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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
nfciiAtiiriii riiiniiiMilwfcmiii'.iniAau r-mlW.i 3 v, ,'. fH7 AMlMrit fftulr- Hmilirtttii a 1 'j J . Ti COCONINO SUN. & '" Jit W" , he octmino mi. Entered In the PostoIMce at Flagstaff a seconJ class matter. Issued eery Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a Tear, In advance. Every paper Is stopped at the expiration of the time paid (or. C. M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, February 13, 1904. Electric railroads, comparatively a new thing, are capitalized at twice the amount of the bonded debt of the United States. President Roosevelt wants his nomi nation to come from the people in stead of the politicians. We can't blame him, since ho will have to de pend on the people to elect him. We give ourselves credit for being very clever In this twentieth century, and, in the lino of invention, some wonderful things have been done, but, as smart as we are, we are only copy ing some things done more than a thousand years ago. So far as his tory goes, the Egyptians were the first inventors. They had incubators and hatched chickens artificially thous ands of years before America was discovered. They knew the embalm ing business better than we have ever been ablo to learn it and were able to temper copper, an art which is en tirely lost to us. They understood agriculture remarkably well and raised as good crops as can be pro duced now. We are finding out some things that have been forgotten for centuries. In no calendar year in the history of this country have our exports foot ed up to the amount that they did in the jear that has just been brought to a close. The nearest approach was the calendar year of 1900, when our exports were about 87,000,000 less in value than during the year 1903. The gains made during the past year were in the last three months of the year. The exports of $174,734,000 for the month of December formed the great est trade record that has ever been made in this country in any single month, while the three months to gether, showing exports to the value of nearly $500,000,000, are also un paralleled in our past record. Our import trade was also larger in value than that of any previous year, foot ing up in round numbers $995,000,000. So much has been heard of Russia's lumbering interests in Manchuria, Siberia and Sakhalin, and of the efforts of the companies on the Yalu river to enter into competition with the lumber trade of the Pacific coast, that especial interest will attach to a report on the subject made by Henry D. Miller, United States consul at Niu-Chwang. It is evident that con siderable progress has already , been made, and that while the pine being handled at Port Arthur is not equal to the Oregon product, it is good enough for the common markets of China, and will be accepted for most purposes. Most of the supply is now driven or rafted down tho Yalu and Is brought thence In Chinese junks. The Russian sawmill at the mouth of this river is the third largest In the world. Shipments ana also being made from Vladivostok to Port Arthur, Dalny (Ta-Llen-Wan) and Niu-Chwang. Mr. Miller is of the opinion that Russia intends to provide for all the require ments of lumber in Manchuria and Siberia, with a possibility of entering the Chinese market. Republican Territorial Convention. Phoenix, Arizona, January 28, 1904. Tho republicans of tho Territory of Arizona aro hereby called to meet in delegato convention in tho city of Tucson on Tuesday, March 8th, 1904, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tho purpose of electing six delegates and six alter nates to attend and represent said ter ritory at the national republican con vention, to bo held in tho city of Chi cago, in tho state of Illinois, on the 21st day of Juno, 1904, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come beforo said con vention. The basis of representation of the soveral counties in said convention will bo ono delegato for every fifty votes cast at the last general election for Hon. Robert E. Morrison, for del egate to congress and ono additional delegate for each fraction ovor twenty five. Such delegates shall bo chosen not less than three days beforo tho assembling of said territorial conven Hon, either by primary election, or in such other manner as tho county republican central committee of the respective counties may determine. Upon tho foregoing basis, the ap portionment will be as follows: County. Morrison No. Vote. Delegates. Apache 350 7 Cochise 1157 23 Coconino .583 12 Gila 409 8 Graham 753 15 Maricopa 1599 32 Mohave ....292 6 Novajo 320 7 Pima 940 19 Pinal 254 5 Santa Cruz 259 5 Yavapai 1960 39 Yuma 351 7 Total number of delegates 185 By order of tho Committee, W. P. Nichols, Chairman. H. R. Tiutlk, Acting Secretory Republican Terri torial Central Committee. Republican County Convention. Flagstaff, Ariz., Feb. 13, 1904. A delegate convention of the Re publicans of Coconino county is here by called to meet at the court house in Flagstaff, Arizona, on Saturday, February 27, for the following pur pose: The selection of twelve delegates to the territorial convention to be held in Tucson, Arizona, March 8, 1904, which territorial convention will se lect delegates to the National Repub lican convention, to be held in the city of Chicago, State of Illinois, on the 21st day of Juno, 1904. For tho transaction of such other business as may regularly come bo foro tho convention. Tho basis of representation in this county will bo one delegato for each twenty votes or fraction thereof cost for Hon. Robert E. Morrison for del egate to congress at the November election of 1902. Upon this basis the several precincts of Coconino county aro entitled to delegates as follows: Morrison No. Precinct Vote. Delegates. Flagstaff 315 10 Williams 175 9 Maine 24 2 Bellemont 10 1 Mormon Dary... 8 1 Tuba City 14 1 Ryan 4 1 Fredonia 10 1 Grand View 6 1 Bright Angel.... 5 1 Total 34 No precinct shall bo represented In n imi THAT we have recently added a complete stock of all kinds of Blank Books, etc., in fact everything usually carried in a first class stationery store. Pacific Letter Files, Letter Trays, Typewriter Supplies, Waste Baskets, Letter Presses, Challenge Eyelet Presses, Postal Scales, Cash Boxes, Rubber Stamp Pads, Fancy Gold Pens, Waterman's Fountain Pens, Inks, Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, etc We invite your patronage. PoHock Block. announcements, TOWN ELECTION. MONDAY, APRIL, 4, 1904. for Marshal. I herebv announce my candidacy for the office of marshal of the town of Flagstaff, subject to the action of the voters at the polls on election day, Monday, April 4, 1904. W. C. Bayless. I hereby announco my candidacy for the office of town marshal of Flag staff, subject to the decision of the voters at tho town election to be held Monday, April 4, 1904. Jeff Thompson. For Supervisor of Streets. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Supervisor of Streets of the town of Flagstaff subject to the decision of the voters at their town election to be held Monday, April 4, 1904. John O. Haiuiinqton. said convention except by a bona lido resident thereof. Primaries' will be held In tho above named precincts on Saturday, Feb ruary 20, 1904, and members of the local comrrittees of the respective .pre cincts are, 'requested to arrange for the holding o( such primaries. By order of the Republican Central Committee. T. J. Coalter, C. O. Rohinson, Chairman. Secretary. An Early Riser. A strong, healthy, active constitu tution depends largely on tho con dition of the liver. The famous little pills known as DeWltt's Little Early Risers not only cleanse tho system but they strengthen the action of the liver and rebuild the tissues support ing that organ. Little Early Risers aro easy to act, they never gripe and yet they are absolutely certain to pro duce results that are satisfactory in all cuses. Sold by D. J. Brannen. 2Cti0tu Stationery Dept Traveling on the "Limited" is a necessity with many busi ness men, to whom time is money. To many others "The Lim ited" is attractive on account of its cxclusiveness, fast time and fine appointments. They will ingly pay for the luxury and elegance found on this superb train. It is the standard of ex cellence in railway service. Which way? Oh! Santa Fe Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of sulcldo had been discov ered will interest many. A run down system or despondency invariably precede suicide and something has been found that will prevent that con dition which make suicide likely. At tho first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. Its also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney Regulator. Only 50c. Satis faction guaranteed by all Druggists. Open for Settlement Department of the Interior, ) United States Land Office. J Prescott, Arizona, Feb, 1, 1904. Notice is hereby given that plats of tho following townships Tp. 23 N. R. 9 E., Tp. 24, N. 9 E., Fractional Tp. 19, R. 2 E. have been received at this office and will be officially filed Feb ruary 29, 1904, on and after which date wo will be prepared to receive and act on application to make en tries in said townships. Fen S. Hildreth, Register. J. M. W. Moore, Receiver. j I.