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lMIIIiJl.llWff'TatlWy'ffWiiWMMIMlWWWi mtti irc iieuiintim COCONINO SUN. Fifty Ytan Ibt Siaidari BAKING PWDffi laaaMM thai flawr amal aulalai I aaasjraVTwV IM HUM M eMfJV Iw bMHhfilMU if tht (mhL rillOS BAKING) POWOCN OO. OHIOAOO CATTLEMEN MEET. Organize the Arizona Cattleftrewera' Atso- clatlon-Mect In Phoenix Next Month. At the meeting1 of the Cattlemen's association In Phoenix January 4 offi cers elected were as follows: J. H. McKittrick of Cochise county, president; James E. Bark, Maricopa county, first vice president; James Perkins, Yavapai county, third vice president; Harry P. HafTner, secre tary, and O. H. Christy of Maricopa county, treasurer. An executive com mittee consisting of three members from each county was named, and Phoenix was selected as the place for holding the next meeting, and the first Monday of February, 1005, was fixed as the time for holding it. Every county in the territory except one was represented at the meeting. The association endorsed the Inde pendent Packers' Association recently organized in Kansas City for the pur pose of fighting the packers' trust. Governor Brodle delivered an ad dress of welcome to the members. The by laws adopted provides that all members of the Arizona Cattle Asso ciation shall be cattlemen; that the Initiation fee shall be five dollars and the dues ono dollar per annum; that there shall be one meeting each year and that the executive committee shall consist of three members from each county, five members constituting a quorum, providing they represent five separate counties. Also a president, two vico presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. The following were elected members of the executive committee: Cochise P. Mason, W. H. Neel and H. R. Street. Coconino Charles Babbitt, W. M. Roden and George Black. Gila J. N. Porter, A. J. Howell and William Colcord. Graham J. V. Parks, J. H. Hamp son and G. A. Olney. Maricopa N. D. Sears, W. W. Cook and A. J. Chandler. Mohave John Crozler, H. Lovin and G. A. Bonelll. Navajo Barney Stiles, R. C. Cres well and Frank Wallace. Pima Ed L. Vial, M. G. Maraniego and N. W. Bernard. Pinal-C. H. Bayless, F. L. Cres well and J. W. Brown. Santa Cruz F. Proctor, C. Cam eron and G. W. Atkinson. Yavapai L. L. Harmon, T. T. Col lins and. John Duko. Yuma Bert Dunlap, S. P. Seeley, and V. Westfall. The (HI Well Certainty. It is now a certainty that In the next ninety days a California company will be here for the express purpose of putting up the latest Improved machin ery and will start boring for oil. The place selected for the well will be six miles north of Wlnslow on what Is known as the Base Ball grounds. J. E. Wilson of Los Angeles, who dis covered the famous Coalingo oil fields In Fresno county, California, while here recently, consummated a deal with the various parties holding claims on these grounds and they have surrendered their rights to tho land and in return are to recelvo shares at a rato of thirty shares for each aero located by them. Tho locators of these grounds have also purchased a limited amount of working stock. J. E. Wilson and C. White Mortimer of Los Angeles are at the head of this gi gantic enterprise. They propose to put tho well down 3,000 feet, should they not be able to strike oil In paying quantities at a depth of 1,500 feet. Mr. Wilson, as soon as he returns from a short business trip to Mexico, will commence preparing the ground for the commencement of work. The year 1004 will surely be a banner year in the history of Winslow as the striking of oil, and it is surely here, will cause a great amount of capital to come here to be invested from all over these United States. It also means a great increase In our population, and in fact, it means that Winslow, ere long, will become a great city. Winslow Mail. Found a Cure For Indigestion. I use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different rem edies. I am nearly fifty-one years of age and hare suffered a great deal from indigestion. I can eat almost an thing I want to now. Gko. W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by all druggists. Resolution of Condolence. Flagstaff lodge No. 409, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, at their last regular meeting passed the fol lowing resolutions: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, the Grand Exalted Ruler of the Universe, Giver of Life and Death, In his all seeing wisdom, to take from its earthly tenement, the soul of our most worthy and dearly beloved broth er, Michael J. Kennedy. Whereas, By his death Flagstaff lodge No. 409, B. P. O. Elks has lost one of its noblest and most exemplary members "He is gone, but his memory llveth, And though dead his example is here: The sweetness and fragrance it glvelh Will linger for many a year." Therefore, Bo It Resolved, That we do most sincerely mourn his sud den and untimely death; that this lodge extend to his family its sincere sympathy in their great affliction. Furthermore, Be It Resolved, That the charier of this lodge be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days as a token of our grief, and these res olutions be spread upon our minutes, published in the city papers and a copy be sent to his relatives. Committee: L. W. Huinlan, J. E. RUFF1N, E. S. Miller. Working Dy and Night. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, Hit lessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful In building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by all druggists. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Carters household ink in colors, violet, red, blue and green, five cents per bottle. Sun stationery depart ment. Tho first snow-fall of the yoar oc curred yesterday to the depth of 4.20 Inches and tho weather bureau reports good Indications for further storms. Warren Isenberg of St. Louis de sires to locate Charles Tilson, who is supposed to bo in this section of Ari zona, as he has a small fortune await ing him. Tho week of prayer services will close on Sunday evening, the 10 Inst., by a union sorvlco held in the M. E. church at the regular hour of evening service. All are cordially Invited to attend this service. E. S. Gosnoy left yesterday for Portland, Oregon, to attend tho ses sion of the National Live Stock asso ciation which meets in that city next week. Mrs. Gosney and the children accompanied him as far as Needles where they will remain until the return of Mr. Gosney. The young ladies of Flagstaff gave a New Year's ball at McMillan hall last night which was the event of the social season. There was a large at tendance and the young men now know that the joung ladies can con duct an affair of this kind without a single thing occurring to mar the pleasure of the occasion. The hall was handsomely decorated and a largo number of invited guests en joyed the evening. H. C.HIbben, Geo. Babbitt, T. A.' Rickel, Wm. Switzer, L. W. Quinlan, M. T. Black, A. Keisler, C. M. Funs- ton, C. T. Portz, wife and Miss Portz, R. A. Ferguson, G. T. Harrington and wife, Fenton Jones, Miss Julia Manning, J. S. Amundsen and Harper King attended the Navajo medicine dance on Tuesday night, north of An gel. Harry Hlbben has the details of tho dance to perfection and is able to go through the mazes of tho dance as well as to sing tho songs of the Nav ajo. " Tho following pupils of the gram mar department of the Emerson high school were neither tardy nor absent daring the last school month: Mar ion Aubinoau, Josie Bassctt, Buna Bayless, Laura Barker, Marguerite Fulton, Donald Haffly, Cella Aikins, Glenn Haffly, Alice Taylor, Gussle Treat, Emma Newman, Leo Quay and Maude Brooks. The following pupils of tho fourth grade were neither tardy nor absent: Ruby BaylesB, Flora Jensen, Edith Lamport and Karl Husst. There were no tardies in the fourth. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Henry P. Culllnan, deceased. Notice U hereby given by the undersigned, M. J. Klordan, executor of the estate of Henry P. Culllnan. deceased, to the creditors ot and all persons having claims against the said de ceased, to exhibit tbem, with the necessary Touchers, within four monthsjafter the first publication ot this notice, to the said M. J. Itlordan, executor, at Flagstaff, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of the Dullness of said estate, in said County of Coconino. M. J. Riohdan, Fxecutorot the estate of Henry P. Culllnan, deceased. Dated Flagstaff, Arizona, this 23d day of De cember, 1903. Land Oaen Tor Settlement United States Land Office. I Prescott, Arizona, Dee. 24, IBM. f Notice la hereby given that plats of the sur veys of the following townships, Town. 21 N. R. 9 K, Town. 22 N. R. 9 E , Town. 23 N. R. 9 E., hare been received at this office and will be of ficially Bled Jan. 28, 19W, on and after which date we will be prepared to receive and act on applications to make entries in said township. na s. hildbkth, Register. J. M. W. Moork, Receiver. K-St 1 1IIH' r oil i: I VLHaaH bbbbbbbbbbbbbV BaSBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBU Is undoubtedly the simplest engine made, has fewer parts and furnishes more power from the same weight of metal than any other motor on earth. Its manifold uses, its great simplicity, its economical maintenance and Its uniform durability and reliability under all conditions demand for it the first place among the engines of the day. Will run anything from the smallest plant in existence where motive power is required to the largest factory. Its uses are co-existent with the demand for an engine large or small and of any horse-power or mag nitude required. It can be readily em ployed anywhere, at all times; tn all climes; in the country as well as in the city. Its sole motive power, as stated, is ordinary kerosene oil, readily obtain able anywhere. IiMomI Power Vekicle Co.. STAMrORD, CONN. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, gereral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol sures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive aropertles. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not :nly cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stOTiach. Mr. 3 S B0I. of Ravenswood. W. Vs.. ssys: I was trouble with sour stomach for twenty yesri Ki''. cured me and we ire now using it In milk IvT wby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Eottlesonly. Jl 00 Size holding 2K times the trial size, which set.' for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. DeW 'T & OO., OHIOAOO BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjnjra Traoc Marku Desionb COPYRIGHTS dtC. Anyone nenrting a sketch and description may in in1 in snencf for securing twtei Patents tskon tbrousb Munn A Co. re quickly lurartnln our oiitninn free whether sii tliveniinn II prnnsDiy pnieiunnin. tlniu strictly ftniadenthd. HANDBOOK' sent free. Oldest speiicy for securing iits. receive tateiat notice, without charts. In the Scientific flimrkatt A hsndeomely nhwtrstM weekly. foreest eb eolation 4f any srtenilno lonrnal. Terms, 13 a voir t four months,!. Bold by all newsdealers. Branch ornot, m Bt Washington, D. 0. FLAGSTAFF ASSAY' OFFICE, A. E. DOUGLASS, Flagstaff, Arizona. Office hours 11 a. m. to.J2 m. AGENTS FOR MININQ MACHINERY. PATENTS HAZARD A-HARPHAM Los Anlelea. Send for free book. I t - VJOT; Tr :y"u75' w; w? T& 58ffi!ffiEJTTr,,?TOn