Newspaper Page Text
WMl JP'!:lJ! Largest Weekly Circulation in . ' ""J sTte !. '' "' Official Stock Paper of Northern '. 'JJPff'.'' pT --"" ht C0cantn0 JSmt . - - M " , A Modern Prlntery " M "V'V'Vwvwv " Fine Commercial Printing , Volume XXIX ' ' FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912 'Number 49 , I i yr 1 ' ". ;? O ! TfT "a -(f i r?: I ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION Progressive Candidate Shot in Left Breast at I Milwaukee Monday by a Crazed An- i archist Wound Not Fatal f Milwaukee, Oct. 14th. Colonel Roosevelf was shot and slightly wounded tonight, as he was leav ing the Gilpatrick hotel for the Coliseum to make a speech. The nvound was superficial and the Colonel went on and began his 'speech after he had seen the would-be assassin arrested and taken to the police station. Henry F. Cochens seized the assassin and held him until a po- Uiceman came up. A mob surged j around the man who apparently was a radical on the subject of Roosevelt's running for another term. The man, who is of small stature, admitted firing the shot and said "any man looking for a 'third term ought to be shot." In notes found in his pockets . when searched at the police sta tion were statements that he had been visited in a dream by the spirit of McKinley who had said, indicating Roosevelt: "this is my murderer, avenge my death." . Roosevelt was taken to the emer gency hospital. EPISCOPAL CHURCH GOEifJER STONE LAID The corner stone of the new Episcopal church was laid Sun day afternoon with due ceremony by Bishop Atwood of Phoenix, assisted by Rev. Joseph L. Meade. There was a large gathering of people in attendance, including many of other religious denomi nations. A tin box containing a prayer book, hymnal, new testa ment, copy of The Coconino Sun, dated Oct. 11, 1912, a history of the church of Epephany, two an , nual addresses of Bishop Atwood, was sealed and laid away lor fu ture generations to find. v Boston Wins World's Series Boston Red Sox managed to , put over the last game Wednes day by a score of 3 to 2, which v makes them champions of the world winning four of the seven games. De Luxe Train in December The Santa Fe DeLuxe train will : go into service next December , and continue until next March, un less business conditions require it to be retained in service longer. The new train will save one busi ness day between Chicago and Los Angeles, and is claimed to be the finest train in America. The train will consist of buffet, library, baggage car, dining car, three drawing room sleepers, and one observation car. The train crews will be entirely picked men, with stenographer, barber, ladies maid, and is in truth a train de luxe. Has Lot of Good Ore W. C. Bayless, who retutned home Saturday, brought down from the Caledonia vein a sack of ore which he had taked from the bottom of a 75-foot shaft, the sample representing a pay-streak 4 feet wide and resting against the hanging wall of the vein. A pre vious mjll sample taken from the same point and .sent to. the El Paso smelter, by Mr. Bayless, gave an average return of $30 per ( ton in silver and copper. The 100-pound sample brought down Saturday looks richer than did the former sample and will certainly run higher in both of the metals named. It shows specks of copper silver glance. The Caledonia claim is one of a group of 12 claims owned by the Mon tezuma gold Mining company. As the property is situated only, three miles from the Arizona Eastern railroad, $30 ore can be mined and shipped by the. company at a profit. OF COLONEL ROOSEVELT The man who did the shooting was identified as John Schrank whose last place of residence was New York City. He is an un dersized German, undoubtedly in sane. Schrank was in front of the crowd and pushed close to Roosevelt and fired point blank at his breast at close range. Co hens, a former football player with the Roosevelt party, sprang from the automobile, crushed Schrank to the pavement and dis armed him. An attempt was made to kill Schrank but officers succeeded in taking him to jail. A thick roll of manuscript in Roosevelt's pocket is all that saved him from instant death from the bullet. Roosevelt was taken to Chicago and it was decided then not to probe for the bullet, which X-rays show is lodged next, to his lung. His condition is serious, but not thought dangerous. All spea'king dates have been cancelled. Recruiting Station Opened An army recruiting station has just been opened in the Barnett Building, in Albuquerque. It is a branch of the 1 Paso station, but will forward accepted applications for enlistment direct to the train ing station 'at Fort Logan near Denver. Advertising matter concerning the terms of the new army bill which goes into effect on Novem ber 1st, will be sent out to post masters in Northern Arizona, Northern New Mexico, and South western Colorado, which comprise the new Albuquerque recruiting district, as soon as circulars "can be printed. Any young man who is interested in learning of the op portunities offered by an enlist ment in the army can get one of the new circulars by writing to the recruiting officer, U. S. Army, at either Albuquerque, or El Paso. C. N. Barney, Major U. S. Army, Rtd. Recuiting Officer. "The Rosary" Gaskill & MacVitty's new play, "The Rosary," which has had a successful three months' engage ment in Chicago, a two months' engagement in New York and a two months' engagement at the Globe Theatre in Boston, comes to Majestic Theatre Thursday November 7th. The discrimin ating public will then be given an opportunity to see pictured Lefore them a decided answer to the growing unrest and irreligion of our times. Not that "The Rosary" is a decision merely; it is more. It is a faithful picture of the misery and unhappinesss that comes upon a man who lacks faith in the supreme good and its inevitable triumphs in our world. A typical American family is taken as a lair example ot everyday conditions that obtain throughout the United States. The husband, a man' immersed in business, the exacting business of Wall Street and the Stock Exchange. Little by little he has fallen away from the faith of his fathers, that faith, that brought our Re public into being. He has re placed it by an agnostic attitude all too prevalent in our day and time. The wife believes, her con fidence in all-wise, all-prevading good has not been shaken; and so when storm and stress come, the man with no anchor is swept away by the storm of agony; the woman remains steadfast, moored by her faith to outride the tempest. Through all the heartbreak and tears, through all the agony and anguish, clear and serene moves the wonderful figure of a modern Catholic priests whose life has been dedicated to God and the service of his fellow men. It is his clear spiritual vision that sees through the web that has been woven about the two people whom he loves and it is his faith and God-given power that sets them free. It is a wonderful preachment of faith's mighty power, of the saving grace of the good that lies all about us. ine tremendous story, power ful in its simplicity.- is interwoven with the higher threads of sane humor, of the sort that one loves to take away from the theatre and laugh over in idle moments. Handed Something to Tom Thomas Devine,he of the genial smile, was the recipient this week of a loving cup, alleged to have been presented by admirers of Flagstaff, although Dad Parsons a"nd others of the railroad boys are said to have been the real pur chasers of the present. Kingman Miner. picturesIFeIlT 4 FLAGSTAEF SCENES Jack Smith, one of the oldest residents in Flagstaff, has a valu able collection ot old pictures showing the early struggles of the now prosperous city of Flagstaff. Among them is a first street scene of Old Town taken before the ad vent of the railroad, another show ing the first old dinky sawmill and tramway on the site of the present A. L. & T. mill, then known as the Ay res sawmill. There is a good picture of the Flagstaff Hotel, then owned by J. B. Smith, a couple scenes on Oak Creek, with a splendid showing of trout in camp. Wash Henry be ing in the picture accounts for many of the trout, since he held the championship in the piscator ial line during the early years. A picture of the first members of Ransom Post G. A. R., con tains twelve faces, all gone but two Uncle George Hoxsworth and J. B. Smith. The pictures are valuable and It is only regretted that more such pictures cannot be dug up show ing the great contrast between the early days in Flagstaff and our present day Flagstaff. STATE cIrInIF RENZO HUBBELL HERE Senator Lorenzo Hubbell, chair man of the republican state cen tral committee, was in Flagstaff Monday. Senator Hubbell has been pretty well over the state and is highly pleased with the general trend of the voters toward the Taft standard. "The busi ness interests of our people in this year of our great prosperity seems to be the paramount ques tion and the question that most interests the people. Why should there be a change when business was never better? What neces sity is there for trying new exper iments, new things and a new ad ministration, when every man is doing his utmost to take care ot the business that is brought to him? A change could only be for the worse and the sensible, think men are going to vote along that line." . CONDENSED STATE NEWS PARAGRAPHS The Arizona dental association will meet at Phoenix October 28. The total vote of the new state next month will reach approxi mately 25,000. The General Staff, Military De partment'of the State of Arizona, will meet at Phoenix Oct. 24, 25 and 26 to talk over military mat tors. Walter Packard shot and killed Wilson Hicks last Sunday near Globe. The cause of the killing was an alleged infatuation of Hicks for Mrs. Packard. Ned Eckles, a lineman on the power line from Roosevelt dam, wag killed last week by grasping a live wire that sent 11,000 volts of electricity- through his body. Heaters and ranges at bed rock prices. Aubineau Bros. George T. Herrington is visit- ing relatives in Kansas this week, CAN SOON TALK TO PHOENIX VIA PHONE Mr. H. M. Fennenore, legal represcntatative of the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph company, was in Flagstaff Satur day morning from Phoenix on a short business trip. Mr. Fenne more says that within the next ten days direct communication with Phoenix will be made via Ash Fork and Prescott. An appriation has been made by the company to completely over haul the local exchange, putting wires in cables and the telephones in the alleys. Funeral of Mr. Athel 0; Jones Mr. Athel O. Jones, father of Mrs. Wm. M. Rudd, died at Phoenix last Sunday and was brought here yesterday for burial. The funeral services were held "at the Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock p. m. The funeral was conducted by the Masonic order of which he was a member. Mr. Jones was prominent in' business affairs in Ohio and later moved to St. Louis. Owing to ill health he has spent the last year or more in Arizona. Mrs. Rudd was with her father at the time of his death. TO REDUCE COAL RATE After weeks of earnest effort, the Corporation Commission has secured a reduced rate on coal irom Gallup, N. M., to intermej diate points between that town and Phoenix. The Maricopa County Commer cial Club attacked the rates be tween Gallup and Mesa about four years ago and in the decision rendered therein, the Interstate Commerce Commission prescribed $2. 60 per ton to be the maximum rate between Gallup and Tempo and Mesa and expected the de fendant companies to adjust the intermediate rates on the basis of rates prescribed. Notwithstanding this decision, the carriers con tinued to collect what the Corpo ration Commission termed to be an unreasonable rate and the mat ter was taken up with the A. T. & S. F. in particular with refer ence to an adjustment. For instance, although the share of the Arizona Eastern Rail road company of the $3.60 rate is 55 cents, yet the Santa Fe charges Phoenix the full rate. Flagstaff pays the same as Tempe and Phoenix, Prescott likewise, and this state of affairs persuaded the commission that the adjustment was not in line with that recommended by the Interstate Commerce Commission. As a result ot the conference between the A. T. & S. F., the rates in northern Arizona will be reduced, but the Corporation Commission contends that the reduction is not sufficient and has filed a complaint with the Inter state Commerce Commission, praying for what is termed a reasuiuiuie icuuuuuu. The new rate will be operative approximately thirty days from date, as that allotment of time is necessary to provide for the filing of the same under the federal law. Below is a statement of the old rate, the proposed rate to be installed, and the rate contended for by the Commission and re garding which complaint has been filed: . Rate pro. by Cor. Com. per ton $I.Q4 1.25 I.67 1.92 2.04 2.28 2.40 3.05 2.65 3-35 Such reduction as will soon effective has been occasioned be by the good work of the Corporation Commission but that body an nounces that the rates proposed by it are more reasonable and that the matter will be fought out at the earliest possible date. Don't forget the lecture by Dr. Shaw tonight. Her subject is the humorous side of Woman Suf frage. There is perhaps no other woman in the country who can stir and inspire an audience as can Dr. Anna Howard, the na- tional oresident of Woman Suf- frage. Old Hate New Hale per ton per ton Holbrook .S3.25 S2.00 Winslow.. 3.35 2.35 Flagstaff.. -3.60 2.60 Williams.. 3.60 2.85 Ash Fork. 3.60 3.20 Jerome Jnc 3.60 3.20 Prescott .. 3.60 3.60 Phoenix... 3.60 3.60 Kingman.. 4.15 3.60 Parker.... 3.15 4-15 He Cut and Deputy Sheriff Dickinson at tempted to stop a Mexican Wed nesday night whom he saw with a knife. He shot over him a couple times as he ran down Aspen avenue east passed the Hunter Drug Co. store, but it only made him go that much faster in the dark. When he came back he found the fellow had cut a Mexican by the name of B. Martinez on the arm in a row near Finley's place. The man bled profusely but wasn't seriously injured. The cutting scrap had been so quiet no one noticed it until the fellow tried to get away Turkey Shoot Shooting galery Flagstaff com mencing Friday Oct. 18 ending Sunday Oct. 27. Twenty pound Turkey or $5.00 given for the best score last weeks prizes won by Chas. Heston John Piper, score 24 out of 25. Hugh Hampsey. Manager SENATOR 1RSLEY AND SPEAKER BRADNER HERE Senator A. A. Worsley of Tuc son and Speaker Sam Bradner held a meeting in Flagstaff last Friday evening at the court house", in which the proposed laws and constitutional amendments were discussed to an attentive audience. Senator Worsley spoke especially on the tax amendments to the constitution, and presented argu ments in favor of the amendment that will permit the assessment and levying of taxes and equali zation of the same as required by law. The constitution as now written was weak on this point and left open wide leeway for le gal dispute. Speaker Bradner spoke mainly in favor of the five laws affecting railroads, which the railroads are seeking to have defeated, claim ing they are detrimental to the in terests of the people in the de velopment of the new state. Speaker Bradner is an old-time railroad man and spoke not only from the standpoint of a legisla tor but of one who had seen active service. Little interest has been mani fest so far in the amendments and few people have seen or taken the pains to read the proposed laws. It is probable that they will receive little or no attention from the voters this fall. Normal Lecture Course Flagstaff people are taking kindly to the idea of a lecture course for the town this winter. From all sides we hear expres sions of pleasure and satisfaction. "Just the thing," one says. "Of course I'm going," says another; "the talent looks fine and I shall not miss a number." "Those Waterman people look all right to me," says a third. "All right! You bet they are, and that Stroll ers quartette is great, I have heard them," returns another. So we hear people talking about our talent. Everything points to a successfuj season for first Normal School lecture course. Tickets are now in the hands of students who are canvassing the town. It is the aim of the management to have every home visited, but if any person is missed, he may se cure tickets by telephoning to the Normal. Now is the time to buy. The first number, the Waterman Concert Company, is not far dis tant, the date being set for No vember o. Ojher dates are: The Geo. D. Alden lecture, Dec. 7; the Strollers quartette, January q; the unrivalled impersonator, Ralph Bingham, April .14. Sea son tickets are to be sold for the relatively low price of two dollars and fifty cents. This admits the bearer to the four numbers with out extra charge for reserved seats. A section of the best seats in the hall, corresponding in number to the number of two dollar and fifty cent season tickets sold, will be reserved at the hall at each lecture, so that all season ticket holders are assured of good seats. A charge of -one dollar will be made for single admission. A special rate of one dollar is made on tickets sold to any school child in the city. These one dol lar tickets are not transferable. Tom Moloney, the baseball fa natic, took a "cow special" to Phoenix Wednesday. He was taken along to nfet the wild ones, and was last seen wiping the tears from the eyes of steers who, were sad at leavingjiome. SENATOR WQRSLEY ID- DRESSES STUDENTS Senator A. A. Woosley, who, addressed the people Friday evening on the proposed consti tutionial amendments, visited the Northern Arizona Normal during the day and was taken all over the institution by .Dr. "Blorhe. He was greatly surprised and pleased with the state instutition of learn ing and warmly praised its mana gement, deploring the fact that there were insufficient accom modations for the students. He made the students a splendid short talk and was astonished to learn the wide range of country from which pupils were enrolled. He went away an "ardent booster not only for our big school, but for Flagstaff, its climate and people. Socialist Candidate Here Hon. A. Charles Smith, the socialist candidate for congress, was in the city a couple of days this week in the interest of his candidacy and party in general. Mr. Smith is a resident of Doug las, a fluent talker and a gentle man who is ever out to win con verts to his party. He claims that his party will help mix it this fall with the old parties. COLUMBUS DAY IS FITTINGLY CELEBRATED Da Silva Council, Knights of Columbus of Flagstaff, fittingly celebrated "Columbus Day," on Saturday evening at the Majestic theatre with a splendid program of music and patriotic addresses by Hon. R. E. Morrison of Pres cott and Hon. George Purdy Bul lard, attorney general. The program was opened by the orchestra with "America" and was followed by the Normal training school children with "Co lumbia" and Flag song. Attorney General Bullard's ad dress was a master piece in which he reviewed the history of Colum bus, showing the persistence and tenacity of purpose of the great navigator, the indomnitable spirit of the man who would do things in spite of the many obstacles placed in his way. After the "Knights of Co lumbus March" by the orchestra, Hon. Robert E. Morrison took up the earlier history preceeding the struggles of Columbus and made a most entertaining -address in his most pleasing and eloquent manner. The entertainment concluJed with a chorus by the St. Antho ny's Academy, entitled "My Dream of the U. S. A. A special film of motion pictures describing the voyage and land ing of Christopher Columbus on the western hemisphere were shown by Manager Ryan. Proclamation of Election A general election is hereby called in the several precincts of Coconino county, State of Arizona, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1912, and the offices (0 be filled at such election are as follows, towit: ' One Representative in Congress. Three Presidential Electors. C. H. Browneli. Clerk Board of Supervisors. oct.:8-nov.i ., Dan McDermitt, a Phoenix cat tleman, was in Flagstaff Wednes day. Stoves, stoves good stoves at a very low price. Aubineau Bros. Rev. Meade will preach Sunday morning at Elks hall, after which he will leave for the east. During his five week's absence there will be services every Sunday at Elks hall. Mr. Erwin Sch'urman of Oak Creek was married by Superior Judge Perkins Tuesday to Adelade Lucero of Flagstaff. Mr. Schur man is a prominent rancher on Oak Creek and a young man highly respected in that section of the country. The entertainment given by local talent for the benefit of the new Episcopal church at the Majestic theatre last Friday night attracted a full house. The au dience was an appreciative one and the actors were given hearty greet ings. The actors all received high compliments for their, work, and. there was nof one poor one in the lot. i -i , ''h '; --1 V , &- H. '5-5 -', , rl- t . v ""' "', : ' j , l. f v ' . 4- .VVr-'if f4Mfi2 . i !hA l: W v'tM&i& e 'Mm :' AJree..'iMfBi -. i WffiqmA tmmMYi .1 USii m --nm -',' Ml ; i- ,1 & MMMiM r "jau'T ',. ...,..,',: -j, ,aa.v. - .-, . !, . , , ? ,., , f " .iCi.jruESfc- ' r'n'-'.,K.TrtMi.-i .?as.'vJ-i t.-itrvcj-r.v .".,mpfliHw:tT-j .... ;i - ,:&s i i9i' ? H$w-; i " wyimfvimsmmwmm7immsmmhmm h&zmmism tita. . ....ffe- . -W- .1 . ..hmW Hi,EMihlWWim MMWNII. " - ! II I 1 I ,!. l II I . . t-w-- .. ' ' . - i . r . i .