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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
COCONINO SUN. RAILROAD BUILDING. The Arliona Southern and the Line West j from Wlckenfeurf. Mr. V. M. Murphy returned Mon day morning from the mines of the Imperial Copper company and left this morning for the north. He will .top ai Congres before returning to Prescott. While in the south Mr. Murphy aUo isltcd Tombstone and inspected the properties in which ho is interested there. Ho was accom panied to the Imperial Copper com pany's mines by President E. B. Gage, Mr. W. F. Staunton and Mr. Charles K. Murphy. Speaking of the Arizona Southern railroad, to be built from Red Rock to the mines, and of which mention was made yesterday by the Republi can in a dispatch from Tucson, and on which work was begun yesterday, Mr. Murphy said that the road would be compleled within three months and probably within two months. He believes that the properties of the Imperial will be developed into one of the great mines of the territory. One reason that the development has not already taken place is that the re gion has not been sufficiently access ible, but the chief reason is that there has not been until now a strong or ganization in possession of those rich properties. There aro now about seventy-five men employed there and the force will be increased as fast as room can be made for a larger number of men. The completion of the Arizona South ern will greatly facilitate the develop ment. Speaking of the Arizona California & Santa Fe, that is, tho road which is going to be built west from Wicken burg, Mr. Murphy said that ho would leavo for the east shortly but that be fore he left the territory work would be begun on that line. Republican. Wool Buyers Buy. About 250,000 pounds of wool was purchased by the wool buyers at Mesa Saturday. Most of the day had been spent In dickering and it was not thought until quite late in tho evening that there would be much soiling, as tho buyers seemed a littlo tame, but later In tho evening tho prices began to come up to the sellers' anticipation and in a few moments 250,000 pounds of wool changed hands. The price is a little lowor thfs year than last, as the prices paid then were from 14 to IG cents, while this voar they ranged from 13lc to 13c, one of tho Scott boys getting tho top price for his lot of spring lambs' wool. A number of wool owners were still not satisfied with the prices and will ship one consignment to Boston. Thoso not soiling were Wilbur & Mullin, Owens and John Nelson. An Early fClier. A strong, healthy, active constltu tution depends largely on the con dition of tho liver. Tho famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers not only cleanso the system but they strengthen ihe notion of tho liver and rebuild tho tissues support ing that organ. Little Early Risers are easy to act, they never gripe and yet they are absolutely certain to pro duce results that aro satisfactory in all cases. Sold by D. J. Brannen. Death of Wm. f. Hull. The Prescott Herald of tho 10th in stant sajs: Wm. F. Hull died this morning at the Prescott House after an illness of several dajs. Ho came In from the Iron King mine suffering with a se vere cold and was advised to go to bed and call a physician. Pneumonia soon took a strong hold upon him and he gradually become worse till at 1 o'clock this morning, when he passed away. Deceased was well known all over this part of the coun try Ho was of a sunny dis position, liberal to a fault and num bered his friends by the score. Ho was a member of several fra ternal societies and grand master workman of Blanchard lodge No. 20, A. O. U. W. Philip Hull, the father of the deceased, died a short time past, and was a well known sheep nan near Williams. A brother Joe resides near Sellgman. He has been notified and is expected to arrive here this afternoon. Another brother, Frank, is hero in The fu neral will take place tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock from Logan's un dertaking parlors under tho auspices of the A. O. U. W. A Curs for Eczema. My baby had eczema so bad that its head was a solid mass of scabs, and Its hair all came out. I tried many remedies but none seemed to do any permanent good until I used De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The Ec zema Is cured, the scabs are gone and the little one's scalp is perfectly clean and healthy, and its hair is growing beautifully again. I cannot give too much praise to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Frank Farmer, Bluff City, Ky. In buying Witch Hazel Salve look out for counterfeits. DoWitt's is the original and tho only one con taining pure Witch Hazel. Tho name E. C. DeWltt & Co. is on every box. Sold by D. J. Brannen. A Beautiful Valentine. St. Valentine's greeting to all who love to snuggle close to Nature's heart a beautiful creation In water color, with a handsome 1904 bicycle girl for its center, her bloom of rosy health happily blending with the sun shine of an opening spring. If you want ono free, just drop postal to Pope Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. HEALTH MI doVt think wa txrald keep hoai without Thedford's Black Draught. Wa hare used It In the famllv fororer two years with the belt of results. I have not had a doctor in the home for that length of time It Is a doctor In itself and always ready to make a penon well and iappy."-JAMKS HALL, Jack sonville, III. Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor ates the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys No Doctor is necessary in the home where Thedford's Black-Draught it kept. Families living in the country, miles from any physi cian, have been kept in health for years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford's Black -Draught cures bilious ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health. THEDFORD'S BLACK- DRAUCHT r. A. tlOIDAN. Art-Vac U.J. flOSDAN.Stcniur F.W. SISSON. Titmmt. ARIZONA li UJMREP AND TTMRFP 1 COMPANY. ' . mm 1 ' i ' nuauuetartr or . "mtmstMM- Native Pine Lumber, i i s i ? ; ! Props, Stulls, Boxes, Uth, ! ';' Piling, Shingles, !; ; Ties, Lagging. Sasb and Doors. !; ' Flagstaff, Arizona, ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK, ' FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Drafts Sold Upon all For eign Countries. We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative terms. T. E POLLOCK, President T. J. POLLOCK, Vice President. C. O. ROBINSON, Cashier. '-I- y?sc for VAWTEH rCAfiHATIOH; THEY ARE THE BEST EVER. Tf vour florist or dealer does I " " .. .. . . .!.,. I not sell them sena icasn wiuii order) direct to the grower. E. J. VAWTER Wholesale Florist and Jobber ot Florists' Supplies 1 No. 622 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Cl. COaRtSPONDtNCC IRVITCD FHOM BOTH OKOWCm Or AND DEALERS IN CUT fLOWCR. B. HOCK, Nm.viui" Stationery News Stand FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits and Confectionery. ItAILriOAD AVENUE. ' ' tb i .1 . BARRON, 3t MERCHANT TAILOR, jc ' jc flagstaff: r' San Francisco Ssafti A-3i ' " 4 WS i .V S- t rw M "''imttmUmM