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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Lrc3rtwi'KwreF---ri"i,' w wW'tjim llMlW'''fe''''lr?fr'' wpsSrffcaKSSH O ; 8 COCONINO SUN. ggggg&gg0g:. SS - r . V7 .' '. ii.-i'" KlSf " 4 pi it AS SUMMER TERM-FIVE WEEKS AT Northern Arizona Normal School, JUNE 29-JULY 31, 1903. Vic h- L.j taaassi arawmt isnm aBBfclH 4h JO & Hi! Hi tt FLAGSTAFF has the iinest Summer climate of any city in America. It has in its immediate environments some of the grandest scenery and places of as great historic interest us any location on the continent. The teachers of Arizona are invited to spend five weeks of their vacation in this climate and become familiar with these environments and take the course of study offered at tho Northern Arizona Normal School; thereby becoming better equipped for the work of the following school year. Those who pass the examinations at tho close of the Summer session, and make it grade of 80 per cent or above, may bo credited on the records of tho institution towards subsequent graduation. Half-faro rates aro given, on tho certificate plan, to students wishing to attend the Summer session, on both tho Santa Fo, Prescott & Phoenix and tho main lino of tho Santa Fe railroads. Return limit August 15, 1903. Tho subjects held out to those attending will be Spanish, English, Composition, American and English Literature, English and United States History. English Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Psychology, Pedagogy, History of Education, Methods of Primary Reading, General' Methods, Physics, Chemistry, and School Law. Tuition fees are ten dollars for tho entire course; but only live dollars to students who are in attendance at the regular course at tho Normal through tho year. For particulars write A. N. TAYLOR, Principal, or HON. A. A. DVTTON, Secretary Northern Normal Board, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. w iB $3$3ggggg&: W Children's Coughs cxnd Colds. Mrs. Joe McGratta, 327 E. 1st St., Hutchinson, Kan., writes: "I have given Ballard's Horehound Syrup to ray children for coughs and colds for the past four years, and find It tho best medlcino I ever used." Unlike many cough syrups, it contains no opium, but will sootho and heal any disease of the throat or lungs quicker than any other remedy. 23c, 50c and $1.00 at Pioneer Drug Store. Woman' Suffrage Vet. Woman's suffrage was slaughtered in the closing hours of Arizona's twenty-second Legislature. At 9 o'clock Gov. Brodio transmitted his veto of the measure to tho House. The mess ago recited briefly that, in the opinion of tho executive, the bill Is not one within tho powers of the Legislature to legislate upon; In fact, it is legislating upon a subject which is not consistent with the Constitution of tho United States. He further stated his belief that tho organic act of the Territory furnishes a constitu tional limitation beyond which the Legislature cannot rightfully proceed. The organic act expressly stipulates that tho franchise shall be limited to male citizens. Tho reading of the message created a huge sensation, both on tho. floor, and in tho packed galleries. The members were pleased and applauded, for tho bill had passed the House un der the mistaken idea that it would be killed in tho Council. Only St. Charles and Webb objected, and tho veto was sustained by a vote of 14 to 8. The best pill 'neath the stars and stripes; Itcleansesthesystemandnevergripes Little Early Risers of early repute Ask for DoWitt's and take no substi tute. A small pill, easy to buy, easy to take and easy to act, but never failing in results. DoWitt's Litlle Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonio to tho liver, curing permanently. At Pioneer Drug Store. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special a very special rate. $2.50 for both this paper and the Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away irom you. It Is a Mistake. "A now lumber company has been organized at Flagstaff with a capital stock of $10,000,000. They have al ready secured over 20,000,000 feet of timber, and other timber land is being negotiated for." Tho above item Is making tho rounds of tho territorial press, and Is entirely without foundation. Tho chance for securing any large tract of timber in this' timber belt has passed, and tho manufacture of lumber will be confined to the lumber concerns who have been hero for years past. Percy Thompson, of tho Hanco As bestos company, has relocated six teen claims, of asbestos lying on the north side of tho river in tho Grand Canyon of Arizona. The claims were recorded by Recorder Hibbon this week. We give you the news of town and county, and give It to you good, while tho Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean prints the telegraphic news of America and the cabled happening of all tho world. $2.50 for both papers per year. LOW RATES FROM THE EAST TO CALIFORNIA In effect March 9th to Juno 15th S33.00 from Chicago S25.00 from Kansas City, Atchi son, St. Joseph, Ft. Worth, Houston, and common Missouri River points. Corresponding rates from other points SANTA FE Agent will re ceive deposits for tickets and give full information. SANTA FE R'I'P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The ft-cent packet Is enough for usual occas ions. The family bottle (00 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. CJ I H m& 1 thk""' ) i"Tl -r mry'-r MwMMm "Sa wSS&a 1-