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FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1917 THE COCONINO SUN PAGE THREE tfi v aav i r si I " i I . J INTERESTING NOTES OF -v FOBESTjiFjIICE AFFAIRS There were 183,442 more cattle and horses, and 005,338 more sheep and goats using the National Forests in 1916 than in 1915. It is estimated that in 1915 about 40,000 forest fires occurred in the United States, which burned over about 5,900,000 acres and' caused a damago of approximately $7,000,000. Tests at the Forest Products Labo ratory, at Madison, Wisconsin, indi cate that by the use of four addition al nails in each end an increase of 800 per cent in the strength of canned food boxes is secured. Approximately 10,390 acres of de nuded lands within the National For ests were reforested in the fiscal year 1916. The total number cf trees planted was 6,148,637, while 8,280 pounds of tree seed were sown. The number of fires suppressed on National "Forest lands during the calendar year 1915 was 6,324, as ' against 7,018 In 1914. The average loss per fire was $60.41. Forty four Per cent of tho fires were confined to areas of less than one-quarter of an acre, I Revised estimates place the amount j of standing merchantable timber in the United States as approximately 2,767 billion board feet. Of this amount 1,464 billion board feet, or 53 per cent of the total, is in California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. There were cut from the National Forests in the fiscal year 1916 604, 920,000 board feet of timber. Of this amount 119,483,000 board feet was cut under free use privilege. In all, 10,840 sales of timber were made, of which 97 per cent were under $100 in value. ' Investigations by the Forest Pro ducts Laboratory, Madison, Wiscon sin, have resulted in the use of spent tanbark in the manufacture of as phalt shingles to the extent of 160 tons per week. The value of the bark has been thereby increased from 60 cents to $2.50 per ton. The Pater I never told lies when I was a boy. The Kiddie When did you begin, dad? IS WHO IN STATE OF ARIZONA AT PRESENT How the tax commission of Arizona will organize on its first meeting, said to be called for January 4,-is a mys tery. While "Governor" Hunt did not name a successor to Tom Campbell, Governor Campbell did. And his name is Rudolp Kuchler and he is a rancher and he lives near Glendale. Kuchler is tho third Campbell ap pointee, unless Cattle Inspector Isaac Dedman, of'Pearce, Cochise county, may be considered in that light. Ded man wired Campbell that Hunt had asked his resignation and that it had been refused. "However, my resig nation is offered to you." Governor Campbell wired back, "Please stay on the job.' ' Rudolp Kuchler is one of the more prosperous of the valley ranchers, and has taken a strong part in organizing. He is president of the Arizona Tax payers' association and is in the fore front of the line of battle whenever it becomes necessary to form associa tions for the beterment of the con ditions surrounding the production of crops. Farm associations and mar ket committees and the like have re ceived his attention. He has been active in tho work of the chambers of commerce. Secretary Malcolm Fraser will ar rive in the city Thursday to assume his duties in the Campbell adminis tration. Doane Merrill of Benson who was tho republican candidate for state auditor, has been named as citi zen member of the board of control. Under the Campbell regime the board of control will consist of Governor Campbell, Auditor Jesse Boycc and Citizen Member Merrill. Hunt has made no move to name appointees to fill vacancies. There may be some interesting times if two boards of control attempt to meet to transact the same business. It is generally believed, however, that no state business requiring the presence of cither claimant to the governor ship will be done until there is an ex pression by the courts regarding the mandamus brought by Judge Sloan against Mr. Hunt. The contest, so-called, will be course proceed. Apparently the Campbell clan will sec no halting that interest ing inspection until the last bally bal lot has been looked at. Meanwhile, in response to the court's order and some days following it, the Hunt bondsmen, Homer Wood and A. B. Williams, have increased his surety from ?2,000 to ?6,000. THE GOLDEN RULE STORE by J. C. Penny Co, of New York, operating over 177 Stores, will occupy the new Bikker Building on East Aspen Avenue OPENING DAY APRIL FIRST 1917 with a full line of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Ready to Wear Clothing, Dry Goods, etc. REMEMBER THE DATE Notice During Mrs. Stuart's absence work may be delivered to Mr. Dyer in the Studio upstairs. Sittings will be made as usual and all other work will be at tended to promptly. THE STUART ART SHOP 640 ACRE GRAZING HOMESTEAD This law now applies to the Public Lands of. Arizona. It is necessary to file application for designation of lands under this Act before applications can be allowed. Send me description of the lands you desire and I will prepare all papers for you. The fee is reasonable. Act today. The other fellow might get it tomorrow. Write or Wire. f , FEN S. HILDRETH, LAND ATTORNEY. PHOENIX, ARIZONA N. B. If you need a map of your township, I can make it. INSTRUMENTS ALLOWED RECORDED DY COUNTY RECORDER IN HIS OFFICE It is with great pleasure The Sun announces to tho general public that we have been able to attain access to the public records of the County Re corder's office and will endeavor, auto cratic providence permitting, to pub lish the full record and not an "edited or" We are willing to admit that when an office holder planks down the whole sum of $2.75 or so per year in taxes, ho should be given extra privileges and be allowed not only to accumulate hia salary of $2,000 per year and ad vise the public just what is best for them. The Sun reporter was kindly, and courteously advised "there is the vault, help yourself; you can stand up outside; don't come inside the (official) railing." Again we are willing to admit, if a recorder with a recor pays $2.73 taxes, and is interested in a democrat ic newspaper, he should use his time to an advantage. Chattel mortgage, A. L. Sims to A. H. Beaslcy. Assignment of mortgage, E. J. Brown to Arizona Central Bank. Material man's lien, McGonigle Lumber Co. vs. Steve Loverick. Articles of incorporation, Roman Catholic church of Tucson. Realty mortgage, Fannie Cameron and husband to Chas. J. Babbitt. Release of chattel mortgage, Citi zen's bank to F. J. Patfon. Warranty deed, George Babbitt et al to Marion "F. Allsup. Assignment to trustee, Cora E. Mills, under name of Mills' Racket Store. Chattel mortgage, F. J. Paton to Citizens bank. Realty mortgage, A. W. Bikker et ux to the Citizen's Bank. , Release of chattel mortgage, Ari zona Central Bank to E. G. Keith. Realty mortgage, Saturemio Moller to Alice King. Release of realty mortgage, Flag staff Mercantile Company to Sature mio Moller. Satisfaction of mortgage, lAndrew Miller to W. L. Sevier. Satisfaction of mortgage, State Bank of Kane to A. F. Jensen. Chattel mortgage, Chas. F. Quaylc to A. N. Quayle. Patent, United States of America ta F. A. Boulin. Realty mortgage, Frank A. Boulin to Andrew Miller. Realty mortgage, Mrs. Anna Stone( to Williams State Bank. Affidavit of location work, Puite, Spencer, Happy New Year, George Wood and others. Chattlc mortgage, C. G. Payne to May C. Lazear. Writ of attachment, Chas. Daze vs. W. H. Lovelady. Notice of sale, The Dresswell Shop. Waranty deed, Lewis A. Cross to Louise Cross. Water location notice, Moonlight Seep, E. J. Marshall. Water location notice, Coyote Seep, E. J. Marshall. Water location notice, Grand View Spring, E. J. Marshall. Water location, notice, Willow Spring, E. J. Marshall. Warranty deed, Ida M. Cameron to Robert Ei Taylor. Warranty deed, Santa Fe P. R. R. Company to Standard Iron Co. ' Deed, John Dowell to Santa Fe Land Improvement Company.j Release of chattle mortgage," Jennie O'Brien to M. T. O'Connod. Bill of sale, Ed. B. Pcrrih et al to Lilo M. Pcrrin. Extension of mortgage, J. H. En gert to Mont Anderson. Appointment of deputy recorder, Dan J. Cronin to Irene Bart. Release of realty mortgage, W. D. Roden to J. E. Jones. Warranty deed, Arizona Central Bank to!C.C. Harvey. Bond, C. B. Wilson, County At torney. 1 e Mortgage,' .Roman Catholic church to Fire Association Company. Affidavit of labor, H. P. "Francis, Min. Dist. H. H. Pitkin. '' Affidavit of labor, Henry Ford Min. Dist, H. H. Pitkin. Atnaavu 01 lapor, uoyai, nun. wisi. H. H. Pitkin. Warranty deed, F. E. Caufman to Matie Wolf, Affidavit of labor, Hampton .Francis Min. Dist. Buggcln and Kersch. Affidavit of labor, Kinser, Min. Dist. Buggeln and Kersch. Affidavit of labor,, Emerald, Mm. Dist, W .H. Sicknidge, et al. Affidavit of labor, Anita Queen, Dist. W. H. Sicknidge, et al. Appointment of deputy County At torney, C. B. Wilson to Gerard T, Wall. Cancellation of appointment, F. L. Dickinson -by W .G. Dickinson. Cancellation of appointment, Robert Erwin by W. G. Dickinsqn. Cancellation of appointment, Chas. Wade by W. G. Dickinson. Cancellation of appointment, M. C. Smith by W. G. Dickinson..--.. - Bill of sale, N. D. Swartout to Mrs. Jarel Moyer. Bill of sale, William Beeson to Mrs. 1 Jarel Moyer. Appointment of deputy assessor, J. D. Dunn to J. G. Higginbotham. Cancellation of appointment, Tom Eakins by W. G. Dickinson. Bond official, James Dudley Dunn, assessor. Bond official, C. T. Woolfolk, chairman board of supervisors. Bond official, Fred Garing, mem ber board of supervisors. Bond official, Lcnore Francis, county school superintendent. Realty mortgage, J. E. Jones et ux to Citizen's Bank. Bond official, L. E. Hart, member board of supervisors. Quit claim deed, Pedro Echenique to Pete Espil. Warranty deed, Pedro Echenique to Pete Espil. Bill of sale, Pedro Echenique to Espil. Bill of sale, Schnibley & Price to Echeveme & O'Hara. Bill of sale, Schnibley & Price to Mike O'Hara. Water location notice, Fat Thomas, by John O. Harrington. Appointment of deputy superin dent of health, Thomas Manning, Jr. to G. F. Manning, Jr. Appointment of deputy sheriff, W. G. Dickinson to G. F. Manning. Appointment of deputy sheriff, W. G. Dickinson to F. P. Manning. Appointment of deputy sneriff, W. G. Dickinson to W. H. Sicknidge. Appointment of deputy sheriff, W. G. Dickinson to C. A. Black. Bill of sale, Willard L. Scocicr to Coconino County. Official bond, S. S. Acker, county treasurer. Chattel mortgage, Lilo M. Perrin, Jr. to San Joaquin and National bank. Mortgage Integrity Mining Com pany to J. E. Morrison. Assignment of mortgage, J. E. Mor rison to Ralph H. Cameron. Plat. blnk. Wh K. Taber Addition, Williams. Bill of sale, W. Y. Hunter to H. A. Kahl. zona Central Bank to Fred Hespich. Appointment, Tom L. Res, clerk of the board of supervisors. Bond, Tom L. Rees, clerk of the board of supervisors. , Warranty deed, Fred Hespich et ux, to Bernard C. Black. Realty mortgage, Bernard C. Black et ux, to Elizabeth B. Husir. Gift deed, Chester A. Black to ChristinaBlack. Bill of sale, R. B. Walton to Luther Hart and Helen Babbitt Bill of sale, R. B. Walton to Luther Hart and Helen Babbitt Warranty deed, Hart and Verkamp to Luther Hart and Helen Babbitt. Warranty deed, R. B. Walton to Luther Hart and Helen Babbitt Warranty deed, R. B. Walton to Luther Hart and Helen Babbitt. ANOTHER WALLOP FOR OLD JOHN BARLEYCORN Washington, Jan. 8. The Webb Kenyon law, designed to prevent liquor shipments from "wet" to "dry" states, was declared constitutional by the supreme court by a vote of 7 to 2. The court also upheld West Virgi nia's prohibition amn.dment prohibit ing citizens from receiving liquor for personal use, shipped by common car riers in interstate commerce. It was announced that Justice Mc Reynolds concurred in the decision but not completely in the opinion. Justice Rolmes and Vandeventcr were the two dissenting justices. "The all-reaching power of govern ment over liquor is settled," said the chief justice, in announcing the deci sion. "There was no intention of con gress fo forbid individual use of liquor. The purpose of this act was to cut out by the roots the practice of permitting violation of state liquor laws. We can have no doubt that con gress has complete authority to pre vent paralyzing of state authority. Congress exerted a power to co-ordinate the national with tho state authority. Attorneys for national liquor organ izations who were in court said the decision upholds and applies the Webb-Kenyon law "in its broadest sense." Wayne E. B. Wheeler, council for the Anti-saloon League of America, who, with Fred Blue, state prohibi tion commissioner of West Virginia, argued the case before the court, made his statement on the court's decision: "The states may now prohibit the possession,' receipt, sale and use of in toxicatingliquor and not be hampered by the agencies of interstate com merce.' ' Atty. Gen. Wiley E. Jones was ad vised by telegram from Washington of the decision of the supreme court in the case. Jinks BilHnirs surelv likes to But on airs. Rinks What's he doinir now? JinksOh, he fills a.gasoline can with water and carries it home in full eijrht of' the neighbors every night. HomeeP Perfection Oil Heater Ready and glowing at the touch of a match giving a cheery, odorless warmth. Burns PEARL OIL, the clean, cheap fuel. In blue or white enamel or plain black harmoniz ing with the finest surroundings. Prices: $3.75 to $7.75 For Solo by BABBITT BROTHERS - t.r&vi w wvt. i - - ii rrtjmtmMBBi&vtz. i . xasfissnkys!' t. 22m 2 i 4ll-jiL?rt'L:tii" sm iKfeMA flonumen Is I have taken the agency for the Bill Bros. Monument Company and have a fine line of samples in marble and granite of beauti ful designs. Prices are the very lowest, F. O. B. Flagstaff. See me at the Variety Store. E.B.RAUDEBAUGH Save Money By Getting Your Old Shoes Fixed W. H. SWITZER Chief Fixer Phone 94 FRANK B. RICHMOND General Contractor Dirt or rock work by day or contract Teams by day on any work. I have the equipment to give the service. Dams, tanks and anything in the line for stockmen. F. B. RICHMOND Phone 252 ' Flagstaff, Arizona We have been elected Candy Makers Extraordinary For the Whole People of Flagstuff ' Delicious Hand Made Candies Fresh every day . Another specialty and a favorite, is our clean; appetizing HOT TAMALES Always Ready Always Fresh Confection Den and Bakery BORUM & RAMSEY, Props. Job Printing in all the latest styles at the Coconino Sun office.