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m3smmmMmmm8mmmK- 'r-...'i .. ;., asisssss&.-a ,.v :. "k-;- ,,6.shs&?bmsw Wmmmmn'- :'i?j",f -. ' '"rfTOWSr zGBBmMt X . f " t- TAGE SIX". , THE riastatt Lumber HI?. Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Arizona Soft Pine LUMBER Most Modern Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory in the Southwest 100,000 DAILY CAPACITY "The Best Always Pays the Best" Calif ornia-Arizona Construction Co. : General Contractors All Kinds of Street Pavements i Phoenix, Groceries of Quality . Are to be had at Crawfords, The freshest and best is our motto Prompt delivery by motor truck Make your wants known and be sure to receive immediate atten tion JPhone .25 CRAWFORD'S GROCERY for unsurpassed service f. j i J J. C. O'CONNOR OUR SPECIALTIES Horse Shoeing, Automobile springs, wagon wheel work - , ALL WORK GUARANTEED Prices Reasonable Work Promptly Done East Aspen Avenue The Sun for Neat Job Printing v FEET 1 X Arizona THE COCONINO SUN Range and Market News i Items of Interest Pertaining to the Market Letter lor WEEKLY KANSAS CITY STOCK MARKET REPORT Kansas City Stock Yards, Sept. 11, 1 1916. About one half a normal sup- j ply of cattle came in last week, be- rniian nf rnHrnnr Rprvico r1tRnrfmfi ' mcnt in apprehension of tho threat ened strike, and there was an ad vanco of 25 cents in killing cattle, and 25 to 50 cents on stackers and feeders the first of the week. Killing grades lost their advance, but stack ers and feeders held most of theirs. The supply today is 80,000 cattle, market steady to 15 lower, the best grades selling about steady. About 200 cars from the Panhandle and New Mexico were included, containing good yearlings and twos at $7.30 to $8.00, cows at $5.25 to $6.25, veals up to $10.00, stock calves $7 to $8, fat heifers up to $7.50. Colorado sent a good run, including a string of Moore & Wolf feeders from Cimarron, 1036 lbs. at $7.40, and some plain killers at $6.40. The yards were full of coun try buyers, who paid up to $8.25 for fleshy feeders. Sheep and Lambs Lower. Sheep and lamb receipts were 9500 head, mostly from Utah, Arizona and Colorado. The top price was 10 lower than close of last week, at $10.90, but fleeces were wet today. Other Utah lambs, besides the top lambs, sold at $10.75 and $10.85. Colorado lambs brought, the top, $10.90, and'Arizonas brought $10.35. As usual, sorts were light, but there was a strong demand for the feeders thrown out, $10.35 be ing the common price for the Utahs, and $10 for the Arizonas. Fat ewes sold at $7, wethers from Utah weigh ing up to 140 pounds at $7.65, and yearlings at $8.10. Demand for breeding stock is heavy, sales today $7 to $8.50; and feeding ewes at $5.75. Prospects here look good for the sheepmen from every angle. IIogs Sold Steady. Hogs sold steady to order buyers, who bought a good many light hogs at $10.80 to $11.05, and medium weights up to $11. Packers stopped at $10.85 for all weights, their purchases about 10c lower, bulk of sales $10.50 to $10.85. Top prices .at other Missouri river markets today is $10.90, tho strong demand from order buyers, on top of the packer demand, running the price here up. Receipts are lib eral for the season, but demand con tinues extraordinary, and for the pres ent the market looks safo. J. A. RICKART, Market Correspondent WEATHER AND CROP SUMMARY FOR ARIZONA Ending Tuesday, September 12, 1916. General rains during the past week have put the ground in good condition for fall seeding. All forago crops are reported in excellent con dition. The harvesting of oats and hay continues. In the northern coun ties potatoes are being dug. Apples and-late peaches are being picked. As a rule the yield of fruit is rather small, but the quality is excellent. Heavy local rains in tho Salt River valley and its vicinity broke canals and caused tho washing of much ag ricultural land. The rains .damaged cotton to some extent and spoiled a considerable amount of hay. Ranges and cattle are generally re ported in good to excellent condition. R. Q. GRANT, Meteorologist, Weather Bureau. WHAT A TOURIST HEARD. A tourist in Ireland camp upon a couple of men "in holts" rolling on the road. Tho man on top was pum meling the other within an inch of his life. The traveler looked on in silence for a moment and then inter vened. "I say, it's an infernal shame to strike a man when he's down." "Faith, if yez knew all tho trouble I had gettin'Jiim down yez wouldn't bo talkin' like that," came the inter mittent reply. The locust drones in monotones, the cricket sings its song; all signs, we'd state, which indicate it won't be sum mer long. FOR SALE Rambouillet Rams Large, smooth, heavy-wooled range raised Our Rams have been awarded silver cups, championships and many other prizes at the New Mexico and Arizona State Fairs and Northern Arizona State Fair. AUBREY INVESTMENT CO. i Prescott, Arizona Ranch address: Nelson, Arizona. August , 4th tf Livestock Industry of Arizona. the Past Week. NEWS FROM JER THE STATE .Phoenix was visited by the heaviest storm in ten years last Saturday af ternoon. The streets were flooded and a number of people ha,d narrow es capes from drowning in attempting to cross them. A half inch of water fell within fifteen minutes. Tho Southern Pacific Golden State Limited train was held up last week at Apache Junction by bandits. They failed to secure anything of value and seemed to have been of the amateur class of performers. Anyhow it keeps up our record, politically and otherwise. . Barefoot dancers are dancing on the beach sands in California to "absorb vitality," as some nut puts it Their mother used to use the wash tub to absorb her vitality, and probably his pa used to ,do some wood sawing to keep himVrom having too much vi tality after his regular day's work was over. Because he had a small flash of whiskey in his possession, Joseph H. Weltner was arrested while motoring across the San Carlos Indian reserva tion from New Mexico. Weltner, who is a local business man, had been called to Mexico on business and was returning to his home in Globe'. He did not see any Indians while crossing the reservation. . A convict named Halo, who with a couple of other men held up the bank cashier at Duncan, and left the cash ier in the vault to smother, and who was sentenced to serve a term in the penitentiary, is out campaigning the state for Governor Hunt. He called on the cashier of the bank whom he had left to suffocate in the vault, but who was later discovered and re leased. FEDERAL MIGRATORY ' BIRD LAW APPROVED u f Members of the Northern Arizona Game Protective Association are much pleased at the recent action of congress thoroughly approving the federal migratory game law. This approval is shown in two sep arate and distinct actions by con gress that adjourne.d on Sept. 8. On August 13th the senate sus iained the federal migratory bird law by a vote of 52 to 8, the law having been previously approved by the house. The particular measure was an appropriation of $50,000 to en force the law during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1916, which appro priation was passed by both branches of congress. On August 25th the senate ratified tho international migratory bird pro tection treaty with Canada, which simply means that Canada has now agreed to follow the same principle that the United States is doing in protecting migratory birds during certain months of the year. As is well known many of our game bir.ds sum mer and breed in Canada. This specific action by congresswill put at rest any doubts ever enter tained by any one as to the constitu tionality of tho federal migratory bird law. Arizona duck hunters will do well to read the above and remember that the, federal bird law supercedes the state bird law, and that tho op"fcn sea son for .ducks in Arizona is from Oc tober 15 to February 1. Also the As sociation calls attention to the fact that all resident and non-resident Arizona licenses bear this clause: "Where state and federal law con flicts, tho federal law governs." Also, that tho Northern Arizona Game Protective Association will prosecute vigorously any violations of the .federal migratory bird law brought to its notice. Association members also call at tention to the fact that the agricul tural appropriation act recently nassed by congress authorizes the ! creation of game refuges on lands purchased for forest' purposes under the Weeks law in the southern Appal achians and the New England states, which can be taken as an approval by congress of the Chamberlain-Hayden game refuge bill. Abo Martin, he says: "There haint nothin' that'll hold a home together like a good wife that crawls out early an' smilin'ly an' cooks a reg-lar breakfast Miss Tawney Apple, treasures o'the Rialto Film Palace, took in an artificial quarter today." "I see Streaker over in Bean Basin1 is building a garage. When did. he get a car?" "He hasn't one yet, but he's got an option' oh ten gallons of gasoljne." AT THE COUNTY' RECORDER'S OFFICE Notice of water location, section 8, Tp. 23, N. R. 7, east, M. Martin et al. Notice of water location, section 12, Tp. 23 N. R. 7 east, M. Martin et alt Notice of water location, West Ce dar Wash, M. Martin et al. I Notice of water location, West Ce dar Wash, M. Martin et al. Notice of water location, 41 miles from Flagstaff, M. Martin et al. Notice of water location, Rabbitt Canyon, M. Martin et al. Notice of water location, Rabbitt Tank, M. Martin et al. Notice of water' location, Black Tank, M. Martin et al. Notice of water location, Sec. 7, Tp. 23 north, M. Martin et al. Notice of water location, Chavez Tank, Pedro k Echicique. Lease, Katherine McMillan toB. F. and S. P. Merritt 'Chattel mortgage, W. F. Hubbard et al to H. J. Ramer. .Chattel mortgage, F. G, Hages to W. H. Pitts. Power of attorney, Mary Tallman to W. B. Scarborough. Agreement of sale, Mary Talman to K. J. Nackard. Patent, United States of America to Thomas Barnes. Bill of sale, R. P. Fenner to Mrs. Geo. T. Mason. Water location notice, White Horse Spring, N. Sullivan et al. Water location notice, 2 miles N. E. of Indian Tank, H. L. Sullivan et al. Water location notice, 1 miles north of Babbitt Lake, H. L. Sullivan et al. Water location notice, Cedar Twist Wash, H. L. Sullivan et al. Warranty deed, Marie Galligos to Sepriano Aguilar. Bill of sale, E. E. Thurston to Jas. G. Van Daren. Water location notice, Dog Tank, Robert J. Monaghan. Quit claim .deed, John M. Fain to C. C. Frederick. Bill of sale, John M. Fain to C. C. Frederick. Patent, United States of America to H. R. Scott Warranty deed, Nettio A. Switzer to A. J. Diamond. Warranty deed, A. W Bikker et ux to Mrs. Sarah E.JPower. Warranty deed, Richard Edgar to S. Barron. Mortgage deed, S. ITarrbn to Rich ard Edgar. Warranty deed, George Babbitt et ux to Hugh D. Campbell. Patent, United States of America to Lovelle Ott. Bill of sale, James G. Dickison to A. G. Dickison. Patent, United States of America to R. B. Walton. t Warranty deed, Lester H. Fuller to John Lazcar. -y Bill of sale, Lester H. Fuller to John Lazear. I Realty mortgage, C. C. Frederick et ux to Chas. J. Babbitt. Chattel mortgage, C. C. Frederick to Chas. J. Babbitt Warranty deed, Frank W. Payne to Louis Sands. Warranty .deed, Frank W. .fayne to Louis Sands. Warranty deed, Frank Wl Payne to Louis Sands. Corporation deed, Babbitt Poison Co. to Mrs. Lottie Burns. Chattel mortgage, Austin T, Hodge to W. H. Switzer... Mining location, 3 miles north of Fredonia, James W. Boyle. Satisfaction of mortgage, Bank of Winslow to Chas. F. Quayle. Chattel mortgage, Al Smith Jo W. H. Pitts. Warranty deed, Sepriano Augilar to Marie Gallcgos. Warranty deed, Marie Gallegos to Scphrina Aguilar. Bill of sale, Frank W. Payne to J. N. Bozeman. Agreement, Henry Miller to the Brunswick-Balko Collendar Co. Release of chattel mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt to E. E. Thurston. Release of chattel mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt to J. M. Fain. Release of chattel mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt, to C. C. Frederick. Release of chattel mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt to A. J. Charlebois. Release of realty mortgage, jChas. J. Babbitt to R. B. Walton. Release of chattel mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt, to R. B. Walton. Warranty Iced, James G. Dickison et ux to A. G. Dickison. Warranty deed, James G. Dickison et ux to A. G. Dickison. Release of realty mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt to J.'M. Fain. Release of realty mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt to A. J. Charlebois. Release of realty mortgage, Chas. J. Babbitt to C. C. Frederick Patent, United States of America to James Morehead. Realty mortgage, James Morehead et ux to Martin Buggelin. Conditional sale, H. J. Kelley et al to Babbitt Brothers. Try, a Sun want ad they will get results. ' FK1JJAX, SEtTEMHEK 15, 1916 . M ' SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. CkappelL ef Five Yetrj Stuufyf , Relieve! fcy Culm. Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chap pell of this town, says: "I suffered foe five years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any got. I read one day about Cardul, the wo man's tonic, and 1 decided to try it I had not taken but about six bottles until I was almost cured. It did me more go frii ;ood than all the other medicines I had ed. put together. My friends began asking me why I looked 60 well, and I told them about Cardul. Several are now taking it" Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache. sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired If so, let us urge you to give Cardul a trial. We feel confident It will help you, lust as it has a millioa other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardul to-day. You won't regret it All druggists. Wriutt! Cluttanoon MUda Co, Udlf IdrUory DU- Ctiitfinn, Twin., (or Sftciai hutructinu on jrourctM ! Mac book, Horn atorWaMB,"lM&kiwnpw. M.0. 1M HOURS 9am to 12 m I p m to 4 p m Saturdays 9 am to 12 m Babbitt Building Room No. 10 Phone No. 201 DR. M. O. DUMAS DENTIST FtACSTAFF, ARIZONA DR, P. PAUL ZINN Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Office 223 N. Lerouz Phone 5 5 J Flagstaff, Ariz. C. L. FLECK Decorator, Painter and Tinting Estimates cheerfully given Flagstaff,, ;: . Arizgna SPEAR BROTHERS Transfer Baceace & Express HOUSEHOLD COODS PACKED STORED OR SHIPPED Phone 125 J & 79 DRESSMAKING Spencer Corsets, custom made guaranteed 2 years, $S up. Spencer Brassieres SI up. MRS. GEORGE OLLIVIER McMillan Hall Flagstaff, Ariz. Q. N. BATY The Pioneer Wall Paper and Paint Man PHONE 197 Rooms and Board by Day or Week PHONE 237 W THE ALMEDA J. L. ROBINSON, Mgr. 210 N. Lcroux st- Flagstaff, Ariz. Fred W. Smith Dave Lovell LIGHTNING DELIVERY CO. s Baggage and Express Don't bo afraid to use our Phone 165 . Prompt Reliable Service BERT HOFFMAN Baggaee anji Transfer Phone IIO Flagstaff, Arizona 0. B. Raudebaugh Stationery and. News Stand FINE CIGARS Domestic and Havana 'i Fresh Fruits and Confectionery) i Railroad Avenue jr".ntj tVjjffFr 1 r ' . r- ' 'X' v V & J if1 wr r- if.'' y- i