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Page Five
Tuesday morning the new excise or
'luxury' tax became effective.
This tax differs mateiially from all
other war assessment levies in that
the consumer is compelled to pay the
tax, and not the manufacturer. All
the provisions of the new enactment,
however, do not go into effect on that
Beginning this month the purchaser
musi pay 10 we government 5 pen
cent, oi me iouu cosi oi an precious
or semi-precious stones and imitations,
jewelry, and pearls, at the time the
purchase is made. The same rate ap
plies to all articles mounted or oma
mented with piecious metals or imlt.i
tions, ivoiy and watches, clocks, opera
glasses, lorgnettes, marine classes,
field glasses and binoculars. The re
turns to the tax collector is made by
the store in which the purchase is
made, the five 'per cent tax being
merely added to the sale price.
Larger in scope, and particularly
aimed at Milady is the tax which will
go into effect Hay 1. No longer
Will the members of the fair sex stioll
languidly into the drug stoie and pur
chase new complexions. The pur
chase will be a matter of deep thought
In the future. Under this law a tax
of one cent on each 25 cents or frac
tional part of the total cost will be col
lected by the government on the fol
lowing articles: Perfumes, essences,
extracts, toilet waters, cosmetics, pe
troleum jellies, hair oils, hm- Irei.i.
ings and restoratives, hai dyes',
tooth and mouth washes, aromatic ca
chous, toilet powders, or any similar
preparation intended to be used for
toilet purposes.
Ten per cent will be levied on alH
amount in excess of $7X0. chaigcd
for purses, pocket books, shopping and
handbags. Silk stockings costing
more than $2 a pair; kimonas, petti
coats and waists costing more that
15, and boots, shoes and pun.jn val
ued at more than $10 per pair are sub
ject to this ten per cent tax, as well
as hundreds of other articles too nu
merous to mention.
Bolshevism Rears Its Head Among
the Russian Colony Near Phoenix
The spread of Bolshevik ptopaganda at once. The fact of adherence to
among the Russians in the valley is re
ported, together with leliable state
ments that there is lesponse being
made to it, and that in several in
stances Russians in groups have de-
bolshevik ideas by aliens in America,
is held by local attorneys consulted
in the matter to make enemy alicn3
of such lesidents.
The reports concerning agitation
among the foreigners dovetail with le
Our Versatile Language.
Elsie Alder, the famous prima don
na who came first to this country to
appear in "Around the Map," is now
on a tour in the middle west. She
"""r'Z p " Si ,T 7-i'1- w- w- bolshevik ideas and propa-
h n llirJt I? InV Unt! K ''" the Glendale neighborhood,
In a restaurant attached to a small fnM ,nf ,, wi.i i,n tn '
clared themselves as for the establish ports recently current in Phoenix of
ment of bolsheyism in this country. Increased I. W. W. bolshevik activities
along the exact lines followed in Rus- heie, fostered and fathered in the
sia.-in order that they may come into majn by certain radicals among organ-
uicu uwh. Ze,i labor, socialists anu anarchists.
In one instance last week it is said It is said that a general gathering
that an American, disagreeinc with of these from all over the country has
been called here for May l, and that
recently there had been arrivals daily
i..i..i -l.. .j .::: . was loiu inai ne wouiu nave 10 move oi i. w. w. in nrenarauon ior uns
n vnnTTiifJ I?" . U er8- or be killetl; that his damn country meeting, and a program of organiza-
cva?" Xrf X. ?fSf er r cod' Protect him. that the bolsho- tion and violence to be furthered
Mi1K,Xlf.'- vik wcle RinP to take it and in a few thereafter in the valley.
"I n hS?,2h ??f l months would kill or run out all of Somewhat confirming this report
Jf$ lt I?"3: Ws kind. ...... was the circulation throughout resi-
... """"b j" "i This isp was tn he tnlcnn hMom tho ilrnri narts of the citv between 11 n.
department of justice office in this m. Saturday night and 3 a. m. Sunday
city. If investigation there results morning of an inflamatory publication
in sustaining the lcport it .would ap- dealing with the proposed .spread of
pear that deportation of the man ad- revolution in the United States. Ar
mitting bolshevik alliance would come izona Gazette.
away from you?"
Again Miss Alder hesitated.
"Say," can't you tell me whether
you want them sunny side up or not?"
demanded the waitress testily.
Miss Alder changed her order to
broiled chops.
o -
There will be no daylight saving in
the city of Phoenix. Maricopa coun
ty supervisors decided to keep the
county flocks at the standard time
"uuugnoui the summer, and Saturday
the Phoenix- city commission passed
An emerency oidinance to the same ef'
, This action of the city and county
is likely to cause a conflict of clocks
in the Salt river valley. According
to Manager Allen of the Western Un
ion, there are 175 clocks in the city
controlled by his office, and he has in
structions from San Francisco head
quarters to set them ahead on the
night of the 30th inst
Unless he receives orders to the con
trary, these 175 clocks, which are the
principal time keepers of the city, will
go ahead one hour, while the other
clocks in the city and county will Ia.j
CO minutes behind the standard time.
An Honest Witness.
There should be a clean-up and
"NOW. Sir." Said tlie bullVl'm? COIin. nolnl.nn u.niV ,n n'ltlc.cfnff thta enrinfr
sel to the witness from the country, that would accomplish something be-'
I want you to tell me plainly wheth- 8ides talk. We would not. seem to in-,
ci a Brcui enun nus.or nas not Deen sinuate that the town is at all dirty
Legal Records
1 I7ntnntif floAil ti c?t AlCf T II il W
rt storV" yU VCry hffCr" r J,n, an' 5fIV,0.,,0t Pcrfcclbl't Vf Cemetery Assn to r:'a: Meyers. " "
ent story. would say that there arc a lot of old, ,,.., . n.
"A different story from the one I shackclty, falling down, weather-beat- L.lWea" of chattel mortgage, H. A.
ha.Yt0,tl, 'ou. sir ? en, ugly and disgraceful pieces of pro- Maisen & Co. to J. J. Donahue.
That is what I mean." Dertv in town that stand sadlv in need ' Release of mortgage, Brunswick-
"Ycs sir. several nersons have tried
to get me to do that, but they could
"Now, sir, upon your oath. I wish
to know who those persons are."
The witness scratched his head and
at last replied:
"Well I guess you've tried about the
Famous Flagstaff Sport.
John Comer and Sid Stevens left
recently for Flagstaff, taking several
mules which Mr. Brandis had pur
chased from the Ray Con company.
Mr. Brandis expects to put in a potato
crop near Flagstaff this season.
Hayden Item in Copper Camp News,
Beating Father To It.
What did your little ones say when
you told them theer is no Santa
"They asked me if I was just find
ing that out"
perty in town that stand sadly
of the carpenter and the painter.
Yards, both front and back, aie eye
sores and worse. Alleys, stables,
barnyards, residences.-busincss houses,
vacant lots scattered all over town,
here and there, all speak but slightly
Balke Collen'der & Co. to Jack Fussell
Location notice, Pebble Hill, Hol-brook-Aztec
mining district, E. M.
Loring ct al.
Location notice, Trucman, Holbrook
Aztec Mining district, E. M. Loring
in nraise of our town. We have iust' . i
voted a large sum of money from our . ' .. .. A- . m, .
brook-Aztec Mining district, E. M
Loring et al.
pockets for the badly needed sewer
system. It's time for the individual
property owner to vote a little moic
out of his own pocket for his own pro
perty, .and a little effort out of his
system toward a cleaner and
beautiful town.
Sun Want Ads are result getters.
Try them once and sec.
The World's Best Ink
We Have a Complete Stock of
In All Colors.
And in all size bottles. Whether you
want ,a small bottle for the table- at
home or enough for the needs of a big
business, we have it in SANFORD'S.
And SANFORD'S INKS are always
good, the highest quality and at a rea
sonable price.
Also Have SANFORD'S Mucilage-and
Library Paste in Convenient Sizes.'
Location notice, A. M. Cummings-,
Holbrook-Aztec mining district, E. M
more Loring ct al.
Location notice, J. F. M. Claim, Hol-
n brook-Aztec minim; district, E. M.
First company promoter (to second i Loring et al. ...
ditto) Darned insult, I call it! Scej -Location notice, Pox, Holbrook-Az-what
the .old scoundrel did ? Carefully tec mining district, E. M. Loring ct al.
counted each of his fingers after I j Location notice, -A. Thompson. Hol-
shook hands witn him. 'brook-Aztec mining district, E,
o I Loring ct al. ' .
I Bill of sale, Pauline Collins to J. L.
f Campbell.
I Warranty deed. Anselmo de Miguel
and wife to Luis Miqucl.
1 Agreement, Anselmo de Miguel and
Luis Miguel.
Warranty deed, Anselmo de Miguel
and wife -to Victorrianna Gonzales. ,
I Bill of sale. Anselmo de Miguel to
Victorriana Gonzales.
) Realty mortgage. Victorrianna Gon
zales to Anselmo de .Miguel.
Realty mortgage. Joseph L. Lay et
al to The Citizens Bank.
Release of Chattel mortgage, De
Witt Steel to C. F. Bennett.
Realty mortgage, R. C. Cresswell
i and wife to Babbitt Bros. Trading Co.
Chattel mortgage, R. C. Cresswell
to Babbitt Bros. Trading Co.
1 Chattel mortgage, A. F. Ferrell to
The Citizens Bank.
Location notice, Alabama Claim,
Holbrook Aztec mining district, C. K.
Location notice, Atlanta Claim, Holbrook-Aztec
mining district, C. R.
Location notice, Buffola Claim, Holbrook-Aztec
mining district, P. D.
Location notice, Boston Claim, Holbrook-Aztec
mining district, P. R.
Location notice, Chicago Claim, Holbrook-Aztec
mining district, E. C.
Location' notice, Denver Claim, Holbrook-Aztec
mining district, E. C.
Gilpin. ,
The War Department has made u
change in its rules concerning appli
cations for the ?G0 bonus to which dis
charged soldiers arc entitled. Hither
to, applicants have been requited to
send to the Zone Finance Officer in
Washington, their original discharges
but now it is provided that,
"Hereafter discharged soldieis who
have not received the $60 bonus to
which they are entitled need not send
their original discharge certificates
to the Zone Finance Officer.
"Certified copies of discharges may
be presented to the nearest recruiting
officer, together with the original dis
charge, in order that he may make
an official notation on the latter."
A lack of onfidence in the mail"
has caused many men to fear that If
they sent their discharges to Wash
ington they would never again see
them. This tribute to Mr. Burleson's
postal service has induced many ex
soldiers to refrain from claiming thpir
bonuses, although they were clearly
entitled to the money and needed if,
in a considerable number of cases verv
badly. Their discharges, however,
were too valuable to risk. Now. trey
will be able to get their bonuses with
out the chance of losing their dis
charges. New York Sun.
M. I. Powers recently returned from
a trip through the valley and reports
general conditions .for sheep men as
being good. He says lambing is pro
gressing finely. He made two trips
out over the desert and found feed
conditions good everywhere. Sheep
men are encouraircd over the outlook
and expect a very prosperous season.
lhis week Mr. rowers received a
wire from the National Wool Growers'
Association with headquarters at Salt
Lake City, stating that they were in
formed that wool was selling every
where for 63c, and asked him for con
firmation from this territory. Mr.
Powers wired them that several cars
of Arizona wool had been consigned to
Boston and there sold for 60c, one car
bringing 61 l-2c
Political Cavalry. .
Every now 'and then it is said of one
statesman or another that he is riding
for a fall. Presumably the fall of
Is It Difficult to Find
a Variety of Things
For that Dinner?
Step into our; Delicatessen Department
today and take your pick from good,
fresh vegetables and fruits Received
today. You will see things you would
not think of at home. They are all here.
j- -j- f
Successor to
Flagstaff Mercantile Company
When News Is Not Nens.
The sunreme court has held that
news is property. Some of it is and
then some is "lmpiovements thereon."
Nobody wants your advice and you
surely don't want it or you wouldn't
give it away.
of Flagstaff
Wanted Clean Cotton Rags
Suitable ior use in washing presses. 5c per pound
i .
i iMnrinri I m owl WMrc?n?fr
Mm H v bb 9 BggjsagaM i Wsfl Ky&dl v I M
M. WaiftSMS:!.;
nsHssnmm" "iii mm
lifer'!'- "mm
The Gay Lothario.
Mrs. McSozzie I sent a photograph
of meself to me old man in Paris and
the censor pinched it.
Mrs. McNobble Ain't they flirts?
' - ; 7T-?-,
''But, Mabel, on what grounds does
your father object to me?"
"On any grounds within a mile of
our house."
iiiiiitilllHIIIII j mum IIIHIIJll lUll
PUT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce niore smoke
happiness than you ever before collected 1 P. A.'s built to
fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands 1 It has the
jirndandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran
Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want
to find, out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put
it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without
tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process
cuts out bife and parch.
Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy
pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to
beat the cards 1 ' Without a comeback! Why, P. A. is so
good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke!
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winiton-Sakm, N. C.
" i