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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
.S&.aj- fiay'ijjiy'laitw'VA,. i'&ji tmmm5 MMJMBUWB8ai 2L"8 COCONINO SUN. he oconio mt. Entered in the Poitofflce at Flagstaff as second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a year, in advance. Kyery paper Is stopped at the expiration of the tlmo paid for. C M. FUNSTON. Editor. Saturday, January 9, 1903. If the ladles can have their way Sen ator Smoot will get it in the snoot. After awhile we will become con vinced that Panama is on the map. Football must be pretty bad for John L. Sullivan to denounce it as a brutal and dangerous game. President Roosevelt has sent to the Senate tho nomination of William It. Taft to be secretary of war vice Elihu Root, resigned. Scientists have discovered that there are 1,878 varieties of bees in this country. This does not include the presidential bee. Now the negro has been advised that he must give up his cake walk if he would rise in the world. That set tles his dreams of greatness. The Senate committee on military affairs has reported favorably the nomination of Brigadier General Leonard Wood to be Major General. much larger one operating on exterior lines and at a distance of thousands of miles from home; and such would bo the relative positions of the Japan ese and Russian forces in the event of a conflict. The first efforts of either of the possible antagonists would be directed to obtaining command of tho sea, and in available naval power they are quite evenly matched. In this initial stago the proximity of her bases of supplies to tho scene of oper ations would also weigh heavily In favor of Japan. There are not want ing people who are of the opinion that Japan would give a good account of herself in a resort to arms with Russia. William E. Curtis says the new pope of tho Catholic church is a democrat from the crown of his head to the heels of his new white shoes. His predeces sor was an aristocrat to his finger tips, and both exemplified their birth, their ancestry, their education and their environment before and after they were elevated to the throne. Leo XIII was a patrician of the highest type, whose family have occupied the same residenco and cultivated the same ground for five centuries, and the same tenantry have tilled their fields and gathered their harvests. Plus X was born a peasant, and his family belong to the industrious, In telligent and independent population of the villages that are scattered through the northern mountains of the kingdom; a hardy, cool-headed, practical, self-reliant race. cirrs TO EMPLOYES. In Chicago a million dollars was given to their employes by prominent business houses on Christmas day. The practice of remembering env ployes Is growing in favor from year to year. Especially In times of pros perity should it be followed. The past year is a memorable one in this regard. Therefore this worthy cus tom should be widely adopted. A Christmas gift to an employe adds the element of "personal touch" to a re lationship all too apt to be wholly commercial and perfunctory. If the man who works believes that the man for whom he works has a direct and individual interest in his welfare, the former is bound to render a better ser vice in consequence. There would bo fewer strikes if the practice of remem bering employes on Christmas was more generally followed. As men are largely creatures of en vironment, the home life of a boy is necessarily largely responsible for his character. If ho is parentless and is left by society to shift for himself, probably to inhabit the haunts of vice and crime, his criminal education is begun early and Is speedily finished. If be is neglected by a shiftless and careless father or mother his foot steps turn irresistably to the prison door. It is only by intelligent home training, by the proper exercise of pa rental authority, by tender solicitude for tho physical wants and moral needs of our children, that we can hope to make them good men and wo men. A neglected child is usually a child lost. It imbibes premature ideas of independence, goes forth into tho world before its time and is dazzled by the palaces of sin and the haunts of crime. If war should be avoided in the far east it would not be became the Jap anese have any misgivings as to thoir ability to cope .with the supposed su periority of Russia in military power. A similar force operating on interior lines would have an advantage, which might become decisive, over a very Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullom, editor of the Garland, Texas, News, has written a letter of congratulations to the manu facturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as follows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was a baby he was subject' to croupy spells and wo would be very uneasy about him. Wo began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in 1897, and finding it such a rt liable remedy for colds and croup, we have never been without it in the house since that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreeable to take and our babies really like it, Another is that it is not dangerous, and there is no risk from giving an overdose. congratu late you upon the success of your remedy." For sale by all druggists, The new Copper Queen hospital at Bisbee, said to be the best appointed hospital in Arizona, has been opened. There are four wards with sixteen beds each, besides about thirty rooms for private patients. There are two large operating rooms, one of them being for emergency surgical cases. Every room in tho building is fitted with all modern conveniences. This Copper Queen hospital will be for the care and treatment of all employes of tho com pany between Bisbee and El Paso, as well as private patients. Silver Belt. Just One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives re lief in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles tho mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same ttmo clears tho phlegm, draws out the Inflammation and heals and soothes tho affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never falling cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and croup. One Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by D. J. Brannen. . fbrfjajra fun inn' t SCtuhii 53THAT we have recently added a complete stock of all kinds of Blank Books, etc., in fact everything usually carried in a first class stationery store. Pacific Letter Files, Letter Trays, Typewriter Supplies, Waste Baskets, Letter Presses, Challenge Eyelet Presses, Postal Scales, Cash Boxes, Rubber Stamp Pads, Fancy Gold Pens, Waterman's Fountain Pens, Inks, Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, etc. We invite your patronage. PeHeck Block. I)? (Sarmtttui &tttt. Stationery Dept Indian Blankets, Beads, Baskets, Pottery Described, classified, explained in " Indians of the Southwest." BOOK STORES Fifty Cents Or JNO. J. BYRNE. Los Angeles. Ctfai'itrSnaWliaatKKl WANTED Faithful person to call on retail trade and agents for manu facturing bouse having well establish ed business; local territory; straight salary $20 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous experience unnece8sary;position permanent; busi ness successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintendent Travel ers, 605 Monon Bldg., Chicago. 42-12 There's no Better Service Than that via the , From Kansas City, Saint Louis and Memphis to points in the South, South east and Southwest, The Southeastern Limited Leaving Kansas City at 6:30 P. ft. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mem jib. Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all points in the Southeast. Por detailed information apply to G. W. MARTIN GENERAL WESTKRN AGENT 1106. 17th St. DENVER. COLO. FOLEYSHONET-TAR V -;-& f V A -T SETRv- W Tji'ijst-; - -mrsBBnpm -