Newspaper Page Text
Conrluded f relit t 'u Firri i'-iy mountains which wall up the vast : plateau on which Tucson .situated j are most ravishing and picturesque-, j n Mm? riirlii anil at leant 50 or 60' milea away, is a noble range of raoun- j would like to hear something from tains which run zigzag along or near j this distant and as j et nearly un til Souora line. 6u the left, and aUo j known territory, and as eastern capi bout 50 or 60 mil' s from the main road, is another lofty chain, looking deeply, darkly and beautifully blue, in its enchanting distance. The San ta Catalis range is a detached spur f 8?e latter, and stands like a Titan sentinel over the city. This range lias an immense break in it a few miles e.-ssi f Tucson, and the- minor gpnr i catTed thtr rtneon (corner) mountain. The most euchrrnting and. most wonderful of all the sights how ever, is the mirage which often ac companies sunrise in this section. I gave your readers an elaborate des cription last November of the effects of this delightful illusion r.poi the mountains bordering upon the Colo rado river, and the effects here are about the same. It is not uncommon to see a whole range of mountains prostrated to the level of the plateau at its bas, or to assume the shape of some grand castle or fortification, or to tic transformed into a beautiful in land sea. At times these same moun tains may be seen suspended, seem, ingfy, upon a fragile cord, or turned Imtloin-side upward in midair. All of these pi-.-tures must be seen to be appreciated uo pen can faithfully describe them. S. F. Bulletin. THE PH(ENIX HERALD. MSSl-WEEKLV EDITIOX, fiOSPEB ft McCUNTOCK Proprietors. Matarday March , IH79. The Enterprise has again changed band. The Yuma Expositor announces its early appearance in Phoenix. The land office at Florence is still closed to all entries from this section. Head "taxpayer's" comments on the situation in another column. The writer of it is otic of our largest tax. payers. . The Enterprise suggests that the first territorial democratic conven tion be held iu Phienix some time bixt month. The; road fo Maricopa "Weds is be ing constructed by private subscrip tion ana we do not think the Board of Supervisors will Use one cent of the money provided for by the last Legislature. "Taxpayer" writes as if the prop erty in this county will not increase in the nest twenty years, anil this, too. In face of the fact that the property in Maricopa county increased trom four hundred thousand, in 1877, to over seven hundred thousand in 1878. Wk havn't the lighest idea that any company will construct a line from Maricopa to Prescott simply to seeure the subsidy as that would no more that buy the grease used in op erating tin: line, and the buiness over that section of Arizona will not re quire a railroad for many years to come. Hon. H. S. STevexs writes flo:n Washinton to tfic surveyor General of this territory that he had called on the President in relation to his order setting apart laud in this valley as an Indian reservation. The President was quite astonished at the effect ol the order, aa was also Secretary Scliurz, and both appear to he quite willing to modify it, which Mr. Ste vens is trying to have doue in the fol lowing manner: Commence at a point four miles above Haydcn's Fer ry oh Salt river, and extend from there tip as now specified in the or der. The President stated that tke recommendation setting off this land came from General McDowell, com manding division of the Pacific. HOWE'S TRirMFU. The construction of the road from Gillett to the Tigar mine, for the building of which a territorial ap. proprialiou of 20,000 was made by the last legislature, will prove of more solid benefit to PhoeiJx than any other measure that could have been, introduced. 10 lion. . a. ; . To Hon. W. A. Jfcjwe. belongs the entire credit of its j introduction and passage of the bill. ; Mr. Ifcwe labored bard and earnestly j for the successful termination of this, i hia pet measure. Upon completion of tbe road it will niakeeasy of ac re from Phoenix the entire Brad nil aw country, containing tb3 Tiptop, Tigar, Peck and its many other rich .mine of gold and silver. Heretofore 'all of this district has en 'lered; by ,'ay of Prescott, and has therefore bce toDtrolled by the mer chants of thai .town. In the future i'ho nx will be tjie supply depot, owing to its closeness the railroad. This measure was as bitterly opposed by the Preseott members of tb legis lature as the bill to remove the. capi tal, but owing to the activity of Air. jbwe and his untiring ami unceasing Juboj- jn uj'blUaif U Vas passed. AK1ZO.VA. The Vast, I'rrxcnt and Future. Fi.oi.k-nce, A,T. Jan. 24, 179. Thinking your numerous readers tal U looking this way for investment, I take the liberty to give them a few facts through the aiediam of your valuable paper. Arizona is to-day in embryo the greatest mining domain of the Pacif ic. I cannot give in this short letter a detailed description of the manj' bullion producing mines now in act ive operation, such as the Peck, Tip top, Tiger, Silver King, Stonewall Jsa kson and many others that are making regular shipments of bullion and ore. Heretofore it has been im possible to work what is termed low grade ores, or ores that will work from jJ.jO to .500 pur tou, on account of high transportation and the lack of skilled labor, but now these obsta cles are rapidly disappearing. The Southern Pacific raiiroad is laying track up the Gila valley at the rate of one and a half miles per day and the Atchison, TopeKa and Santa Fe railroad is rapidly approaching our eastern boundary. Thus, our ter ritory will soon be brought within easy reach of the east and west, and our mines will then create a greater excitement Shan California in '49. As yet our mountains are unexplored; and many mines now discovere.l rank as prospects when compared with the tlrer, workimrs of the Comstock. but as such prospects they vie with any ; bcr by those on the great Comstock mines now on record, having paid ; lode; but on the other hand the com richly from the croppings to the low- i parative yield of silver for each ton est level, though sunk in the face of ever difficulty, such as high trans portation, Indiaa wars and scareity of skilled labor. But these difficulties are a thing of the past. The Indians are al I g.itheie.l on reserves at peace, and we already feci the ot the in flux of eastern capital.with cheap and rapid transit. As a general thing Arizona miners are shy of San Francisco capitalists, having been repeatedly swindled by theui; for it is ail undeniable fact that every Arzona mining property yet placed on the market in San Francis co has been the subject of a stock job bing swindle, and the stock going in to the sheriffs hands for non-payment of labor, while iu every instance these ; mines had proved of merit and should j be paying handsome dividends on the capital invested. Your correspondent will describe through a series of letters the differ ent mining districts of note through out the territory, and will gladly ans wer any inquiries about them, made through the columns of tbe Record, he having had ten years experience in Arizona, mid during that timetrav. eled over nearly every portion of the territory. Cor. Mining Record. axcther OPINION' Salt River valley, whence I write, and of which Phoenix is the business center, constitute, no doubt, the finest farming district iu Arizona. The farmers raise here, with the help o irrigation, excellent crops, feud ar getting rich, as they find close at hand good markets for their produce at re munerative price. They are therefor all right. I wish I could say as much for the generality of miners iu this section of the territory, of whom there arc here a great number out of employment, and not a few hard up for the means for keeping soul and body together. The newspapers by their constantly blowing about the great mineral wealth ot this territory, the fine openings presented for miu ers, etc, have caused more people to come here than can find employment or employ themselves to advantage. The result is, we have lots of good, industrious men willing to work for their board, as maDy of them are now doing in this valley, where there is, of course plenty to eat. Another cause of hard limes here has been the failure of the McCrackin, the Signal and the Golden Store mining com panies up in Ilualapais district, which after paying off their employees, and other wa-s pushing into circulation nearly a million dollars of their worthless paper, closed down and left the holders iu the lurch. Not withstanding the big stories told of the yield of the mines here, the Tip top is, I believe, the only company that pays promptly ; while there are several companies here that are doing remarkably well, a much larger intra- doitiz but little, the irreat ma joHty nothiu !lt an. There are good nlilJCS ;lU ovei. t;s territory, but they bave a(. prcsenti to be WOrked under disadvantages that it is hard to make them pay. When more mills and reduction works ha?e been introduced into the country, and the railroad reaches the mining districts the mines here can be worked with profit. Until then mining will be an nphill business, with some bis; suc cessess and a great many failures. Cor. Rural Press. Jt st as soon as work is commenced ou a new courthouse Phumix proper ty will greatly increase in value. A new building would not bo ready to occupy under a year, and by that time the present courtroom would be ! t'.-tally inadequate for the uses de- manded of it. The Si'ver Xugget Mine. This mine is situated is the centre of the celebrated Richmond Basin, in Maricopa coipjty, and is remarkable not only for the richness of the ore it has yielded, but alo as being the pio neer mine of this portion of the terri tory, where the existence of silver in large quantities was not more than suspected three years ago. "When Mr. D. U. Chilson, its discoverer first lo cated his claim. Globe- City, now a popular and active mining centre, was not in exist ance, and the district where it stands was virtually unex plored. Mr. Chilson's discover)-, how ever, was speedily followed by the in flux of a busy mining population ami several of the richest mines in Ariz ona are now being worked in near onroximity to the Silver Xugget. Of these the Silver King is a well known example. Though mining only a 3 stamp mill, and working on surface ore, it is paying its fortunate stock holders month fy dividends ot 30,000. Another is the Stonewall Jackson, from which four tons of ore scat to San Francisco and milled by Captain Dalghren, now chief engineer of the Nugget mine, netted $06,000. The Silver Nugget is also a remarkably productive mine. The last few wag on loads of ore taken from it returned him $70r000; and though the mine is but partially developed the ore in sight is worth many millions, while that now on the dump ready for mill ing is sufiicie-t to to pay many large dividends on the capital. Such an assemblage of rich mines in so limit- j eil space is only surpassed: in mun- j of ore is far higher in the Globe dis. trict mines to which we have re'erred. The president has vetoed the Chi nese bill. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. American Hotel. RE-OPENED! R, M. CARTLETT k CO. LEASED THIS POPULAR on Watiiugt'u s.reet, will t'I'eu -II II.. .-I to moriuir morning a FiRsT-Cr.ASs Restaurant. Board Pr1Vcfc... Miiiflltt 00 5 Tbetab will lie surplitl with the best the market ,ifttrds. and ineui will be served at all bon'S. 1'ioiupt uud courteous attention ex tended to g-IIfStH. Centrally located, beautifully shaded and comfortably ai ringed E. BROWN, IYI. D., rii.ywlcian ami Mtirseoti. liseaaes a specialty. Notice. I ' erehy give notion that mv wif. Minnie Harr, has without cause alat donrd me. I therefore notify a 1 rrsons not totiusthcron niy account. s I will not pay any debts that she mar hereafter contract. JACOB B. HARRIS. March 4th. 1879. 3t FJotice For sale cheap, on reasonable terms, a steam threshing machine, engine, seuaralor, derrick forks and rigging complete, mess outfit and tools, also one set of 24 inch French burrs for cracking wheat, barley or corn. AVM. A. HANCOCK. J. D. Monihan's Livery, Feed and Stables. Sale Washington St., between Center and Cortez. Best Livery IIorse3 and ele gant vehicles at all times Horses boarded. Hay and grain always on hand. Builders' MATERIAL. Tb uiider'ijrnccl had Mist received a large aitl complect uuurtment at DOORK, SASH. BLII)!. and VISDOW8 Wl.l.-h ara of a better QCA14TY sod will be sold rhaaptor tbao at the &ash factory in Prescott. AI)ord-re promptly attend! t. Adam ntreet uD-hall' bick north ; tl.e HER LD 0!'.ce, Li. . COPJEIAXW. X. MISCKLLANEOUS. lational RESTAURANT AK1 CHOP HOUSE. Opposite the Postolfice. Board per week - 7 00 Single Meals 50 cents. ESS Every Morn lug. Open from Hall pat Six A. SC. to Ten r. M Dinners prepalred to Order. The Hea Bread, cboicent CaVes and Pie frsb ?very day. 1. Trapct. SO United States rewery Jefferson Street, One Block West of the Flouring; .11111. Gustav Beher, Proprietor. The public nr rpupertfuHy inforwen that I m now Bil prjri,ur f th-p S'R'-t'S lro-wry. and timt 1 era mauutacturirg u first -cku quality of LAGEK BEER, ALE aud POIiTEl!. I ask a share of the pnblic patronage. G. BEHER. PHEXIX Flouring Mills. Northwest Corner Montezuma and Jefferson Streets. Smith & Woolsey - Props. M A MT ACTC KE3- Extra Family Flour, GRAHAM I'LOIK, CRACKI I WHEAT, CORX MEAL, t'HOl' FEED, BRAS, SHORTS, Etc. All of which is kept con stantly on hand for sale at Lowest prices. This mill is supplied with new and improved ma chinery, and second to none for manufacturing a choice article. Uberti Price paid for Wheat. MISCELLANEOUS. T H E REGULATOR'S ELLIS, ASHER & CO. Regulates Prices -OF- EVERYTHING Brought to this Market. We can give the People better Inducements and sell better goods than any house in the Territory. Ellis, ASHER & Co. X. B. Our Store is lo cated on the Xorth side of the Pla a the larsrestl 1 "11" ril J. Samter's CHEAP CASH STORE. Removed to tbe Walters Building- on Montezu ma .Street, next aowr to tL Printing Office. Th Attentiou of the Public is called to 1113 well selected atock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS fc SHOES, GROCERIES. LIQUORS and PROVISIONS Which I propose to sell ou the Lave and Tet Live principle. A word .0 the w"s is Suffi cient. Jl'Ml'S HAMTEK. Montezuma Street one door above the libit ALD Oltioe. J. M. COTTON TAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORM injj bis friends and the public that biff Two Saloons are always supplied with the Choicest Liquors and Cigars. The comfort and enter tainment of patrons will be studied by the proprie tor and attaches. i ftemovalfiP ionesr Store. TUCSON, SOLE AND ALEXANDRA. John Wholesale Corner of Mnrlcopa and Jefferson Having now moved Into more C'ommodlonn premise our ftteilitlexfor nupplj ins the trade are unsurpassed by any other lioune in urllae jn the Territory. We cordially invite buyers of all clawMei to call and examine our firoods, reeliujs confident that we cam afford to jrlve them better value than by purchasing; clcswher. Have on hand a select stock of OKI "Bourbon anil Rye Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Rums, Port, Sherry, and Maderia Wines. Champagnes, Clarets, gautcrncs, Liqueurs, Bitters, andjEVEKYTiiiMO appertaining to the L3QUOR BUSINESS. Sole agents for Arizona for the Celebrated CHAMPAGNES of Perinet & Fils, Reims. IMPORTED AMD BOSV3ESTIC Which they invite buyers to call I i J 1 il I lilt (it: ri iii t; ai i v . I ... , II. L. PERALTA, "Wholesale and General Merchandise. To make? Room for the goods on the SELLIXG As I bare facilities for purchasing everythiner in my lioe at the lowest market market price, I can safely say that no house iu the Territory can atiortl to sell goods at tbe LOW rates t fercd My motto is; Quick Sales And Small Profits. I can fornUh the Famer the Teamster, the Miner and all others. C line and see and satisfy yonrselves. Flour and crain delivered to any poiu added. Orders solicited oidberg & Son. Successor to A. Goldberg, DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Highest price paid for all kinds of country produce, Hides, Grain, Wool etc. Orders from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. GOLDBERG &. SON. Xear the new hall of Woolsey ari Weutivortb.. Oi PHCENIX, AGEXTS. Co. Liqcor Dealers. Streets Fhoraix. and examine anil compare prices with Retail Dealer in way, lam LOWER ! than any Store In Town. iu the Territory at Cost with freight M. L. PERALTA. nSGtf ATI-IAN & CO. HAVE OI'ESED ON Washington street, west of Gardiner's hotel, A la-ge and splendid stock tit General M E R C II A N D I S E . Which they ofi'er to our citizens at the lowest pos sible prices. Every one is respectful ly invited to call and exam ine our stock and prices. uui2