconino county for several years, left Wednesday for Los Angeles, Cal., where he expects to locate. For Sale One set of double har ness; one set single harness; one surrey, can be used with one or two seats. Inquire at the SUN office. 17 That special arrangement we have made with The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean $2.50 for both it and this pa per for one year has caught on big. Now that tho Panama Canal treaty is ratified let us see to it that the bur lesque Colombian government tries not to gho us any razzle-dazzle racket, if thoy do wo will drop tho whole busi ness liko a hot potato and build the Nicaragua canal. Sabe? A. F. Andre, who for tho past three years has been tho efficient bookkeeper and office man, for Babbitt Brothers, has accepted a position with tho well known railroad contractors, B. Lan try & Sons, at Belen, N. M., and will leave for that place on Monday. The members of Flagstaff Lodge No. 13, A. O. U. W. gavo a grand ball in the Bank hotel hall on the night of St. Patrick' Day. The affair was well attended and fully enjoyed by the members and their friends. A supper was served at midnight by Black & Jones, and dancing was continued until the small hours of the morning. A number of oil locations were re corded in the recorders office here. Tho oil bearing country is located seven miles northwest of Winslow and lies in both Coconino and Navajo counties. The indications for oil is said to bo good, and an experimental well will probably be put down at an early date to test the field. The loca tions were made by Winslow and Flagstaff parties and they hope that they have another Boaumont oil field. Cure ScleOlo Rheumatism. Mrs. A. E. Simpson, 509 Craig St., Knokville, Tenn., writes June 10th, 1890 : " I have been trying the baths of Hot Springs, Ark., for sciatic rheu matism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried. Enclosed find post-offlce order for $1.00. Send me a large bottle by Southern Express." Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. Knft In Why Be Miserable ? Why not be wise instead? Take the right remedy at the right time and get rid of that awful aching and breaking in head back and breast, and so avoid the dangerous sickness. The Right Remedy at The Right Time That's where best. we servo you W. H. TIMERH0FF, The Leadlnl DruJiHt, FLAGSTAFF. . ARIZONA. R, W. Boyle, Watchmaker, Jeweler iSi. Graduate Optician. I do all kinds of Watch, Clock and . Jewelry Repairing and make a specialty of Fitting and Adjusting Eye-Glasses Correctly. EYES TESTED FREE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. In Loy Building, Opposite City Hall. FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA. TURNELL'S 1 P mm MX Home uaKery Music and Confectionery Store, PIES. CAKES HOT TAMALES Fruits. Nuts. Candies Clears and Tobacco Special attention given to sup plying parties. A Next Door to Reading Room. K FLAGSTAFF. - ARIZONA. "6 FLAGSTAFF ASSAY OFFICE, DOVCLASS A FRANCIS. Flagttaff, Arizona. Office hours 11 a. m. to IS m. AGENTS FOR MINING MACHINERY. &. s. J50 St? 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