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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
?t r iB 8 COCONINO SUN. rtfc4i"ilM"- JMBwJjJBsSfflH (fcf SUMMER TERM-FIVE WEEKS AT 48 Northern Arizona Normal School,! JUNE 29-JULY 31, 1903. w i&r tffc Hi & Hi xJtt 'Vl.t, t;'M(', ,s.HrHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBKHHHL i ' -v V J KJMiff MMMaMalaBfr Bc&flfiiiifl&flBjiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Oh u to "LAGSTAFF has the finest Summer climuto of any city in America. It has in its immediate environments some of the grandest scenery and places of as great historic interest as any location on the continent. The teachers of Arizona are ft; invited to spend five weeks of their vacation in this climate and become familiar with these environments and take the course of study offered at the Northern Arizona Normal School ; thereby becoming better equipped for the work of the following school year. Those who pass the examinations at the close of the Summer session, and make a grade of 80 per cent or above, may bo credited on the records of the institution towards subsequent graduation. Half-faro rates aro given, on the certificate plan, to students wishing to attend the Summer session, on both the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix and the main lino of the Santa Fe railroads. Return limit August 15, 1903. The subjects held out to those attending will bo Spanish, English, Composition, American Literature, Geology and Physiology, United States History. English Grammar, Arithmetic, Algobra, Geometry. Psychology, Pedagogy, History of Education, Methods of Primary Reading, General Methods, Physics, Chemistry, and School Law. Tuition fees are ten dollars for the entire course; but only fivo dollars to students who aro in attendance at the regular course at the Normal through the year. For particulars writo A. N. TAYLOR, Principal, or HON. A. A. DVTTON, Secretary Northern Normal Board, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. " Hi m w m w Hi ffl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $$m&&m.&m&&&mm&&&&&&&& John Jungnickel came into town the fore part of the week, looked on the red liquor with an approving and ap preciative eye; fell asleep, and when he awoke had a nickel to his name, but nary nickel in his jeans. Which was why William Swift and Georgia King were haled before Judge Quig lan to tell what they knew of the mir aculous disappearance of $70 from the aforesaid John Jungnickel's inside pocket. The evidence not being con clusive as to their complicity in the disappearance, thoy were discharged, Georgia being advised that as Ameri cans were opposed to monarchical in stitutions, Flagstaff would certainly not establish a bad precedent by set ting up a King in our midst especial ly a King who bore the earmarks of the "Seizers," and sho was politely advised that the climate of some other town might bo more conducive to her 'longevity. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by all druggists. Notice of Hearing Petition. In the Probate Court of the Couiuy of Coco nino, Territory of Arizona. In the matter of the Estate of John F. Hawks, deceased. Notion It hereby given that Mrs. Anna E. Klsllngsbury, administratrix, has filed In this court her petition praying that an order to lease the building known as the Hawks hotel, with lots 5 and 6. In block 4. from the 1st day of Jnly, linn, to the 1st day of January, 1006, for Five Hundred Dollars (JW0) per year (for further particulars see the petition of raid ad ministratrix, filed May ft. 19(13), bo granted, and that the same will be heard on Tuesday, the 16th day of May, 1903, at 9:30o'clock In the fore noon of said day, nt the court room of said Court, In Flagstaff, County of Coconino, Terri tory of Ariz ma, nnd all persons Interested In Mild estate are notlllcd then nnd there to ap pear and show cause. If any they have, why the pra cr of said petitioner should not be granted. Dated May 5, 1900. A. K. Douol.Ass, Clerk. First pub May 9-St. Bid for Grading and Tenclnl Court House Oroundt. OrncK OF THK IlOAUD or SOPKBVISOIIS I or Coconino Countt, Akiz. f Flagstaff. 4rU.. April 30, 1903. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at tho office of tho board of supervis ors of this county for the following county work, tho plans and specifications of which are on tile in the office of the board of supervisors: Grading court house grounds; erecting febce around same; grading streets and placing side walks along south and west sides of building. All bids must be filed with the clerk of tho board before 13 o'clock, noon, of Monday, the Hrst diy of June, 19(0. The board reserves the right to reject all bids. THOMAS A. FIjTNH. l9-! Clerk of the Uoard. Bid for HeatlnJ System. Flagstaff, Arlronn, May 4. 1903. Tho Hoard of Education of tho Northern Ari zona Normal School would respectfully request that plans nnd spec! Brat Ions accompanied by bids for furnishing materials and putting In a hot water heating system In. the Normal build ing, located ut Flagstaff, Arizona, bo submitted. Hlds must state the total cost of putting in tho entire plant, and cover all expenses for repairs to the bulldlnif made necessary by putting in said system. Plans and Information will be furnished upon application to the board. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of & per cent, of the amount of tho bid. The contract must bo completed on or before Sept. 1,1903. All bids for the above work will be opened Juno 1st, at 10 a. ra. Tho board reserves the ilght to reject uny or all bids. Envelopes con taining bids should be marked "Heating Sys tem." Address all communications to A. A. Dutton, Secy. mayS-Jt Notice of Dissolution. The business heretofore conducted under the name of P. K. Weatherford & Co. will In the fu ture bo conducted by Habbl'.t Hros. P. R. Weatherford severs his connection with said business and Ilabbttt Brothers assumo all ob ligations of P. It Weatherford & Co. contracted subsequent to Mnv 1, 1902, and aro authorized to collect all accounts due P. H. Weatherford & Co. contracted subsequent to May 1, 1902. Dated Flagstaff, May 8, 1903. 1. R. WBATIIEHrOltD, HAlllllTT HUOS. may9-6t To The East Some tourist cars have all the comforts and convenience of the palace sleepers: they lack mere ly tho luxury. The Pullman Tourist Cars in Santa B'e over land trains are of the newest pattern, espec ially arranged for tho comfort of ladies. SANTA FE POHLE & PARMELEE ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS, Special Attention to Control & Umpire Work Ores tested todetermino the best method of treatment. We have new a and thoroughly squlpped Laboratory. Oter 30 years of practical oxpcrlenco In Colorado. Prices and sample sacks f rco on application. 1627 Champa St.. Denver. Col. B' (3r O. tfMRSnsS&tWSPStt&KMsv