Newspaper Page Text
«.• .1; ... “ HONEST WILLI V31 WHITSON: Sill—I have H'eri an address to me, over your signa ture, and on examination I find it contains little else than base falsehoods, and is too contemptible for the no tice of gentlemen—and I pronounce you a base, unvious, malicious slanderer, and shall take no further notice of your false publication. JOHN LA8AT15K. * Nov. 12, ly:;(i.—3d-3w-pr’« fee, $4. PROPOSALS fob INDIAN HATIO^S. FltV'O S.\Jj8, in writing and sealed, will be received by the subscriber, until 12 o'clock (-!/.) oj I ucsdny the lOiA day of January ntst.\*a~t, for furnishing and delivering to emigrant CREEK INDIAN ' in their new country, west, nil R A 1’ION.S Ok SUBS PI 1 i.X( .. that shall be required tor them, be the same more or less, from the 1st day of April, lbd7, to the Hist day of .March, 1SH8, inclusive. The number of places at which Rations will he requi red to be delivered in the new country, as well m the quantity, will he designated by an agent, ami twenty days notice, prior to each delivery, will be given. Proposals must state the once of the entire ration; which consists of one pound of fresh heel, three-fourth, of a quart of corn, and at the rate of four quarts of salt to each one hundred rations. The corn and salt must be delivered at the rate of thirty-two quirts, dry measure, to the^bushel. The quality, ns well as the weight and measure of the articles composing tko Ration, w ill be in spected by an Agent, on delivery. Ml risk, and every expense attending the delivery and distribution ol the Rations, must be borne by the contractor. A portion of the meat ration may be cornmnt »d and delivered in cows and calves; provided the receiving Agent shall at. any time deem such changes in t ie issue expedient: and provid. d that the terms'and conditions on which the changes of deliveries are to be made, are acceptable to the contractor. Hut in no case must such changes of furnishing increase the cost of the ration above mentioned. The privilege of rejecting bide doomed high, is reserv ed. Ronds with three res pom iide matures, w II he requir ed for the faithful fulfilment ofthe contra: t. Persons making bids, w ill write on the envelope <>| timir communications, the words, '■'Proposals to I imith Suh sittence for the Creek Indians;" and will att uid at this place, oil the last day of receiving bids, lor the purpose i of closing the contract. ,T. BROWN, Copt. U. S. A. Pr'l I)is. • If I Indian Rcm'l. j Little Rock, Ark’s, Nov. 13, 1" 6. P. S.—The number of Creeks to be subsisted will be . from sixteen to eighteen them and. • ’flic Arkansas Advocate and t ’onstilidiornl Journal will publish the above until t iu 10th January and the .Missouri Republican, till the dlo December n-<t, and forward their accounts, with «;..i plicate rec« i;>ts, to this office for settlement.—Arkansas Shir Gazette I,. UEAHOOy & sox HVVE received old and superior champagne and cog iliac brandy Champagne wine of the most approved brands * Holland gin, L. P. Madeira and slierrj w Claret, chateau ninrgaux, and port, in butt!"* Fine ami coarse salt Havanna sugars Water jutd butter crackers 1’oWder in kegs and cann inters They have also opened a lot of white and colored Mack inaw and point blankets, suttinets, ready made clothing, with an assortment of shoes, boots and brogans. Nov. 18. L. IIEARDON & SOX, H AVING established themselves in Little Rock, for the purpose of entering into the \ holes.Me and lie tail Mercantile business, invite country merchants and dealers generally to call and examine their stock It is large, purchased in the eastern cities on the best terms, and consists of Goods of every description. * 'otton, pel try and produce commonly received by merchants, u Ml be taken in exchange. Nov. 9, lsd(i.—M'itf The “Gazette” and “Times” will publish the above till forbid. JO M.V H V* T T, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RE8TDF.8 at Little Rock, and will attend punctually j , to all business entrusted to his care, in the Circuit | ■Court, of the county of Pulaski, and the superior Court of; the State. Little Rock, Vugust 30th, lS3G.-22tf DISSOLUTION. rpiIF. copartnership heretofore existing under the firm 1. of Wait »V Don is dissolved by the death ot‘ Ed w. II. Dunn. Ml persons indebted to the late firm arc re spectfully requested to call and close their accounts. Wll.Ll \M H. WAIT. N. B. The business in future will be conducted by William 11. Wait, on his own account. Little Rock, October 3, lSH>.-27tf WHISK EY. Received per strum hunt .VeosAo, on consignment, f a v U\RRELS old rectified whiskey, which we will *-JvF sell for cash only. H. 11ILL «St CO. Little Rock, October l-:. 18:’!'). Rale Rope. Rugging, Ploughs, &.e. o.v co.vsia.vMi'.vr, At Mouth of Arhailias* FTHHE subscribers have tirade arrangements with lions I- es at Louisville, Ivy. and Cinciun iti, Cdiio, to have on hand a constant supply of the following articles, on commission, viz: Hale ll >/>e, ftaggi g. Twine, Kentucky ; Tobacco,.Melee Cigars, Furniture, \c. They will also receive about the 1st January next, a consignment of 150 Peacock’s patent. Ploughs, and 25 j Cultivators or line Harrows. Orders for any of the above articles, from merchants or j planters, will be promptly-filled. M APES, RYAN A CO. Mouth Arkansas, Oet. 11, 182(1.-39 ________ COTTON (SINS. A SUPERIOR article of Cotton Gins are constantly manufactured and kept on hand for sale, bv S. Duty , at Somerv ille, Tenn., of the best polished English cast steel plate. They are also kept for sale by his agents in Memphis, Messrs. Winchester & Moon. Orders from Arkansas, addressed to \V iticiiester & Moon, Memphis, for any number of saws wanted, will be promptly attend ed to and forwarded, and warranted to be of the first class of Gins. fC DUTY. June i, i856.—ll-2«ummi-pr's fee $1«". COLLINS’ AXES. 2 BOXES Collin.’ axes, received per Compromise, and for sale by [Dec. 18.] J. DK H VU\ .V CO. FOR SALE, 25 BBL8. Rectified Whiskey, by [April 8.] j.’ DE BA UN & CO. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. f llJif-i subscriber having established himself in the .1. town of Lewisbuko, Conway county, will keep on hand a large and general assortment of all the articles sold by dealers in the above line—which will be sold at low prices and on accommodating terms. E. \\ . JOHNSON. Lewisburg, Conway county, July it!, I836.-15-tf THE TOWN OF 1 S situated in Crawford county, on tne left bank ot the I Arkansas river, about five hundred and fifty miles from tin* Mississippi, by the course of the river,and a few miles below the Indian boundary line. 1 he immediate situa tion is picturesque and pleasing to the eye, easily ap j preach ibic by the roads, unusually elevated for a posi tion on the margin of the river—indeed, a portion of the Itownsite is a high and commanding eminence with an I abundant and never-failing supply of the most palatable and the purest water. Hteam-boat navigation to this point, and for some distance above, is as rate ami a - cure a- our river alb'i'tU; I' 1 v\i aision to oi:\ p.e ‘t '-i-liii above is precarious, uncertain and not to be relied on. Van Huron lias more extensive regions of hack coun try to support it, beyond all shadow of competition, than any other point or plain' on this river, or in the i errito rv’ known to the writer. Tne contiguous settlements o) Leo’s creek and Erog Bayou have here their trade. The large, populous and agricultural county of Washington, in this Territory, must resort to Van Huron as the point of embarkation for her produce, and must seek her sup ply of essential articles from the same quarter; with equal truth, mid with equal positiveness, may the same remarks be made ot south-western Missouri, so rapidly advancing in numbers, in means and in wants. 1 o add another weighty item in the list of advantages, the pro jected Tnitud States road, now in train of execution, from Jackson, in Lawrence comity, by the county seat of Izard and 'A ashingtou, crosses the Arkansas river at Van Buren. The proprietor invites the merchant, the mechanic, the capitalist generally, and all persons ot ontorprize and en ergy of character, to make investments in this town, con scious that they will i.i ,vt. with 111 early and adequate requital tor amount advanced or exertion applied. ('he undersigned, being the sole proprietor of this town —the contract heretofore existing between him and t ie lute (ion. Win. Montgomery having been rescinded, and j all disputes as to title from that and all other quarters fully adjusted and annulled -is now ready to dispose of; lots, and give in lisputable tiilcs. Gentlemen wishing to iuvest money, or to locate,in a-j thriving new town, will do well to examine the superior! natural advantages and plats ol \ an Buren, where lots are oifered, at private sale, on very moderate terms, and on accommodating credits—and a reduction in price will j be made to those making immediate improvements on their purchases. Tl!O.YlA>S BiilELii'Cl. ; f’a.t Buren, April 23, 1836.-5-tf A. T. F3MIE subscriber has established himself at the above .1 named place, Where he will soon he prepared to transact all business i*-. Dusted to him, as Commission M icitrii vnt. Me 'aas on hand a choice assortment of !>UV GOJ,Dri, Ul 1 orER1 EH, IIA11 L)WARE, &c. '•*- is prepared to make contracts for the delivery of, LUMBER of all kinds, sawed uscrceally lo order. {tT*Co)ista!it emplovmeat and liberal wages given to i Itafrsvbn. it. T. DUNBAR. .March S, 1836.—AO-ly&tf E 1,(11 N is situated on Black River, about 20 miles above its junction with White River. XRW GOODS AGAIJi! 7T, have just received, direct from Philadelphia, j V f and are now opening, a large and well assorted stock of ST Al'l.E AND FANCY GOoi)S, of every de-1 script ion, adapted to the present and approaching tea- j son. Also, Hardware, Glass and Qute,aware, assort ed—and a general assortment of Groceries and Liquors; j which wc will sell very low, wholesale or retail, for cash, j or to punctual customers on time. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine i our stuck, as wo feel assured that we can suit them, both as to price and quality. L. & W . R. GIBSON. Little Rock, May 27, 1826. Qrjp” Also, received at Pine Bluffs, by E. Gibson, a i large and well assorted stuck of STAPLE fc FANCY i Hardware, Ciuecnswarc and Glassware, Sugar, Coffee, i j Pea, Salt, and a. very general assortment of Groceries 1 and Liquors; all of which will be sold unusually low. Pine Bluffs, May 27, 18M6. MOUTH OF ARKANSAS. f piIK subscribers respectfully inform the public, that B they still continue the Storage and Forwarding bu siness at the .Mouth of Arkansas River. They have completed their large and commodious warehouses, and are now ready to receive and forward all goods, produce, tVc that may be consigned to them for reshipment. All business entrusted to them will be punctually, and what is of more importance, speedily attended to. They have no interest in any steamboat whatever, and rely only on 1 the faithful discharge of their business for patronage and favor. Persons ascending the Arkansas, will findthe passage through the mouth of Arkansas equally as good at all times, ami better at some, than through the cut oil'—as boats often pass down the former, when the depth of wa ter does not admit a passage throu the latter. They will also transact Commission Business of eve ry kind which, m^y be entrusted to thsm—buying up country produce on the river, Are. Having recently been informed that rnisrepresenta ions are afloat as to the practicability of traveling from the Post of Arkansas to this place, by land, on account of water and other obstructions, we feel it a duty we owe ourselves and a traveling community, to state, that a good road is now open, and, with very slight excep tions, on a direct and dry route, from this place to the Post, and only about 27 miles distant. *.j.*If unremitting care and attention will merit it. they trust to receive a share of public patronage. I M VPES, RY AN A: CO. j .Mouth »/ Arkansas, Aug. 15, 1835.—20tf ' ■ SPUN COTTON. \ FRESII supply of superior Spun Cotton, Nos. from ( . 5 to 900, just received and for sale by May 20,1836. L. & W . It. GIBSON. : M. .. UM ,V > - M HVS removed his office to his two-story house on the hill near Gov. Fulton's, where he may be found at: all times when not on Prof ssional business. November 20, 1836.— 34-5w. WHISKEY. 4 BBI.S whiskey £m tc 1 “ linseed oil just received and for sale by 23d Nov. ' WILLIAM B. WAIT. SA DDLERY. \ PRIME assortment of Saddlery of every kind, just received—and for sale by May 27. .. . . McLAlN A- PADGETT. _ J. I)E DA UN & CO. nAVE received and are now opening a fres.-i supply of articles suited to the season, which, with tneir stock on hand, renders their assortment equal to any in the place. The following are a few of the leading articles: Dry Goods. Kentucky jeans; plain linseys and kerseys; striped and plaid satinets; twilled, fancy striped and liincy end blan kets; green and white Mackinaw blankets; 10-4, H-4, and 12-4 Marseilles quilts; ladies’and gentlemen's boots and shoes assorted; ladies’ and gentlemen’s black lambs wool hose; do. do. mohair do.; ladies’ white and black worsted hose; silk striped 4 hose; gents’ worsted and mixed lambs wool 4 hose; ladies’and gents’worsted and China silk gloves; do. do. Hoskin gloves, first quality; gents’ worsted, cotton and woolen gloves; gents’ woollen socks; do. heavy buck gloves; silk umbrellas, lirst quali ty; gum elastic aprons; black and blue merinos; black and colmcd bombazets; ginghams, plain and striped; apron checks; liax linen and burlaps; 11 pieces rag carpeting. flats and Cays. don’s white and black fur and rorapi hats; black silk do. fur caps; men’s and boys’ seal skin caps. Fnmitnrc and Wooden Ware. High post and fancy bedsteads; cherry bureaus; cherry breakfast and dining tables; 1 doz. cane seat, slat back chairs; I doz. flag scat, slat back do.; ’J doz. slat back Windsor do.; -1 doz. common do. do.; J large cane hack rocking do.; 2 large Windsor rocking do.; 2 cane scat, flat back rocking do.; half bushel and peck measures; wooden buckets; well buckets; tubs, dee. Stone Ware. 1,2 A ,3 gallon jugs; 1, 1 * W2 do. pans; 1W 0 do. churns, Groceries. 25 barrels rectified whiskey; 25 do. superfine flour; li barrels Huston, water and butter crackers; 1 cask cheese salad oil; Cayenne and black pepper; SN im'sor and tur pentine soap; blacking; matches; tobacco, <kc. Ploughs, 3r»si,&c. 9 Mo. 2 Peacock’s ploughs; 9 Mo, •< do. do,: f> No. 5 do 8 281b. bloom plough plates; square and round iron as sorted: castings assorted; nails assorted. Little Rock, October 19, OLD RECTIFIED W3IISHJSY. URL1'. Rest Rectified Whi \ f for sale low for cash, by May 29, lSi3(i. L. & ;key,ju. w. i: received an. GIBSON. SOfiEIiECJS 1/$7"ILL etan^ at Hardy Robinson’s stable, 5 mile; \ ? east of Little llock, on the Morn phis road, in tin County of Pulaski, the next season, and will be let t< mares until the 15th of July next, at $5 the single visit paid at the time of service—$15 the season, payable oi the 1st of January, 1838, which may bs discharged by tin payment of $10 within the season, and $20 to insure ; mare to he with foal, payable on ascertaining the fact, oi when the property changes owners—the groom for sac! mare at the time of service, $1. SOUELEGS is a handsome chesnut sorrel, line form upwards of 15 hands high, and 5 years old next spring.— lie received an injury when 2 v*> old, which preventer his being trained, lie would, in the opinion of first rate bulges, had it not been for that misfortune, have made a first rate horse. If is blood it equal to any in the United -hates. Experienced sportsmen are of opinion that he would on the turf have equalled any. Ifa has proven to be a sure foal-getter, from common mares lie can show three as good colts as any others a year old next spring. P E D I E ft fi E . SORE! EGS was sired by the celebrated horse Young Sir Archy, and he by Old Sir Arch;/—his dam, Janet— she by Finrizel, brought from 1 irgisia—her dam was by Grey hi tally. \oung Hir Archy his dam James Jack toil's \ i rgmia, own taster toDesdernona, who sold for $2 u t; at •• jte old, and half sister to Hangler by Biomed. Rangier beat dir \rchy 4 mile heats, for a iockoyClub purse and a bye but of $l(:0fi, and was considered Hit Archy’s equal, if not his superior—was bred by Colonel .Miles -eldon of \ irginia, and got by the imported horse Daredevil—her dam. l ady Kolingbroke, was got by Pan taloon; her dam Cadiz by Worm ley’s King Herod, a son :>f Fearnought out of ifractmi’s imported mare Kitty Fisher. I lie dam of Cadiz was Primrose by Dove a son if Cade by Old Cade bv the Gqdolpbin Arabian. The lam of Primrose was Hfella by Othello, a son of Crab— Stella’s dam was Helina by the Godolpbin Arabian. The ilood of Old Hir Archy and the imported Daredevil is 00 well known to make it, uecassaty to svveil this pcdii free with the blood of those famous horses. C1I Vftl.EH FENTON MERCER ROBINSON. 1 CERTIFY that Hir Archy was foaled my property f at Mr Amos’, in North Carolina, where 1 sent my dd inare from Tennessee to the horse. lie covered nares two seasons at my house, and one season in Mnu ■y County, Tennessee, and from all the colts I have seen if his getting, 1 feel assured there is no horse in the west ern country his superior. JAMES JACKSON. l 'torcncc, Alabama. A S an evidence of the high opinion entertained of fil- Young Archy’s colts, and the promise they have fiven of performing well on the turf, 1 merely state that learly all his colts, of sufficient age, are entered in callus, winy one 01 luuni, ^iur jacnson s vv axeyjj nas ippeared in public, who won a two mile heat and repeat, run at Nashville, and ran second to Polly Powell in the :olt race, one mile and repeat, being at the time in bad >rder and off his feet. From trials made of his younger •olts now in training, I have great confidence "in their jrovmg successful. 31. NEALE. Florence, Alabama. I'MIE sorrel mare Janett, which I sold to William _ 31. Burton, was sired by Florizel, brought from Virginia in year 1819, and lately the property of Capt. loln^Butler, of (files County, Tennessee—her dam was >y drey Medley, the property of Lewis Brown, out of a fearnought mare. C. 8. TA11PLEY. 2d of April, 1832. IWIE sorrel colt, now the property of Charles F. 31. Ilobinson, called Sorelegs, was foaled mine in he Spring of IK 2, out of the above mare, was sired by , who was by Old Archy out of dames .lack on’s imported mare. \Ym. 31. BURTON. Sept. 14 th, 1836. Every care and attention will be paid to mares left in he care of my father with Sorelegs—and pasturage arid train provided on the most reasonable terms. < freatcare vill be taken to prevent accidents or escapes, but no lia nlitv incurred for either. e. F. 31. ROBINSON. October 28,1836-40-tJuly 1st, 1837. 5§10 REWARD. OTRAYED or stolen, from the farm o W* the subscriber, seven miles below Littb Rock, a sorrel HORSE, five years old nex Spring, tittecn hands high, no marks excep those of the collar, one or both of his him teet white. I will give the above reward t my person who will secure said horse so that I can ob tain him. Sept. 2,183(5. 22-tf. N. II. T1ADGETT. SUGAR AND COFFEE, BY the largo or small quantity—for sale by [May 27.] 3UL.YIN & BADUET7. GROCERIES, &c. JDE BAUA & CO. have received, from New Or • leans, per Compromise, 2 bbls. almonds 2 “ rice 2 “ loaf sugar 1 box white Havanna sugar 2 casks Loudon porter 1 box (2 dozen,) cherries in brandy I “ lemon syrup 2 boxes coarse boots 1 box water proof do. 1 “ coarse brogans 2 doz. painted buckets On hand, d pipe best champagne brandy 1 “ old rye whiskey i “ pale sherry Madeira, Tenerille and Tort wines of the best quality. 10 Ift.ffi 1 18-3G. LAW NOTICE. i GEORGE B. A51 EH, Attorney at Law—offi80 X W end of Maj. Ppay’s row, in the building occupied by the Times printing office. ' Little Rock, Sept. 2, 183G.-22tf J. DE BA UN & CO! “ H AVE received from New York, and are prepared to sell on reasonable terms, a large assortment of Goods in their line, comprising, in addition to the arti jcles in common use, a number of others entirely new in ; this market, such as Ladies’ Cum Elastic Aprons “ “ “ Slippers “ “ “ Buskins “ “ “ Gaiter Boots “ “ “ Overshoes “ “ 'i’ablo Covers “ “ Cushions Gent.’s “ “ Overshoes “ 4i i! Leggins “ “ “ Pantaloons “ “ “ Pea Coats “ “ “ Surtouts “ “ “ Wrappers W Jtria liij 'ST4 - Si - .X a I , Of every kind and quality. Mexican and other fashionable Hats; Boots and 3he«s Hardware; Crockery; .Saddlery; Wines; Brandies Cordials: Ginger Sweetmeats; Tamarinds in jar* Tomato Catsup; Brown’s No. 1 Tobacco Cut Chewing and Smoking do. Sugar and Coffee; Spices; Flour; Bacon with almost every article in the Dry Goods and Grocery lines. Persons indebted on last year's account will confer* particular favor by calling and settling the sains. Little Rock, 3Iay 27, BACON, &c. LBS. first quality Bacon; 5 bbls. Mackarel received and for sale, by J. DE BAIJN & CO. May 11 FINE CLOTHING. ^e. )I'ST received, direct from Philadelphia, a lot ofSu perline Blue, Black and Plumb colored Dress and frock Coats, made up in the best manner and latest fash I ion. Mho, Cloth & Cassiniere Pants; Single & Doubls | Breasted Vests, of various kinds; Shirts; Drawers; Fine •■Stocks, £te. Likewise, one case of latest stylo of Bea ver Hats—for sale low by L. & W. It. GIBSON. Fob. 1836. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. •|, SPLENDID assortment just opened. Every va il A rietv will be found here that is fitting1 for the sea son. Gentlemen’s summer clothing of every kind, made by master workmen—for sale by ' May 27. McLAIN & B ADGETT. RIFLES, PISTOLS, &c. ! A FLINT rilles; 4 percussion do.; 5 patent pocket do. ' I 1 pair fine Damascus rifle pistols, brass mounted 1 do. do. do. do. do. 1 do. belt pistols, twisted barrel, patent breech 1 do. fine English silver mounted rifle pistols 1 do. do. do. pocket ‘ do. | . 4 Bowie knives; 6 Lacy’s deer knives j 6 pearl handled do. do. 2 doz. powder flasks assorted received and for sale by J. DE BA UN & CO. June 20. MOUTH OF WHITE 'HIVEIt. Tin* undersigned) successors to lire late Finn of SOS. BBNNETT & CO. 35EG leave to inform the public that they are now prs ) pared to transact a general Commission* Storage & Forwarding business at this place, which they pledge themselves to do with fidelity and promptness, and upon low terms. They will have constantly for sale a large and extensive assortment of Foreign and Domestic (foods, Hoots and Shoes, Hats, Ready Made Clothing, Groceries, Drugs and Medicines, &c., for sale on very low terms. This place is well known to the travelling community, as the most eligible point of embarkation, either for Ar kansas, White or Mississippi rivers, for those who are passing through Arkansas. BENNETT, MORRILL & CO. July 25, 18C6.—17tf FRESH GROCERIES. 1 BOX lime juice; G boxes lemon syrup , 24 half boxes bunch raisins; 3 boxes pickles, assorte 2 casks London porter; 1 box cherries in brandy 1 box assorted Havanna sweetmeats 2 barrels loaf sugar; 1 keg allspice . 6 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder; 12 bags shot, assor 1 barrel butter biscuit; 1 barrel water crackers 1 barrel Boston crackers SADDLERY. , 1 doz. horse collars; 1 do. cart bridles; 1 do. ennffle received and tor sale on their usally low terras, bv June 20. J. DE BAUN & CO. IF. ££. ROGERS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, H AS located at Columbia, Ark. lie will practise i“ the4th Judicial District, and in the Superior at Little Rock, and will attend punctually to all oust t entrusted to his care. Nov.'24, 1835.—36-ly CUMMINS & PIKE, A T T O n K SYS AT LAW , LITTLE ROCK. Horace F. Blanchard & Wm. C. Scott? ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, HAYING permanently settled at the City ot Litt c Rock, have associated themselves in the prat R ' i of their profession. They will attend to all business i [ trusted to their care, in the superior and inferior cou of this State, with zeal and promptitude. | Little Rock, Uct. 18, 1836.-29tf