Newspaper Page Text
MEMI-WKEKLY EDITIOV GOSPER & McCLINTOCK - - Proprietors. Wfdnfsday... April a. The Prescott papers lire "kicking" Twcaosc Tiptop stock is down. Per Iiirps tlio owners thereof own a few Uaras. The Enterpriae contains a com limnieation charging Ellis, Hush it Co. with trytag to run the democratic party of Yavapai county. PnF.seOTT has signed a petition to have one of her citizens appointed a special mail agent for the territory. -Should the appointment be made wouldn't the mail routes around Tucson catch it? We notice that a printer has been sentenced to be hung in Xcbraska This will be the first in the profes sion to suffer death on the gallows, although we know of a great many who deserve such, an end. j voting for and against the 3Iaricopa - The Miner is very angry because I and Prescott railroad bill. Below fhe Hkhai.d office is doing some job ' we give the vote as appears from the work for citizens of Prescott. Sony, j record of the two houses: but can't help it. "When the Miner Council For: Beau, Gray, Kirk Jias facilities for doing as good and : patrick. Bone, Thomas, Wills, el as cheap work as the Herald, it will ! come and Hughes; against, Head, then, no doubt, be able to do the! House For: Behan, Fay, Fitch, work of its own s-ction. It seems that Kearney, the "Agi lator," secured all the agitating; he could stand, recently at Santa Ana, Cal. A double-fisted foreigner flat tened out and for a time closed his dirty mouth for him. This man Kearney is fast losing the respect of decent men and the confidence of his followers. In a long "putf of a small foun dry In Prescott, the Miner says: "They were strangers to our people and their ability to furnish all kinds of castings was not known." AVas not known ; of course they were not known because they did hot adver tise their bnsiness. How could they expect to be known '! AVotlK on the Mexican interna tional exhibition building has been commenced. The governor has is- nued circulars to all state governors toadont measures for the success of the exhibition, which will be in- auguratcd on the 14th of January next, and continue three mouths. All nations are invited to participate. ir is reported that Col. Ruggles teirerar r KTrenco, "iirrti u as uisn t u ted suit to recover the office ot countv treasurer of Pinal county from P. K. Brady, the latter having been ap - poiuted to that office on the ground of Kuggles' non-compliance with an order ot the supervisors his official bond. rcgartiiiig Ix the Miliar of "March 27th, II. T. . Alexander, ot 1 unia, gets a repor torial rap square in the face for his forgetfuhaess. If Mr. A. requested hii card to be printed in the Miner he eught to pay for the same. There are people tn this world who expect to get their small printing done for nothing. Paper, ink, typesetting, &c. all cost money, and ought to be paid for. AVe know nothing of the facts iu the Beach-Alexander case, ! anucsreiess. Ix a recent issue of the Enterprise we notice a communicated article re- ; necung somewuat upon tiie ability ot ' powers. It is a plane surface in-j is evidently up to the spirit of the Professor Sherman to manage the . dined to the bounding line at any ! times, and knows that a Confederate affairs of the public schools of Pres- j angle. Every road not perfectly ; Congress is now sitting in AVashing cott, and at the same time discharge j level is an inclined plane. AVhen ; ton. He writes: ' E.iclosed please the duties of the office of superin- ! boxes or anything heavy are to be ; find a one thousand dollar bond of tendent of public instructions. The ' raided into wagons the work is made ! the Confederate States of America, is article was evidently written more to i less difOcult by laying long boards in I sued in accordance with the sixth please a personal prejudico than to j scl, a way as to form an inclined j section of the act of the Confederate serve the public good. The animus j plane. The marine railway on which j Congress, February 17, 18(51. I dc is plain Mr. Sherman is fully capa- j ships of great weight are drawn out ' sire to have my bond filed forrcdemp Iile to nil both places, and his host of ; friends will sustain him. The first issne of a t wo-ccnt Dem ocratic moring paper, the Chicago JTerald, was published March 17th. It is under the management of Ham ilton S. Weeks and John AV. Ryck man. AValter Trumbull, formerly of the New York Sun, is managing editor and M. U. Toldcn city editor. The paper is a seven-column folio al most identical iu size and appearance of the New York Sun. It will be the only out-and-out democratic pa per in Chicago. The proprietors say ft is well backed by capital and is pot a campaign paper, but has come to stay. The Silver Belt, in commenting on the article in the Herald a few weeks since about the threatened break of the San Carlos Indians, says: Mr. Mcintosh's warning was pri vately given the commanding officer at McDowell with a view of putting the military in possession of facts in order to prevent, an outbreak, and not to blow it abroad ih rough the columns of the Phoenix Herald. How the Herald become possessed of that information the editor and his informant alone can tell. The Herald has a waj- of obtain ing news peculiar to itself, and in laying before our readers the very latest news, we dir-play considerable fnterpiisc. The first set of wagon mad com missioners to get their bonds issued and work are the ones intrusted with building the road from Gillett to the Tiger mine. Tliebuild ing of this particular road is of vast importance to Phoenix and the Salt river country, and it is greatly to be hoped the commissioners will make a wise, practical and economical ex penditure of the twenty thousand dollars plac ed in their hands for that purpose. 3Ir. l'ue. of Giilett, of the firm of Andrews i Howe, will no doubt be the controlling spirit in all this entcrnrise, and to hini in par ticular, or to him more than to any other one man will tiie public look fi r a faithful and business-like dis bursement of the money for the above purpose. T51E lt.4ILKO.fU SI LI. We have been asked several times to give to the public the names of the members of the last legislature Lcitch, Meade, Purdy. Stinsou, Speedy, Vail and Stcwait; against, Alsap" Butfum, Davis. Hamilton, j MeAteer, Nichols, ; burg. Park and Hum orn scbooi.. And What Onr Sfliolsn pable of lioiiig. arc Un Every Friday is composition day at our public sc hool, and of those sub- mitted the best two are selected by Alr. Conrad, the principal, and will be published in the IIehald. The Sechaiiieal Toners. J1Y LULU (. COTTON. Numerous and different as ma chines are, they arc all combinations of six simple mechanical powers known as the lever, the wheel aud ixle, the pulley, the inclined plane, j the wedge aud the screw. A lever is ! an inflexible bar capable of being ; moved about a fixed point called the j fulcrum. It is the simplest of the j mechanical powers and its properties j were known as far back as the time J of Aristotle, 850 years B. C. Archi- j medcr, a hundred years later, was the ; first to explain them fully. The I mechanic: 1 powers. It consists of attached to a cylinder or axi i;l sucu a w:lv lIi:lt Vliieu in mo- ; tioa lhey ievolve around the same j axi.s. The 1ul!Cy js the third of the j mechanical powers. It consists of a wheel with a circumference over which a rope passes, and an axis or pin round which the wheels may be made to turn. Pulleys are of two kinds fixed and movable. A fixed f-ttlley is one that has a block that cannot be moved and a movable pulley is one that has a block that can be moved. Though no power is ';,,., wUh t!l f,xcii mlll(,v it is often used to change the direction of! ! motion. On ships the pulley is near ly always used. I3y using the pullry the sails can be hoisted without ch;ibing the mast. It is also used in raising large bodies of wood or marble ana m hoistiucr heavy boxes in hiah warehouses. The inclined ' plane is the fourth of the mechanical ' 0f ihe -water for repairs is one of the ; most useful applications of this ma- j that a law, making them converlablc chine. The wedge i.-; the fifth of the ! into L'nited States bonds will be pass mechanical powers. It appears in j ed sooner or later. This view is two kinds, according to the use for j founded upon the fact that two-thirds which they are designed. Iu its first ot the present members of the senate form the wedge is only a solid aud movable inclined plane used for raising great weights a short dis tance. The second kind of wedire has the shape of two inclined planes : united at their bases. It is used for splitting timber and to separate rocks in quarries. The screw is the sixth and last of the mechanical powers. It consists of a cylinder with a spiral ridge and furrow, winding e.lternately round it in parallel curves. The portions of the ridge passing suc cessive' from one side ot the cj liu der to the other are called the threads of the screw. In the exterior or curve screw the ridge and groove are on the outside of the cj linder and iu j the interior or concave screw the ! ridge and groove are 011 what may be ! regarded as the inside surface of a cylinder. There are a great many : kinds of screws. Cotton is com- ! pressed Into bales, juices are ex tracted from fruits, coins are stamped and houses are raised lrom their foundations with the aid of the st-reTr. AVhen intense pressure is required the threads of the screw must be so close together that they are neces-saiilj- thin and liable to break. To prevent this an ingenious contrivance. called after its inventor, "Hunter's screw," is used. Hunter's screw con sists of two screws, working one within the other, in such a way that as the larger descends the smaller as cends, though not quite so far. The difference between the distances of the threads in the two screws deter mines how far on the whole the screw advances. With Hunter's screw, therefore, the power produces a pres sure as many times greater than it self as the difference between the respective distances of the threads in the two screws is contained in the i circle described by the power. The j wheel is more largely used ia ma chinery than any other ot the me chanical powers. Several wheels in one machine are called a train. Ia a tr-i'm of two wheels Wii one that im parls the motion is called the driver; tiie one that receives it is called tiie follower. There arc three ways iu which motion inny be transmitted from one wheel to another; first, by the friction of its circumference; second by a band, and third by teeth on their outer rim. One wheel may be made to move another by means of a band passed round both circumfer ence; such a band is known as a wrapping conductor or belt. There are three kinds ot toothed wheels, viz: Spur wheels, crowu wheels and bevel wheels. Spur wheels have their teeth perpendicular to their axes. The teeth are either made in one piece with the. rim, or consist of separate pieces set into the rim. In the latter case they are called cogs. In mills cog-wheels are generally used with trundles or lanterns. Crown wheels have their teeth paral lel to their axes. Bevel wheels are wheels whose teeth form any other angle with their axes than a right mile. I!v mechanical power people j arL. icpt in fo(Hi .1IK n,nu ilml their , uo,nL.s iire made cheerful by coal drawn from the depth of the earth by an ingenious machine. As the ris ing generation grow up and improve these machines they will never cease to be grateful to their forefathers ior their ingenuity and integrity. A fkw issues since we published ! nn extract from a country paper pub : lished iu Missis which mir- ; ported to be an echo of the old rebel i j yell. ihe Argonaut comments as I ' follows on the same article: "AVe j i believe it i the first gun of a sul phurous campaign of fraud and mis statement. If we cannot elect a re publican president without lying about the south, and without drag ging from its sepulchre the skcletou of the civil war, wiUiout e.citin angry passions of another interne cine strife, we had better suffer de feat. This journal intends to sup port a republican candidate for presi dent. Ve hope to take an active part in an honorable campaign. AVe shall be glad to discuss national questions in a dignified and honor able way; but we give notice now, early in the contest, before our battle blood is warmed by the excitement j of the strife, that we hope our party . headquarters at Washington will send j llg DO stink-pots, for we' will not help ! in tiiim! ti,,.,v A'r, m,-,,,,i,. ... ' uegro-persecution stories for us. Of this kind of politics we gcther disgusted." are alto- Ax Iittfr-Orcan AVashington special says: ciecrelary hhennan lately re- ccived a letter from T. W. Phillips of Xvrth Carolina, enclosing a Confed- erate bond for rcdimption. Phiilijis ! tioa at some future day. I believe and house have been Confederate bondholders. Such a law would pro duce a vast deal ot consolation among the southern people who were made destitute by the war. My ob- ject in Cling now is to entitle me to take precedence in the time of settle ment." A few w eeks since we published a law, statins that it had passed, rela ting to butchers and the way of con ducting their business. Since then we have been informed by acting Governor Gosper that the law did not pass. AA'e made our mistake from the fact that Mr. Meade, mem ber of the house from Pinal, gave us the manuscript copy aud informed us that it was a law. The Miner anil Citizen made a synopsis of the law from the Hkhald without credit. They both have our permission to make the correction. The Prcsidni has nominated An drew I). AYhite of New York minis ter to Germany, and Cornelius A. Lo gan of Illinois as minister resident to the Central American States. The Herald is the only semi weekly newspaper in Arizona, and is furnished at the same price as the old stvle weeklies. 3IISCELLAXEOU9. cents a yard up- Yt'liitc Piques from l'-H cnts a yaid upward. A splendid stock of Fancy G'm-liams nen deijrus. Xtv stvles of Spritisr Dress Goods, at 1SK ?0 aud 5 cents ier yard. Trimming- Silks from 00 cents a yard np. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO O ft DEUS. Samples uf every de-eription sect on appli cation. Direct all letters, L. BIEN, 224 J Street, P. . Box 34 O, SACKAMBSTO. Exclusive Atrnt ot tl.e DOMESTIC PA PER l'AITKUX.S. Spring Stvles just out. Catalogues furnished free, on application. ftlotice. ILivirir PstaMi.-hrd a Iiir-'iia.-inr AiTiM-y, Mr. Is liifii wilt jrivf his prsftiml attention i ordi rs il' kii.d such as H ufs and Shoes, Funitiirt Ci'il;ery, Carpets, Miliin- li-i'injr in Ofinstnnt h'is:n-ss relations ami liav" irij a thortiuyh in-iiaiita.n: vi:h a'! tiie It-:i 1 i Mcr lutus-s, liitli.'.-i. in rdLi inu thrutt . h Mr. UirTi will receive Hie fulJ benefit ol his expe-riern-fi and fi; d it murt i-d uittageous than doinir he ir own sliupjtmg-. A-Jdress loiter?, P. O. Hoi 310. CIGAKS, PLUG AND SMOKIXG I TOBACCO'S, Of all the Leading- brands Avlueh I am selling at Eastern Prices. Don't forget the Store with Postoflice. n2Gtf J Samter's CHEAr CASU STORE. "Removed to the Wallers Kutldinjr on Montczu nia iStrf-et next Door to tLe Priming Otliue. The Attention of the Public is called to n:y weli selected stock of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, COOTS & SliOH.S, GUOCEUIES, LIQUORS and PROVISIONS Which T propose to sell on the Lire and Let Live principle. A word thp w:s is SufU cient. JIIJIS SAMTKK. Montezuma Street one tloar above the II KK ALL (JfhYe. I i Attention! DON'T UL'Y YOUR BEFORE SENDING TO L. BIEN, ari-i J Ktreet. S.lfBAJIEXTO. j iOreat Bargains. I In Embroideries, from ! ward. Is y " " n si ii at i j t i GEOKGE K. I Dealer ia !onic!tic ami Imported. i :0: MISCELLANEOUS. H. Morgan & Co. Washington St., riicenix AND Mori Station on the Gila lviver Importers and Dealers iu Groceries and Clothing, Dry Good-, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars; &c. At prices to suit the times & CO- HAVE OPENED OX Wasliington street, Avest of Gardiner's hotel,- A la-go and sjdendid stock f;f General MERC1IANDIS E . AVhich they offer to our citizens at the lowcat pos sible prices. j Every one is respect ful ly invitofi ltj n c,.a pxam jinc our stock and prices. i t.uia The Bradshaw Mountains is ot'i: pi,ace or blslxess. DOX'T GO TO resc For we will sell you goods RIGHT AT YOUR CABIX DOOR FOK LESS MOXEY ! Thau you can buy al Prescott and transport them home. We have depots at Gillette., Tip-Top and Peck District. Mining Men take Notice ! Aud save the bother of packing, Tiik Loss fx Time, and Actual Cash, by buying of ANDRES & ROWE. Sl Son. Successor to A. Goldberg, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Highest price paid for ail kinds of country produce, Hides, Grain, Wool etc. Orders from the country solicited aucl satisfaction guaranteed. GOLDBERG &. SON. Xfar tlio new hall and n'cutnvrth. of Woolscy I Coldberg TUCSON SOLE "Wholesale t'oritex- of 3Sari-oja and .JcflVrxon Havin- iew moved i:it) more mi odious premises onr fswiHti'' ror snnptyins tiie trade are Ei!soriiisMil..v any other house in our line -n the Toa i itoi v. cordially invite buyers of all classes to call anil examine our j-oods. feeling conndent that w e can afford to svc tkciu better value than ly parrhaxing cle here. Have on hand a select stock of Old Bourbon. Unci Rye Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Kmns, Port, Sherry, and Maderia AVines. Champagnes, Clarots, Sauterncs, Liqueurs, Bitters, aiidjKVKKYTinxo ajipertaining to the LIQUOR BUSINESS. for Arizona for the Celebrated CHAMPAGNES of Teriuet & Sole a sent; Fils. Reihis. Ef57. S1r3 P2 B Al AVhich t what tliev - invile buy . paying (''s vs to call where. THOROUGH. Poultry and Berkshires Largest Stock of Im- ' ported Fowl on the Pacific Coast. Carbolic Powders, Sec, on hand. My Berkshire Breeders have Treat expense. I will sell a limit to advertise 1113- stock. I am also breeding Poland China Pigs ! From stock imported direct from the Letters of inquiry, inclosing stamp, cheerfiillly answered, Adtlross AY1LLIAX MILES, Importer and Breeder, Lus Angeles, Cal. C2?"3afe arrival of fowls and eggs SALT lUA'EU Flouring Mill, C. II. VEIL, rroi. The Largest and Best in the Territory. Mill Ol't'ERS FOK SALE ALL TX1L' BEST GRADES OF FLOUl! Ia fj'iantities to suit purctiiistrs The following brands coasfuully oa haad: XXX FAMILY Ft OI'R (wiiirantcrl ) EXTRA PA.M1I.Y EXTIiA SFPKKFIXE-, liKAHAM. CUACKED WHEAT. ALSO ISran. 2iojtN and l idd I in srs. 0?ECUt ATTENTION INVITLI) TO MY XXX Family Fluuf. Every sack f which is griiarin.ted equal to the riot manut'iictured in trie Territory or money reftinde-t. Havirira tarfre ttockof iuui.i. purchasers wiil io well to give me a call bciure purchasing elsewhere. tSfTKICE.SLOV AS THE LOWEST. Highest Trice for IVIieat. 21 ! Oq PHENIX, AGENTS. ALEXANDRA. Liqi'Or Dealers Streets Phoenix. IQIESTIC and examine and compare prices with General Pacific Coast Agent for American Poultry Feed. It Avill make your hens lay and prevent disease. been imported direct from England at d number of choice pigs A'ERY LOW Magce Company. guaranteed. T3 OT-tf estaurant. Capital Blocli, riieuix. BEST EATIXG HOUSE Lnt The Salt River Valley. Our Tables are always sup plied with the best to be obtained in the 'Market: I'olitc Attention Paid to (iarsttt C. S.w.vru, PRor'u