OCR Interpretation

The Coconino sun. (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 1898-1978, May 09, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062055/1903-05-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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presaion up all the participants in tho
Flagstaff excursion.
Tho President's train left Bright
Angel promptly at 6 o'clock p. m., the
Cleveland Grays' train following half
an hour after. The Flagstaff excur
sion left at 7 o'clock, and the Prescott
excursionists a half-hour later.
During tho afternoon the President,
Governor Brodie and others of the
party visited tho Grand Canyon as
far east as the Grand View trail.
The famous Cleveland Greys, of
Cleveland, Ohio, In a special train,
were visitors at the Canyon on Wed
nesday. They are an independent
military organization, and were jour
neying to tho Coast, having met tho
Presidential party at Santa Fe, where
they acted as official escort to the
President. These knights of tho gray
uniform date their beginning as an or
ganization from 1S47, since which
time they havo figured prominently in
war and peace. In 1801 the Grays
were tho first Ohio troops to volun
teer for active service, and went into
tho field as tho color company of the
First Ohio Infantry. It is a matter of
record that eighty original members
of the company received commissions
before tho closo of tho war. During
tho Spanish-American War they re
cruited and officered a substantial body
of troops.
The company has figured in the in
auguration of most of the governors
of Ohio since its organization, and in
tho inaugural ceremonies of several of
tho Presidents of tho United States.
The day was an ideal gala day, as
to tho weather, and though the excur
sionists arrived in Flagstaff on their
return late at night, tired and sleepy
and wornout, the unanimously-voiced
verdict was that it had been a beauti
ful day, beautifully and ploasurably
spent in deservedly honoring the na
tion's popular and manly chief.
Arose Trom the Ashes of Democracy.
The administration of the affairs of
tho municipality of Phoeuix has been
taken out of the hands of the demo
cracy and put in the hands of republi
cans. Tho republican victory at the
city election In Phoenix on Tuesday
was practically complete, but two of
their candidates being lost in the
struggle. The vote was the heaviest
in the history of Phoenix city elec
tions. A greater number of those who
were registered voted than had ever
been known to do so before. The two
who lost were W. H. Robinson, can
didate for treasurer, and Mr. Brooks,
candidate for councilman in the third
Mr. Joseph Pomlnville, of Still
water, Minn., after having spent over
$2,000 with tho best doctors for stom
ach trouble, without relief, was ad
vised by his druggist, Mr. Alex. Rich
ard, to try a box of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did
so, and is a well man today. If
troubled with indigestion, bad taste in
the mouth, lock of appetite or consti
pation, give these tablets a trial, and
you are certain to bo more than pleased
with tho result. For sale at 25 cents
per box by all druggists.
Nelroes Planning to Seize rleytl.
New Haven, Conn., May 5. Wil
liam Pickens, tho negro who won the
junior exhibition prize at Yale, has
been asked to become the head of a
new Afro-Amorican republic to bo es
tablished in Haytl. In his oration,
which won tho prize, Pickens discussed
Hayti's freedom and declared against
it. The scheme is to effect a conquest
of tho island of Haytl by American
negroes and to set up a government
Utopian in character. The junta of
tho movement is at Sturgls, Ky., and
the correspondent is N. L. Musgrove.
Ho asks that Pickens act as secretary
and board member in his section, and
says that the Yale man would eventu
ally bo chosen as president. It is
also suggested that he take the lecture
platform and raise funds for tho organization.
To be Erected at the Head of the Grand
Canyon Mine Trail.
A new hotel is to be built this season
at the head of Grand View trail, Grand
Canyon of Arizona. This is near the
terminus of tho old stago line from
Flagstaff, and Is what Is known as the
trail leading to tho Last Chanco mine,
now owned by the Grand Canyon min
ing company and Is by far the best
point on tho rim for a hotel and the
trail is tho best leading into the Can
yon. The intention is to put up a
good building and run it in first-class
style. The trail down to tho Colorado
river at this point has been greatly
improved, and with better hotel facili
ties it is thought that this end of the
granite gorge district will be more
popular. It is easily ono of the beauty
spots of tho Grand Canyon. The river
makes a mighty bend hero to tho north
and the eyo is delighted with far away
views across the painted desert. The
canyon forms are also more varied
and of softer colors than elsewhere.
Bright Angel, being the railway
terminus, will always bo most fre
quented by tourists. It has come into
unusual prominence of late by reason
of the efforts being made by a certain
Arizona pioneer to gain possession of
Bright Angel trail on the plea of prior
occupancy. Howover, tho matter may
finally be decided, the Santa Fe will
go ahead with the building of its mag
nificent hotel there, to be managed by
Mr. Harvey. Tho need of such a hotel
is great, as travel to the Canyon has
Increased eight hundred per cent, in
two years.
From Bt. Cavt Scra-tch.
On the arm, to tho worst sort of a
burn, soro or boil, DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is a quick cure. In buy
ing Witch Hazel Salve, be particular
to get DeWitt's this is the salve that
heals without leaving a scar. A specific
for blind, bleeding, itching and pro
truding piles. Sold by D. J. Brannen.
A tourist who arrived in Flagstaff
Thursday night said that tho freight
upon which he and several other hobos
were riding was sidetracked at Ash
Fork to. allow of tho passago of the
presidential train. Mr. Roosevelt de
layed at Ash Fork for a short
time, and tho 'bos lined up with tho
rest and shook hands with the presi
dent. Tho 'bo said it was rather fun
ny to shako hands with tho president
and then run to catch his freight,
the rods of which he rode to Williams.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol
cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre-
exist In a healthy stomach, combined with
i. . . i . . . .
me gicaiesi Known ionic ana reconstructive
croDerttes. Knrfnl rtvtwni'i P.itr !. hai
only cure Indirestlnn anrl Hvnn-i tt tM.
famous remedy cures all stomach troubles
u &is4ii5ing. puiuying, sweetening ana
st'englhenlng the mucous membranes lining
the stonach.
Mr ? 5 Pill eJ DaM.i-.Al t t. ....
"I"" trouble I wiih sour stomach for twenty e'rs.
wu.nv.urcu mo a.ia wo ire now usinf ll in 1MB
lar baby. '
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Slio holdlne IX times the trill
. wmen seii icr au cents.
Prepared by E. O. DW 'X & no., OHIOAQO
I' T. A. NOtDAN. TmiitaU U.J. tlOSDAH.SctnUrr i
F.Vr. SISSON. Tttmunt. .
i ' Manufacturers of J
Native Pine Lumber,
; Props, Stulls, Boxes, Lath, I ;
Piling, Shingles, '';
', Ties, Lagging. Sash and Doors. ;
j: ' Flagstaff, Arizona, j;
Interest Paid on Time and
Savings Deposits.
Drafts Sold Upon all For
eign Countries.
We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through
out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon
Liberal and Conservative terms.
T. E POLLOCK, President
T. J. POLLOCK Vice President C O. ROBINSON, Cashier.
2 Quteieit place in town. S
i No gambling allowed
C Family Trade Solicited. S
News Stand.
Domestic and Havana.
Fresh Fruits and Confectionery.
Sold for Medical Purposes only.
J. J. DOtfflHUE, Sole Agent for ttpizona.

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