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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
COCONINO SUN. LOCAL BREVITIES. Eastman kodaks and photo supplies at Kastern prices at Babbitts'. Christopher's candies, tho best made, in fancy boxes, at Black & Jones. For Rent Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply to Mrs. Mayflower. Bread, pies, cakes and for everthing turned out in a first-class bakery go to Black & Jones'. Send to tho Curio, Williams, Ariz., for your Butterick patterns and sew ing machine needles. Jos. Merino left Thursday night for a six weeks' visit with his mother, who lives in Madero, California. Dr Win. Slernitzauer decided not to locate here, and left for Denver Thurs day night, and will remain in that city. Black & Jones, tho bakers and con fectioners, had the lunch privileges on tho excursion to Grand Canyon, Wednesday. Buy a Brownlo kodak, $1, at Bab bitt Bros. Leave your orders for bread, pies and cake with Black & Jones. Universal Crandall No. 3 typewriter for sale. Inquire at this office, tf Born In Flagstaff on May 7, 1903, to the wife of J. C. Grim, a son. Fire Insuranco The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of tho largest American and English com panies. Fred Volz, tho morchant from Can yon Diablo, has been in this city sev eral days, hob-nobbing with his many business friends. Georgo Morgan, well known in Flagstaff, returned Wednesday night, from a long stay at tho Grand Cau yon, where ho has been employed. Tho second story of tho block will bo completed. It divided into convenient offices. Grim has tho contract. Pollock will bo J. C. Tho Homo Mission Society will meet at Mrs. Mllligan's, at 3 p. m. Friday, May lo. Every person interested in such work will bo warmly welcomed. Spencer B. Shunany, W. M. Rudd, Drayton C. Martin, Ernest B. Long, W. A. Phelps, Madison F. Goso and Georgo H. Henry, of Arizona, have been appointed forest rangers. J. S. Amundsen, who has for tho past year been tho capablo office as sistant of F. S. Breon, forest reserve supervisor, has accopted a position in tho ofllco of Babbitt Bros. J. Backman, the paper hanger, paints and decorates, and is prepared to do work in his lino in tho latest effects. All work dono in flrst-class manner, and will bo promptly dono and guaranteed. tf The marriage of Mr. C. A. Ford and Miss Maud Ira, of Topeka, Kan sas, will occur at four o'clock this afternoon at tho resldenco of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cobb. Rev. J. H. Henry will perform tho ceremony. Tho happy couple will reside in Flagstaff. Dr. Louts M. Swlkerath of the Ger man Optical Institute, Phoenix, will bo here May 13th and 14th and will de vote his timo in testing and iltting the eyes. Consultation and examination free. Hon. John H. Page, has the dis tinction of being the only Arlzonan to entertain the President during his visit here on Wednesday. Tho Presi dent, Gov. Brodie, Dr. Rixey, Dr. Butler and Ben Daniels, were guests of Mr. Pago at dinner at his cabin at Grand View. Tho bill of fare was the regular mining camp one, and tho President greatly enjoyed the meal. In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often before medi cine could bo procured or a physician summoned. A reliable remedy for these diseases should bo kept at hand. The risk is too great for any ono to take. Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more peoplo and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can al ways bo depended upon. For sale by all druggists. E. J. Babbitt, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is visiting his brothers hero and will remain somo time. Ho has a host of friends in Coconino county that would bo pleased to havo him remain here permanently. When tho Pike Opera house burned last winter Mr. Babbitt, whoso otllco was in tho building, lost his law library, and his ofllco llxtures. For men who toil airauss c uots Copper'-rivotcd 0v-erSLll,s The advertisement of Dr. Pratt, tho Arizona optician, appears in this is sue. The doctor will bo here some timo next month, and it is advisablo for those needing his servico to await his visit. Ho makes regular visits here, and has a largo patronage; ho is successful in his profession and never misrepresents the condition of his pa tient. Normal School. The Normal school Board held a meeting this week and selected tho fol lowing teachers for tho ensuing year: A. N. Taylor, principal, Miss C. Hartwell, Miss F. S. Bury. Another teacher has been added to tho faculty In the person of T. V. Carver, of Rldgeway, Penn., teacher of sciences. The teacher of tho training depart ment has not yet been chosen. Miss Hunter has tendered her resignation, having accepted tho position of pri vate tutor in tho family of F. W. Sis son. Tho board of trustees advertise in this issue of tho SUN for bids for putting in a hot water heating system, and they expect to complete tho first floor of tho east wing of tho building this year. A Little Early Riser. Now and then, at bedtimo will euro constipation, billlousness and liver troubles. DoWitt's Littlo Early Risers are tho famous littlo pills that euro by arrousing tho secretions, moving tho bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tono and strength to tho glands of tho stomach and liver that the cause of tho troublo is removed entirely, and if their uso is continued for a few days, there will bo no return of tho complaint. Sold by D. J. Brannen. Tempting Morsels. Tho Commercial Hotel dining room under tho able management of Mr. Giosting is becoming quite popular. Sunday ovenlng dinner is now a fea ture and a promised treat in menu. Servico from 5:30 to 8 p. m. Tomor row evening tho following choice mor sels constitute the bill of fare: Soup. Kcllshcs. Chicken Broth. Shrimp Sulod Celery. Olives. Kntrees. Dolled Ham with Champagne Sauce Chicken Fricassee on Toast. Stewed Pickled Pics' Feet. Orange Fritters. Lemon Sauce. Roasts. Roast Href. Roast Mutton with Jelly. Vcso tables. Mashed Potatoes. Asparagus. Drowned Sweet Potatoes. Dessert. Hot Mince Pie. Lemon Pie. Apple Pie. Vanilla Ice Cream. Strawberry Short Cake. Chocolate Cako. Cheese. Milk. Tea. Coffee. Cocoa. Assorted Nuts. Italslns. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in tho post office, uncalled for, for tho weok end ing, May 0, 1903. Beriham, L. n. Davidson, II. Gay, P. E. Henry, N. G. Miller, Bob Mallory, W. n. Mudford, J. E. O'Toole, Patrick Rix, Earl Taggert, Jas. P. MEXICAN LIST, Fred Blanchfleld. Flanders, Cal Hayden, Win. Henry, W. Mifflin, Chas. McLaughlin, .lames O'Grady, Richard Ober, Jack W. Col. Flores, Manuel Lobato, J.L. Greg- ario Silba, Evaristo Garcilla, Marillita Martinez, Isaac Scnora Sandoval, Virgi nia M. De. When inquiring for tho above mail, please say advertised. T. J. Coaltek, P. M. PUBLIC NOTICE OF REWARD. I will give Ono Hundred Dollars ($100) reward for tho arrest and con viction of tho party or parties who maliciously broko tho plato glass windows In tho front of Timerhoff's Drug Store. 20 David Bauhit." For sale A two and one-half horso power gasolene engine. Apply at this oflice. DR. PRATT, THE OPTICIAN. 4U Why Be Miserable ? Why not be wise instead? Take the right remedy at tho right timo and get rid of that awful aching and breaking in head back and breast, and so avoid tho dangerous sickness. The Right Remedy at The Right Time That's whero wo servo you best. W. H. TIIY1ERH0FF, The Leading DruSSIst, FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA. WMMMMMH R, W. BOYLE, OPTICIAN and JEWELER VOlaynalMM WJUUwdy mi U Met, trlf 4rfMtrtWM 4k If There is a Question About Your Eyes you better wait for Dr. Pratt. Remember Dr. Pratt makes regular trips to Flagstaff, and all his work is warranted. Glad to refor you to my many pat rons in your city. You run no chances in having your glasses fltted by Dr. Pratt. Will bo at Hotel Weatherford somo timo next month. Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, Arizona's Leading Optician, 118 W. Washington St.. PHOENIX. . ARIZONA. If the lines in this diamond figur do not appear equally black in all tho different meridians, it indicates a defect of sight that causes nervous head-ache and should be corrected at once. Eyes tested free. ' OPPOSITE P. O. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. -3-93-9-M3-9-39-93-a-9-3$3-3-9-9-3$4 w TURNELL'S Home Bakery Music and Confectionery Store. PIES, CAKES HOT TAMALES Fruits. Nuts. Candies Cigars and Tobacco Special attention given to sup plying parties. Next Door to Roadlntf Room, FLAGSTAFF. . ARIZONA. fcc-ss-fre6e-eti'e&6&see-e-&s-&ee-, ft it ft g v ft ft ft ft w FLAGSTAFF ASSAY OFFICE, A. C. DOUGLASS. Flagstaff, Arizona. Ofllco hours II a. m. to 12 m. AGENTS FOR MINING MACHINERY. & I v ;rfS3S pss l.