Newspaper Page Text
.Mi , ..- ..- ,Wl'flg'SBBB " i igatarBBjiMiMaBiMBiii nwmwiintMMgpgg cccgniko lun. LOCAL BREVITIES. Ed I. Gale has been on the sick-list this week. Fine cakes made to nell's Home Bakery. order at Tur- Leave your orders for bread, pies and cake with Black & Jones. Universal Crandall No. 3 typewriter for sale. Inquire at this office. tf Rev. Pr. C. Vabre went to St. Johns last Sunday evening, and will return about July 1st. Buy a Brownie kodak, (1, at Bab bitt Bros. Mrs. Fred Hull is visiting relatives in southern California. Fruits, berries and confectionery at Turnell's Home Bakery. Christopher's candies, the best made, tn ftinnv hnTAfl. At THnir Ar. .Tnnfln. .,, WVV, . -.V-. VW. A stock of Babbitt Bros', Butterick patterns at dry-goods depot. 23tf R. P. Hall, owner of the Albuquer que foundry, was a business visitor in Flagstaff this week. FOR SALE Burros, pack saddles and tent and camp outfit, for sale at 25 J. C. Blake's. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. It is reported that J. A. Johnson, sheriff of the county, and Mrs. Kate Holihan were married in Albuquerque one day this week. George Rickel, son of Tom Rickel, came in Wednesday, from Santa Fe, X. M., where he has been attending the Christian Brothers' school. For 8 ale A two and one-half horse power gasoline engine. Apply at this office. Bread, pies, cakes and foreverthing turned out in a first-class bakery go to Black & Jones'. Dr. Pratt, Arizona's leading oculist, will be in Flagstaff about the 10th, prox., to attend to your eyes. LOST On Sunday evening, June 21, lady's small, Mexican drawn-work handkerchief. Finder will be reward ed by returning to this office. Uncle Dick Aston, the second-hand dealer,bought the interest of Joe Fish er in the second-hand store on San Francisco street, and will continue the business at the same old stand. Mr. Percival Lowell will address the students of the summer normal school in the Normal hall, on Monday night. The general public is invited to at tend. No admission will be charged. C. M. Holt and W. G. Shaw, agents of the Northwest Life and Savings Company, are in Flagstaff this week. Tho gentlemen represent a solvent and reliable company, and have done good business here. Flagstaff sheepmen are in clover, and have been, for tho last thirty days. Sheep buyers have been in town, both from the east and Los An geles, engaging and securing all the mutton sheep possible, and offering top prices, but our sheepmen are very reluctant about selling. J. C. Vlning, at one time agent at this point, and then at Laguna, N. M., but now general superintendent of the Colorado Midland, was a visitor in towu Tuesday, with his family. He remained over night, and then pro ceeded west, where he will visit with George Hoxworth for some time. Mrs. West, nee Hoxworth, of Bos ton, spent a day here, this week, with relatives. She was on her way to Long Beach, Cal., to visit her parents. Tom Lewis, the well-known merchant of Ash Fork, went through Flagstaff on his way borne, Wednesday morn ing, with bis son, who has been at the Brothers' school, in Santa Fe, N. M., for the past six months. J. S. Acker, of Prescott, spent sev eral days here this week, in the inter est of the Corona Consolidated Gold and Copper company, a mining com pany" being promoted by well-known business men of Prescott. An adver tisement of the Corona appears in this issue. Through misinformation, or misun derstanding, the Sun inadvertently omitted Miss Lulu R. Hunter's name in last week's report of the commence ment exercises. The omission was un intentional, and Miss Hunter will please accept apologies. The lady, as one of the faculty, labored arduously for the success of the exercises; but, then, sho doubtless is aware that, in all human affairs, tho one who works hardest gets least credit. Tomorrow at the Methodist church, the following services will be held: A short session of the Sunday-school at 10 a. m.; at 11 the annual chll-dren's-day services, consisting of songs, recitations, etc This service will be preceded by the baptism of children. If there are any parents who desire this service for their chil dren, at the close of the children's ser vice the doors will be open for the re ception of members, either children or adults. In the evening, at 7 o'clock, the Epworth service will be held, fol lowed by the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of John Wesley. The hymns of John and Charles Wesley will be sung. Several papers will be read, referring to the life and charac ter of the founder of Methodism. An interesting time will be had, and a general invitation Is extended to these services. E. H. Meek, of Prescott, spent Wed nesday in Flagstaff. Mr. Meek is the promoter of the Forest creek electric power scheme, and ho says the com pany has finished all the preliminary work, and will commence construction work next month. They havo already disposed of all the power they can de velop, and the stockholders are as sured of a paying investment as soon as the company is ready for the. sup plying of power and light. Tho de mand for power in the mining section of Arizona is great, and the success of the Forest creek project means the building of more electric power plants. John H. Hicks returned to his stock ranch, the Agua Negra grant, near Santa Rosa, N. M., Tuesday, taking with him the span of standard-bred black mares, "Carrietta" and "Cam eletla," formerly owned by E. S. Gos ney, of this place. It is said that it is Mr. Hicks' intention to ship these mares to the Creech stock farm, Her riugton, Kans., where they will be bred to Escobar, one of the best- known trotting horses in this country, after which they will be returned to his ranch in Santa Rosa. These mares have a long line of strong trot ting blood in their pedigree, with which they are well marked, and we expect to hear from them and the Hicks stock farm in the records of standard-bred horses in the future. For choice, home-made candies to Turnell's Home Bakery. go Eastman kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices at Babbitts'. E. S. Clark, district attorney of Yavapai county, was here Thursday, on legal business. For Sale Set new, single collar harness and spring wagon. A bargain Inquire at Sun office. Ladies calling cards in the latest shapes and printed in the latest styles of type, at the Sun office. J. Backman, tho paper hanger, paints and decorates, and is prepared to do work in his line in the latest effects. All work done in first-class manner, and will be promptly done and guaranteed. tf The summer session at the Northern Arizona Normal school will open Monday forenoon, at 9 o'clock. All interested are invited to be present. The outlook is very encouraging, and the promise of a good attendance is very bright. Santa re Washout. During the early forenoon of the 23d, the Colorado river washed out a quarter of a mile of the Santa Femain line, between Needles and Beale. Tho river is higher than it has been in years, and its work of destruction was so complete that for some distance tho railroad will have to be relocated far ther back from the encroaching river. Passenger trains Nos. 8 and 2 were delayed at Needles while a shoofly was built around the washout. As the Colorado now comes tumbling and roaring under the big steel bridge at Mellen, one can begin to understand how she has been able to do her part in carving out the Grand Canyon. DR. PRATT, THE OPTICIAN. Here About July 10th METHODS IN EYE EXAMINATIONS. Whether the result of disease, in herited deficiencies, violation of nat tural laws, or old age, impaired vi sion cannot be accurately estimated or corrected by use of test letters and cards alone. One familiar with the construction and physiology of the eye can but know the evil effects following such a system of guesswork. In my examination and fitting, I use the several different methods that long experience has taught me bring the best results. CONSULTATION FREE. WHI he at Natel WeaUicrfard AftMt Jly lotfc. Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, Arizona's Leading Optician, 118 W. Waahlnt'ton St.. PHOENIX. ARIZONA. SSI Handsome Mc can not be so if their teeth are neglected A good, clean-looking set of teeth is a fine rec ommendation, and the posessor can never be considered homely. We carry a nice line of tooth preparations and tooth brushes. W. H. TIMERHOFF, The Leading DruUItt, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. I R. W. BOYLE, OPTICIAN and JEWELER tWltflartf r4 m r -. fto ! (Ma nwiiMiMMi vaaaaiMi mmwmwmmtmwum ftaaaaaa. art IMiTTTT mmim Sh If tho lines in this diamond figure do not appear equally Mark in all the differeiit meridians, it indicates a defect of sight that causes nervous head-ache and should bo corrected u: c.u3. L71S tested free. ' OPPOSITE P. O. Flagstaff, Ariz. Z, J, STAGNER, second-hand furniture Bought --SOLD. REPAIRING OF FURNITURE A SPECIALTY Will do any kind of carpenter work or short notice. Shop and Star opposite Carrotlton Hotel .... Flagstaff. POHLE & PARMELEE 1627 CUaiM St., Deaver. CoL ASSAYERS and CHEMISTS Scad for Prices aid Free Simple Sacks. o o i mfa -jsaJ ,r.3G32533HTH