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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
J ! ", ' fi ft-,9Sef" ,. ., .1 aST,Jr w,MiljilijHIilii '1 'l& i iiTt" S""!F v"11 migwmuWf HIT COCONINO SUN. LOCAL BREVITIES. C. W. nerndon, of Prescott, spent several days hero this week. For Hunt Pour room furnished house. Apply at this otlice. 8 Eastman kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices at Babbitts'. Ten different shapes and styles of tally cards at SUN stationary depart ment. E. S. Gosney loft yesterday for Phoenix to look after his sheep inter ests in that vicinity. For a reliable examination of the eyes see Dr. Munson at Hotel Weath ford February 10th, 11th and 12th. Leave your orders for J. S. Wright's express with B. Hoch. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone 7U. Tho -'Beats All" lead pencil, two for live cents, tho best lead pencil ever sold for tho price. Sun station ery department. M. W. Uico left Thursday for Los Angeles, where he has secured a po sition in the mechanical department of the Los Angeles Examiner. J. C. Wasson, of Phoenix, spent Sunday hero on his way to Albuquer que, N. M. Mr. Wasson was for soverul years principal of our public sohools and still has a great liking for Flagstaff and its people. Ed. Grunsfcld, manager for tho Equitable Life Assurance Society for New Mexico and Arizona, with head quarters in Albuquerque, spent a day hero this week, leaving for Prescott yesterday. Ho is on his annual in spection of agencies in Arizona and expects to be in the territory for tho next four weeks. William Henry Merrill died at tho Locketl ranch on Tuesday of gan grene of the lungs, which followed an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Merritt was born in Jackson county, Mis souri, was unmarried and 53 years old and came here about four years ago and engaged in ranching. Two brothers residing here mourn his loss. Tho funeral took placo Wednesday from tho home of deceased, Itov. Geo. Logio performing the last sad rites. Tho following pupils of tho Gram mar Department of the Emerson High School wfcre neither tardy nor absent during tho last school month: Mar ion Aubineau, Josie Bassett, Buna Bayless, Laura Booker, Ruth Has kins, Cell a Aikins, Alico Taylor, Gussie Treat, Leo Quay and Win. Compton. The following pupils of tho Fourth grade were neither tardy nor absent: Huby Bayless, Flora Jensen, Edith Lamport and Karl Kurst. I Ajrfver thcNWcst they wear Levi Strauss cCtfs Copper-riveted Over alls,, lftwl Buy a Brownio kodak, $1, at Bab bitt Bros. A stock of Buttcrick patterns at Babbitt Bros', dry-goods depot. 23tf Born In Flagstaff on February 4, 1004, to tho wife of Wm. Mclntire, a son. Tho A. L. & T. Co. havo decided to dismantle their mill at Greenlaw's camp. Parties desiring cedar posts in any quuntity can bo supplied by address ing tho Sun office. 28tf For Rent Two housekeeping rooms and one unfurnished house. Apply to Mrs. Mayflower. 0 Twelve hundred excursionists from Phoenix, Tempo and Mesa visited Florence"bn Sunday. Dr. D. J. Brannen returned Wed nesday from a month's visit to San Francisco anfl other California cities. Mrs. Geo. Babbitt entertained the bowling club members of the Coco nino Commercial club Thursday even ing. ' Carters household ink in colors, violet, red, blue and green, five cents per bottle. Sun stationery depart ment. Firo Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. Mrs. W. H. Carroll returned from Chicago, where she had been for sev eral weeks past undergoing medical treatment. R. Edmunson, manager of the McCormick Gold Cure Institute, .re turned Thursday and will remain here during tho year. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ITEMS. J. C. Grim loft Tuesday for south ern California to try tho virtues of some one of tho hot springs in that state for an attack of rheumatism. Tho services in the Methodist church tomorrow will be as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. Epworth League at (5:30 p. m. and at 7:30 song service will take the placo of preaching. There will be nnthems by the choir, quartettes, solos, etc., but tho singing by the congregation will be a principal feat ure of tho service. A general invita tion is extended to all who are not engaged in the services of the other churches in tho community. During the evening the pastor will sing "Tho Battle Hymn of tho Saints" with chorus by tho audience. Bowllni Contest, Tho final games of the bowling con test of tho Coconino Commercial club closed Saturday night. Tho contest was attended by a largo number of enthusiastic members and as their favorite bowler made successful scores thoy applauded him lustily. The winners of the final contest have ac cepted a challenge from the losing team and the game will bo played to night. Tho following is tho score of the players in the game of Saturday night: Ave. Blair 102 179 140 142 163J Sliker 174 133 198 190 1731 Rains 184 133 178 147 1601 550 445 51G 479 Total pins, 1988. Devine 133 201 182 158 1081 Powers 137 131 165 160 1491 Babbitt 130 156 171 168 157 400 488 518 492 Total pins, 1898. Every person in town ought to bo connected with a Sunday School and may bo if he will. Are you? The subject of the morning sermon next Sunday will bo "Your Respon sibility for Your Brother's Life." The evening subject will be especially for young people, "The Church's Message to Young People. The Im portance and Value of the Spiritual." Everyone cordially welcome at these services. At the Young People's meeting next Sunday evening, tho general topic will be "Jesus in Galilee." The following is the proposed program: Review of last Sunday's lesson. Sketch, "The Land of Galilee." Quartet, "Galilee." Jesus at Nazareth and the Sea Shore. Luke 4:14; 5:1-11. All members aro requested to read over the Scripture passages before coming to the meeting. At tho meeting of tho Board of Trustees recently held, F. C. Reid was re-elected Chairman of the Board and Dr. W. P. Sipe was chosen as Secretary and Treasurer. If you are behind on your subscription, Dr. Sip is the proper person to make payment to. Relief In One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes tho affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by D. J. Brannen. Andy Herndon has received a check from the Equitable Assurance Society for $11,147.04, part of the amount carried in that company by tho late H. J. Allen, who committed suicide at Jerome recently, says the Jerome News. Hive You Indirection? If you have Indigestion, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure will cure you. It has cured thousands. It is curing people every day every hour. You owe it to yourself to give it a trial. You will continue to suffer until you do try it. There is no other combination of digestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by D. J. Brannen. Traveling on the Limited" a is a necessity with many busi ness men, to whom time is money. To many others "The Lim ited" is attractive on account of its exclusiveness, fast time and fine appointments. They will ingly pay for the luxury and elegance found on this superb train. It Is the standard of ex cellence in railway service. Which way? Oh! Santa Fe GOSNEY & PERKINS' NOT INCORPORATED Flagstaff, Arizona. We invite the banking business of the public, and promise to each patron the greatest liberality con sistent with conservative banking principles. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. F. W. Perkins, Cashier. E. S. Gosnev, Manager. XZL isdH Y. JFa am a I irirli AJd NU t eur , veers Ends" "Ay Sir, we have It at our finger's ends." Shakespeare. That's just where we have this op tical business of ours right at our finger's ends. Just a little ahead and never behind that's the secret of our success. In this day of defective sight, neither youngorold should wearglasses unless fitted by one who has all the details of the science right at his finger's ends. We are experts, thoroughly familiar with the eye and its needs. I will be at the Hotel Weatherferd. Thursday, Friday and tHI 10 A. M., Sat urday, the llth, 12th and 13th. I am permanently located in Phoenix and will make regular trips to Flag staff. DR. E. MUNSON. Successor to DR. CEO. B. PRATT. FLAGSTAFF UNDERTAKING PARLORS ED. WHIPPLE. Mmiftr and Eatilmer. A fun stock of BB-to-date- and- METALLICS CASKETS. m m m m m A larire assortment of Burial Robes for men, women and chil- J ln. J . m JJ East Aspen Ave., m FLAGSTAFF. ' ' ARIZONA. 5 J S. CLARK, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Prescott, - - Arlwjna. It. JOHN E. ADAMS. D Office and residence: Postofttee Dldg. Office hours: 10 to 11 a. m.; 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 44, or TUnerhoff's drug store No. 68. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet Is enough for usual occas ions. The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them -59am