Newspaper Page Text
6 COCONINO SUN. BEGINNING NEW SERIES. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1 Commercial Club Bowllnt Contest. Belln nlnf rebruary 27. February 27 To. Av. Rains 168 172 146 486 162 Portz 143 103 142 390 130 Perkins Ill 103 162 376 1251 Total pins. 12.52. G. Babbitt.... 149 144 180 482 160 Pollock 107 100 136 349 110 L. Verkamp.,104 109 92 305 101 Total pins, 1130. March 2 Blair 124 147 167 438 140 J. Verkainp...l90 101 160 451 150 Amvndson....l03 100 148 357 119 Total pins, 1246. Powers 144 192 160 496 105 A. Babbitt... 145 130 128 403 134 Quinlan 103 96 103 302 100 Total pins, 1201. Finals In ladies' contest by six high est bowlers will be bowled next week. WhM la Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in constipation, headache or liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. Its gentlo, jet thorough, Only 25o at all Drug Stores. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in the post office, uncalled for, for the week end ing February 27, 1904: BIddlecomb, John Carroll, J S Carroll, Mrs A Crawford, Walter DeLong, R G Ecolk, Marthel Houck, S G McGlothlin, Walt McCanwell, Dan McLaughlin, C M McLaughlin, Jas Palmer, Lulu Palmer, Lilly Rayl, Tilraan Snyder, Geo Stancel, Robt Shaffer, J Train, Frank Wright, Ernest MEXICAN LIST. Gutierez, Nenepauseno Gonzales, Treinto Lusero, Macsiman Lobato, Gregorio Rodriquez, Ines When Inquiring for the above mail, please say "advertised." T. J. Coalter, P. M. Harvey Colcord and Mr. J. W. Ellison, accompanied by his daugh ters Lena and Duett, came over from Ellison Tuesday. They were met here by Geo. W. P. Hunt, of Globe, and on Wednesday night a quiet wed ding took place at the home of Mrs. A. M. Boyer. Mr. Hunt and Miss Duett Ellison were the contracting parties, Judge Wattron officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt left Thursday morning on their wedding tour. They will visit points of interest in Old Mexico and also attend the St. Louis exposition before they return. Mrs. Hunt has numerous friends here who join the Argus in wishing them a long and happy life on the matrimonial sea. The following pupils of the Gram mar department of the Emerson High School were neither tardy nor absent during the last school month: Marlon Aubineau, Josie Bassett, Buna Bay less, Laura Booker, August Dletz man, Allln Greenlaw, Donald Haflly, Jane Malcolm, Alice Taylor, Gusslo Treat, Emma Newman, Hattie Isbell and Maude Brooks. The following of the Fourth grade were neither tardy nor absent: Charley Nickoll, Flora Jensen, Fannie Nickel and Karl Hurst. No pupil In the room was tardy during the month. , TOWN ELECTION, MONDAY, APRIL, 4, 1904. for Marshal. I hereby announce my candidacy for the offico of marshal of the town of Flagstaff, subject to the action of the voters at tho polls on election day, Monday, April 4, 1904. W. C. Bayuess. I hereby announco my candidacy for the office of town marshal of Flag staff, subject to tho decision of the voters at the town election to bo held Monday, April 4, 1904. Jeff Thompson. Tor Supervisor of Streets. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho office of Supervisor of Streets of the town of Flagstaff subject to the decision of the voters at their town election to be held Monday, April 4, 1904. John O. Hakuington. for Clerk. I hereby announco myself as a can didate for the office of clerk of the town of Flagstaff, and respectfully solicit tho support and endorsement for that office of tho voters of the city at the polls on Monday, tho 4th day of April, 1904. Larky W. Quinlan. Fred Allen, government agent at tho Navajo reservation, brought a "Poor Lo" to town under arrest this week for breaking into one or two post stores and incidentally trying to put an end to the earthly career of a neighbor by the primitive means of bow and arrow. It may bo Brother Johnson has been teaching him that classic poem, Who killed cock roblu? I says the sparrow. With my bow and arrow and tho inspiration prompted him to become u hero. Poor fellow, ho has taken quarters with the hospitable Sheriff Johnson. Rejection of all Bids. The interior department has reject ed all bids submitted several days ago for a supply of from 150,000 to 250,000 barrels of Portland cement to the government for the Salt river ir rigation project in Arizona. Tho action is the result of excessive prices submitted by the cement manu facturers, the department stating that first-class Portland cement can be manufactured at the dam site on Salt river from good materials at hand there for less than 93 a barrel. The following item Is taken from tho Sault Ste Marie, Mich., Evening News: "Mrs. C. N. Carr, of Algon quin, expects to leave the last of this month for Flagstaff, Arizona, where she intends to make her home. Mrs. Carr ha been taking care of tho Nease property at Algonquin, in which she owns an Interest, since Mr. Carr's death which occurred last Sep tember." Mrs. Carr is a niece of Mrs. D. J. Brannen, of this place and she expects her relative within the next ten days. John H. Page, of the Canyon Cop per company, was hero today on busi ness. W. C. Fisher, representing the Southwest Printers' Supply, of Los Angeles, is here today on one of his regular visits to the printers of Flag staff. Nice waste baskets, willow or wire. Sun office. TO THE EAST IN A TOURIST SLEEPER That's the title of a booklet that any Santa Fe agent will be glad to furnish you. Tells all about the comfortable way to travel on that Eastern trip. These sleepers run every day, and and on three days a week are Personally con ducted, Santa Fe Conductors accompanying them to look after lacies and children and the infirm, Berth rate in these sleepers is one-half the first-class. Santa Fe Is the way. NW Facts and Records About the Stallion Tobasco. Ills sire Lobnsco held the world' stallion race record. Lobasco's sire lirmont was tho grand sire nf Lord Urllllant, the great show horse, who has 410 blue ribbons to his credit, nnd whose owner refused t75,COO for him. Kgmonfs Hire Uelle mootwas kIvcd precedence oer all the stal lions In Kentucky, and his book tilled at I50 service fees at his death. He was the sire of Nutw iod, the champion sire of raio horses, and Fred Arthur. 2:lli Clara D, 3:ll. and his descendants, Pamlico, 2:10: 2:11; tho champion 2-year-old niley, pacer Vassar, 2 07: and that remarkable quintet of four-year-old IIIleys.aeon:laLej.2:12!: Ncnonellnc, tiU'i; Wistful, 2:13; Elfrlda. 2:I3'; nnd Hoselcnf, S.I4i. together with the two-jeur-old Illlcy LaUclle 2:18; tho pacing mare I.ullclle, 2.U9, and most sensational of all tho eh implon Pa cini; stallions, John R. Gentry, 2 03 llcllcmont'H sire Abdullah, was the tlrst horse to sire a 2:15 trotter, Goldsmith Maid, 2:14; world's record 1874. Ills treat grand son Cres ceus was the Urst trotting horse to lower tho two minute mark. 1903. Tobasco's dam by Saturn, 2005; by hatolllte.200, sire of Fred K. pacer, 2.00)i; Saturn, the sire of dam of Field mont, pacer, 2:U'4. These records prove th-U his family for thirty years has been In tho2:l& list. He Is the only stallion owned In Arizona to place a 2: 15 performer on an Arizona track. Cobre Grande, 2:I4H. Phoenix, Arizona, Janu ary 2, 1903. This horse will make tho season of 1901 nt the ranch of W. K. Itoss, eight miles south of Ilhoades, Arizona, for the service foes of $12 50 for season, or 25 to Insure a living colt. Pas ture furnished, without extra charge for marcs careful handling, but all accidents at owner's risk. I also own a registered herd of Shorthorn cattle and will sell calves at a price that will sae the freight from the large breeding farms In the east. These calves having the additional benefit of being acclimated, Intending pur chaser!) are cordially Invited to Investigate their certificates of registration, and satisfy themselves that they are procuring the best blood that money can buy. Address nil com munications to W. K. ROSS, Rheades, Arizona. FLAGSTAFF ASSAY OFFICE, A. E. DOUGLASS. Flagstaff, ... Arizona. Office hours 11 a. m. to 12 m. AGENTS FOR MINING MACHINERY. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijmrTH ' Tradc Marku DE81CM8 CiAttvniAUT Aft, Anrone sanding a nke'rti nd description mar nnlcklr iwerfiiln our opinion free whulicr an liiTeullnn la probably patentable. Coinnninlrii. MoiianlrlcllycoufldaiitlaL. HANDBOOK onl'ntiuu entfrea. Olileit agency for aecuring polenta. I'atenta takvn through Munn A Co. rccelra tpteiat notice, without charge. In the Scientific American, 1 .J...!. HlHaulaul tauirl T.aireaat. aHl. ft IlaWlUaTCIUIVIJ lllll"linir. wrr-ij. --. - - dilation of nr cientlilo Journal. lentil. 93 atfajlaalaaa TOUT J IllUr TOUIILIMff ia DWIUMJ14I ireCT"i MUNN ft Co seiBror. New York Branch Offlce. K T 8U Waahlngton. D. C. If troubled with weak digestion, belching or sour stomach, use Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets and you will get quick relief. For sale by all druggists. TUf MTlalllal IRffl OIL E1HE lHlBaaaaaaaUkll UltflHHn AJllBaaaVrjiK -IsaaaaaaaaaafltSkaW Is undoubtedly the simplest engine made, has fewer parts and furnishes more power from the same weight of metal than any other motor on earth. Its manifold uses, its great simplicity, its economical maintenance and its uniform durability and reliability under all conditions demand for it the first place among the engines of the day. Will run anything from the smallest plant in existence where motive power is required to the largest factory. Its uses are co-existent with the demand for an engine large or small and of any horse-power or mag nitude required. It can be readily cm ployed anywhere, at all times; in all climes; in the country as well as in the city. Its sole motive power, as stated, is ordinary kerosene oil, readily obtain able anywhere. imim Power Vehicle (o., STAMFORD, CONN. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaftaaaaaVi Tk5S kjNattjSKlllllW C ! aaTaaaaaamaw i JraBftBaWL, ai aaaaaaaaaa?laT'iStf!OcaWMaTJBaaaaaaaaV HflPBV2JjQvaHVfl7V'JJJJJJJJJJJj W at For Drunk Corrtt pooetece Strlcllr CaHUMtiil. I For Drunkenness, Opium, Korphlne end other Drug Using, theTobaeco Habit and Neurasthenia.. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Dwlght, IK ure - i v