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r Largest Weekly Circulation in Northern Arizona A Modern Printery Official Stock Paper of Northern Arizona Fine Commercial Printing l Volume XXIX FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912 Number 46 "Rtfe 1? h lift 7"- . ".- .' w ft!" u'Ja 1 M UNO IS OPEN FOR SEnLERS ' More than 50,000 acres of land lying along the Little Colorado river, in Coconino and Navajo counties, will be thrown open to settlement shortly. This land 'was withdrawn from entry several years ago, for reclamation purpo ses. Some time ago 'the reclamation service gave up all the idea of an irrigation project anywhere along the Little Colorado. There are several dam sites, but no great amount of water can be im pounded. There are so many other favorable sections for re clamation work that it was decided to reopen the land that had been withdrawn. The local officials of the recla mation service have been re quested to look over their maps, 1 plats and reports and designate all dam sites, power sites and reservoir sites that should be re tained by the government. Such sites are not to be restored to entry, but will be reserved, in conformity with the government's conservation policy. Land attorneys state that there is widespread demand for land in the area withdrawn from entry. It is largely through the efforts of attorneys and intending settlers that steps have been taken to re open the land to settlement. Normal Lecture Course Get ready to buy your tickets for the Normal school lecture course. Under the auspices of the Normal, Flagstaff is to have a high class lecture course this year, there are to be four numbers in . , eluding some of the very best lyceum talent in the country. No one can afford to miss one of these lectures or entertainments. First, there are the Jolly Strollers Quar tette, boys who appear in costume and simply take the audience by storm with their pleasing ways. Then, there is Emely Waterman Concert Company, consisting of a reader, a pianist and a soloist. These people are artists of no little repute and it is indeed for .tunate that we were able to secure them for this course. Hon. Geo. D. Alden, a lineal descendant of the John Alden of Plymouth fame. He will give a lecture which is pronounced by those who have "heard him as one of the very best being given today. Those who love fun and who does not? will be delighted with Ralph Burg ham, the "funny feller," an un rivalled entertainers who is to appear in one of his best sketches, Burgham is an impersonator, a violinist, a vocalist and he does all with equal facility and ease. This course, of superior quality as it is, must necessarily be put on only at great expense. Dr. Blome, however, knows that the people of Flagstaff like good things, and planned theses attractions with the certainty that there would be a ready and hearty response and support on the part of the towns people. These lectures and en tainments are clean, wholesome, and educational, just the kind that we want to attend. Will Lay Corner Stone Sunday Sunday morning Bishop Atwood will preach at the 11 o'clock service in the Elk's hall and in the afternoon at 3 thirty o'clock the Bishop will conduct "the service at the laying of the corner stone of the new Episcopal church. Seats will be in readiness on the rough floor, which is already in place. The bishop will be as sisted by Archdeacon Meade and the clergy of the other churches here in Flagstaff. The congregations of the sev eral churches in Flagstaff are cordially-invited to be present. .c v , . ml ...-, . . siSi.-' . VJ"; . ' . ' ;. . ? , -'. i.e. ' fi6for..i'-Sk . ' S . ..' ..( 1 t gMpwr'y;. ''.'-?' .ifi:;,. .laggwraaMBr. r,"jKi3Ewar tjt &,."" ' - '.n&miriitimmito'ww" w rf " - n. - - 'u " p- A Pleasant Surprise Party Eugene Phelan was pleasantly surprised on Monday evening, by a jolly crowd of young folk. The occasion 'of the event was that of his twenty-first birthday an niversary. Those who participated in the event were. Gertee Jones, Esther Veit, Viola Thomas, Gertrude Wetherow, Marcella and Virgina Phelan. Henry Beeson, Fred Thompson, Harrie Coalter, Albert Dennis, Eugene and Dan Phelan. OFFICAL DELIGHTED WITH FLAGSTAFF ATMOSPHERE General Passenger Agent Byrne of trie Santa Fe, went through Flagstaff Tuesday with General Manager Hibbard and other offi cials. During their short stop here Mr. Byrne took occasion to highly compliment the bracing atmosphere of Flagstaff, and in timated that it would be one of the big summer resorts of the west if properly advertised. There are thousands of people among our hundred million pop ulation, with plenty of money, looking for just such a place as Flagstaff to spend their summer. THOS. E. CAMPBELL CON GRESSIONAL CANDIDATE Brief Sketch of the Life of the Re publican Candidate for Congress Thomas Edward Campbell was born in Prescott, Arizona, Jan uary 1878 cf Scotch-Irish parents. He was educated in the public schools of Prescott and St. Mary's College in Oakland, Cali fornia, giving particular attention to the study of economics and engineering. He was assistant postmaster at Prpscott from 1894 to I090f acting postmaster at Jerome two years and later ap pointed postmaster. He resigned to take charge of mining interests in Yavapai and Gila counties, and is now an active mine owner and manager. In 1900 he was elected to the lower house of the 21st legislature and had the distinction of serving on-the Judicial Educa tional and Appropriation cemmit tees the three most important committees. He was a leader in all the labor legislation introduced in that session and largely instru mental in securing the passage of the eight hour law; was an ardent advocate of Woman's suffrage, and was a hearty supporter of the Fowler irrigation laws out of which grew the great Roosevelt dam project. He has ever been actively in favor of all progressive educational laws and laws govern ing public expenditures. In 1907, owing to his special interest and endeavor along the lines of equal and just taxation, was appointed assessor of Yavapai county, was reappointed in 191 1 and for splendid services was elected by a handsome majority December 1911, receiving the highest vote of any man on either ticket, an endorsement of his work of which any man should be justly proud. He was mainly instru mental in the organization of the Assessors' Association of the state, elected its first president and re-eiected at the second an nual meeting. As the head of this association, he mainly, compiled the revenue laws of the first ses sion of the state legislature. He is at present a member of the National Tax Association and was twice Arizona's representative to that conference. Mr. Campbell is rated as one of Arizona's foremost experts on the question of taxa tion, and his efforts have always been to secure a just tax and an equal one for both rich and poor. Mr. Campbell has a happy fam ily with two young sons, Allen and Brodie, aged n and 9 years re spectively. He was married in 1900 to Miss Elanor Allen of Jer ome. Their present home is in Prescott, the town of Mr. Camp- bell's birth. He is also interest ed in cattle and ranching, and fecitiously adds: "I have never been in iail. don't owe anybody any money, that I know of.thougb) I have but little of that commodity on hand." ' ' '- DEMOCRATIC RALLY WELL ATTENDED Congressmae Carl Hayden and Presidential Elector Wiley Jones held forth at the court house Tues day evening to a good audience. Thos. Flynn introduced the speak ers and made a short address. He was followed by James L. Byrns, Congressman Hayden and Wiley (ones. . The main argument of all those except Hayden, was in showing the inconsistencies of Roosevelt and his vagaries were lambasted to a finish. Mr. Tones seemed to take particular delight in handing out warm statements, proving that Teddy was the greatest "I am-er" in all history from the time of Cesar to the days of Na poleon. Congressman Hayden endeavored to show cause for voting for the reduction of the tariff on wool and seemed plaus able, but the people of Arizona don't want a reduction. Hayden is a pleasant talker and generally popular with the people, but when it comes to a question of prosper ity he is on the wrong side of the fence and it will be difficult to convince stockmen that taking the tariff off their products will help them to any extent. It is not a .personal matter but a question concerning the pocket books of the people that is of vital inter est. -,( Congressman Hayden and Mr. Jones left Wednesday morning, for Williams where a meeting was held that evening. WILL CELEBRATE COLUMBUS DAY Da Silva Council Knights of k Columbus are preparing Colum bus Day exercises to take place Saturday evening at the Majestic theater. Attorney General George Purdy Bullard of Phoenix and Hon. R. E. Morrison of Prescott will make addresses suited to (he occasion. A musical program is also being arranged. The normal school and the students of St. Anthony's academy will also take part in the entertainment and special Columbus pictures will be put on by Manager Ryan. The program will begin at 9 o'clock after the first show. The public is cordially invited. Social Work But No Home It is a sad commentary on the intelligence of American women that so many of them have thrown themselves headlong into move ments for civic betterment and in dustrial welfare, who have turned their backs upon sons and daugh ters pining for companionship through some of the hardest hours in their existence. Nothing more illogical could be imagined than a woman going down to rescue un fortunates in the slums, whose daughter is flirting with the ash man out of a boarding-school win dow; yet such things have been known. This same well meaning mother may have lost, years ago, when her daughter was little more than a child, through some stupid act of anger or neglect, the hold over the girl's heart which was necessary for a maturer influence. Oh, the legions of silly women who accept without question the dictum of a bad of agitators re garding the use of their "leisure," produced by the abolition of the loom and the soap-pot from the homel It is easy to think that serving on a committee for the in vestigation of the safety of shop girls is a noble work, and that reading your fourteen-year-old boy's composition on steam en gines is a trivial. The purpose of one is obvious and mighty; the significance of the other subtle and far-distant. Yet it is a wise mother who leaves the shop-girls' safety to grandmothers and spin sters, and concentrates bravely mpon the steam engine. me Drifting Daughter," in The Ladies World for October. Chemist Train Ditched The special train carrying the members of the Chemest So ciety, making a tour of the west, was ditched west of Ash Fork Sunday in about the same locality that No. 4 was wrecked Saturday. Soft track on the new grading slid the train into the ditch, but did not injure anyone. Traffic was blocked again for a day. Heavy rains of the past few days have made the new grading very soft and the heavy trains on curves makes going dangerous. SHOULD HAVE EXHIBIT There is no good reason why Coconino county should not have a fine exhibit of its products at the State Fair this year. Our ranchers have the goods in plenty to show and any selections made can be turned over to George Babbitt, county lair commissioner, who will be pleased to care for them and see that they are prop erly placed on exhibition. Our southern neighbors know we have sheep, cattle and timber in plenty and have heard that we raised good potatoes in years gone by, but very few know of the splendid ciops of other kinds that are being raised by dry farm ing process during the past few years. Hundreds of ranches have beentaken up during the past few years and abundant crops of all kinds have been raised. The 1 rancher should take sufficient pride in his achievements to tel the rest. of Arizona and the coun try at large know what we are doing. It is worth the effort and each one should have some'special thtagthat will look well with the balance of exhibit. Cold storage will be furnished free for such exhibits as need to be cared for that way and an ex pert will look after them for you if yob will bring in the goods. REPUBLICANS HOLD FIRST MEETING Hon. Tom E. Campbell, the republican candidate for congress, spoke in Flagstaff Wednesday evening. In spite of the inclem ent weather there was a good sized audience at the court house, and each one was interested in arguments made. Judge E. M. Doe as chairman, spoke first devoting his argument to the tariff question with telling effect. He pointed out that the country was prosperous under existing condi tions and that during Clevelands administration there was a wide spread panic, that sheepmen and cattlemen could well remember. Mr. Campbell while not claim ing to be an orator, is a pleasing talker and- was given an ovation when he was introduced by Judge Doe. He briefly outlined the policy of the republican party and pledged himself to stand for the best business interests of the state. He could not account lor the desirebr necessity of a change from oiff present prosperous con dition unless it was for the polit ical profit of a few men who wanted office. District Attorney C. B. Wilson was next iutroduced and gave his reasons in brief for being a re publican and why he believed others should do the same. Mr. Campbell was well pleased with the political situation in the north and with the hearty recep tion given him in the different places he had been. He left Thursday morning for Williams where a meeting was held in the evening. The new Skylight City Band was out and was highly compli mented for their work, having been kicked into shape on such short notice by Prof. Scholes. PROGRESSIVE FISHER . JPEJKS IN FLAG Roberts. Fisher, of t Phoenix, the progressive candidate for congress, spoke at the court house last Friday night to a fair sized audience. He is an eloquent talker,even though his progressive ideas smack strongly of pure socialism; he agreed, however, that big business was necessary, but should be controlled by the people. His charge, however, that all trust leaders were either for Taft or Wilson does not seem to fit with the fact that Perkins of the harvester trust and Flinn of the political trust and others of like financial standing were back ing Teddy with all kinds of money. The tariff was fully treated in the statement that the progressive party stands for a downward re vision of the tariff on swollen wealth, but for the maintenance of the tariff of the struggling in dustries of the men who take and those who seek to take from na ture the products of the soil. He referred to the recent statement of Henry Ashursi that he did not care for the sheepmen, but rather for the people who wore woolen clothes. This, said the speaker, is-the logic of treason to Arizona, for a similar statement would 'ap ply to cattle, lumber, copper and farm products, so that all that Arizona has would be destroyed. He said that he would think Mr. Ashurst would be ashamed to meet a sheep in the road and that he would become famous forever as "Sheep-eyed Henry." He is a witty.entertaining talker and in a better cause would make a good run. Meeting of The Blue and Gray A prominent number on the program in "The Carnival of Entertainment" which will be seen at the Majestic Theatre Fri day night, Oct. 11, is a musical and drill sketch entitled "The Meeting of The Blue And Gray." A large chorus in uniforms of blue and gray will participate in this grand spectacle, neither time nor expense having been spared to make and secure proper costumes, arms and other paraphernalia used to perfect its presentation. Every true spirited American witnessing this number cannot help but give vent to his emotions, for it is not the victor meeting the vanquished, the conquerer the conquered, but a panoramic view of what is actually transpiring today between North and bouth, Americans meet ing Americans. SOME REASONS WHY LIVING IS SO HIGH Recently a Washington tele gram, running in the daily news papers, conveyed the following startling information: Physicians and philanthopists composing the American Federa tion of Sex Hygiene, of which Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard, is president, produced the following figures, that show when it comes to spend ing the American citizen is the prize performer of the world: Gay living costs Americans every year $8,000,000,000; spent in the fol lowing ways: Intoxicating liquors, $2,000,000,000; tobacco, $1,200,- 000,000; jewelery and plate, $800, 000,000; automobiles, $500,000,000 church work done, $250,000,000; confectionery, $200,000,000, soft drinks, $120,000,000; tea and coffee, $100,000,000; millinery, $90,000,000; patent medicines, $80,000,000; chewing gum, $18, 000,000; and foreign missions, $12,000,000. Well, now, then, will some sapient sociologist please arise in his place and tell a waiting world why all those things were made but to be used and consumed? Suppose the American people do expend eight billion dollars every year. The raising, making m$ marketing all the various com modities named gave employment to millions of operatives, and business to hundreds of thousands of manufacturers and merchants, giving them all opportunity and wherewith to bear their shares in the enormous expense presented. Sociologists and statisticians who seem to think production of com modities the chief end and aim of life and their consumption a sin, give an ordinary observer the "bac ka che." Nogales Oasis. NEWSPAPER MEN ARE COMING WITH BOOSTERS When the business men's trade excursion arrives in Arizona next week from EI Paso, there will be on board three men from the El Paso Herald.H. southwest's greatest paper.. H. D. Slater, edi tor in chief; G. A. Martin, news editor, and H. H. Fris, manager of the outside circulation depart ment, will bi with the El Paso boosters. The El Paso Herald is a great booster for the entire southwest and takes every oppor tunity to place before the world the advantages of this section. Its staff members spend much time traveling over the southwest, writing of the developments and general growth of the different sections. To get more data and more pictures of the same work and at the same time to meet and get acquainted with 'the people, these busy members of The Her ald staff are taking the trip with the trade excursion. George Knox made a business trip to Williams the early part of the week. The contest for the Arizona Queen at the State Fair will close on October 20th. Alf votes" for favorites should be in by that time. Thos. Slattery was awarded the contract for the plumbing work in the new addition to the Emerson school. The price was approxi mately $4,100. S. L. Finley has put a new temporary glass front in his store building, which will lighten things up until he rebuilds the front ot his store next spring. Remember the Masquerade Ball given by the Fraternal Broth erhood at the Majestic Oct. 31, 1912. Ladies and gentlemen cor dially invited. Admission $1.00. Spectators 25c. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Houghey who have been visiting Mrs. Houghey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Isbcll, the past six weeks, will leave for their home in Los Angeles tomorrow. Mr. Houghey is a conductor on the Southern Pacific railroad. WILL TALK ON AMEND MENTS TONIGHT Senator A. A. Worsley of Tucson, Attorney General Bullard and Speaker Sam Bradner, will speak at the courthouse this even ing on the proposed constitutional amendements to be voted on November 5th, next. Senator Worsley says the meet ing will be non-political, and refer only tovthe proposed amendments. It is understood that Senator Worsley will an Womans suffrage, Bradner on railroad laws and Bullard on other proposed amend ments. They are all good talkers. Lostflis Right Eye Ole B. Anderson, a logger work ing at A. L. &T. camp 1, had his right eye put out last week by a flying piece of iron from a wedge he was driving in a tree. The flying piece was driven into the eye ball and was removed with great difficulty. He was taken to Phoenix Wednesday night for treatment by a specialist. "4 ,T x- M f "