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,. -.yaffirffi ww iwi iPiiiwiiiniymiKhfrii mi mill wl'wlmai5rjfeft COCONINO SUN. he (Coconino nn. Entered In tho Postofflce at Flairttnff us second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars n ear. In aihnnco. Etcry paper Is stopped at the expiration of tho time paid for. C M. FUNSTON. Editor. Satukday, March 5, 1004. Fourteen American ofllcers have been detailed to study tho bloody s.cienco with tho armies of the east. They will bo guests of tho Mikado and tho Czar. The increase of our merchant ma rine was only a quarter as great last year as the jear before. This looks as if a ship subsidy bill would be found useful. Congressman Dick- of Ohio, a close friend and lieutenant of Senator Hanna, deceased, has been elected by tho Ohio legislature to the Iatter's seat in the United States senate. The 3,00O,0O0 worth of now Philip pine four percent bonds seem likely to bo taken with avidity. Thoy are issued in accordance with the policy "Tho Phillipines for the Filipinos." Tho Japanese seem to be able to take considerable military exercise, although their diet is confined to rice, greens and llsh. Perhaps it will be as well for civilized nations not to teach tho .Taps how to eat beefsteak. Akron, Ohio, to his present high and honorable position. In tho lower houso of congress he will bo succeed ed by Mr. E. L. Lampson, who has been lieutenant governor of Ohio and prominent in politics for tho last twenty years. As tho Buckeye stato goes so goes the rest of tho world I There is oven Republican harmony in New York stato and tho three great leaders, Gov. Odell and Senators Piatt and Depew, aro all agreed, and each is welcomo to tho conlldenco of tho president. Senator Depew is a candidate for re-election and there ap pears to be llttlo opposition. Else where in tho United States the Re publicans are confident' cheerful and united. Much regret is expressed over the news of tho serious Illness of Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, at his retreat in Florida. But if tho worst should prove true, his state is overwhelmingly Republican, and can be depended upon to vote, solid for the Chicago nominee. John Alexander Dowle's reception in Melbourne would seem to indicate that their feelings toward him have not changed during his absence. He has appealed to the American consul for protection from a mob that broke up his meetings, which he will here after hold behind locked doors. Tho bill introduced by the senate. this week increasing the salaries of the executive ofllcers of the govern ment and also tho senators and mem bers of tho houso provides as follows: President, JTo.OOO; vice-president, J15.000; speaker of the house, $12,000; members of tho cabinet, $15,000 eachf senators and members of tho house, 8,000 each. Tho bill provides that the new salaries shall not take effect till March 4, 1905. A great calm has fallen on Repub lican politicians since the death of Senator Hanna, and the soap-bubble character of tho various "booms" for president, other than the present oc cupant of tho white house, has been demonstrated. The president is mak ing no special effort to pick out a manager for the coming campaign; a manager hardly seems to be needed. Everything Is falling into place like clock-work. Mr. Dover, private sec retary to Senator Hanna, takes the place made vacant by tho resignation of Perry Heath, and for the present prominent Republicans will look after the larger Interests of the party. It Is now known that Senator Hanna had the most sincere friendship and the highest regard for tho president, and that he was not the man to carry a knife up bis sleeve. There is no longer a Foraker factional fight in Ohio; if there were any aspirants in that state for Hanna's vacant seat they have generously declined to come forward, and all are willing that Con gressman Dick should become the new senator. He is a man of much force of character, who has seen all sides of life, from being tho humblo keeper of a feed store in the little city of rCCDINO THE WORLD. The bureau of statistics, now con nected with the department of com merce, has given out tho figures for flour exports in 1003. Tho total is larger than for any preceding year, showing that America not only leads the world in raising wheat but in manufacturing it into form for the bread maker. In round numbers the total exports for 1003 reached 20,000, 000 barrels of 190 pounds per barrel Tho value of the flour exceeded that of any preceding jear, with the ex ceptions of 1892 und 1803, but tho quantity exported was materially loss. The exact number of barrels of flour exported from tho United States in the fiscal year 1903 was 10,"1(1,I34, valued at $73,75(1,404, while in 1893 the number of barrels was 10,620,339, but tho value was $75,494,347, prices of year being materially higher. Best Remedy for Constipation. "The finest remedy for constipation I ever used is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Mr. Eli Butler, of Frankvllle, N. Y. "They act gently and without any unpleasant effect, and leave the bowels In a per fectly natural condition." Sold by all druggists. Frank Tafty, an old-time miner and prospector, has made a very rich sil ver discovery about two miles south east of Chloride, west of the Minne sota mine. Tho lucky find was acci dental. Tafty was prospecting and by a mere scratch of a cropping un covered ore of valuablo richness, the ledge running two inches thick. It is estimated that tho ore will yield from 200 to 500 ounces of silver to tho ton. LOG BOOK JOTTINGS Nowhere in my travels have I found such comfort, courteous treatment and superb dining car service as on the California Limited. ARTHUR LETTS, Of Broadway Department Store, Los Angeles. Everything that conduces to the enjoyment and comfort of the traveler is provided on The California Limited. Have en joyed the trip amazingly. HOMER H. PETERS, San Diego. CALIF0R0IA LIMITED SANTA FE m m i z -r? Knew TTHAT we have recently added a complete stock of all kinds of Blank Books, etc., in fact everything usually carried in a first class stationer' store. Pacific Letter Files, Letter Trays, Typewriter Supplies, Waste Baskets, Letter Presses, Challenge Eyelet Presses, Postal Scales,, Cash Boxes, Rubber Stamp Pads, Fancy Gold Pens, Waterman's Fountain Pens, Inks, Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, etc. We invite your patronage. Pollock Block. SU)r Ghirnnitui utt. Stationery Dept. f -THE- DP. Ml QUID (If H Is now open at Flagstaff, Ariz., for the re ception of Inebriety neurosthenia patients. Our Specialty: Keely Relapses. NO CURE; NO PAY OUR MOTTO. The worst disease on earth is drunkeness and any doctor will tell you that it IS a disease. Any man on earth can be cured Without injury by this treatment, and we keep you cured as long as you live. Don't say "this is my last drunk," but come and be cured. If I don't cure you it costs you nothing. I am a cadet of this cure of nine years standing and know what it is to be a drunkard. R. EDMUNSON, Ceneral Manager. A drunkard and glutton shall come to poverty : Prov. xiii. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining In the post office, uncalled for, for the week end ing February 27, 1904: Biddlecomb, John Carroll, J S Carroll, Mrs A DeLong, R G Houck, S G McCanwell, Dan McLaughlin, Jas Palmer, Lilly Snyder, Geo Shaffer, J Crawford, Walter Ecolk, Marthol McGlothlln, Walt McLaughlin, C M Palmor, Lulu Ray, Tllman Stancel, Robt Train, Prank Wright, Ernest MEXICAN UST. Gutlerez, Nenepauseno Gonzales, Trelnto Lusero, Macsiman Lobato, Gregorlo Rodrlquez, Ines When Inquiring for the above mall, please say "advertised." T. J. COAITEH, P. M. tfSSe I2S&S OKING NOW IN ITS 39tb YEAR The leading mining periodical of the world, with the strongest editorial staff of any technical publication. Subscription KM a year (including U. S , Canadian, Mexican postage Sample copy free. Send fur llook Catalogue. Tub Engineering and Minim Journal Ml BnUwtj, New Vwk XNXVXVVVdSAVNV. g ins DisnuAMi Sudan abt sunn ! WHeatlet ( Sold In 2-lb packages by all leading Grocers, f Franklin Mills Co., Lockport, N. Y. V i 1 - i i x