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wSSSSESwKim?"'' wnaHlWmuUSltk PT-'WfJspwqp! COCONINO SUN. (he (CoctmUto xu. Entered In tbe Postofflce at Flagstaff as second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price. two dollars a year. In advance. Every paper Is stopped at the cxplrationof the time paid (or, C M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, October 10, 1903. Follow no advice that your own judgement does not pronounce sound and practicable. The general public places but little confidence in the man who has no confidence in himself. The more prosperity the more un rest. Never in the history of the country were strikes more frequent than now. The idea that the word "obey" should be cut out of the marriage service Is every day becoming more prevalent. And it is all right. What is the use of starting a woman out a liar. J. Whiteside, senior editor of the Nogalcs Times, has severed his con nection with that paper and will as sume the management of the Hotel Roy at Douglass. The price of silver has advanced to 59 cents an ounce. This price, if main tained, will enable the silver produc ers of the western states to re-open properties that have long been idle, Many of the mines are full of water and the workings need extensive repairs. Tbe produce of the farmers and planters of this United States for 1903, is estimated to be worth $5,000,000,000 cash on delivery-. It is certainly a rich country that can raise such an amount of the products of the earth, with the aid of only about one third of its population in producing it. Long live the great American hen. Her product is worth more each year than the combined output of gold and silver; worth more than all the cattle and hogs slaughtered in the whole country. The egg crop of the country is worth about 9300,000,000 a-year, ex ceeded in value by only the corn, wheat and hay crops. Judge Gepbart of Kansas has in augurated a reform in his district which should be adopted by all trial judges. The Kansas jurist states that henceforth he will not allow a child to testify against either of its parents unless in a criminal case. In divorce cases the testimony of the children has often been relied on in Kansas. It is a 8 ad and demoralizing circumstance in the opinion of Judge Gephart. It has been definitely settled that the Hearst party will tour the territor ies. Tbe special train will leave Chi cago, October 11. The party will include ten or more eastern Congress men, including David DeArmond, of Missouri. Colonel Wilson and Mark Smith, of Arizona, will probably join the party at Albuquerque. This trip should and will be, a great benefit to Arizona, In her fight for Statehood, besides the general advertising the Territory and the resources will receive. natural resources of Pinal county. Tho edition consisted of forty pages, containing an excellent map of tho county, location of mines, coal and oil fields, numerous engravings, etc It was a splendid edition and Editor Weedin deserves credit for his enter prise. We heartily commend the statement of John Mitchell, president of tho United Mine Workers of America, when he said: "In discussing the re lations of employer and employees I have said repeatedly that most strikes and lockouts could have been averted if the representatives of capital and labor bad met in joint conference, looked each other squarely in the face and told the unvarnished truth." It is to be regretted that such wise coun sel cannot prevail in the settlement of all such disputes. The Arizona Blade, published at Florence, Thomas F. Weedin editor, recently issued a special illustrated edition, the purpose of which was to furnish the Inquiring public with ac curate information regarding the Evidently there is a mistake some where which should be sought out and rectified, and credit given to whom credit is due. Is it the Almighty or is it some political party that Is respon sible for the good times of the present? In times past the former was recog nized as the author of all good; the rain, sunshine and bountiful crops were His gifts to man, and when Plenty smiled, to Him was given thanks. But now has come a change. All that is good, all that makes our nation prosperous, found its begin ning in, and is nurtured by, a politi cal party. Let some one who' is in possession of an investigator turn it on. An attempt is being made to supercede tbe Almighty, and if deser ved the country should know it. A conference was held at Washing' ton last week between President Roosevelt and five members of tho ex ecutive council of the American Feder ation of Labor, in regard to the case of W. A. Miller, who was dismissed from the government printing office because he had been expelled from the local bookbinders' union, and who was afterwards reinstated by direction of the President. At the conclusion of the conference tbe President an nounced that his decision not to dis miss Miller was final, and that the question of his personal fitness must be settled in the regular routine of administration. He also expressed himself as favorable to the principles of a short hour work day, and his deep concern for the interests of .the wage earners of the country. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark-, writes, "For twelve years I suffered from yellow jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bit ters and feel that I am now cured of a diseaso that had me in its grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for liver and kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by all druggists. Only 50c. Tho Southern Carnival company is all ready to open for business Mon day when the big territorial fair be gins. This company has seventeen shows and carries three hundred peo ple. It cost the Albuquerque fair as sociation just $1,000 to get this one attraction and it is a side attraction too. Brok Into His Hous. S. LeQulnn of Cavendish, VL, was robbed of his customary health by In vasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed to cure, 25 cents at all druggists. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. STATE OP NEW YORK, l County o New York I " We. the undersigned, Oryce Gray, James Mc Crcery and Theodore Sellgman, being a major ity of tbe Incorporators and residents and citi zens of tho State ot New York, and Henry War ren, o( the (State ot Texas, and Edward W. Kin sley, of the City of Boston, Slate of Massachus etts, being desirous of forming a company in tbe class of limited, in accordance with tho pro visions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled "An Act to Provide for the Organization and Regulation of Certain Business Corporations," passed June 21st, 1875, and amendments and additions thereto, hereby certify that: FIRST. The name of the proposed corpor ation Is to be the "Azteo Land and Cattle Com' pany. Limited." SECOND. The objects for which it is to be formed Is to lease, purchase, manage, improve, operate, sell, convey, mortgage or exchange any coal, mineral, agricultural orother lands or pro perty, hereditaments, real property and any In terest of real property of every description and tenure situated in tho Territories of Arizona, New Mexico and elsewhere; to develop such lands and property in such manner as the com pany may see tit, and in particular by cultiva ting, stocking, grazing or otherwise utilizing the solo lands, by erecting houses, factories, stores and other buildings; by Irrigating, drain ing and planting; by constructing waterworks, canals, reservoirs, wells, aqueducts, embank ments, piers, wharves, harbors, roods, railways, tramways and other work necessary and pro per to the convenient carrying on of Its busi ness, and by promoting immigration and settle ments; to breed, rear, buy and sell and other wise deal In cattle, sheep, mules, horses and other live-stock, ami to build, erect, purchase or lease suitable buildings for this purpose, and deal In dead meat, whether fresh, or canned or cured or otherwise preserved, and in hides and tallow; to manufacture.ebnvert and render marketable the productttoi tbe country, and to carry on or assist the carrying on of any trade or business, or assist any undertaking the carrying on of which may bo deemed by the company conducive to tbe development of Its property, and to purchase, acquire, sell or lease all machinery, agricultural or other Implements necessary and proper for such purposes; to Im port and export, and otherwise traffic and deal In grain and other agricultural products, coal. oil, wood, minerals and cattle, horses, mules. sheep and other live stock, and In dead mints, whether fresh or cured or canned or otherwise preserved, and in hides and tallow, to and from any places or port or ports wherever situated. And to become carriers, by land or water, for the purposes aforesaid or on behalf of others. and to purchase or charter barges, boats or ships propelled by steam or otherwise, or to purchase or build or charter locomotives and cars ard wagons for the purposes aforesaid. The 'general and financial business will be carried on In the City of New York, and the porUon of the business hereinbefore spcclfl cal'.y set forth will be carried on In the Terri tories of New Mexico, Arizona and elsewhere. T.'IIRD. The amount of the capital stock of the su'd company shall bo One Million Dollars.'nber of shares of which such Capital Stock shall consist shall bo Ten Thousand, of the par value of One Hundred Dol lars each. FIFTH. The location of tbe principal bus! ncss office of said company shall be in the City of New York, County and Statu of New York, SIXTH. The duration of said company shall be for fifty years from the tiling of this Instru ment in the office, of the Secretary of State of Now York. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands this llthday of December, 1881. BryceGhay, James McCreeby, Theodoke Selioman, Henry Warren, Edward W. Kinsley. STATE OF NEW YORK. I City and County of New York, t On the llth day of December, 1884, before me camellryce .Tray, Jumes McCreery, Theodore Sellgman, Henry Warren and Edward W. Kins ley, to me personally known, and known to me to be the persons described In, and who execu ted the foregoing Instrument, and who severally acknowledged to me that they executed the samo for the purposes therein set forth. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this llthday of December, 1884. (L. S.) Jacob Seuomah, Notary Public. City of New York. And It Is Further Hereby Certified, that upon the filing of said certificate, of which the fore going is a true and correct copy, on the 12th day of December, 1881, as aforesaid, a license was Issued by the Secretary of State, pursuant to said act, to tho Ave persons named In, and who made and acknowledged said certificate, em powering them, as commissioners, to open books for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of said proposed corporation at such times and places as they might determine. And a verified record of the proceedings of said commissioners having, this 8th day of January, 1888, been filed In the office of the Sec retary of State, containing a copy of tbn sub scription list to the Capital Stock of said pro posed corporation, together with a copy of the by-laws for said proposed corporation, adopted by the subscribers to said Capital Stock at a meeting ot said subscribers held at No. 31 Broad street. In the City of New York, on the Srd day of January, I8H5, pursuant to tho pro visions of said act, as appears from said verified record aforesaid, at which subscribers' meeting as a aforesaid nine directors (being tbe number provided for in tbe said by-laws of said pro posed corporation) were also chosen, whose names as farther appears from said verified record of proceedings filed as aforesaid, are as follows, to-wlt: Alexander H. Rice, T. W. LILLIE, James McCreeht, Edward W. Kinslet, BbtceQrat, I. T. Burr, Henry Warhen. Thomas Talbot, Theodore Sleiqman. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph B Carr, Secretary ot State, do hereby certify that said corpor ation, to-wlt: "Acteo Land and Cattle Com pany, Limited," Is fully organized In accord ance with said act, chapter 611, laws of 1875, and that all tho provisions of said act have been duly observed In the organization ot said cor poration as hereinabove set forth. Witnes8s my hand and seal of office of tbe Secretary of Stato,athe City ot Albany, this 6th day of JanuarylJ85, (L. S.) Joseph B. Carr, Secretary of State. tCfrfrftitftt. c : UNDERTAKING PARLORS ED. WHIPPLE. Msosier aid Enbalmer. A full stock of up-to-date- METALLICS and- CASKETS. large assortment of Burial Robes for men, woolen and chil dren. ; East Aspen Ave., FLAGSTAFF. ' ' ARIZONA. 5 4444444444444444444444 LODGE DIRECTORY. A f OUNTAIN LODGE, NO. 15, K, OF P. Meets In Elk's Hall every Wednesday night. Visiting knights are cordially Invited to attend. W. A. Lannon, C. c J. A. Wilson. K. of R. and S W. II. TmicuHorr, M. of F. C'OURT COCONINO, NO. 890, INDEPEND- ENT ORDER Or FORESTERS. Meets second and last Fridays In each month In Elk's Hall. Visiting members Invited to at tend tho Court meetings. A. C. Winkler, C. R. W. R. BANKS. Recording Secretary. W. H. Norman, Financial Secretary. FLAOSTAFF LODGE. No. 499. BENEVO LENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER or ELKS. Meets every Tuesday night In B. P O. E. hall, corner of Sn Francisco street and Aspen ave nue. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. FRED S. BREEN, E. R. B. A. Doyle, Secretary. pLAOSTAFF LODGE, NO. 13, A. O. U. W. Meets every Thursday night in Elk's Hall Visiting members Invited to attend. O. N. BATT. M W. C. A. Busn, Roc Clark Hrrr, Fin. PLAOSTAFF LODGE NO. 7. F. & A. M. Regular meeting, on first Saturday ot each month at Elk's Hall, Visiting brethren Invited to attend. F. S. BREEN, Sec. T. J. Coalteb, W. M. PLAOSTAFF LODOE, NO. U, I. O. O. F. Meets first and third Friday evenings of each month In Elks balM Visiting members Invited to attend. V J. R. Treat, N. G. J L. Dougherty, Secretary, J S. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Prescott, Arizona. J)R. JOHN E. ADAMS. Office and residence; Postoffice Bldg. rkfflnAhAtir 10 iaIi a. m 2 to 4 and 7 toftD. m. Telephono No. 44, or Tlmerhofi's drug store No. 58. P. SIPE, M. P.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. niHcn In Pollock block. Oiflce. hours: 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. Af Sunday, 3 to 4 p m. Telephone No. 81, or Tlmerhoff's drug store. r win oe xouna momooaiuiKiik R'I'P'A'N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 6-cent packet Is enough for usual occas ions. Tbe family bottle (00 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. FiDUTSHOffEYTAR A- iV. rgr i