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jy WBMJSfflWHteniyi ( T 'Hgr aMgBMH&IJ -"WTW"" COCONINO SUN. <c oconiuo tm. Entered In the Postofflco at Flagstaff an second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a Tear, In advance. Every paper Is stopped at tbo expiration of the time paid (or. C M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, September 26, 1D03. A good memory is a great thing, but it is far better to be able to forget. Many people who have come from good families are a long way from home. The new and better version is "Peo ple who live in glass houses should pull down the blinds." California ships sixty million pounds of prunes to the east this year. This fact throws considerable light on that old familiar adage. Lieut. Peary is going to make another dash for the north polo. It is suspected that St. Louis wants it for the world's fair next year. crats are perfecting aCleveland organ ization in that state. An Indian apolis dispatch says: The friends of Cleveland have been grately encour aged by a report which was received last week from the east. The financial agent of a banking house here paid a visit to New York city, and when he returned he expressed the opinion that the nomination of Mr. Cleveland in 1004 would bring back to the party every business man in the east who had left it in 1896, and many Repub licans who had supported Cleveland in his two successful campaigns. He said that there was great distrust of President Roosevelt in eastern finan cial circles, and that many Republi cans, believing the renomlnation of the president fixed beyond peradven ture, were openly expressing the hope that the Democratic party would nominate some man in whom the busi ness element had confidence. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. It don't make much difference what people do, so long as they have money and spend it. The old-fashioned idea that virtue is rewarded and vice gets it in the the neck seems to be playing out. The old fashioned flat boat is all right in shallow water. So don't try to spring advanced theories and stu pendeous ideas on the man with the shallow brain box is the moral. When you get an exalted idea of the extent and Importance ofyourtroubles go out and watch two ants fighting in the dust. That's the way the world regards your troubles. The Jerome Mining News entered on its ninth year with last issue. The news is a well conducted, newsy sheet and its advertising columns show that it is appreciated by the merchants of Jerome. May its success continue indefinitely. The Chicago Inter Ocean says many republician papers do not publish the truth about the postal frauds, but it for one intends to so. This should not be a political affair, but Is one that should be published in full for the benefit of the Amerk-an people, the people who pay the expenses of all these frauds and steals. Sunday should be a day of rest and churches are open to all without cost; but all who go should have some change to pass into the contribution box. Church Is the best place to go on the Sabbath day. No one was ever injured by attending a place of worship. Many have missed a golden opportunity by missing a good ser mon or genuine religious worship on the Sabbath day. With proper effort on the part of the business men a greater Flagstaff would result. In union there is strength. Band yourselves together for mutual welfare of the city. Petty jealousies and "bigdog eat little dog" never yet made a successful business community. Put your shoulder to the wheel and help give it a turn for the common good of all and you will reap your Individual harvest In the end. Many eastern democrats refused to follow the leadership of Bryan in 1896 and 1900, and from present Indications, regard Orover Cleveland as the poli tical Moses for 1904. Indiana demc- An idea of the importance of labor may be gained from the demonstra tion in Chicago Labor day when 76, 310 men were in line representing 94 trades and 282 unions. This was for one city alone and can be multiplied many times when the entire country is considered. It is a vast army and constantly increasing. Foolish is he who imagines that labor is not worthy of recognition, and just as foolish is ho who imagines that its demands for recognition can be turned down. It is every day adding new strength, every day is becoming better organized and every day receiving more attention from employer. Of course there is an occasional Baer bobbing up, who dis graces the Almighty by claiming partnership, by attempting to throttle labor through a wicked, lying as sumption that would shame the devil, but, fortunately, these characters are few and every day are growing beauti fully less. There are two sides to every question. Labor is entitled to just reward, but it may, undoubtedly is sometime exorbitant in its demands, fails to consider that capital, like its self, is entitled to fair returns. On the other hand capital may, often does, attempt to crush labor, caring only that its own coffers bo filled. It will be a glad day when some method is devised to avoid these clashes between the employer and employed, and that day is every day one day nearer it will surely come. A Prcrut Year. This has been a prosperous year with the ranch, cattle and sheep men of this part of Arizona. Stock are in good condition, and water and feed have been plentiful during the entire season. And who Is better entitled to a season of prosperity than these horny-handed sons of toil, for out of their abundance comes prosperity to all. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous russ. headache, constipation, bad breath jereral debility, sour risings, and catarrh ot tne stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodo, sures indigestion. This new discovery repre tints the natural Juices of digestion as they sxist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not snly cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this a-nous remedy cures all atomach troubles y cleansing, purifying, sweetening and lengthening the mucous membranes lining h sto-nach. Mr. S. S. Bill, of Ravenswood. W. Vs.. wy:- I wjs irouVfi with sour stomach for twenty yetrs -M cured ir and are now using It In milk r wby." Kodol DigMU What You Eat ?tt!e oily. $1.00 Site holding 35 times tha trial s'se. which tel for SO cents. Prepared by E. O. Da T OO., OHIOAQO STATE OP NEW YORK. I County o New York fss We, the undersigned, Bryce Gray, James Mo Creery and Theodore Sellgman, being a major ity of the Incorporators and residents and citi zens of the State of New York, and Henry War ren, of the State ot Texas, and Edward W. Kin sley, of the City ot Hoston, State ot Massachus etts, being desirous of forming a company in the class of limited. In accordance with the pro visions of an act of the Legislature of the State ot New York, entitled "An Act to Provide for the Organization and Regulation of Certain Business Corporations," passed June 21st. 1875, and amendments and additions thereto, hereby certify that: FIRST. The name of the proposed corpor ation Is to be the "Aztec Land and Cattle Com pany, Limited." SECOND. The objects for wblcb It Is to bo formed is to lease, purchase, manage. Improve, operate, sell, convoy, mortgage or exchange any coal, mineral, agricultural orotber lands or pro perty, hereditaments, real property and any In terest of real property of every description and tenure situated In the Territories of Arizona, New Mexico and elsewhere; to develop such lands and property In such manner as the com pany may see at, and In particular by cultiva tes, stocking, grazing or otherwise utilizing the sala lands, by erecting houses, factories, stores and other buildings; by Irrigating, drain ing and planting; by constructing waterworks, canals, reservoirs wells, aqueducts, embank ments, piers, whnrcx, harbors, roads, railways, tramways and other work necessary and pro per to the convenient carrying on ot Its busi ness, and by promoting Immigration and settle ments; to breed, rear, buy and sell and other wise deal In cattle, sheep, mules, horses unci other lite-stock, and to build, erect, purchase or lease suitable buildings for this purpose, and deal In dead meat, whether fresh, or canned or cured or otherwise preserved, and In hides and tallow; to manufacture, convert and render marketable the products ot the country, and to carry on or assist the carrying on of any trade or business, or assist any undertaking tbe carrying on of which may be deemed by the company conducive to the development of Its property, and to purchase, acquire, sell or lease all machinery, agricultural or other Implements necessary and proper for such purposes; to Im port and export, and otherwise traffic and deal In grain and other agricultural products, coal, oil. wood, minerals and cattle, hon-c, mules, sheep and other live stock, and in dead meats, whether fresh or cured or canned or otherwise preserved, and In bides nnd tallow, to and from any places or port or ports wherever situated. And to become carriers, by land or water, for the purposes aforesaid or on behalf ot others, and to purchase or charter barges, boats or ships propelled oy steam or otherwise, or to purchose or build or charter locomotives and cars and wagons for tbo purposes aforesaid. Tbe general and financial business will be carried on in tho City of New York, and the portion of the busluess hereinbefore specifi cally set forth will be carried on In tbe Terri tories of New Mexico, Arlzjna and elsewhere. THIItD. The amount of the capital stock of the said company shall be One Million Dollars. FOURTH The number of shares ot which such Capital Stock shall consist shall be Ten Thousand, of the par value of One Hundred Dol lurs each. FIFTH. The location of the principal busi ness office of said company shall be In the City of New York, County and State of New York. SIXTH. Tbe duration of said company shall be for fifty years from the filing of this Instru ment In the office of the Secretary of State of New York. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands this llth day of December, 1884. Bbtck Uhat, James McCheeky, Theodore Seuoman, Henry Warren, Edward W. Kinsley. record of proceedings filed as aforesaid, are as follows, to-wlt: Alexander IL Rice, T. W. Lillix, James McCreeby, Edward W. Kinsley, Bryce Gray, I. T. Burr, Henry Warren, Thomas Talbot, Theodore Sleiqman. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph B. Carr, Secretary of State, do hereby certify that said corpor ation, to-wlt: "Acteo Land and Cattle Com pany, Limited." Is fully organized In accord ance with said act, chapter SI I, laws of 1875, and that all the provisions of said act have been duly observed In the organization of said cor poration as hereinabove set forth. Wltnesss my hand and seal of office of the Secretary of State, at tho City of Albany, this 8th day ot January, 1885. (L. S.) Joseph B. Cabb, Secretary of State. g FLAGSTAFF J UNDERTAKING PARLORS $ ED. WHIPPLE. $ Manager and Embalmer. J A full stock of up-to-date . . 5 METALLIGS ; and J RASKFTS. A large assortment of Burial J Robes for men, women and chil- m m dren. East Aspen Ave., FLAGSTAFF. ' ' ARIZONA 444444444444 STATE OF NEW YORK. I. City and County of New York, f " On the llth day ot December, 1884, before me came Bryce 3 ray, James McCreery. Theodore Sellgman, Henry Warren and Edward W. Kins ley, to me personally known, and known to me to be the persons described In, and who execu ted the foregoing Instrument, and who severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes therein set forth. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this llth day of December, 1884. (L. S.) Jaood Seuoman. Notary Public. City of Now York. And It Is Further Hereby Certified, that upon the filing of said certificate, of which the fore, going Is a true and correct copy, on the 12th day of December, 1884, as aforesaid, a license was Issued by the Secretary of State, pursuant to said act, to tbe five persons named In, and who made and acknowledged said certificate, em powering them, as commissioners, to open books for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of said proposed corporation at such times and places as they might determine. And a verified record of the proceedings ot said commissioners having, this 6th day of January, 1885, been filed In the office of the Sec retary of State, containing a copy of the sub scription list to the Capital Stock ot said pro posed corporation, together with a copy of the by-laws for said proposed corporation, adopted by the- subscribers to said Capital Stock at a meeting of said subscribers held at No. 21 Broad street. In the City of New York, on the 3rd day of January, 1885, pursuant to the pro visions of said act, as appears from said verified record aforesaid, at which subscribers' meeting as a aforesaid nine directors (being tho number provided for in the said by-laws of said pro posed corporation) were also chosen, whose names as further appears from said verified LODGE DIRECTORY. M OUNTAIN LOIXJE, NO. 15, K. OF P. Meets In Elk's Hall everv Wednesdny night. Visiting tnlghts arc cordially Invited to attend. W, A. Lannon. C C J. A. Wilson. K. of R. nnd S W. II. TiMEitiiorr, M. of F. COURT COCONINO, NO. St. INDEPENU- V ENT ORDER Or rOBEHTKHS. Meets second and last Fridays in each month In Elk's Hall. Visiting members Invited to at tend tho Court meetings. A. C. Winklxb, C R. W. R. Hanks. Recording Secretary. W. II. Nobman, Financial Secretary. I?LAQSTAFF LODGE. No. 4iK. A r.HNT ami, pnnru?rtvK nnitKU BENEVO- t.KNT AMD PROTECTIVE OltDEH OF ELKS. Meets every Tuesday night In II. P O. II. hall, corner of San Francisco street and Aspen ave nue. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. FRED S. UREEN, E. R. 11. A. Doyle. Secretary. IJLAOSTAFF LODGE, NO. 13, A. O. U. V. Meets every Thursday night In Elk's Hall Visiting members Invited to attend. O. N. HATY. M W. C A. BUSR, Rec CLARK Hitt, Fin. F LAOSTAFF LODGE NO. 7, F. & A. M. Regular meeting, on first Saturday of eacli month at Elk's Hall. Visiting brethren Invited to attend. F. S. UREEN, Sec. T. J. COALTER, W. M. PLAOSTAFF LODOE, NO. II, I. O. O. F. Meets first and third Friday evenings of each month In Elks hall. Visiting members Invited to attend. J. R. Treat, N. O. J L. DouoriERTY, Secretary. J S. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Prescott, - - Arizona. JJ)R. JOHN E. ADAMS. Office and residence: Postofflco Bldg. Office hours: 10 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Telephone No. 44, or Tlmeruoff's drug store No. 58. Y P. SIPE. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Office In Pollock block. Office hours: 11 to 12 a. m , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday. 3 to 4 p m. Telephone No. 81, or Tlmerhoff's drug storcr ;r"Wlll be found In office at night. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-oent packet Is enough for usual occas ions. Tho family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. FOLEYSHONEYTAR tens tfa cottrfl amd feattls lmf o & c l TltWRNH