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$ ' " v' " COCONINO SUN. (Eltc ffioconiito gmt. Entered In the Postofflce at Flagstaff as second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a year. In advance. Kyery paper Is stopped at the explratlonof the time paid (or. C M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, May 9, 1003. Wall Street cannot forgive the northern securities decision, but then nobody has asked it to. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion appears to bo making it very warm for the coal trust. It begins to look as though the ten tative encroachment of the Russian bear upon the Manchurian lair of the yellow dragon would result in working into fury tho British lion. It is noteworthy, in connection with the current postofllco scandals, that in no instance is any otllcial whose con duct is being investigated, an ap pointee of President Roosevelt. It is no small compliment to the American schools of dentistry that practically all tho crowned heads of Europe and their families will employ only American dentists. The bureau of forestry estimates the forest area of tho United States at 700,000.000 acres and adds that if these acres had received intelligent care they would now contain ten times as much available timber as thoy will yield. Every month tho treasury statements show an increase in tho commerce of the United States over that of the same period in tho previous year. Could anything further bo asked as a demonstration of tho benefit qf a pro tective policy? The postotneo scandals aro assuming alarming proportions. It is freely In timated that even the postmaster gen eral is seriously worried and that the situation is becoming so delicate as to call for tho personal supervision of the president. It has Anally become necessary for tho government to store, in an air-and light-proof safe, tho original Declara tion of Independence. This is duo to tho poor quality of Ink used for the signatures, many of which have faded beyond recognition. Mr. Andrew Carnegio has finally donated $1,500,000 for tho purchase of a site and the erection of a palaco for the accommodation of tho Hague Tribunal. Mr. Carnegie has been contemplating this munificent gift for some time, but heretofore formalities have stood in tho way. President Roosevelt's reception throughout the west by all classes, irrespective of party alllllatlon, em phasizes tho self-evident fact that ho is tho man of the day, a typical Amer ican of tho highest type, whom all his compatriots, of overy grade and of whatever political color, delight to honor. The secretary of agriculture has made several addresses within the past week, in different parts of tho country, advocating tho teaching of elementary agriculture in tho primary schools. Secretary Wilson is confident this method would add materially to tho popularity of agricultural pursuits and emphasizo tho dignity of that profession. A Missouri doctor, Edward Andruss has advanced tho idea that many lives will bo saved by operating on all in fants before they aro a month old and removing tho vermiform appendix. From July 1st, 1890, to July 1st, 1900, there were 5,111 doaths from appen dicitis in tho United States. With Edward of England touring Europe, William of Gormany going 'way off to Rome to pay his respects to Popo Leo, and our own president making an extended tour of tho west, it looks as though tho usual spring house-cleaning has terrors for tho highest as well as tho lowest. The necessity for great quantities of timber for railway ties emphasizes tho advisability of preserving tho forests. It has been ascertained that each mile of the 250,000 miles of railway in the United States requires 400 ties per year. It takes fifty years to grow a tree that will mako three ties and ordinarily requires twenty-llvo acres to furnish 400 ties. A POST-MORTEM STRUGGLE. Tho part which Grover Cleveland took Thursday week in tho Louisiana Purchase opening exercises has had tho effect of revivifying tho deceased boom in that gentleman's chances for the democratic nomination for the presidency. Tho aphorism that "a ship is no stronger than its weakest plank" is peculiarly applicable as ay plied to tho standard-bearers and planks of a political platform. Many democratic leaders unwillingly concede that Cleveland Is far and away tho strongest man whom the democratic party could nominate, but their half-hearted acquiescence reminds ono of Blaine's story of tho party of young men who went on a camping' out trip, after first agreeing that each should take his turn, week about, in cooking for the rest, with tho added stipulation that any of tho party who should "kick" on tho cooking must do double service. All went well for a time, but one day on returning hungry and tired after a hard day's tramp through tho woods, the culinary artist for that day set before them a conglomoratod stew that was simply execrable. Most of tho party passed It up, but one fellow, hungrier than tho others, tackled it. Ho took a mouthful and spat it out, with tho ejaculation, "Well, that Is the d dest stew I over ate" And then, tho Intent gazo of tho others reminding him of tho agreement, ho concluded "but I liko it!" APPLY CELESTIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. A Chicago millionaire wants to hiro a servant girl, and to tho right ono he promises to leave $1,000,000. But, sho must bo built on tho following plans and specifications: "I want ono who will always bo there and nover care to leave. My ideal servant girl never makes an er ror in table service. Sho knows at a glance tho likes and dislikes of my guest at table whom sho has nover seen before. Sho never sulks. Sho is always dignified. She is prudent, and knows her place. Sho is always neat. She nover discusses household affairs with outsiders. She is a good nurse, a good cook, and knows something about dressmaking. To such a girl us this I will leave $1,000,000 In ray will." St. Peter may bo ablo to fit him out. District Attorney Folk of St. Louis has refused to accept a $15,000 homo which the grateful citizens tendered him for unearthing and breaking up tho boodllng gang which had that city's administration demoralized. To Advertise the Great Southwest Farmers, farmors' wives and daugh ters, school teachors, doctors, clergy men, morchants in tho smaller towns, any citizen who has something to say, aro invited to write letters and longer articles about tho locality in which thoy live In tho Southwest. Tho terri tory includes Arkansas, Arizona, In dian Torritory, Louisiana, Southorn Missouri, Now Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Premiums that mako it an object are offered, a set for each stato and territory. Full particulars of tho conditions of tho contest, and a list of the prizes and awards will bo sent up on applicction to J. W. STEELE, Commissioner, Colonization Agency Southwestern Lines, Columbia Theatre Building, St. Louis, Mo. "A man living on a farm near hero cumo in a short timo ago all doubled up with rheumatism. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to uso it freely and if not satisfied after using it ho need not pay a cent for it," says C. P. Rayder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few days later ho walked into tho storo as straight as a string and handed me a a dollar saying, "give me another bottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I want it in tho house nil the time for it cured me." For sulo by all druggists. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT There's no Better Service Than thai via tho From Kansas City, Saint Louis and Memphis to points in the South, South east and Southwest. The Southeastern Limited Leaving Kansas City at 6;30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mem phis. Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all points in the Southeast. For detailed information apply to G. W. MARTIN qeneral western agent 1106. 17th St. DENVER. COLO. OK TUB AKTICI.KS Or INCORPORATION OF TIIK ARIZONA CKNTRAf, HANK Notlco Is hereby given, a special meeting of the stockholders of Tho Arizona Central Hank, heU l thooniceof said corporation, at the town of Flagstaff, County of Coconino. Ter ritory of Arizona, on tho first day f April, IW3. due notice thereof having llrsi been regu larly given to all the stockholders of said cor poration, and ull tho shares of said coriwratlon having been at said meeting represented, and all the requirements of the articles of Incorpor ation and by-laws of said corporation having been fully compiled with, tho following re-olu tlons were at said meeting unanimously adopted by a vote of all tho stockholders of said cor poration. I. Hesolved. that Article III, of the articles of Incorporation of Tho Arizona Central Hank be amended to read as follows: AKTICr.K III. Tho capital of said corporation shall be one-hundred-thousand dollars (JIOO.UM.) to bo fully paid In, on or before tho recording and completion of the publication required by law of this amendment, and that this amendment shall bo signed and acknowledged by tho presi dent and attested by the secretary of said In corporation, and that the sanio shall bo record ed and published, as required by law. II. Hesolved, that Article VI, of tho articles of Incorporation of Tho Arizona Central Hunk bo amended to read ns follows: AHTICI.K VI. Privato property of tho shareholders of this corporation shall Ihj exempt from corporat'nn debts and tho highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation rhall at any lime subject Itself shall bo the sum of one-million dollars (fl.OHO.OOO.) In witness whereof, we, T. K. Pollock, as president; and C. O. Hoblnson, as secretary, of the said cnrporatlon.Tho Arizona Central Hank, have hereunto set our hands and caused to be affixed the corporate seal of the said corpora tion. The Arizona Central Hank, at the town of Flagstaff, County of Coconino, Territory of Arizona, this Hirst day of April, A. D.. 1903. TIIK ARIZONA CKNTUAI, HANK. seal llv T. K. I'oixock, President. Attest, C. O. Komnhon, Secretary. NEW YORK. The Mlnlneand Metallurgical Authority oi the World - . . - . I5.00 a Year Pacific coast Miner TKURITOHY OF ARIZONA. I County or Coconino, f Hcfore me, K. M. Doc, n notary publlo In and for tho County of Coconino, Territory of Arizo na, on this day personally appeared T. K. Pol lock, known to me to bo the president of Tho Arizona Central Hank, a corporation, and C. O. Hoblnson, known to me to bo tho secretary of ThcArizonaCcntral Hank and tho persons whoso names aro subscribed to tho foregoing Instru ment as such officers, and each for himself acknowledged to me that he executed the foro golng Instrument, as such officer, as the free act and deed of said corporation. The Arizona Central Hank, for tbo purpose and considera tion therein expressed, and that ho voluntarily so executed the same. Given under my hand and seal of office, this first day of April, A. D., 1003. SEAL K. M. Doe, Notary Public. My commission expires May 13th WOO. Recorded at request of T. K. Tollock, April 3, A. V., 1903, at 8 o'clock a. m., In book 1 of Articles of Incorporation; pages 488 Et. Seq. Records of Coconino County, Arizona. II. C. Hidden, County Recorder. SAN FRANCISCO, CAUH. Thoroughly Covering the fllnlng Indus-. r 01 me we Tilth Weekly, Published Under a trye West $3.00 a Year Ciose Working Arrangement iubicnyiM $0.00 3 Year finta sciw uracrs 10 nearest utlice Thousands Saved By DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY This wonderful medioine posi tively cures Consumption, Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pnou monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50o.&$l. Trial bottle free. PINE WOOD FIRST-CLASS QUALITY, delivered promptly to any part of town. orders with G. W. PATTEE. WHeaoet! IS BKTTEB THAN BKKF, I More nutritions and less heating. TryXU Hold in Mb. packages by all leading Grocers. ; $ "3