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T ', &-'&?' v- - ,,' & COCONINO SUN. 1 s cii ,TM1y:.i-v? it ipji . nMuunm.&j:. w, .- . jua&iTrf . inn9in4mn BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, rhMl McethU f the 9M .Ycarf kt Mt. taOfthe New YeaJ. 20.00 15.00 32.45 71.00 14.95 44.00 21.00 2.25 5.50 4.00 0.90 22.00 6.00 5.11 500.00 The board of supervisor! met on December 31, 1903, and again on Jan uary 4, 1904, and the following busi ness was transacted, Supervisors Geo. Babbitt and G. W. Martin and T. A. Flynn, clerk, being present at both meetings: No. 297 Jas. A. Johnson, sher iff's fees $2,217.05 298 Johnson. P. B. bounty. assigned to B. F. Jacobs... 299 Doe, E. M( expense trips to Williams 300 Andrews, Thos., consta ble fees 301 Rouoseville, Dr. A. G., contract 4th qr. and fare in digent 302 Funston, C. M., fees, clerk of court 303 Flagstaff Undertaking Parlors, burial indigents... 304 Haught, T. P., bounty. . ,. 305 Durphy & Dicker-man, of fice supplies 306 Otteson, If. P., work court house grounds., 307 Coudert, Dr. Frank E. visits jail , ..., 303 Tho Williams News, pub lications., 309 Walker, May, services stenographer , 310 Hanney & Harrell, sup plies jail, Williams 311 Postal Tel. Co., Wil liams, telegrams, The following salaries for the fourth quarter were allowed: Doe, E. M., district attorney. Thos. Dovine, treasurer 550.00 Douglass, A. E., probate judge 300.00 Babbitt, Geo., supervisor.... 250.00 Martin, G. W., supervisor... 250.00 Cornish, A. T., supervisor... 250.00 Flynn, Thus. A. clerk, super visors 375.00 Funston, C. M., clerk district court 62.60 Hlbben, H. C, recorder...... 500.00 Llnd, J. H., assessor 500.00 Norvlel, W. S. court reporter 80.00 Bannnen, D. J., sup't public health Tho treasurer s report balance in the treasury of $117,024.34 distributed among the various school and county funds, was audited and found correct. The board then ad journed. Approved Dec. 31st, 1903. The following claims were audited and allowed: 312 Dunlavey, Elias F., fees, clerk of court $ 5.50 313 Bayless, W. C, fees, con stable 14.35 314 Ranney. M. L., fees, J. of P. and coroner 57.50 315 Win, Tom, meals Indigent, Williams 12.60 316 Western Union Tel. Co., telegrams 31.06 317 Rowers, R. R., lodging In digent, Williams 4.95 318 Postal Tel. Co., Williams, telegrams 6.10 310 Melick, Dr. P. A., service indigent sick, Williams 35.00 320 Flagstaff Electric Light Co., lights and repairs 43.50 321 Postal Tel. Co., Flagstaff, telegrams 9.09 322 Herman, J., supplies jail.. 6.75 323 Milligan, J. C, repairs court bouse 7.50 324 Brannen, Dr. D. J., visits j all and Indigent sick 16.00 325 Town of Flagstaff, water rent 4th qr... 125.00 326 Funston, C. M., office sup plies 25.65 327 Keller, C. A., fees court ... 75.00 , BUUW1UK commissioner, assigned to Thos. Devlne. 24.00 328 QuInlan,L.W.,feesJ. of P. 62.25 329 Timerhoff, W. H., supplies .70 330 Flagstaff Mutual Tel. Co., telephone rent 27.00 331 Rodriguez, Frank, inter preting 2.50 332 Barnes, Frank, bounty, as signed to Babbitt Bros 5.00 333 Carroll, W. H., hospital contract and meals prisoners 319.80 334 Babbitt Bros., supplies... 224.70 335 The H. H. McNeil Co., of fice supplies 114.88 336 Devlne, Thos., treasurer, cash items '.1691.96 A warrant was ordered drawn in fa vor of treasurer to cover claim oertifl- cats 500 $23,75, expense 1902. Tho sheriff '8 license report, showing collections, less commissions, to the amount of $2,140.05 audited and ap proved. Report of county school superin tendent was audited and approved and shows the following balances in the respective districts: Flagstaff Sohool Dlst. No. 1 99,355.78 Williams " " " 2 6,008.31 Bellemont " " "3 400.00 Frisco " " " 4 69.00 Fredonia " ' " 6 4,795.87 Summit " " 8 484.15 Greenlaw " " " 9 39.16 Rhoades " " " 10 54a04 Lee's Ferry " " " 11 398.22 School contingent 692.05 Institute 10.00 Building fund, Dlst. No. 18,124.69 Report of county recorder for fourth quarter audited and found correct as to number of Instruments filed. The following were granted leases on school land: G. W. Martin, on W. i Sec. 36, Twp. 22 N. Rge. 1 E.; R. J, Kldd on SW. J Sec. 18, Twp. 21, N. Pge. 8 E. Proper showing being made the fol lowing were allowed refund of school tax for 1903: C. A. Taylor, Albert Skooge, M. Mikkelson, Geo. Elling ton, F. B. Barnard, Wm. Darnell, Jas. Hussey, C. W. Hilson, Harry McComb, Chas.. Stanley, W. R. Ir vine, Chas. Childs, Roy Wilkinson and R. L. Mayfield. Tho following were granted widows' exemption in the matter of their as sessments: Mrs. Hester Murphy, Eliz abeth L. Re nee, Ida Lohman, Harriet Cllne, Caroline Foremaster, Elizabeth Rawlins and Elizabeth McDowell. The board then adjourned. Approved January 4th, 1904. Whtt'i In a Name. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding, itch ing and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin dis eases DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. This has given rise to nu merous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the genuine. Sold by D. J. Brannen. imtKt af Sal f Real Pertanal Estate In the probate court ot the County of Coco nino. Territory of Arizona. In ttie matter ct the estate ot Ransom Olbaon, deceased. Notice of nale of personal and real estate at Flagstaff, Arliona. Notice Is hereby given, that In pursuance of an order ot the probate court In and for the County of Coconino, Territory of Arizona, made on the 6th day of January, 1804, In the matter of the estate ot Ransom Gibson, deceased, the un dersigned, the Administrator ot said estate will sell at publlo auction, to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by said probate court. on Tuesday, the 18th day of January, 1806, at 10 o'ciock a. m., at the omoe ot tne Probate judge In the County Court House In the City ot Flag staff, In the said County of Coconino, Territory of Arizona, the following described real prop erty, to-wlt: Lou SB and M In Block 1 A and Lou St, M, and 38 In Block i W and all ua proyemenu on. all said lou and all personal property belonging thereto. , W. J. Ouoo, Administrator of the estate ot Ransom Gib son, deceased. A Dated January Stb, 1804. S ' ! Mill. I I II ,,-..,- Ill , II II -,,,., .. i t , d ;. T. A UOtOAN. FmUtat ' ltJ.IOIDAN.Stcitltrr P.W. StSSOIt. Tttmunt. J : . -"..; ARIZONA ' -j: ll LUMBER AND TIMBER i! rniurPANV Vrf ua m - i 1 r i ' Msaoueturer ot ' MssssMSar Native Pine Lumber, ' Props, Stulls. Boxes, Lath, l ,-; ; Piling:, Shingles, !; ; Ties, Lagging. Sash and Doors. I ; j: Flagstaff, Arizona, i; ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Drafts Sold Upon all For eign Countries. We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative terms. T. E POLLOCK, President. T. J. POLLOCK, Vice President C O. ROBINSON, Ca$hier. H!iquorstore1 JULIUS AUBINEAU. I DCAICH IN f tL FINE - S WINES, WHISKIES I LIOUORS-CIGURS i C QujctMf pltee la torn. S J No gtmbtiog tOoweo ( AT C Fanny Trade Solicited. 7 B. HOCK, 'JWKW Stationery News Stand FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Frith Frills ui CnftctiHin. HAILROAD AVENUE. 5, BARRON, X MERCHANT TAILOR, San Fraackeo St. jc Xv FLAGSTAFF. y h f A- "SSSiTar HWjTV"l8Gitr "ZVm V1BQ WHM?