Newspaper Page Text
-. ''M4 avi ,r .jBEk&..nsssaram a "j . ..jtaa-wpmiLf wrw COCONINO SUN. HHHBEHHRESMawesE Site ocontuo tn. Entered In the l'ostofflce nt Flagstaff as second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a year. In advance. Kvery paper Is stopped at the expiration of tho time paid for. C M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, May 2, 1903. Some people seem to consider that "independence" is merely a condition which obviates tho necessity of work- Senator Cullom advances tho idea of extending American trade with her South American neighbors as a judic ious substitute for tho "Iowa idea." Tho Nogales Daily Times appeared on May 1st. It is published by Messrs Whiteside & Healy and it ought to become a permanent institution for tho border city. Hear Admiral Charles O'Ncil esti mates that it will cost $2,500,000 a year to keep up target practice In the navy on the present scale. It costs money to "carry a big stick." AMERICAN PROSPERITY Fanny Bullock Workman has en gaged two expert mountaineers and guides to assist her in climbing the Himalayas. xs a Frenchman would say, there is nothing impossiblo to "ze ladies." Mr. Bryan, of Lincoln, Nebraska, seems to bo diligently applying his little hammer to tho political per sonality of Mr. Grovcr Cleveland, and the latter, not to bo outdone, is strenu ously replying in kind. Republican politicians need havo no fear that the postoflko investigations will injure tho president or his party. When an honest president discovers fraud and removes the cause tho peo ple always approvo and show their approval at the polls. When tho political situation grows dull, tho editors always manago to cook up a row between Senator Piatt and Governor Odell, but when election time comes the senator and tho gov ernor are always found sitting side by side, driving the winning team. Southern newspapers are outvying oach other in their praise of tho United States weather bureau. Not only has the bureau rendered scrvico in giving warnings of frost, worth millions of dollars to tho sugar growers, say these editors, but in tho recent disas terous floods tho timely warnings ac tually minimized tho injury done. Tho sentiment of the New Mexico newspapers is for joint statehood for New Mexico and Arizona and a meas ure will bo presented in congress in December to that effect. It may bo that New Mexico wants to become a state regardless of its effect upon Ari zona, but tho citizens of that territory will find that Arizona will oppose tho joint statehood scheme. Professor Muskullcz, tho noted sur geon of Broslau, Germany, recently arrived in Now York and has been visiting some American hospitals. He said recently to an interviewer, "your hospitals are superb. I havo not seen all of them, of course, butthoso I havo seen are admirably equipped. You are far ahead of tho old hospitals of Europe. Money seems to bo no con sideration with you." It has become so much tho custom of papers and peoplo of other political creeds to pessimistically decry the ex istence of tho oru of unparalleled pros perity which obtains in tho United States, and which could only havo been rendered possible by tho applica tion of republican principles under re publican administration, that it seems a well-nigh useless task to even pro duce proof of the far-reaching potency of American methods. A man convinced against his will, is still unconvinced, but what man can consult records and statistics without being forced to acknowledge that tho United States, under republican ad ministrations, has attained tho mastery of tho markets of the world. Take, for Instance, in tho far east, where American Pullman cars have displaced the slow ond awkward camel in tho conveyance of nindu pilgrims to tho sacred Ganges, or in Manchu ria, China, where Yankee-made rolling stock and rails supply tho railway which is tho alpha of modern travel in tho east. Wheat from the vast fields of tho Dakotas has supplanted tho maizo and corn as the staff of lifo in Mesopotamia, and our windmills are pumping water for Syrian sheep. American sewing machines clothetho Laplanders, American dynamos render light as day tho purlieus of darkest London. A Yankee has banished tho omnibus from England, and another will light Paris and make tho sowers of Hugo's tales as light as is tho upper world under tho refulgent rays of tho noonday sun. A San Francisco mo torman speeds tho king of Coreatohis dinner, and America has literally car ried coals to Newcastle, as well as cutlery to Shetlield and champagne to France. A billion dollars is a tidy sum, but that amount and a billion more is tho balance of trade in our favor in our commercial relations with Europe dur ing tho six years just past. In Johannesburg seventy-five per cent of tho two hundred million dol lars' worth of machinery was of American manufacture. The Union Iron Works of San Francisco built the Russian ships which ply between Nagasaki and Russian ports. Tho railways of England, until a very few years ago, used not a single American locomotive; now, every road in England has American engines. Tho ultimatum of the president and congress of tho United States is tho law of tho western world, and our im mense natural resources; our superior labor; our better uso of machinery; our omnipotent Industrial ideal; tho devotion to business of our best trained brains are all commanding advantages, so long as the adminis tration of sound republican principles in this greatest of all republics is rigidly and lirmly adhered to, to tho exclusion of all things demagogical and chimerical. It is estimated by tho treasury offic ials that the exports of tho United States for tho current fiscal jear will reach $1,500,000,000. Tho imports for tho year ending with March exceeded $1,000,000,000. In tho light of such gigantic foreign commerce, tho largest in tho world, democratic railery at republican prosperity Is puerile. Tho government has determined upon an Irrigation project on tho Salt river in Arizona, which will cost $2,500,000 and will, according to tho estimates, Irrigate 200,000 acres of land from a reservoir which will con stituto the largest artificial lako in tho world. Typewriter paper 'and carbon paper at tho SUN office. tf America's BEST REPUBUCAN PAPER. Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican Always. Nows from all parts of the world. Well written, original stories. Answers to queries on all subjects Articles on Health, the Home, New Books, and on Work About the Farm and Garden. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN The Inter Ocean is a member of the Associated Press and also is the only Western newspaper receiving tho entire telegraphic nows servico of tho New York Sun and special cable of tho New York World, besides daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout tho country. No pen can toll more fully why it is the best on earth. I 52 TWELVE-PAGE PAPERS 52 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I Brimful ol news from everywhere and e. perfect feast of special matter . . . Subscribe for The Coconino Sun and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for $2.50. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF TIIK AKTICt.ES OP INCOIU'OItATION OK TUB AKIZONA CKNTICAI. HANK Notlco Is hereby given, that a special Hireling of tho stockholder ol Tho Arizona Central Hank, held nt tho office of said corporation, lit tho town of Flagstaff. Countv of Coconino. Ter ritory of Arizona, on the lint day of April, IIW3, duo notlco thereof having tint been regu larly given to all tho stockholders of said cor poration, and all tho shares of said corporation having been ut said meeting represented, and all tho requirements of the articles of Incorpor ation and by-laws of said corporation having been fully complied with, the following rcsolu tlons were at said meeting unanimously adopted by a voto of all the stockholders of suid cor poration. I. Resolved, that Article 111, of tho articles of incorporation of The Arizona Central Hunk bo amended to read as follows: AHTICf.K III. Tho capital of said corporation shall l one-hundred-thousand dollars (HOO.UOO,) to be fully paid In, on or before tho recording and completion of tho publication required by law of this amendment, and that this amendment shall bo signed and acknowledged by the presi dent and attested by the secretary of said In corporation, and that tho same shall bo record ed and published, us required by law. II. Kcsohcd, that Article VI, of tho articles of Incorporation or Tho Arizona Central Hank bo amended to read as follows: AKTICI.K VI. Private proiicrty of tho shareholders of this corporation shall bo exempt from corpornt'nn debts and tho hlghost amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation phall at any time subject Itself xhall,be tho sum of onc-mllllon dollars (! 1. 0)0,000.) In witness whereof, we, T. K. Pollock, as president; and C,0. Hobinson, as secretary, of tho said corpornuon.Tho Arizona Central Hank, havo hereunto set our hands and caused to bo nrtlxed the corporate seal of tho said corpora tion, Tho Arizona Central Dank, at tho town of Flagstaff, County of Coconino, Territory of Arizona, this Mrst lay of April. A. D.. lft. TUB A1UZONA ClONTItAI. HANK. kkai.1 at T. B. Pollock, President. Attest, C. O. ItouiNsoN, Secretary. TKKKITOKY OF ARIZONA. I Ka Countv or Coconixo, f "" Hefore me, B. M. Doe, u notary public In and for the County of Coconino, Territory of Arizo na, on this day personally appeared T. B. Pol lock, known to mo to bo the president of The Arizona Central Hank, a corporation, and C O. Robinson, known to me to bo tho secretary of ThcArlzonaCcntral Hank and tho persons whoso names are subscribed to tho foregoing Instru ment as such officers, and each for himself acknowledged to me that ho executed tho fore going Instrument, as such ofllcer, as tho frco act and deed of said corporation, Tho Arizona Central Hank, for tho purposo and considera tion therein expressed, and that ho voluntarily so executed tho same. (liven under my hand and seal of ortlcc. this first day of April, A. D., IMS. SKAtJ K. M. Dob. Notary Public. My commission expires May 13th IKK). Recorded at request of T. II. Pollock, April 3, A. V., 1808, at o'clock a. m., In book 1 of Articles of Incorporation; pages 488 Bt Seq. Records of Coconino County, Arizona. II. C. lliniiKN, County Recorder, There's no Better Service Than that via the From Katms City, Saint Louts and Memphis to points in Uie South, South east and Southwest. The Southeastern Limited Leaving Kansas City nt ,6:30 P. 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