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PAGE" FIFTEEN FRIPAY, MAY 18, 1917 COCONINO SUN t' F f o "Necessity is the mother of in vention." It is necessary for this country to overcome the submarine menace. This necessity doubtless will mother an invention that will neutral ize the horrors of the undersea fight ing craft. MISCELLANEOUS ADS Lost Stock certificate in Tusayan Copper Co. was made out to Gus Carlson. Finder please leave at Sun office. s Lost Masonic pin set in turquoise and petrls. Finder return to John Metz and receiye reward. Wanted Work by the day by lady. P. 0. Box 592. 'Sco Mrs. Chas. Marshall for your spring sewing. First class dressmak ing from hand drafted patterns at reasonable prices. Residence 310 E. Birch avenue, about two blocks cast of County Court house. FOR RENT For Rent 3 room house furnished or unfurnished. J. L. Daughcrty. Outside Rooms for Rent Also housekeeping room. 216 N. Verde st For Rent Two room house, fur nished or unfurnished. J. L. DAUGHERTY For Rent Large room with bath, also sleping porch. Inquire at Coco nino Sun. For Rent 5 room modern well fur nished cottage. Piano. See Mrs. J. E. Jones. F Rent Two houses, furnished. Phono 250W or 59. For Rent i room house near the Normal, cheap. Inquire Herman's. For Rent Ranch north of town, 30 acres broken. See Gerald T. Wall or C. B. Wilson's office. Also good pas ture for gentle stock. FOR SALE For Sale Hupmobilc in first class condition in every way. See Jackson, Parker Motor Co. Price ?450.00. For Sale One runabout, single driving harness and a baby carriage. WM. RUDD. For Sale 12x14 Wall tent $10.00. Inquire W. S. Brown. For Sale 191G Overland Touring car. Fine condition. W. S. Brown. For Sale Good Tool house just east of Penney Store, suitable for for summer cabin or stable to be moved soon. Price $20. F. E. Brooks For Sale Dining room lighting fixture in good condition. $5.00. In quire phone No. 155. For Sale Schulz property. Easy terms. Birch & Beaver streets, Flag staff. Inquire 631 N. 3rd avenue. Phoenix, Arizona. For Sale A cheap potato planter and digger, 2 miles cast of Flagstaff, Greenlaw ranch. USED PIAO For Sale. A Krakaucr Bros, piano in perfect condition. Can be had on favorable terms. Address Thos. Hall, P. 0. Box 675. Flagstaff. For Sole Latest improved Singer sewing machine used 2 months, cheap. RALPH DAVIS, Weathcrford Hotel. For Sale Hatching eggs from thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds. Phone 267 J F. 0. ALLEN. Singer Sewing Machines for salo or rent. S. Barron, Merchant Tailor, tf New Ideal Hotel For Sale Three story, new, fully equipped, in Flagstaff, 30 room modern, hot water heated brick building, good location, 3 lots. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to Eric Denver, Belle mont, Arizona. Notice of Reception of Bids Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the town Clerk, of the Town, of Flag staff up till 5 o'clock p. m. May 28, 1917, for advertising the ordinances and council minutes of the Town of Flagstaff. Said bids to be for the fiscal year ending May 28, 1918. Each bid must specify the rate per Inch based on eight point leaded type per single column and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100), payable to the Town Council of the Town of -Flagstaff as a forfeit conditional of the faithful execution of a contract covering said bid. Bids will be opened at the meeting of the Town Council to be held on May 28, 1917- The Town Council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids anil to award tho bid to the best; re sponsible bidder. By or,der of the .Town jCouncil,, -,S. L. FINLEY, Mayor. ALEX. A. JOHNSTON, Cleric NOTICE Owing to the high cost of feed the undersigned find it necessary to in crease the charge for hauling trunks to 50c. effective immediately. FRANK SPEAR BIRT HOFFMAN May 18 D. E. COLLINS Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle also bran ed ZAK. Z left shoulder, A left rib , K left hip. IJuckhom brand of cattle ranee Heaver CrerK and Montezuma Well Brand Ion left ribs of pottle Range Anderson Mesa and Can) on Diablo and on lefnuighoi lOrses. A. W. BRADFORD Camp Verde. Cattle branded as shown on cut, Horses brand. edonteft thigh Summer range: Mule Park. Winter range: Dea der Creek. LEE VAN DEREN Sedona,. Arizona Cattle branded as In cut on left side. Also branded on left ribs 3m Range, Sedona and dry Creek, Arizona WM. NAGILER Williams, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs. Also own E 3 branded o n left shoulder, ribs and HL Also own this brind Horses branded MT on left thigh Kange i'itman Valley and Red Ilutte Cattle branded NF on left ribs Horse brand tstt thigh JOHN LAZEAR & CO. Winslow, Arizona MAIbq the folic brands . HA on left ribs F J left side leftside HL left side and hip pin left ipljgS sido Hlefthlp and hip IN left side and hip QQieitriDs to nip Horses branded U left hip and CHISHOLM BROTHERS Flagstaff, Arizona" Cattle branded n left ribs. Also JC on right ribs. Range: L a e Mary and Mor non Lake IRVEN H. WALKER Camp Verde, Arizona on left ribs. Range Long valley and Reaver Creek. jrmi A SANFORD Seligman, Arizona Cattle branded on eft hip as In cut. Also own the lot lowing brands: R :3BH U on left ribs All Increase branded as shown on above animal Hou right HI ribs g on right hip on left hip 52 ellther hip Itber hip. point runs either way llS9 Range north of Ash Fork, Co conlno county. Horses branded on left hip Cattle right ribs Caitle left Jaw to ribs, horses, leu jaw to shoulder. T. C FRIER Flagstaff, Arizona Summer range Marshall Lake and Lake Mary, Winter range Canyon Padre. Also own fol.Bja brandsJ FFF. CIA and J on left hip or -J in side. All lnrease biarded as ihownonanlmal A. C. BURNETT Seligman, Arizona tlorse Brands T T on loft thigh Range ' Floyd Mountain and vicinity Additional brands T U T.". E L K, JiLteXL m S M VE R JOSEPH L. LAY Flagstaff, Arizona -v x Cattle branded on - : l0,t"b8btherL k cattKHM LH braDdfi P- 'Horses brandedBM TT WW on left shoulder KJ B Range Woods MM- ranch. ASA HUFF Anita, Arizona Range Red Butte and Anita, Grand .. Canyon division of Tusayan National Forest. Hf JP1 Era Ww A. G. ft J. V. DICKISON Flagstaff, Arizona Other brands: J 7X JO CF u and Horses branded same as on above animal, on eft hip or thigh Range, Rock Top and Woods Ranch. ROY W. NAGILLER Williams, Arizona. Hbs Rnnge Sltgraves Mt In summer and cited Butte In winter Wm ''"1 BLACK CATTLE CO. C A. Minty, Secretary Jerome, Ariz. Cattle branded M A on left ribs and T on hip. Horses branded M A on left thigh Bange : Rogers Lake and Hod Rock. GEORGE HOCHDERFFER Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs. Horses branded the same on left shoulder Range. On San Francisco mountains, west and north. BABBITT & VAN DEREN Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs I Range. Dearer ureeu, uuck Horn, Mogollon Mount ains, Harris Park and Verde Valley Other Brands. BFC AZ XX VA 98B -f-N on left ribs, L. F. VERKAMP O. L. Hart, Mgr. Flagstaff, Ariz. C-j Range Mormon Lake Hay Lake Canyon Diablo HART CATTLE COMPANY O. L. Hart, Mgr. Flagstaff, Ariz. Range Mormon Lake Hay Lake . Canyon Diablo JMfr I. M. JACKSON Flagstaff, Arizona VHmf-w vHr :CflL 33B SrfrlfflL El 7 H M tr, Arizona . r jEI.331 Cattle branded as shown In cut I on left ribs of l cattle left thigh of norses n right R9Von right hip lbs and 4 on Klland Jaw lgntjawcattie acaiuo Range, Spring Valley, summer; Anita, winter JOHN D. BISHOP ft SONS Seligman, Arizona on left ribs , cattle Same on left thigh hones left hip cattle . iPfinrBi TlBon left ribs cattle same shoulder horses nUleUh.p cattto mo. Same left thigh horses Range north ot Selig man and Bishop lake RAY BABBITT Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs. Range: Big Fill and Little Colo rado nlver. Other Brands. on left ribs on t ribs and on left thigh WALLACE ft BLY Adamana, Arizona Cattle branded on ' left neck and left ribs as on cut. Same on left Jaw & left thigh of horses. Range Rio Puerco, Apache and Navajo counties. Other brands 4and left ribs and 4 left nips PETER MICHELBACH Flagstaff, Arizona, Cattle branded on right ribs. Horses branded on right shoulder. Range on San Fran cisco Mountains. J. G. VAN DEREN Camp Verde, Arizona Cattle branded jn left ribs uange in vicinity Wood's ranoh and Apache Maid W. J. RANDALL Pine, Arizona M---1. ... 1 under halt crop right, Cattle Branded nX on left hip. Other brands vu onto Basin and Long IMmtUg Range.-Munds Park Da UH Valley. J. A. KELLAM Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle branded on left shoulder and on left ribs as incut Also on left ribs 2d3L All Increase branded as shown on animal. Range Summer, Pump House and Lake Mary; winter, Itoden Springs & Little Colorado W. F. GRIFFIN Flagstaff, Arizona Luther Swaner, range foreman Range: Plttman and Sltgrave's Mountains Other Brands: M9 on left side E35 on left side Range Sltgraves mts and cataract Canyon L. E. HART & SONS Flagstaff, Arizona Also own brand on left blp Range Lake Mary and Sedona district BABBITT BROS. Flagstaff, Arizona CO loft ribs. I on shoulder. Horses branded J I on left thigh, J on right jaw. Range: Coconino and Tusayan Forests J. J. FISHER Flagstaff, Arizona Horses branded on left thigh Range Marshal Lake and Rogers Lake. Also If brand on Pit thigh :SjS5fegg BABBITT & WYRICK Winslow, Arizona Horsa are branded Won left thigh Range: Little Colorado River McKAY LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. A. J. McKay, Mgr. Eager, Arizona Cattle branded as cut on left blp. s left hip. Horses branded on left thigh. Range: Ruad creek and Nutrloso creek, Apache county W. M. WINGFIELD Camp Verde, Arizona Range- Long Valley and Mud Tanks Cattle branded on right ribs GEORGE PETERSON Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs. Horses branded as In cut on left shoulder. Range: Coconino Forest and Little Colorado River. inlwiiTi. LESLIE CLAYTON Camp Verde, Arizona Also the following brands: 70 uy v-o Horses branded as shown oa animal, ley, Mud Tanks and Hsckerry Mountain. J. 0. HARRINGTON Flagstaff, Arizona Cattle branded n left ribs. Horses branded m left shoulder tlso a few cattle branded-'DIamond 0" on right ribs; vcr crop half left ar. Range-Clarks Valley Big Fill ind head of Oak 'Jreek. HAYDEE LANE Flagstaff, Arizona GIDDINGS CATTLE COMPANY James Qlddlngs, Mgr. Range. North of San Francisco Peaks and Little Colorado river.' 'Also brands' . on left shoulder, ribs and hip. Horses on left branded MU shoulder CLAUDE C. BLACK Sedona, Arizona Range Munds Park and Sedona. GEO. BLACK. Sr. Sedona, Arizona Srff pljl-. hw7l vxfx --1 SpTr jJWwmlu JHiimTii 5yg---ad'prl Reid-Cashion Land & Cattle Co. Seligman, Aiizonr. Cattle branded 7 on each nip Also on right ribs and Jaw on left ribs on right nip left thigh and shoulder N '.eft thigh and 6 shoulder Long rail small as rail runs across entire critter. Horse brands: KM -left thigh. 7 o left shoulder. iLeft rlbsiattle on right thigh. EflLeft shoulder E3K3 horses Range Stone Ranch and north of Ash Fork. Old stock branded oo on left side; young stock o on left thigh and o on left blp. All steers branded as In cut with o also on left Jaw. Horse brand J on right shoulder Range: Williamson and Chlno valleys, Yavapai county and Ker- uuit 4 nous 10 uQcomno county SANFORD LIVE STOCK CO. Seligman, Arizona on left sboulder.l Lett ribs m Rtent ribs and Ip oi ribs Also owners of the following brands: W -ij-on left ribs, and on left hip JfiBru Won left neck. VII OL left ribs. on leit Horses branded VII on left tbfgh. hip Also iM no left thigh OS on left ribs 6 on hip and 6 on Jaw Brt MIKa MM Right fah'ld'r EH Cattle D Horses " Thigh all Horses Also following brands on left hip Hones branded same as shown on the animal. DS on left thigh or shoulder. 6 on left thigh and Jaw, Range: Hualpal Indian Reservation Aubrey Vallev. Black Tanks and The Plains. 0. L. HART Flagstaff, Arizona, Branded on the ribs both sides of anlmaL RangeMormon Lake Hay Lake and Can yon Diablo 0), NF. COCONINO CATTLE CO. E. H. Crabb, Mgr. Jerome, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs and slash on hip Range: Rogers Lake, Sycamore Canyon and Wind mill Country . Horses branded as In cut on left thigh. Range: Rogers Lake, Sycamore Canyon and Wind mill Country CHARLES PUNTENNEY Williams, Arizona Cattle branded on left ribs Also brand T--M Ton hip on ribs M on snouiaer Range Sycamore Canyon and vicin ity. E. G. KEITH Camp Verde, Arizona Cattle branded on eft ribs as in cut. Same brands on left shoulder of horses and mules. Range: Middle Verde APACHE CATTLE COMPANY A. L. Spellmeyer, Mgr. Cibecue, Ariz. Oattle and Horses: FX eft ribs, and crop left ear Also cows brand ed EIC and with slash aeross right shoulder. Range West Cibecue Creek. W. K. BROWN Ash Fork, Arizona Brand as shown on -animal, left ribs on cattle and right thigh on horses Earmark: Swallow fork right, under bit left. No one authorized to sell anything In this brand Range: North of Ash Folk. Arizona Pittmsn Valley Land & Cattle Co. Flagstaff, Arizona Care of John Zalaha Brands on cattle ZT right hip to jaw. Some cattle branded 2X right ribs and Z right hip Increase to be branded In cut Brands on horses : ZT right thigh. Range. Plttman Vailey.north cent ral part Coconino County, seven or eight miles east of Williams. HOWELL & WETZLER Navajo. Arizona Also own and run' the following brands' and marks: n left rib n shoulder. Ida and hip orses ion tnign boulder to Up Ranee, Eastern Apache County. HM B9 In msMtm 9EbH maL J9 355353? a mHHHHHHHHH A Mm) mmjL jM vnr Bn left Hn left HHH mlljK. HrIb Kl MmWmMMmWk PETER SCHROEDEB CampVerde Ariz. Range Jack's Can Ton and Stoneman's Lake In summer. Winter range Round. Mountain and Beaver Creek. WM. M."RUDD, Jr. Flagstaff, Arizona attle branded ion left ribs. Horses brand-. iq right hip, Range, San Francisco Moun tain and Coco nino Forest. JBksattk W. H. DICKISON Flagstaff, Arizona Also owns the follow Ing brands: JN on left ribs an rlRP Dl on right ribs. Range Apache Mala, and Stoneman Lake. MURRIETTA & MILLER Jerome, Arizona , Arizona a Cattle branded as per cut on left ribs also V on Jaw. Horses branded same on left ! thigh; also. Ul Range. Roger's Lake and Sycamore Canyon JOHNSON CATTLE CO. M. N. Perkins, Mgr. Williams, Aria. Left side animal J (Breaching) Also following M brands fg-j jq- Range South of Williams L. A. MAXWELL Camp Verde, Arizona 19 Hor s and Mules b -ded C on let thigh. Range- Double cabt l Park and Blind Lake GEORGE W. BARNEY Williams, Arizona On right blp Range South of Williams. MssaSk Chino Valley Land & Cattle Company J. D. Brown, Mgr. Ash Fork, Aria. Cattle branded on right ribs as show In cut. IX I right A'so Upright blP fl right hip left blp Horse Brands All increase branded K, M on right ribs left Weft thigh Ethlgh AM Increase branded as in first horse brand Range Northern Yavapai & Coconino Countle W. H. PITTS & SON Ash Fork, Arizona Range North ern Yavapai & Southern Co conino Co. Horses branded o either thigh JOHN LAZEAR Winslow, Arizona Cattle branded as In cut on left ribs. B F also on left ribs. RH also on left ribs. AL SMITH Ash Fork, Arizona Horses branded as above on left shoulder . also mlmfL on let blp I oi came and right thigh ot horses. Range .Coconino County north ot Williams and on Cataract Canyon H. & EMBACH Bellemont, Arizona Incrcas of ETJ and will be branded as shown on animal above. Range Belle mont and vicinity. Winter range Miller Wash. HANK WINGFIELD Camp Verde, Arizona. Range Long Val ey, Mud Tanks, Hack berry Boslnjand Verde River NELSON PUNTENNEY Puntenney, Arizona Cattle also branded I on left hip N on Jaw Horses brand ed on left thigh Range South of Ash Fork, Chlno Valley and Verde Rlvei. DUMAS ft LANE Flagstaff, Arizona Rang: Sedona, Mund'n Park and Oak Creek. .JC! m eu 70 QMj JuIZBl JiLfisJLfc !-- nil U-sBS.1 1KB IfVvHl r3attle HEI - .'Mm orandedxn F1 MHHMl lef t ribs. H- nU i M--