Newspaper Page Text
-w"' .' s t Ji i ' ! ra ' i pa'ge eight-' THE COCONINO' SUN' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1916'V , ' t 'Son kr- .tA, f ' . OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Office of the Board of Supervisors, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 20th, 1910. Pursuant to law and also to ad journment, tho Board of Supervisors met today. Present, Chairman Hart, Members Wbolfolk and Brown, Coun ty Attorney Wilson, Recorder Cronin, Fred W. Smith, N. G. Layton, M. A. Murphy and Clerk Rees. In accordance with Paragraph 3003, Chapter XI of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1913 Civil Code, the Board proceeded with tho canvass of the votes cast at the General Election held on tho 7th day of November, 191C, all of tho returns from tho va rious voting precincts having been re ceived, with tho exception of those from tho Rose Wells precinct, in which precinct, tho Board was author itatively informed no election wa3 held. Upon motion duly made and car ried, the Board messed until No vember 21st, 1916. Approved: L. E. HART, Chairman Attes't: TOM L. REES, Clerk 3t - W T '' f ,im j1 $i For Judge of Supreme l Court - J O. J. Baughn. .. J. N. Morrison ' Henry D. Ross. For State Tax Commissioner f J. B. Corbin I Charles R. Howe.. ( George H. Smalley. For Presidential Elec 5Lli ' tors - Lamar Cobb.. .. . Harry E. Pickett.. WILSON Homer R. Wood.. W. W. Cook lohn C. Greenway HUGHES LJ. L. Hubbell . . Beverly Blunt.. . T. C. Pruett BENSON. James E. Pawley. Eugene W. Chaffin 4 0. Gibson -HANLY. ( J. Stanley Howard, fi or United States Senator For Representative ia t Congress For Governor 'For Secretary of State For State Auditor For State Treasurer For Attorney General For Superintendent of '' Public Instruction r , For Corporation Com '' tnissioner For State Mine Inspector For State Senator For State Representa " ' tlve ,,. 'ForShenff mi : . For Supervisors Henry F. Ashurst, D. Joseph H. Kibbey, R . W. S. Bradford, S... Carl Hay den, D . Henry L. Eads, R J. R. Barnette, S. . 7i 8 86 26 68 50 144 85 10 (Geo. W. P. Hunt, D . Thos. E. Campbell, R. ( Peter T. Robertson, S. Sidney P. Osbom, D., Joe V. Prochaska, R.. Alice S. Eddy, S . . . . . 1 Jesse L. Boyce, D Doane Merrill, R.. I. M. Hall.S David F. Johnson, D.. John A. Campbell, R. E. Johnson, S ....... Wiley E. Jones, D... John L Gust, R,...: William's. Crowe, S. (C. O JH. E ( Jessi Case, D E. Matthews, R. essie W. Bright, S. Amos A. Betts, D.. ., J. Harrie Cloonan, R. M. T. Bruce, S (G. H. Norms (J. E.1 Bolin, D Norman Ji McKenzie, R. Pruett, S fHugh E. Campbell, D. JF. D. Bly, R C. C. Stemmer J H. B. Embacb, D (T. H. Cureton, R. f W. G. (Bill) Dickinson, D. "I John O. Harrington, R.... T T. F. (Fred) Holden, D. Chas. T. Wooifolk, D... B. A. Cameron, R Fred Garing, R S. F. Herr For TreasHrer For Recorder 'For County Attorney r j t For Assessor S. S. Wm. Acker, D . Beeson, R. j Dan J. Cronin, D. . . . Uei Jerrie W. Lee, R j Chas. C. Jones, D (C. B. Wilson, R.. . Jj.D. Du ( Robert J unn, u. Kidd. For School Superinten dent tfi i 'f, iJ , t . - W"- 1 For Justice of the Peace Vri' Lenore Francis, D. . . . Mrs. Bozena Allen, RJ. JK'lFor Constable M. A. Murphy, D.. N. G. Layton, R... James Kennedy, D. J. S. Button, R A. V. Francis, D. . B. W. Zachau, R . F. S. Brown, D.... Lorum Pratt, Jr. .. . W. N. Schope.,.. . Frank Fairchild, D.. W. D. Grant, R Geo. McDougall, D., Swan Friberg, R.. .. , ,W. N. Kelley, D . . . . Clyde M. West, R... R. B. Griffiths, D.... Jutson R. Butt6n, R. 122 74 7 149 54 10 128 121 8 140 82 8 155 7i 10 127 87 11 135 9 9 113 117 8 I45 68 9 129 86 9 179 1 62 45 113 120 125 121 9i 139 114 120 154 95 153 94 108 132 157 149 95 116 115 65 167 Office of the Board of Supervisors, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 21st, 1916. Pursuant to recess, the Board of Supervisors met today. Present, Chairman Hart, Member Wooifolk, County Attorney Wilson and Clerk Rees. The Board continued -with the can vass of the votes cast at the General Election held on the 7th day of No vember, 1916. On opening the returns from Camp No. 10 Precinct (Saginaw), the Board found that the election officials from that precinct had failed to return the tally lists of tho votes cast and it was the sense of the Board and also the opinion of the County Attorney that no certification could be officially made of tho votes cast in that pre- I cinct. As shown by the returns, the total number of votes cast in the county was 2312 and the following tabulation shows the number of votes cast in tho several precincts of the county for the various federal, state, county and pre cinct 'candidates, and also for and against the various Amendments to the state constitution: 92 24 115 4i 96 52 226 126 14 184 123 11 205 106 12 179 210 12 226 119 12 242 116 13 171 142 13 190 151 11 171 159 11 191 122 12 193 125 13 271 209 159 197 207 155 207 145 227 222 178 260 140 209 198 263 218 181 235 149 121 268 107 13 141 19 112 85 I64 168 l6o 135 5 184 102 7 155 216 4 18 143 11 220 129 6 155 157 6 174 168 8 151 181 8 192 122 7 174 142 7 261 186 167 208 160 112 180 199 208 221 146 210 161 186 186 247 1 219 154 191 173 107 252 22 10 13 11 14 r3 10 20 14 10 33 10 21 23 24 11 12 121 12 72 6 68 11 47 57 105 94 85 78 8 104 63 8 91 116 7 92 93 7 in 80 . 7 76 100 7 89 103 7 83 94 8 90 84 7 85 86 11 108 55 142 75 129 132 no 64 58 85 106 64 145 77 116 99 121 78 93 112 in 88 74 12 84 23 7-3 57 127 112 107 89 2 122 74 3 in 151 3 129 100 5 156 85 7 89 116 7 117 no 7 98 126 10 115 97 8 104 109 8 142 76 166 77 174 164 129 69 82 1 126 "3 69 188 100 151 136 138 "5 85 158 117 127 17 16 12 13 77 34 b 49 o H 546 103 672 196 517 387 1 149 785 74 22 943 69 54 1131 529 64 1012 1093 52 1141 724 66 1277 , 638 65 902 832 68 104 827 66 913 890 72 1041 679 70 978 759 80 1402 2 1 922 1024 1057 1040 909 1161 825 945 1 1 176 869 "37 930 1017 1083 1350 1 "57 805 743 597 206 287 37 70 33 33 2 428 909 271 226 90 2I 26 39 In accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 3007 of the Revised Sta tutes of Arizona, 1913 Civil Code, the Board of Supervisors declare the fol lowing candidates elected to the va rious county and precinct offices: State Senator Hugh E. Campbell; State Representative T. H. Cureton; Sheriff W. G. Dickinson; Supervisor (long term) Chas. T. Wooifolk; Su pervisor (short term) Fred Garing; Treasurer S. S. Acker; Recorder Dan J. Cronin; County Attorney C. B. Wilson; Assessor J. D. Dunn; School Superintendent Lenore Fran cis; Justice of the Peace (Flagstaff Precinct) M. A. Murphy; Justice of the Peace (Williams Precinct) J. S. Button; Justice of tho Peace ( Grand Canyon Precinct) B. W. Zachau; Con stable (Flagstaff Precinct) W. D. Grant; Constable (Williams Precinct) Geo. McDougall; Constable (Fredonia Precinct) Jutson R. Button. Road pay-rolls to the amount of $2 045.91 were approved by the Board and the Clerk was authorized to issue checks to the proper persons in pay ment of the same. It was the sense of the Board, that for the completion of certain work on the Flagstaff-Williams road, now be ing done by and under the supervision of tho State Engineer, that the sum of $5,000.00 be contributed by the county, and that said sum of $5,000.00 so contributed by the county, be ex pended by and under the supervision of tho State Engineer. A motion in accordance with the above was duly made, supporter and unanimously carried. There being no further business to como before the Board, adjournment was made. Attest: TOM L. REES, Clerk. Approved: L. E. HART, Chairman AT THE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE Water location notice, Sec 25, Tp. 29, N. R. 1 east, L. Benedict. Warranty deed, Eli Luccro et ux to James B. Hcnnessy. Release of realty mortgage, Ed ward M. Brown to Lewis E. Johnson. Realty mortgage, Lewis E. John son et ux to Edward M. Brown. Release of realty mortgage, Citi zens Bank to R. T. Brown. Release of chattel mortgage, Citi zens Bank to R. T. Brown. Notice of water location, Sec 30 Tp". 41, N. R. 2 west, John E. Dob- son. Warranty deed, C. J. Babbitt et ux to Armanda Martinez. Satisfaction of mortgage, C. J. Bab bit to Smith & Lowell. Release of realty mortgage, Babbitt Poison Co. to Sidney Terry. Chattel mortgage, Lorum Pratl Jr. to Richfield Commercial & Savings Bank. Warranty deed, Sophronia Watson to Elenoro O'Wall. Warranty deed, Rafael Samora et ux to Alejandro Monscgur. Chattel mortgage, Yoder & Melick Cattle Co. to Williams State Bank. Satisfaction of mortgage, Williams State Bank to E. B. Perrin. Warranty deed, Babbitt-Poison Co. to H. M. Stark. Mortgage, H. M. Stark et ux to Williams State Bank. Release of realty mortgage, Flag staff Commercial Co. to Geo. Morris. Release of realty mortgage, Ari zona Lumber & Timber Co. to Geo. Morris. Release of realty mortgage, Ari zona Lumber & Timber Co. to D. Lo- vell. Chattel mortgage, A. V. Hutchin son to Maude J. Hamilton. Patent, United States of America to Ernest Burrus. Release of chattle mortgage, M. I. Powers to C. H. Greuter. Warranty deed, Frank E. Brooks et ux to Amado Martinez. Notice of location, Annie Laurie, Unnamed Min. Dist ,H. R. Stowe. Notice of location, Annie Laurie, No. 1, Unnamed Min. Dist. Stowe. Notice of .location, Annie No. 2, Unnamed Min. Dist Stowe. Quit-claim deed, Nellie N. Klock and husband to Eva J. Riemer. Warranty deed, Elizabeth N. Clark and husband to John Hennessy. H. R. Laurie, H. R. Chattel mortgage, Frank Golsarry et al to Arizona State Bank. Warranty deed, Paul E. Miller et ux ' to Warren O. Perkins. - Notice of location, George Wood, t White Mesa Min. Dist J. W. Francis. Notice of location, Happy New Year, White Mesa Min. Dist. J. W. Francis. Notice of location, Piute, White Mesa Min. Dist J, W. Francis. Notice of location, Velvet, White Mesa Min, Dist J. W .Francis. Notice of location, Spencer, White Mesa Min. Dist. J. W .Francis. Warranty deed, Fidencio Saavedro to Mary Jesus Gonzales. Satisfaction of mortgage, Williams State Bank to Joseph Rambaud. Conditional sale, J. A. Fenstermak er to Babbitt Brothers. Waranty deed, George Babbitt et ux to Isabell Lagaspi. Patent, United States of America to David E. Collins. Notice of location, White Horse No. 1, White Horse Min. Dist. H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 2, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 3, White Horse Min. Dist. H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 4, White Horse Min. Dist. H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 5, White Horse Min. Dist H. A, Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 6, White Horse Min. Dist.H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 7, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 8, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 9, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 10, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 11, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Notice of location, White Horse No. 12, White Horse Min. Dist H. A. Par kyn. Warranty deed, W. P. Cooper et ux to Williams S. Borum. Saluting the Anthem "I have solved the crowded car problem!" exclaimed the jubilant street railway man. "How?" "We'll put a phonograph in each car and keep it playing "The Star Spangled Banner." Then everybody will have to stand up' "Only 'Gits-It' (or Me Aftr Thitl" It "Gets" Every Corn Every Time. Painless. Nothing More Simple. 'Tll'tell you what. Tve quit uslnir too-eallnfr salves lor corns, I've quit maklnp a package out of my toes with bandages and contraptions quit dipping- with knives and scis sors. Give mo GETS-IT every time! Vihcn You See The Pretty ClrU la Yoai DrosKut'a Window It's a Good Tuna To End Your Cores. That's what they all say tho very flrst time they use "GCTS-IT." Ifa because "GETS-IT" is so simple and easy to use put It on In a. few sec onds because there Is no work or corn-foolln? to do, no pain that shoots up to your heart. It gets your coma oil your mind. All the time It's working and then, that little old corn peels right on, leaves tho clean, corn-free skin underneath and your corn Is pono! No wonder millions Prcfer'-GETS-IT'. Try It tonlcht. 3-GETS-IT" is sold and recom mended by drugglsta everywhere. 25o a cottie. or sent on receipt of pne byE. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. 111. Sold in Flagstaff and recommended as the world's best com remedy by the Hunter Drug Co. and Will Marlar Drug Store. Less Carbon because Zerolene is made from Asphalt-base crude. It burns up clean, and goes out with the exhaust. ZEROLENE ihe Standard Oil ior Motor Cars Sold by dealers everywhere and at all Service Stations of the Standard Oil Company (CilliornlO Flagstaff. . Ji f , ' h ., l 1 f-f.