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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
? i&t sfw , rr" w J it Tf .1 FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919. THE COCONINO SUN Page Fifteen QintlllimmtlimHimiMMIIHIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHMIIIIIHIIIMIIIIHIMItMIIMIMIIHIIlll , M "J "IIIIIIIIIIMHHMIHIIIIM Ilflll tlMIMIMIIMItKIIMIMHIIIIMIMIMMIIIIIIIllllMMlMllllMlll IMMMIHIHIIII tllHMIIIMIIHHtMIIIIIIIIIMIMIMItlll Itllllll ItMMIitlltQ WITH THE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS A BUILDING BOOM HITS FLAGSTAFF v jiii tfW?K5 QlMimilllll IMItHMK MHIIMIMHIMIHIMHIIMHIIMIIIIIinMIIIIIIMMIIUIIItlllllllMMIIMMIIIIIIIIItMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIttinilllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIMI IMIIIIIIIMMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tlMIIIHIIMHI t t....... I """"""tUtlMIHIHiMlllMinillHlltlUMHIMHIlllllllllllllllll IMMIMIMIIIIMtlMltlHIHIIIIMIMIHM Illlltl IIIIIIMHIIIIHIIIHIIHMM(IMIHtlMIIIIIIIIIIMHQ tf 14 MORSE TO PAINT NEW F. L. M. MACHINE SHOP W. H. Morse, painting contractor, is busy at the home of J. W. Baumann, near the old Catholic church, fixing up the inside. Painting and papering 1 H. B. PAY SURVEYING AND -ENGINEERING P. O. Box 681 Flagstaff, Arizona are required. Morse is also the gen tleman who painted the big sign for the Dresswcll Shop recently put up over the corner of the building and he is making fifty road signs for the same firm to be placed in different sections of the county. Mr. Morse has the woik of painting the inside and outside of the new machine shop and roundhouse of the Flagstaff Lumber Co., recently erected by Gum & Sol berg. He is using five or six painters these clays. 1 W. H. Morse PAINTING PAPER HANGING TINTING Sign Painting ' By one who knows how o o P. 6. Box 1345 i '. i Gum and Solberg General Contractors and Builders ESTIMATES FURNISHED Plans -and Specifications - Phone No. 30 : G. N. Baty IIIIIIHIIIIiallllllll(IIHItl(IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIH(tllll1llllltttllllllMltltlltltlllllllflllllllllll1llllllIMIIIIIIItKIII The , Pioneer Painting Contractor lllf(llltllllHIIMIIIIII(IIIHIIItllllllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIII1llllfllllllllltlltllMIflifitt(tIIIIIIIUII Residence: 416 Birch Ave. 4 A 'ACq59i.Cll.A9 JTM. JUEAJUCl COUNTY HOSPITAL WORK . J. W. Kobinson has atrain nostnoncd the alteiation of the county hospital, the board of supervisors contemplat ing some changes for the work there. Originally planned to cost about ii.uuu, tney are now thinking of hav ing work done that will run un to $4,000 or $5,000. Robinson is busy at Superintendent Hart's house, putting in a Dam room and a sleeping poich. Ho just put up the big sign for the Drcsswell Shop. 0 J. C. Simmons, with Frank Brooks' permission, has done some great things for the Skylight City Bottling Works. Next time you are out that way ask Biooks to take you into the bottling works. Simmons' paint brush has made everything new and spot less and it ought to be a pleasure to those who drink the products of the "Skylight City" to see what a sanitary, cleanly place the drinks come from. But they didn't stop there. Simmons has painted some signs about a thou sand feet long on the buildings in the rear of the store. They can be read without glasses fiom the trains and for many blocks around and are really classy looking signs. 0 HERE'S HOW THE WORD "QUIZ" WAS ORIGINATED Hoaxers exist in every profession and walk of life: thev flourish in every age and clime; they ply their art either as a means of livelihood or from the sole desire to gull the credu lous public. It was the latter which incited that prince of practical jokers. Theodore Hook, to perpetuate the most audacious of all hoaxes. Hook bet a guinea that a certain modest dwelling in a quiet thorouehfarc lead ing out of Oxford street, would be come the most notorious house in the town, and set about winning his wager by addressing a thousand letters, con taining orders to tradesmen, with the request that they would at a certain hour on a certain day deliver their goods at a certain house in Berners street. The lord mayor, the lord chief jus tice, the archbishop of Canterbury and commander-in-chief were among the many victims that fell into the trap, spot, experienced the most unceremo nious treatment amid the turbulent and exasperated throng. ' As a result or a bet between the Duke of Montague and Lord Chester field that the former would, by ad vertising an utterly impossible pei formance, find fools enough to fill a I playhouse, it was announced that on' January 10, 1749, on the stage of the Haymarket theater, a person would get into a tavern quart bottle, and while there sinir several sontrs. On the cveninir appointed for the .accomplishment of this marvelous feat the house was packed from floor to ceiling, among the expectant audience being no less a personage than the Duke of Cumberland. For a while all sat in patient silence, but, on the curtain not risinsr. catcalls and whistles soon swelled to open riotJ some one threw a lighted candle upon tne stage, and a general stampede 10 that part of the house immediately followed, and in the melee that en sued the Duke of Cumberland lost his sword. A hoax equally diverting, and with no harmful issue, was that originating with Daly, the manager of the Dublin theater, who wagered that within 24 hours he would introduce a perfectly meaningless word into the English language. To effect this he chalked on every wall to which he could gain access the four letters Q U I Z, which at once set all Dublin wondering as to their significance--wondering in vain, tne sole result or the general bewil uerment being tne circulation of a word that has remained curient till the present day. ACCOUNTING KNOWN ' TO BE AN OLD SCIENCE Legal Records EAGLE GROCERY TO MOVE; Accountancy, which is the science of systematizing business, has a history that runs back at least 4,000 years. Very early in the development of na tions, it was found that in commerce, as well as in the affairs of the state, systematic and careful account keeping-were indispensable. These sys tems were, at first, crude and labori ous, but they at least kept the finances of the nation and the marts of trade from being chaotic. The invention 6f double-entry book keeping early in the Fifteenth Cen tury, by the merchants and bankers of Venice, gave to the commerce of Europe an invaluable trade instrument and one without which the great com mercial enterprises of the later centu ries could hardly have existed. And so it has been on down to the present time; there has been a parallel of progress between the accomplishments of commerce and the science of ac counting, and it is known to every man in business that the former could not continue without the latter. Bookkeeping, as a formal subject of study, is taught in most of the public and private schools of this country; but it is only that form of bookkeep ing that applies to the affairs oWhe merchant or the shopkeeper. The pub lic has yet to learn that beekkeeping is quite as necessary to the prosperity of the wage worker, the salaried man, the farmer and the housekeeper as it is to the shopkeeper, the merchant or the manufacturer. "I see they are making shingles out of cement now." "Then I recall my wish to be a boy again." o "How was it you never let your mother know you'd won the V. C.7" "It wasna mo turrn tae write." Chattel mortgage, George W. Hul sey to The Citizens Bank. Chattel mortgage, Chas. R. William son to Toledo Scale Co. Chattel mortgage, A. Williams to Flagstaff Garage and Machine Shop. Realty mortgage, H. L. Sullivan and wife to Chas. E. Mason. Satisfaction of mortgage, Alfred J. Dickinson to A. G. and J. V. Dickin son. Satisfaction of mortgage, Alfred J. Dickinson to A. G. and J. V. Dickin son. Chattel mortgage, A. G. Dickinson to Babbitt Bros. Trading Co. Realty mortgage, A. G. Dickinson to Babbitt Bros. Trading Co. Honorable discharge, Paul E. Kel ler. Cron mortcaire. H. S. Pprrv tn Rnh. uin uros. Trading v;o. Realty mortgage, Victor Gomez and wife to First National Bank. Power of attornpv. American Knrot.v Co. to B. B. Brandon. Bill of sale, Ethel P. Saunders to Babbitt Bros. Trading Co. Release of chattel moregage, Bab bitt Bros Trading Co. to E. J. and Mary Mahan. Release of chattel mortgage, Bab bitt Bros. Trading Co. to Valentine Ajo et al. Chattel mortgage. S. H. Switzer to Geo. McCormick. Deed of trustee, F. M. Gold, trustee, to T. H. Curcton. Crop mortgage, Henry L. Hutchin son and wife to E. E. Hutchinson. Notice of water location,- C. H. Spencer. Realty mortgage, C. L. Fleck and wife to M. E. Hyde. Honorable discharge, United States to Frank Rubean. Patent. United States to Shadrach V. Hunter. Warranty deed. Mike Ohaca et'al to Shadrach V. Hunter. Warranty deed, Shadrach V. Hunter to Mike Uhaca. Bill of sale. Shadrach V. Hunter to Mike Ohaca. Conditional sale, Howard L. Hunt to Toledo Scale Co. Warranty deed, Vera and Fred C. Purcell to Raymoni G. Babbitt. o MASHING POTATOES WITH A PILE DRIVER ANDERSON DOING WORK T. B4 aMlnHIniil rt fininlilnn AV aiiHula ton the old Babbitt building on Rail I road avenue, east of C. A. Black's, for imerly occupied by a pool hall and id 'making practically a new building out .of it. The room will be occupied by the Eagle Grocery store, Cagigas & Mier, now in the room two doors east of the Commercial hotel. A Want-Ad in The Sun will find a desirable roomer within a day. E. B. RAUDEBAUGH Cement Contractor Agent for Bills Bros.' Monuments FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. PHONE 272 W. J. Stevenson SHINGLING AND ROOFING Phone 1 P. O. Box 614 A soldier boy with the army of oc cupation in Germany, writing home, says: "Did you ever hear of the flap jacks we are getting now? Some fine class to us. We Jiave a kitchen 928 feet wide and 1,&45 feet long. It takes 18 firemen to keep it hot. We have 5,019 cooks and 700 K. P.'s. We mash potatoes with a pile driver and grind coffee with a 305-horsepower Liberty motor. We haul our dirtjH pans on flat cars and the K. F.'s have to use roller skates. The mess ser geant rides up -and down the kitchen on a motorcycle shouting his orders through a megaphone. Making flap jacks, we mix batter with 12 concrete mixers, keep a steam shovel moving eggshells away from the door, and 6 K. P.'s with bacon rinds strapped on their feet skate over the griddle to keep it greased. Believe me or not, that is the honest truth.", o Job Printing at The Sun office. J. W. ROBINSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR Post-Office Box 1083 Will .be glad to figure with you on your 'work, whether it be big or little. , Years of residence in Flagstaff and many satisfac tory jobs done speak well of our ability and con scientious efforts to turn out good work. W. B. GOBLE GENERAL CONTRAbTOR Phone 266-W P.O.Box'262 I - , . Estimates on large or small jobs gladly made and they cost you nothing ' - s '-. -" . &U ' - i ' 'L Cottage work a specialty '' r'it' ' 'it ' ' t ' I "A Good Job At A Reasonable Profit." 1 1 I A ' H$ WK f pi I V TiSaBBf-v 1 V :-