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3JT. (3ut ' n ,wcyiwtfY- - i3&m m r ii ! j-p,- -. .""Sfyfi PAGE SIX THE COCONINO SUN FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1917 "," raaBasragarsaMmiafcuiiaiMtMJja iV r E" FREE FROM PAIN I kai No Longer Nervous, Sinn Taking Cardui, Says Georgia Lady. Trenton, Oa. Mrs. Ellle Gilford, o! this place, writes: "1 have always suf fered ... but was worse after marriage. I would have . . . pains and misery In my stomach and hips. I would have a bad tick headache every time, which wduld generally last two days. I had always heard what a good medicine Cardui was, to I thought I would try it. I used two bottles and It helped me. Fifteen months later I began to be nervous and was worse at my . . . But it these times I did not have any pain and do not now suffer any pain. But I was very nervous, so nervous that my hands would shake. Any noise would sake me jump. So I took two more bot tles of Cardui. 1 have never been nerv ous since ... and do not have any pain. ( think this is all due to Cardui and Black-Draught." Cardui, the woman's tonic, is composed only of pure, vegetable Ingredients, which have been recognized for many years by Standard medical books as of medicinal value, in the treatment of many diseases peculiar to women. Try Cardui. NC-123 can only be attained in a plant that has perfect modern facil ities and equipment for radt work. .Ours, the largest, mot modern and most complete establishment of its kind in America, is the result of 65 "years of knowing how." rs FRANK SPEAR Transfer Baggage & Express HOUSEHOLD COODS PACKED STORED OR SHIPPED Phone 125 J & 79 G.N BATY PIONEER PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Residence 416 Birch Avenue Prompt Reliable Service BIRT HOFFMAN Baggage and Transfer Phono!IIO Flagstaff. Arizona FLAGSTAFF UNDERTAKING PARLORS Ed Whipple, Director 120 E. Aspen Avenue DR, P, PAUL ZINN Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Office: McMillan Bldg Phone 93J Flagstaff, Aril. NEWS STAND Picnic Lunch All kinds of canned delicious for the picnie'lunch. 0. B, RAUDEBAUGH BLOWN FROM TOP OF BOXCAR BADLY INJURED H. C. Words, a freight brakeman, was blown from the top of a box car Tuesday afternoon when his train westbound was near Manila station. He was stunned by the fall but re covered sufficiently to flag eastbound passenger train No. 22; he was taken on board of this train and brought to Holbrook. Later he was taken to Winslow and after an examination by the company physician was sent to the hospital in Los Angeles. No bones were broken, but it is feared .that he sustained serious internal injuries. Holbrook News. GERMAN SPY CAUGHT Akron, 0., May 21. In a telegram from its Los Angeles branch, the B. F. Goodrich company has been ad vised of the arrest of a man who had applied for touring information and road maps, but was later proved to be a German spy. His arrest was made on this charge, and he is being de tained pending a thorough investiga tion. This startling .development followed closely upon the offer of the complete resources of its national Touring Bu reau to the government officials to guard very closely the distribution of road maps and other touring informa tion. With every important road in the United States carefully mapped, log ged and guide-posted, this touring bureau has immediately available for government use the most essential factor that could possibly be used in the rapid transportation not only of supplies but troops as well. LOST BOY FOUND Last Saturday morning word was received here that a seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fenton had strayed away from the ranch near Anderson Point, the .day previous, and searchers had been unable to find him. Immediately Officer Gardner started to organize a posse to join in the search, and in a couple of hours eight automobiles loaded with men started for the hills to ioin in the boy hunt. They returned that evening with the cheering news tJint the boy had been found earlier in the day by a cowboy about eight miles from home, but not having any way to communicate the intelligence to others, the search was being continued until he could bring the Doy in on his horse. The lad was none the worse for his experience. Winslow Mail. STRIKES A NEAR GUSHER Walter McLaws has iust had brought in on his ranch south of the river a well that is a near eusher. The well is 64 feet deep and water stands within 12 feet of the surface. A small motor has been attached to the pump in the well and Mr. McLaws estimates that nearly two million gal lons of water can be pumped in 24 hours. This will irrigate a large acreage. The well is only a short distance from the flowing well of Charles Thomas, which was brought in over a year ago. Holbrook News. Prevailing Fumes "Don't you practice deep breathing as I told you?" "Can't do it, doctor, without getting your lungs full of gasoline." Serve the Nation with a loyal ton gue. Say nothing unpatriotic. ORDINANCE NO. 202 An Ordinance vacating certain al ley running in a northely and south erly direction between lots from thirteen to eighteen on the west side of said alley, and lots from nineteen to twenty-four on the cast side of said alley, in block numbered F, of, the town of Flagstaff. The Mayor and Comomn Council of the town of Flagstaff do ordain as follows: Section 1. That, that certain Alley running in a northerly and southerly direction between lots numbered from thirteen to .eighteen on the west side of said alley, and lots numbered from nineteen to twenty-four on the east side of said Alley, in block numbered Three F, 5f the Flagstaff townsite, in the town of Flagstaff, Arizona, be and the same is hereby declared tem orarily vacated, and closed. "Section 2. That all ordinances and arts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and posting. Passed by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Flagstaff, this the 14th day of May, 1917, and pres ented to the Mayor for his signature and approval, and approved by the Mnyorfthis the 14th day of May, 1917. Approved: S. L. FINLEY, Mayor of the town of Flagstaff. (Seal) Attest: ALEX. A. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk of Flagstaff. May 18 June 1 ORDINANCE NO. 203 An Ordinance adopting plana for the improvement of certain portions of Railroad Avenue, Aspen Avenue, Birch 'Avenue, Cherry Avenue, Dale Avenue, Elm-Tlttrenue, Beaver Street, Leroux Street, San Francisco Streen, Agassiz Street, Verdo Street and Eld en Street, in the town of Flagstaff, and establishing the grades and widths of the roadways thereof. Be it ordained by the Town of Flag staff, Arizona, and the Mayor and Common "Council thereof, as follows: Section 1. That the place, prepared by the Town Engineer, showing the proposed improvements of certain portions of Railroad Avenue, Aspen Avenue, Birch Avenue, Cherry Ave nue, Dale Avenue, Elm Avenue, Beav er Street, Leroux Street, San Fran cisco Street, Agassiz Street, Verde Street and Elden Street, situated within that portion of the town of Flagstaff designated as paving dis trict number Two of Jhe Town of Flagstaff, entitled Book Number Four of Street improvements and on file in the office of the Town Engineer in Book Number One of Maps, Profiles and Grades, on pages numbered 34 to 76 inclusive, are hereby adopted as the official plans for said work or Im provement. Section 2: The roadways shall be of the widthsand at the locations shown on the plans. Section 3. The grades shall be at the elevations shown on the plans, the elevations being given in feet and de cimals of a foot above the .datum plane of Flagstaff, as established. Section 4. A duplicate copy of these ilans shall be filed with the Town Clerk, and kept on file in his office. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, as re quired by law. Section G. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are here by repealed. Passed by the Common Council of the Town of Flagstaff, this 14th day of May, 1917. Approved, May 14th, A. D. 1917. S. L. FINLEY, Mayor. (Seal) Attest: ALEX. A. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk. May 18 June 1 ORDINANCE NO. 201 An Ordinance amending ordinances number Six, which is an ordinance en titled, "An Ordinance by the Mayor and the Common Council of the town of Flagstaff imposing a tax upon all dogs within the town, and providing for their extermination in case such tax is not paid." I The Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Flagstaff do ordain as follows: That Section One of said ordinance number six, be, and the same is here by amended so as to read as folows: The running at large of unlicensed dogs within the corporate limits of the town of Flngstaff is hereby pro hibited, and it shall be the duty of the Town Marshal to kill any dog run ning at large upon the streets of Flagstaff, Arizona, unless such dog shall wear a collar, to which shall be attached a metal or leathern tag, is sued to the owner of such dog by the Town Marshal. Such tag shall bear the number thereof in the order of the issuance, plainly stamped or cut there on. Such tags shall be issued by the Town Marshal to applicants, upon the payment for each tag so issued, if for a male dog the sum of $2.00, and for each bitch dog the sum of $3.00, and such tag when worn in the manner above specified, shall exempt from the provisions of this ordinance the dog for which such tag is issued for one year from the date of .the issuance of such tag. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and publication as required by law. Passed by the Mayor and Common Council on this the 14th day of May, 1917, and presented to the Mayor and signed by him on this the 14th day of May, 1917. S. L. FINLEY, Mayor of Flagstaff, Arizona. (Seal) Attest: ALEX. A. JOHNSTON, Town Clerk of Flagstaff, Arizona May 18 June 1 "Come on Over, See My Cornwall OH!" "I Fat 2 Drops of 'Gets-It on last Night-How "Watch-" "See all you have to do is to use your two fingers and lift the corn right Off. That's tho way 'Gts-It' always works. You Just put on about 2 drops. Then the corn not only shrivels, but loosens from the toe, without nttectlnp the surround ing' flesh In the lease. Why. It's al most a pleasure to have corns and Thnt "Warn a Quick Funeral That Corn Hod With Gts-ItV see how 'Gets-It' gets them off In a hurry and without the least pain. I can wear tight shoes, dance and wallc as though I nover bad corns." "Qets-It" makes the use of toe irritating salves, bundling bandages, tape, plasters and other things not only foolish, but unnecessary. Use this wonderful discovery, "Gets-It." for any soft or hard corn or callus. It is the new, simple, easy, quick: way, and It never fails. You'll never have to cut a corn again with knives or sclssorB. and run chances of blood poison. Try "GetB-It" tonight. "Gets-It" Is sold everywhere. 2Sa a bottle, or sent on receipt of prlco by 'K. lAwrencn & Co.. 111. Sold in Flagstaff and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Wm. Marlar and The Kahl Drug Co. .jsssvrlsisssssssssssssssshsw IW WK7 an (Juaranteed m If Perm's Thick does not satisfy you m in every way, return it to any dealer. 4r He is hereby authorized to refund n the jfull purchase price. Charlie Penn Manufacturing Expert of The American Tobacco Company and a famous authority on the manu facture of chewing tobacco. Guaranteed says GiadiePeim "The manufacturer who places a 'MONEY BACK GUARANTEE' on his product must not only have faith in it hut must know it is what he claims it to he that's business." Penn's Thick is guaranteed to satisfy, or your money back. PEHflfr THICK Chewing Tobacco is made from full-length strips of rich, ripe, per fect leaves of the choicest white Kentucky hurley tohacco, carefully selected. "It's as mellow as a June apple and as sweet as a nut" rkkJ For vWholesomness9 Purity and Food Value order Flagstaff Dairy Milk Safeguard your health and build up your constitution by drinking Our Milk. It is the greatest summer food of all. Our Milk is the product of cleanly kept and well fed cows. It is scientifically examined before being delivered in sterilized bottles and its purity is always maintained. kA A When you buy Flagstaff Dairy Milk, you get health insurance Serve it in your home. The Flagstaff Dairy 4 .FRED GARING, Prop. r ",J" '-. "ti &" m Of i i .-, v "J- v 1 m 4KW" - mt rV" v isj'fr &W& !''$& ii 1 V?t W r , '' 4V f W 'A. X'iV - j'fimmiffmi'iJiA ,. vm