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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
6 COCONINO SUN. LOCAL BREVITIES. Real estate In Flagstaff is looking P- Buy a Brownie kodak, $1, at Bab bitt Bros. Good cigars are scarce. Try our choice brands. Coffin. James Smith, of Winslow, was a Flagstaff visitor Wednesday. If you need a hat remember Babbitt Brothers is the place to get it. F. C. Roberts, of Williams, was a Flagstaff visitor last Saturday. A stock of BuUerick patterns at Babbitt Bros', dry-goods depot. 23tf Father Vabro was a Kingman visitor last week, returning home Saturday. Jack Lo Barron is home from Apa che county where he has been for some time. CofHn has cakes. All varieties and kinds. See the display in show window. Mrs. Prime has sold her residence property on Aspen avenue to Mrs. Jane Given. Parties desiring cedar posts in any quantity can be supplied by address ing the Son office. 28tf Mrs. J. D. Raudebaugb, of Will iams, arrived here Wednesday for a visit with relatives. Chas. Ford, of Ash Fork, was a busi ness visitor hero Saturday, returning home Sunday morning. Mrs. Ella Holdridge and family de parted Sunday for Los Angeles, where they will make their future home. James A. Vail left Wednesday for Prescott, where he was called as wit ness before the United States court. Leave your orders for J. S. Wright's express with B. Hoch. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone 79. Mrs. Homer Barilett arrived home Saturday from Santa Ana, California, where she had been visiting for some time. Rev. J. H. Henry left Wednesday for Prescott, where be will serve time on the United States trial jury for some days. Forest Supervisor Breen came in Tuesday from a several days trip of inspection on the reserve in the vicin ity of Williams and Challender. P. D. Berry returned to Grand Can yon, Sunday, after a several days visit with friends here. Mr. Berry now has charge of the Summit hotel at Grand Canyon. Thanksgiving day won't seem right unless you have one of those choice turkeys that Coffin the Grocer is fur nishing. They are Kansas corn-fed and fat and "sassy." Mrs. Julius Aublneau and son Marion left Tuesday for San Francisco to attend the bedside of the husband and father who is at that place for medical treatment. The gent's furnishing department of Babbitt Brothers is displaying an at tractive line of young ladies' and misses' hats. They are in a variety of styles in red and blue felt; the for mer prices were $1.00. The reduced price Is fifty cents, and they are bargains at this price. Fresh, sweet cider. Coffins. Nice waste baskets, willow or wire. Sun office. Eastman kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices at Babbitts'. Born Saturday, November 13, 1003, to Mrs. Wm. Falder, of this city, a daughter. Work is being pushed Improving the River de Flag. The channel is being widened and deepened. To Rent Furnished rear bed room, stove and electric light. Price reason able. Inquire at this office. The Flagstaff Gun club will give a live bird shoot at their grounds south of the city Thanksgiving day. Mrs. George Hochderffer and child' ren left Monday for Dodge City, Kan sas, where they will spend the winter. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. For Sale The J. L. Treat property in Brannen addition and eight lots in northwest part of town. Apply to D. Wallace. 44-5t H. C. Hibben has ordered a big lot of turkeys and will havo an old-fashioned turkey shoot the day before Thanksgiving. V. V. Merino and Miss Jessie Pattee left Thursday morning for Winslow to attend the grand ball given by Brother hood of Railway Trainmen that even ing. Among other interior improvements, Babbitt Brothers are arranging a room at the rear of the gents' furnsih ing department for the special display of their stock of holiday goods. Mens' and boys' hats in the leading brands, and unsurpassed in quality, at prices ranging from fifty cents up, is especial attraction for next week in the gents' furnishing department of Babbitt Brothers. Miss Florence N. Dukes, left Fri day for her home at Brooklyn, New York. Miss Dukes has been a resi dent of this city for the past twelve years and her many friends here re gret her departure. A neat iron fence is being placed in position around the court house grounds this week, and together with the other improvements, grading, cement walks, etc., will make a decided change for the better in the appear ance of the public domain. Mrs. A. S. Alvord was the victim of a serious accident one day last week while engaged in her household work. As she stooped to open tho oven door, a cloth she had in her hand caught on the tea kettle, overturning it and severely scalding her right arm. J. M. Dennis, manager of the lumber company at Rhoados, was a Flagstaff visitor Tuesday. The gentleman loaves today for San Jose, California, where he will visit with his family until January 1st His son and daughter are attending Washburn university at that place. Dr. E. S. Miller arrived home Mon day from Tucson and Phoenix. He went to Tucson as delegate from the local lodge at the meeting of the Masonic Grand lodge. On his return he stopped to visit friends at Phoenix and during his stay there an entertain ment was given in his honor by the Phoenix Elks, of which organization he is District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler. Better fix that sidewalk before the snow storms come. John H. Page, of Grand Canyon, was a Flagstaff visitor the first of tho week. J. W. Powers had the misfortune to lose one his work horses Thursday night. It was taken sick during the night and died before morning. Miss Lou Hackett who has been visiting her aunts Mesdames C. A. Greenlaw and J. R. Treat for the past year, left Thursday for her homo In Wisconsin. Owing to the absence of Rev. J. H. Henry there will be no preaching ser- ices at the Methodist church tomorrow. The Sunday school and Epworth League will meet at their regular hours. J. J. Donahue sold a vacant lot to Dolph Payne Thursday. It is located on the southslde and Mr. Donahue states that the selling price was double what the property would have brought one year ago. Judge A. E. Douglass returned Tuesday from Winslow where he had been for several days assisting in the taking of necessary observations for the establishment of the boundary line between Coconino and Navajo counties. John T. Jones, of Bucklln, Kansas, was greeting old friends in this city the first of the week. Mr. Jones form erly resided here and as a cattleman was well known throughout Northern Arizona. For several years he was manager of the Aztez Cattle company. United States Deputy Marshal Hill visited our city recently and as a con sequence the following gentlemen left Wednesday for Prescott where they will servo as trial jurors in the United States district court, which convened there Thursday: A. A. Fisher, Will iam Roden, John Clark, Everett Hanna, J. O. Jones, J. A. Wilson, W. G. Blair,, A. E. Fronkforter, F. J. Jock and J. H. Henry. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day and will be duly observed in this city. Our country and Arizona in general and Coconino county and Flagstaff in particular, have every reason for re turning thanks. The past year has been a most prosperous one, climatic conditions greatly favoring tho ranch man, cattleman and sheepman. The health of our community has been good and all should be thankful for living in such a favored locality. A Remarkablo Cue. One of tho most remarkable cases of a cold, decpsoated on tho lungs, caus ing pneumonia, Is that of Mrs. Ger trude E. Fenncr, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 02 pounds. I tried a number of remedies of no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderfnl remedy cured me en tirely of tho cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by D. J. Brannen. To the Public. Felt paper on your room is equal to plastering, is much cheaper and more durable. I am the originator of the felting process and use a special paste which is free from objectionable odor. My imitators not knowing what to use resort to the uso of ill smelling paste and glue. The felt to be of ser vice must be put on right and I am the only paper hanger in tho city that will guarantee my work. J. Backman. Tbt I Htt union mi on a box of cigars is a guarantee that they were made by first-class work men under sanitary con ditions a point you can not afford to overlook. Ask to see the label when buying cigars. W. H. TIMERHOFF, The Leading Druiilit, FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA. GRAND H. H. SMITH, MiT. VIEW KT HOTEL FLAGSTAFF ASSAY OFFICE, A. E. DOVCLASS. Flagstaff, Arizona. Office hours 11 a. m. to 12 m. AGENTS FOR MINING MACHINERY. PATENTS HAZARD 6. HARPHAM. Lot Anfeles. Send for free boeh. Thousands Saved By DR. KING'S NEW DISGOVEST This wonderful medioine posi tively oures Consumption, Coughs Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50c &$ I Trial bottle free. Doesn't Reapect Old Age. It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary In tho case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and Irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, jaundice, fevor, constipation all yield to this perfect pill. 25 cents at all druggists. liT,y.i.ii.l'irin.ri -- i liin'ifflw