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Newspaper Page Text
jfflEffiift'fir - 6 COCONINO SUN. SOLDIERS EAT BEANS. Company I and Their Mends Cat. Dance and Enjoy Themselves. Company I sprung another surprise on their friends in tho way of an army bean supper at the Bank Hotel hall last Saturday night. Whilo their friends expected a good time, they were royally entertained by the blue coats. The G. A. R. members of Ransomo post and Rough Riders were their especial guests of honor. The hall was splendidly decorated with the national colors, with several stands of arms scattered about the hall in prominent places to give a life a life-like setting to the scene. Tables were spread from one end of tho hall to the other with "old glory" waving over fair forms and the hoary seers of wars of years passed. Tho hall was filled with people and tho tables were filled with army rations. Dr. Brannen, or rather Captain Brannen, surgeon of the First regi ment, was called upon to respond to a toast to Abraham Lincoln and did so In nu eloquent manner, detailing tho honest, homely life of tho great man, from his lowly station in youth, his gradual raise by perseverance and brain power to the greatest position within the gift of the American people. His address was interesting and in structive from beginning to end and wound up amidst applause of approv al.. Others were called upon and made short talks. The entertainment was also inter spersed witli enjoyable music, and at the conclusion of .toasts Jack Butler favored the guests with one of his inimitable recitations, which was so good that the audience refused to let him off until he had given them another. This part of tho entertainment wound up by a squad drill with the new magazine rifles, which pleased the old veterans very much and ex cited tho admiration of Company I's friends. At the conclusion of tho drill mess call was sounded and beans and beans and beans wero served hot and de licious to over 100 people, Just to settle things tho evening was wound up with a dance, which lasted until 1 o'clock. Company I may well feel proud of their achievement, and as tho people become better and better acquainted with tho organization tho more respect and admiration they have for them and their work. Tho company is composed of a gen tlemanly lot of young fellows, who by their earnest efforts and hard work are endeavoring to make Company I the best company in the regiment, and a company that Flagstaff should ap preciate and be proud of. Thoy need and are deserving of tho assistance and encouragement of the people here. Slurring remarks, thoughtlessly spoken, and calling them "tin sol diers" shows little esteem for the United States on the part of thoso making them, for tho old veterans, now grizzly and bent, were once just what these boys are now. The same thoughtless ones used tho same epi thets to them as thoy marched away In the 00's. The National Guard is now a part of tho regular army and all general orders of the regular army are Issued to them by the adjutant general. End of Bitter Flaht. "Two physicians had a loug and stubborn fight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J. P. Hughes, of DuPont, Ga., "and gave mo up. Everybody thought my timohad come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Tho benefit I received was striking and I was on ray feet in a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It conquers all coughs, colds and throat and lung Troubles. Guaranteed by all Drug Stores. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. LETTER LIST. Tuesday's storm was a peculiar one for this time of the year. It snowed on the peaks and soaked Flagstaff with a good rain. List of letters remaining in tho post office, uncalled for, for the week end ing February 20, 1904: Copoland, R Candler, LC Daniel, C V Hope, Cute Howard, Lehl Jones, R C Martin, John Worshell, C K, 2 MKXICAN LIST. Aragone, Mariano Cano, Bonifacio Giron, Jesus Gurule, Jno C Fajardo, Vlcento Jaramillo,Alnuario When Inquiring for the abovo mail, please say "advertised." T. J. COALTKK, P. M. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Vnequaled for Con stipation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent drug gist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are, in my judgment, tho most superior preparation of anything in use today for constipation. They aro sure in action and with no tendency to nauseate or gripe. For sale by all druggists. Why rirst Voters Should be Protectionists is the title of the first document of the campaign of 1004, issued by the American Protective Tariff League. One copy free to any applicant. Send postal card request. Ask for Docu ment No. 45. Address W. P. Wake- man, General Secretary, 339 Broad way, New York, N. Y. Another Case oCHtieumatlrm Cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tho efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in tho relief of rheumatism Is being demonstrated dally. Parker Trlplett, of Grlgsby, Va., says that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gavo him permanent relief from rheumatism In tho back when everything else failed, and he would not bo without it. For sale by all druggists. To the Public. Felt paper on your room is equal to plastering, is much cheaper and more durable. I am the originator of the citing process and use a special pas to which Is free from objectionable odor. My Imitators not knowing what to use resort to the use of ill smelling paste and glue. The felt to bo of ser vice must bo put on right and I am the only paper hanger in tho" city that will guarantee my work. J. Backman. Have You Indigestion? If you have Indigestion, Kodol Dys pepsia Curo will euro you. It has cured thousands. It is curing peoplo every day every hour. You owe it to yourself to give it a trial. You will continue to suffer until you do try it. There is no other combination of digestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by D. J. Brannen. What Are They? Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. A new remedy for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipa tion, and a good one. Price 2.) cents. For salo by all druggists. MMMMMMMMM SAVE $17 It may be done by the travelea who wishes to economize and takes a Santa Fe tourist sleeper to Chicago. These sleepers are very comfortable and furnished with same class of bed ding, toilet conveniences, etc., as first class sleepers. They are 'accompanied by Pullman conductors and porters and are carried every day on regular overland trains. Three times a week, Personally Con ducted cars are run. AsloSattta Fc agent for a copy of booklet, TO THE EAST IN A TOURIST SLEEPER. GOING EAST HWM i mourn t on mm lBRH sunn i nosi LLmtWI TfcaMwZPQgnyM "S? ,SesSfTsfl jJt GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE -jrv4aaavu,TBaaHv Trade Dccicns Copyrights cT.c. Anrnne ending a nketrh and dscrtnMnn mar (.ulcblr h' erlnlu onr opinion free wlicUier a.i liiTnntinn 10 prnhnbly pntentiM Communlrju tlniuMHctlyrniitkleiitral. HANDBOOK onl'ntcnta eut free. OMrst nifenr for pccurintr patent 1. I'ntciita takvn through Muun ft Co. recelre tptctal notice, without chnriio, lutlia Scientific American. A handsomely lllnatntM wpcWf. irpest etr. culallou of any wientltiii Journal. Terms, S3 renr: four months, JL Sold by all newsdealera. BUNN &Co.3i-r.NewYort Branch Offlce. CS V BU Washington, D. C NOW IN ITS 39th YEAR The leading mining jicriodical of tlie world, with the strongest editorial stair of any technical publication. Subscription 15.M a year (including U. S., Canadian, Mexican postage. I Sample copy free. Send for Book Catalogue. The Engineering and Mixing, Journal 21 Braaiwty, New York Is undoubtedly the simplest engine made, has fewer parts and furnishes more power from the same weight of metal than any other motor on earth. Its manifold uses, Ha great simplicity, its economical maintenance and its uniform durability and reliability under all conditions demand for it the first 'place among the engines of the day. Will run anything from the smallest plant in existence where motive power is required to the largest factory. Its uses are co-existent with the demand for an engine large or small and of any horse-power or mag nitude required. It can be readily em ployed anywhere, at all times; in all climes; in the country as well as in the city. Its sole motive power, as stated, is ordinary kerosene oil, readily obtain able anywhere. ional Pover Vehicle (o., STAMFORD, CONN. FLAGSTAFF ASSAY OFFICE, A. E. DOUGLASS, Flagstaff, . Arizona. Office hours II 11. m. to 13 m. AGENTS FOR MINING MACHINERY. PATENTS HAZARD &. HARPHAM Los Articles. Send for free book. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous- UG3.1, nciuacns, constipation. Da a bream, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of tne stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not enly cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles Ly clemslng. purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining 111: stomach. Mr. 3 S. Ball, of Rirenswood. W. V.. saya: 1 was troublel with sour rtomach tor twenty yer. Kc-I cured me and we si a now usinr. It In milk l.r iby. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Eottlescnly. $1.03 Size holdlnc2K times the trial s're. which ul, for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. OaW IT & OQ., OHIOAQO K9 For Drunk Carres- soednce Strictly CaotUesllil. I For Drunkenness, Opiim, Morphine tnd other Drug Using, IheTobaeco Habit and Neurasthenia. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Dwlsht, II' ure Z, fcv w !.' i. M A ' .j.