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in r- r 11 in 1 Mill -'I) n --jBiM 'ifrTTirirrrrrTrirrr-nnii 1 -Tnrn-iTTninilMiMlM ! iiir rT-"-"r'' '' , Wffff'nBWHlffliwHIl ' EllHlBMfflwi '-W S '' Largest Weekly Circulation In Northern Arizona A Modern Prlntery tM dCdfr & ' 0ffidal stock paper of Northern & V$Wf m 0cmmm an ? - a m Fine Commercial Printing 'W FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 Number 28 - ffl Tfs "'ffii t W Volume XXIX T ir a; w A.- 4 & i; u 3 If I i, .1 1 "-tt FLAGSTAFF THE COMING NORTHERN ARIZONA METROPOLIS The Town Which Has More Advantages Better Prospects Than any Other in Northern Arizone ; Nature is a wonder worker. In fact the wonderful works of nature are the expression of a master mind, the manifestation of mar- velous power and master thought, are indisputable evidence of the designer. All nature bristles with vacation. the life and beauty of the creator, As a summer resort we are and with this thought in mind, the'ahead of any other section. Aside designer's expression of beauty fr0m the cljmatic conditions the and clever sense of harmony and natural attractions are a laree flove o the picturesque, the locality in which we live was no doubt one of the ideals of realism in these lines. Flagstaff is located in such a manner . that all our sur roundings speak in the most en chanting and impressive manner of the creator's desire for beauty in all its variations. In the first place the town is situated in one of the most pic- tnrpcnnn rlfirc in tn wrirlfl ..v.M ,,......, w ....-.. North of us thecreat San Fran- cisco Peaks lift their majestic heads heavenword, and,with pride akin to divine honor, overlook the Old b !' -1BBIBHII1R 1 j surrounding'country with a satis situate in Walnut Canyon and are ! tion all their own To the south j known far and near. J and west the., hills are covered' Montezuma Castle and Well are ', with stately pinps, the king of the' known to tourists and people who forests. To the east are fine j reside in ' this section. This fertile valleys and rolling hills, i famous castle and well are situated Certainly the artist has had noa few miles to the south of Flag- dream which could eve'n approach ; staff, where visitors will find this section. j beautiful scenery surrounding the Flagstaff is. beautifully sur historic and antique Montezuma within reach of the city and a good rounded. It is the centre of a ; centre of activities. road leads to it. : wonderful section. j Oak Creek Canyon : Rogers' Lake Visitors coming to Northern Oak Creek Canvon js the fisher-; Ten miles t0 the west of FlaK , Arizona are sure to enjoy Flagyl man's paradise. This famous staff is a beautiful body of moun- 1 staff. 1 section is a secluded recess in the tain water known as Rogers Lake. ' In the first .place let us call the! mountain wilderness where the It has been known long to trav attention of all to our greatest; mountain stream dashes down the elers ami tourists as an enticing natural wonder, Jthe Grand Canyon j rugged canyon on its hurried flight , recess and pleasant camping place, of Arizona. This great canyon is j to sea, playing in the eddies and Manv PePle B" there to spend only a few hours ride from Flag-1 sporting in sunlight. The walls ! tlie summer. A good road from staff. The Grand Canyon is per- 0f the canyon are rocky and rough FIaestaff makes, it accessible to haps better known all over the and the. hills adjacent make the. a' As our visitors become more world than any. other one place on .earth. Yet the more one visits ; that place thetmore facinating and .attractive it becomes. Its great- ness grows on one. This is one J attraction, yet we have many pothers. Flagstaff is so situated that its I summer climate is unexcelled any 1 where. The;.,cool nights and de . lightful days make it a most de sirable place, to live, while the people in . othjjr sections of the ' country are sweltering in the heat, it is cool and nice up here in the pines. t-t Each, vear.increased numbers 1 ' those who come this way. are coming to Flagstaff to spend i The Aztec Ruins the heated term, until now we are! The Aztec. Indian ruins Jie to called upon to accommodate hun-.the east of Flagstaff, and from dreds of visitors. It is a pleasure ' Chavez Pass to Cedar Ranch to know that there is such a really Wash there are thousands of at- enjoyable place where the people spend a delightful sommer asset We have spoken briefly of the Grand Canyon, and next in importance are the Cliff Dwell- ings, which arc within 10 miles of the city. Here ancient tribesmen made their homes and builded houses after their own crude ideas. Without going into the history of the people or their customs, these antique dwelling places carry with them in their silence a tale of worth and merit. The evidence of days of a primitive stage with the crude customs and peculiar methods make this place worth one's while. These dwellings are Ranger Station, Wnlnut Canyon -Cliff Dwellings ' scenerv verv comolete Thel'am,'iar Wltn its beauty and the ' stream abounds with trout and other kinds of fish and it is here the angler spends many happy hours in his efforts to hook the speckled beauty. One must visit this section in order to appreciate its grandeur. Sunset Mountain Near Flagstaff there are a num ber of extinct volcanic craters, each one a study within itself. Among these craters we find the beautiful "Sunset Mountain," and while on the peaks many others, some greater in size, and equally as attractive, may be seen. The Painted Desert is also a beautiful , ,;: ;m; '.&; I "'gjyfB'yqKirg ' place. The Lava beds are always &..jBft '.. , ! ?$L' M&3StxSJhZ' '-f rrWMMm M attractive and worth while. The feg.':,- UWKIWKMHy ' '" PtHI Cinder Beds are, of course, very P:fe:MWPrv WkJ0 rWB '' 9 interesting. These attractions --4k":'C ' '' , ': '" . '' "'." J ,". '' '"'Wm ''$ti can all be reached within from 16 ffluMm&m ? -, - ' A i . . . Mm . X' to 30 miles, over comparatively Rood roads. The Cave Dwellings The Cave Dwellers ruins on the road to Sunset mountains are historic, antique and interesting. These are points of interest to tractions in tins line that carry with them not only interest, but history, tragedy, pathos and a kit of intelligent legendary cus- toms ,that. are worthv of s,udv and examination. Perhaps the most interesting of all these ruins are situate just above the Charles Heiser ranch, some five miles. Interesting ruins are also situate on the Navajo Indian reservation northeast of Flagstaff. Lowell Observatory Just west of Flagstaff on the Mesa stands the great Lowell observatory, erected and owned by Dr. Perceval Lowell. This observatory is one of the foremost fnstitutions of the kind in the world. It is known and recog nized all over the world for its discoveries and its correct calcu lations. l"5 Mary ' Lake Mary is a beautiful lake f water located about eight miles southeast of Flagstaff. The lake surrounded by wooded hills and beautiful scenery. Various kinds of fisn abound in its waters and it 's a delightful place to camp and sPend the heated term. It is splendid will be a climatic conditions it very much" frequented. Mormon Lake Twenty-five miles east ol Flagstaff- is found a lake known as Mormon Lake. It is much like other lakes of the vicinity and has many visitors and admirers. The Natural Bridge The "Natural Bridge," situate near Strawberry, Arizona, is a natural attraction, and a genuine curiosity. It is one of the largest in the world and its peculiar and yet symmetrical form makes it indeed a real attraction. A fine llliHHHHHiHKHHHHHHSHiBlHI wagon road leads to it and it will repay those who come here to go out to it. Big Rim Tonto liasln The Big Rim and Tonto Basin are very prominent features of Scenic Northern Arizona. In this vicinity there are some of the finest views and scenery in Amer ica. It is useless for a writer to undertake to give a graphic de scription of the vastness and grandeur of this famous country. It must be seen to be appreciated. It is only a short distance from our city and when the auto high line is established it will be in line for thousands of visitors. Camp Sites is AV.A ltfMlt f.i.ivitrB nil . 1 wui iyuuiu suuuiaci mi aiuuuu us are beautiful and delightful camping grounds, .and those who wish to spend the summer in an ideal climate will have to go no further than Flagstaff. ' Undeveloped Resources In nearly all commnnities there , are some undeveloped resources. : Of course this is as it should be, for should all the resources be developed there would be no room for growth and expansion. But in this western country we hardly know yet what our real resources are. The stock interests are fairly well developed. The -agricultural possibilities are yet un- ' known. The growing of crops j and fruits is yet to be tried and tested. The timber interests are well developed. But such indus tries as the manufacture of cement, the construction of water reser voirs, the establishment of ar tificial lakes or reservoirs, the introduction of fish hatcheries, the development of the turpen-l tine industry, the establishment of good auto high lines and various other industries will in .. , time be-1 come a necessity. The breeding and raising of thoroughbred horses and cattle on a large scale, will be an attractive , feature. There are good mining prospects close by. Many of our people are interested n 1 aunjr couniry nanjabout sevej-y ., 1 ijHifliiiEHHHIlIflllHHHimHlHHHIIIIBH Northern Arizona Normal School in them. Many others might be mentioned. Business Opportunities As the town is growing there are good opportunities for those who are seeking investment in business enterprises. At the present time there are openings in various fields, and those fields would not interfere with the inter prises now doing business in Flagstaff. Coconino National Forest The Coconino National Forest , perv'ce and will ultimately pass contains an area of 1, 634,000' int0 private hands. It is prob acres. Flagstaff, Arizona, its'ab,e that in the near future the headquarters, it extends north I about thirty miles "and southeast! ' from 12 to so miles in width. Of the total area of the forest j approximately' 868,000 acres are I covered with saw timber contain-) ing a total stand of approximately ; 4,800,000,000 feet b. m. Of this, amount the Forest Service owns about 90 per cent and about 5 per cent of the total amount is in private hands, the remaining 5 per cent being situated on university lands. There are also about 570, 000 acres of woodland, estimated to contain 3,500,000 cords of fire wood. The Forest Service owns and controls about 99 per cent of the total volume in this stand, less than": per cent being in pri vate hands. From present data on rate of growth the forest is capable of producing a sustained annual yield of 40,000,600 feet of saw fimber per year and about 15,000 cords of cordwood. On account of the fact that government timber has not been utilized in the past 1 me annual cut during the next few years will probably be about 8ooo cords, and 35,000,000 feet .. , saw timner. Of the entire area of the Forest, about 95 per cent is government, 5 per cent , in private hands, and j 2 r" "'. .in'nffi -. J Forest is for the most part covered' tv. jjiw v.4 iiiuc'in muu wiujiu'iuc Scene Near Flagstaff with an extensive growth of her bage of various kinds, forming one of the best natural ranges in Arizona. It is capable of sup porting 34,000 head of cattle and horses and 90,000 head of sheep annually. There are approximately 15,000 acres of land on the Forest suit- aoie lor agricultural purposes. Under the Act of June n, 1006', a very large part of the area, not previously in private hands, has been withdrawn from the Forest remainder of the agricultural land win be withdrawn from the Forest and homesteaded by settlers in this region. The present force of the Coco- nino Forest consists of 20 persons, who are so distributed over the area as to make the administration as economical as possible and to. furnish the users and inhabitants of the Forest as much assistance as possible in their use of the forest and to protect the forest from fire. All users of the Na tional Forest are required to assist the forest officers in the protection of the forest from fire. The Forest Service has con-, structed on this forest, for its proper administration, 4 miles of trails, 77 miles of telephone lines, 26.2 miles of administrative fences, 20 houses, 6 barns, 6 cor rals, 3 water development pro jects, as permanet improvements on the range, at a total cost of about $22,000. It is intended in the future to spend from $3000 to $5000 a year for seyeral years in further improvements. During the six years ending June 30, 1911, the total income from this forest was about $290, 000 and the total expenditures were about $157,000. At the present time the State " ,e of thT oVes Reserves in the state for s'chool f A-! : n r Continued on page four ''i'. -Mi .a..- vi. 1 - rf? - - . t ,' C'-Sli'S tfW ,'&& (JiSS, :.' - r Jrtf- at? ' "SW"' ' "' ".ll.