Newspaper Page Text
iimai iitit rlil ' I r;,TF -..i.'fl . .? i..fc py. -p-? yj4-ryrt-T-- -?grez - ;(.;,''.;;v,ir'7p;,r'W; "'t "" THE COCONINO SUN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912 ..stbk, . IKPt - PAG E"t V0 T IS; . ! . Br,'.' f .. ." .Br .' U '.' i & I ,& SUPERVISORS' Official Minutes of the Board of Supervisors of Coconino County, Arizona Office of the board of Supervisors of Coconino county, ' State of Arizona, Oct. 7th, 1912 Pursuant to law the board of supervisors met today in regular ses sion. Present: Chairman Gray, Members Bongberg and Shafer, Superior Judge Perkins, acting in place of the county attorney, who was granted a leave of absence, and Clerk Browned. The minutes of the board of equalization, August session, and of the regular meeting of the board of supervisors, Sept. 2, were read and approve'd. The following claims against the county were audited and allowed, and warrants ordered drawn on the proper funds in payment of the same: No. To Whom Funds 740 H. J. Gray Sal. 741 R. F. Bongberg 742 P. M. Shafer 743 C. H. Brojvnell 744 W. M. Miller'" 745 W. H. Switzer " 746 F. O. Allen . " 747 Dan J. Cronin 748 Mary I. Bart 749 L. F. Doyle 750 F. W. Perkins 751 Chas. H. Adams 752 C. B. Wilson 753 Fred Lynch 754 Ed Johnson 755 W. H. Anderson 756 Niles J. Cameron 757 I. F. Wheeler 758 R. D. Postle " 759 John O. Harrington 760 M. J. Rounseville 761 L. L. Ferrall " ' 762 Jas. W. Byrom " . 763 T. E. Pulliam " 764 E. S. Miller " 765 W. H. Switzer, Treas., " i766 " " " Road 767 C. H. Spencer . 768 J. E. Gilson " 769 Jas. A. Lamport 770 Woo Lee Exp. 771 Schew Lum 772 Eagle Restaurant 773 Hop Sing 774 Woo Yen 775 W. H. Switzer, Treas., " 776 Frank Leslie 777 James L. Byrnes 778 C. H. Schulz " 779- Allen Doyle ' 780 F. O". Allen " 781 E. S. Carlos " 782 Geo. N. Baty 783 Jas. W. Jones ' 784 P. J. Mathers 785 Johney H. Jones 786 Pat Crowe " .787 Geo. Irwin 788 R. A. Finney . 789 Geo. Lovell 790 Albert Lebsch , 791 M. J. Rounseville 792 W. S. Borum 793 L. F. Wesley 794 C. L. Cochran 795 Geo. Vandevier 796 W. A. Buck " . 797 W. A. Lannom x -Si IWjafesv mm us iWKlT U-ttrTVA fcv H-trn .IUII 18 -.W CBlWtRriWyfri WU1 t"IOI 3.V-- Sfflffia wpmsl-.. T - J ., ""- T niiiiMiini III PROCEEDINGS Item Paid For Amount chairman B. of S., Sept. .$100 00 member 11 i clerk asst. clerk " treasurer deputy treasurer recorder deputy recorder assessor superiorjudge clerk superior court count1 attorney court reporter county ranger county supt. roads custodian B. A. trail constable 11 .' 83 33 83 33 . 125 00 . 100 00 183 33 . 48 00 . 166 66 . 60 00 . 166 66 . 125 00 . 150 00 . 200 00 . 125 '00 . 125 00 . 150 00 . 150 00 . 75 00 75 00 100 00 83 33 . 30 00 1 1 justice of peace 11 janitor C, H. & bailiff sheriff and deputies supt. P. H.&R.V. S. jury certificates road orders paid operating Lee's ferry supplies surveying & platting meals jury . 90 00 . 658 30 . 50 00 . 1053 80 .4874 -28 75 00 . 501 04 . 168 00 6 50 1 95 . 24 80 . 21 40 2 10 7 00 . 10 00 . 10 00 . 10 00 10 00 . 10 00 6 00 6 00 meals election board assessed claim clerk of election inspector judge of election 11 ii 11 clerk marshal " Dec. 12th... registration officer 5580 V 31 60 judge of election 5 00 inspector of election.'... marshal " 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 clerk 11 judge 11. inspector clerk judge clerk judge French rried Potatoes' 3 " Coff olened" K .JL TID YOU ever eat French Fried with Cottolene? If not, you've never eaten 0$$ rrencn'rnea rocatoes at tneir Best Cottolene makes them rich and ing, but never greasy. If you have been frying and with butter, try Cottolene It is every bit as good, at less than one-third the price. If you are using lard for shortening and frying, we would simply suggest that Cottolene is recognized and recom mended by leading physicians, domestic science author ities, and culinary experts generally, as being more wholesome, digestible and producing better food. Cottolene is a vegetable source and making and is bound to be better and Try Pare the potatoes, shave in very thin slices, or cut in straws, Vz in. strips, dice .or crescents. Soak in cold water, drain dry on a nap kin, and cook few at a time in basket in deep hot Cot tolene Drain and season with salt Made osl by TUB N. 798 Michael Schmuck 790 'C. W. Gilbert 800 John J. Thompson 801 J. E. Purtyman 802 R. I. Owenby ii " CI. 803 R. I. Owenby . " 804 R. C. Winn ., jjfljw yj 1 805 f. w. voiz " mwfo 1fO 806 J. M. Montoya , " . 807 Geo. Staff " " 808 Eben Greenlaw " o., ti. r :.... ouy juiiii i-.cii.ill lieu , 810 W. H. Switzer, Treas., " 811 812 " " " Sal. 8x3 " Exp. 814 J. S. Button " 815 T. P. Manning " 816 Maverick, Clark Litho.Co. " 817 Geo. Barnard & Co. " 818 Grimes, StassforthSta.Co. " 819 Wilson & Coffin 820 The McNeil Co. " 821 R. R. Powers " 822 C. B. Wilson ' 823 Mt. States Tel. Co. " 824 ' " -..' " 825 Jas W. Byrom ' " 826 Frank Manning " 827 Postal Tel-Cab. .Co., " " 828 Jesus Quijada t " 829 C. B. Wilson - .-' " 830 Hunter Drug Co. " 831 Flag. Drain. Imp., Co., " 832 Knox & Bowman " 833 Babbitt Bros. 834 Wm. Beeson 835 F. S. Breen 836 S. Barron 11 11 11 - 11 11 837 D. Montoya 838 C. A. Black & Bro 839 West. Union Tel. Co. 840 L. E. Hart L84i'Gee Gim . 842 Robert Burns :' 843 E. S. Miller - 844 Dr. P. A. Mellick 845 Mt. Sts. Tel. Co. 846 West Publishing Co. 847 G. F. Manning, Jr.,1 848 Babbitt Bros. 849 W. F. Atkins . 850 T. L. Rees 851 Felipe Favor ' - 852 W. C. Everett 853 Ambrosia Armijo 854 Arizona Cen. Bank' 855 D. E. Snebly 856 W. G. Dickinson 857 Grand Can. Sheep Co., 858 Wm. H. Dagg Total Claim A. G. Rounseville, coun ty physician, Williams, not" al lowed pending investigation. Claim Babbitt Bros., burial in digent, held for investigation. Claim Babbitt Bros., automo bile hire in March, rejected. Claim J. A. Button filed for $25, allowed for $22. Claim Dr. T. P. Manning filed for $39, allowed for 24. Claim D. Montoya filed for $24, allowed for $9. Potatoes made l xlwji crisp and appetiz shortening your food product pure in safer than lard. this Recipe i K. FAIHBANK COMPANY PIHHMip7lfH 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 carrying supplies to Sedo- na and return 5 00 inspector election, Sept.. 500 5 00 judge " ".. 5 00 clerk " ".. 5 00 1 11 11 judge .. 5 00 inspector " "..' 5 00 election officer Oct., 1911, 5 00 assignedtclaims, -Sept.. 102 50 cash items ".. 56 74 assigned ".. 39 20 sheriff's office, O. D. R.. 470 00 burial indigent, Sept.. 22 00 county physician ".. 24 00 supplies ".. 109 75 "... 28 50 ".. 12 56 labor and material. ' ','.. 6 25 supplies ".. 149 00 ,fuelWms. jail ".. 32 00 assigned claim ".. 25 00 toll, Aug., and phone ".. 7 22 23 25 laundry C. H. & jail ".. 3 50 extra guard ".. 16 00 messages ".. 77 interpreter . ".. 2 50 county attorney t ':. 12 80 supplies , ".. 50 sewer service July 1st to Jan. 1st, 1913 100 00 meals election board, jury and lodging jury, Sept.. 4050 caring for stolen horse...-. 240 fuel C. H. and jail, Sept.. a 50 P. & P. and supplies. ".. 14945 interpreter Aug. and ".. 5 00 labor, deputy sheriff Aug. 9 00 supplies Sept.. 3 50 messages & clock, service, 21 88 hospital and meals, jail, September 51835 meals jaij, Wms., Sept.. 7 50 livery June and August. .. 8 00 fumigating Sept.. 10 00 prof, service ".. 10 00 Sept. toll & Oct. phone.. 7 25 law books, May, July and September 16 00 professional service, Sept. 5 00 supplies and livery ".. 365 15 bounty ".. 4 00 11 11 4 00 11 -ii ... 10 00 11 11 .. 10 00 1 '. . 11 9 00 11 '. '' j 'ii , assigned .. 5 00 11 11 1 , .. 12 00 11 11 11 ! ' . . 9 00 11 11 .. 20 00 7 00 ....- $12,833 73 Claim Babbitt Bros, filed for 388.92, allowed for $365. 15. The bond of J. M. Keeling as notary public at Tuba was ap proved. The bond of Sorun C. Jensen as notary public at Fredonia was approved and the same were ap pointed as registration officers for iheir respective precincts. The appointment of F. O. Allen as deputy county school superin tendent during the absence of N. G. Layton was approved. The report of the county re corder, showing collection of $389.60 during the month of Sep tember, and the treasurer's receipt for same, was checked with the blotter and fee books and ap proved. The report of the clerk of the superior court, showing collection of $250.04, during the month of September, and treasurer's receipt for same, was checked with the fee book and approved. The reports of justice of the peace at Williams, showing col lection of $9 during month of August and the September report showing collection of $13.75 in civil cases and fines of $25, and the treasurer's receipt for same, was approved. The report of the constable at Williams, showing collection of $7.20 and treasurer's receipt for same, was approved. The report of the sheriff, show ing collection of $12.90 during September, and treasurer's re ceipt for same, was approved. The expense account of the sheriff's office, showing' $236.35 expended, was checked and ap proved. The report of the county school superintendent for quarter ending Sept. 30th was approved. inspector judge clerk judge The flagstaff Lumber Mf(.Co. Wants your order ARIZONA SOFT LATH TO Drop us a line or call, telling us your wants, and we will gladly fjuote you prices. ' Having one of the most 'modern, mills in the southwest enables us to furnish WELL MANUFACTURED LUMBER Special Rates to Contractors Capacity 100,000 feet daily Vt kH :, , ? ia 11 111 L ' - I'Xr II ,fcYi rA I 7 T2am ss m &$& You'll not find any Better Ones TRY THEM Confection Den SUNDAY MATINEE ! The management has decided to change the matinee for Children from Saturday af ternoon to Sunday afternoon, from 2 130 to 4 o'clock. Children will be admitted free; adults 15c. If you can't come send the little ones and let them see the pictures. The Lyric Theatre Weatherford Block The superintendent of schools, showing the school districts of Coconino county as they existed August 5th, was approved, and are on file in board of supervisors office. The reports of the custodian of the Bright Angel Toll Trail, show ing collection of $527 in August and $615 in September, and treas urer's receipt for same, was ap proved. The reports of the custodian of Lee's Ferry, showing collections for April, May, June, and July $209.95, and for August of $28, and treasurer's receipts for same, was approved. The report of the county treas urer, showing receipts $5,928.89, disbursements $22,266.14, bal ance on hand Sept. 30th $44, 487.73, distributed to the various county funds, was checked with the treasurer's books, stubs and cancelled warrants and approved. The board of supervisors and county attorney proceeded to count the money in the treasury for anything in PINE LUMBER TIMBERS HerVs a Bakery Just as clean, as any baker' you've ever seen. Here is Bread, fresh every day, ex cellent bread, we think you will say; Here are Cookies, Pies, and cakes, as fine as any baker bakes; here are Doughnuts, Rolls, and Buns and and handed in the following veri fied report: The amount of money that ought to be in the treasury is $44,487.73; the amount of money actually in the treasury is $44,487.73; that the kind of money is: gold, $370; silver, $46.20; currency, $195.18; cash, items, $9,171.18. The amount deposited in the Arizona Central Bank and interest being paid to the county upon such deposit $15,400.01. Amount deposited in the Citizens Bank and interest being paid to the county thereon $23,041.25; less out standing checks, $3i7773. The rate of interest the county receives is 2 per cent per annum on the daily balances, credited to the county monthly. We further depose and say that not more than three months have elapsed since the last countipg of such moneys was made as required by. law. This counting was made on the 7th day of October, 1912. Upon receipt of a letter from (Continued on page eight) i i i u. $ "fas '---'4'. -& & .' . 4. " fe4r !:.' '-? ',-: -. ? .;;, - 6:iMjk , ; 'jtefrfe I imim wPflHMHHMSNHMMHEra SLars2icsss2E.'ai2 '.'. 'J.SKU&ffl&KSiPKt.jj -. S",'T5-"''V'-afiti -" ?.&