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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
-isi'W).. "JS MHES? -. lff' I'WASJf 8 COCONINO SUN. Jrggl $m&&&m m&&&&&&&&&m&m "J j$$&P7 s m m 0 CO Mr itir SUMMER TERM-FIVE WEEKS -AT- Northern Arizona Normal School, JUNE 29-JULY 31, 1903. $ m fltt FLAGSTAFF lias the finest Summer climate of any city in America. It has in its immediate environments somo of the grandest scenery and places of as great historic interest us any location on the continent. The teachers of Arizona are invited to spend fivo weeks of their vacation in this climate and become familiar with these environments and take the course of study offered at tho Northern Arizona Normal School; thereby becoming better equipped for the work of the following school year. Those who pass the examinations at tho close of the Summer session, and make a grade of 80 per cent or above, may bo credited on tho records of tho institution towards subsequent graduation. Half-faro rates are given, on tho certificate plan, to students wishing to attend tho Summer session, on both the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix and tho main lino of tho Santa Fe railroads. Return limit August 15, 1903. Tho subjects held out to those attending will bo Spanish, English, Composition, American Literature, Geology and Physiology, United States History, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Psychology, Pedagogy, History of Education, Methods of Primary Reading, General Methods, Physics, Chemistry, and School Law. Tuition fees aro ten dollars for tho entire course; but only fivo dollars to students who are in attendance at the regular course ut tho Normal through tho year. For particulars write A. N. TAYLOR, Principal, or HON. A. A. DVTTON, Secretary Northern Normal Board. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J. H. Fry, who last winter stole a horse from Babbitt Brothers, and whom Sheriff Johnson has been look ins for ever since, has been arrested in Globe, and Deputy Walker left Monday for Globe to bring Fry to Flagstaff. Dr. John E. Adams, a graduate of the College of Physicians, of Cleve land, Ohio, and who served one year as house surgeon in the Cleveland General hospital, and six months in St. John's hospital, andspent ten months in taking special courses in the New York Post Graouftte Medical School and hospital! in"' New York City, has associated himself with Dr. W. S. Robinson, for the, purpose of tho practice of his profession in Flag staff. The doctor's office is over the postofllce, where he can bo found dur ing his office hours. All arrangements for tho Roosevelt excursion to the Grand Canyon have been completed. Tho excursion will leave on Wednesday morning, May rth and will consist of three coaches. It is tho intention of tho committee not to crowd tho cars and if you intend going on this excursion you had bet ter secure your ticket. Tho return will be made after the President's train leaes tho Canyon. The President's train is scheduled to pass through Flagstaff at 5:30o'clock on the morning of May Cth, and those who expected to get a glimpse of tho President will bo disappointed. The Milton Cornet Band will accompany the excursion. A handsome Navajo blanket will be presented to tho President. The Santa Fo railroad company hn o commenced a number of improve ments of their track on tho mountain division. A number of steel bridges will bo put in between Flagstaff and Winslow, and the track will be ballasted from Cosnino to a point fifty miles west and new ninety pound steel will be laid from Flagstaff to the top of the hill. Tho tracks in the Flag staff yards will be raised ono foot. Tho cinder pit is being operated and the work of ballasting Is now going on. There is considerable material in the yard hore, and a bridge building crow is here, engaged in work east of this place. For several months there will bo from one to two hundred men at work along tho lino east and west of Flagstaff. The railroad company is, this week, having all it can do to handle the orange ti'aHb, and other freight is side tracked to get the oranges over tho road ' Tho Santa Fo is doing an immense passenger and freight traffic at prennt. LETTrP LIST. List of letters vtmalnin in thojySst offlco, uncalled for, for the weckjend- ing, May 2, 1003. Bailey, Geo. Didelon, Jesse Halton, H. Morgan, Wm. Maxwell, James G. Powers. Wm. Rlchter, Georgia Craig,$V HinmfTH. E. Jone,iLina Mtfi'.n, Charles Mariiu G. W. T'lompson, Jos. Vamer, F. Urealsman, Jo'in uorry MEXICAN LIST. Machle, Concicion Palomera, Fiofllo Drojo, Dona Placida When inquiring for tho above mall, pleaso say advertised. T. J. COALTEK, P. M. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by all druggists. Thousands Saved By DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY This wonderful medioino posi tively cures Consumption, Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50o.&$l. Trial bottle free. KS For Drunk ftliftKe Strictly CMafctUiL ft For Drunkenness, Opiu.. Morphine tnrt other Drug Using, theTobiceo Habit and Neurasthenia. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Dwlght, ll ure POHLE & PARMELEE ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS, Special Attention to Control & Umpire Work Ores tested to determine the best method of treatment We have new a unci thoroughly equipped Laboratory. Over 30 years of practical experience in Colorado, l'rlccs and sample sacks free on application. 1627 Champ St.. Denver, Col. to & H " i till II 1 M I II i lllMMtilliil IITl'Hl '