Newspaper Page Text
JL JQL Hi PIKE MX, MARICOPA COUXTY, A. T , SATLRPAY, IMA Y 1S79. XEW SERIES XO. IS. VOL. 3. XO. 12. WHOLE XO. S2. The Herald. .- Published every S. GOSPER & t:; i l-'toriuitTons. SrnHcr.ii'TioN Kate One nipy one year. - - -om- r(ny six imn;h. - - -1-ty carrier, in fin'-nix. zr nimilh. Advebtisixi; Kate-: One iiirh. on if in-i-rti tn. - -Kaca PulLcjut-i'l insertion. -I'ntfViottal card-, pt'r nvmlh. - 5 0- ; 5CVI ... 1 1 ClIAK-L-EM W. ('KANE 1 OV.T A U t il' I I.C." Ai-reiit in San Frncico. j PROFESSIONAL. If. It . PAT KICK. Civil Fngr'necr nnl Ienul.v 1.9"! Mineral Survcvor lir Arizona. Office With "W. A. Hancock Phtenix A. T. i Attorney and toiioseior at U ; T.,.. Wi....,.. I '1 ucson. Arizona, j All law hU!-incs will receive prompt ami I careful attention. i j. a. zabrikic. B. ii. nEnnrfiii- HriltKFOKU & S! ABitl.-iJil Attorneys anil Counselors a! Ij.iv And Notary Public. Ofnee on Myers street, opnti.-itn Palac Hotel. Tacson." Arizona. Physician ana Jsureeon.; ((Iraduatc of ib" l"niver-;iy of a.) Offern hi profeMoii:ii i.trviee to tbe , ! .vik-ii.!. ?ai.i'. SuiupHtiii; aail ua.i jieo;deof 1'Inenix and vicinity, odiceintii I ;iore9 on Ifatnl at All Times to i.uiuirdoue in nit i-atepi style aud ati" Capitul liuildiiii!. i Letundior Kair. j .aei.ou (.-aaianieeu. I. II. COX. A. C. BJM" i cox A nAK:.H. A i t o r i: e y h a Law, I'hani.i A. T. i Oillcf. np tairs. in Capital baihUii;?. o Wa'diinirtiu t-lreet. I - . ! riiysiciaiiH a..u i.-....- Will atteul professional c-io at any not;, ; oftliedavo i.ul'.t. OJiee e.i.; side of the! ldaz i. O". .1. V. S n i ls. M. i.. laieol l -in) , Xcv.: .1. E. Wbar.on. -M. i).. L . -VK-di ixaminer. W3i. .11. IS3t!-:Cii i-.S ICI Ur.. Civi Engiserr anil Co. Surveyor. I'hicnix. A. T. Oftk-e with Linvil'.e i Wiley, on.- door n.t of hxprcso oinee. Ail orn-.-is proaiplly attend.-d to. ii Aiii; v is. jxr.4. Attorney and Cousi-selor at Law. PhcL-nix. A. T. Odice Ti;-!air- in t npital buiidinir. Wa-h-iau'ion s:i'..''.t. J. It. I I UL.tS. Areliiteet ntia ?u:)eri3eiit;et . Plans, sneeifi-'at'oits and etirtjetes car.--f'tllv pn-pan-d. 9iee -.- it Ii Dr. Mile,-'..- ,v W hart on. ea-t -idv of 'lie plaza. IS. I. t o.v Vr.i:s. P It 3" s i e i a n a 11 tl N u rscuu. tl.atc of VNaiia. ful.i O.Tv-e on Wa-iiintrtor. r-:reel. tv,-. door.-, . froai Mjntezama. JII.II'. W. VAX "iLK h,. Atttirney ami Counselor nt l.a-i'. ' Me.Miilen-. ill.-. Marieopn Co.. A. T. "Wii! practice In a!! til'' court- oi si:" T.-i-ri-t. iry . JOIIV T. ALSAP, Attorney and Counselor at 2.:i - Plneuix. Arizona. ; !1 batne-s rorep:!y attended io. irftee v :;h the li-;n.;t Attorney. I'lior.ATt: .tt-ri';!;. -ot.uv rn-.U! . : WM. A. IIAXCOCIi. Attorney at I a , Pho-nis. A. T. ;fT.and btl-iness in all d.-parttnenis a ipc.-talty. ! I A I"l WKBBr.K, : Attorney antl Counselor at Law, ; Arizona. . : Will practice in ali the conn oi lit? T-r- JO!IV I. (iJtKGU. -"i. Ily9ieian,Murseon &. Aeeoueher. K"f'r:i!C'-' iTh(utt i'TUiisioii : F. M. i ciirilL L. S. s.:na:ir. Mo.: Col. John T 'risp. I)'-iiff:r::Tir nom intj fi'oni Mi-tHiri. Oiiict uvj it-n.? Fcrrv. Arizomi. fluid dnst. L'old end r-il vcr bull ion and : ore" of every cV-rrint ion iiieiied :aid u--sa -d. All a-ay xua:a:it''id. I'rici.- of on1 assays: f-iiver u nd trold. $-1; leatl. SI; copper. : Sj.nipls cfi.i be -eiir hy ijtiiil or (xi)n,-. mid ; r-'turn- will be pr'inpi':y m;i:I-. Oltict- wiih Well. Far-ro A ;o.. I'rer-eott. 151'aINES.S CARDS. Phffinix Bakery. J. IIK1:. I'l-opiielor. Wuhinton St.,oi-.o?iif court house. ; EIGHT LOAVES OF P.HE U OR EIGHT BKEAD TICKET.S FOK A POLLAlt. PIONEER A4 M . b-S Sf JL JL-i-S-V JL Washington Street. yvrlhe is! C -r.ifr f the I'luzn, Eltjht loaves f Bn-a ! for SI OO. Fruit Cai;;.' and Pa -try of nil kind-, for -weddiu - parti.-, etc... p-enared to older. BAl'i'.LKN .t Oil. T. A, Waterman HAS OPENED A XE'.V UN pltirc of lti-'n'-s ia in rioldrrtan' M arehoiis.-. jtt below tint Teletrrapli Ulltee. . ia tn i.ontrrtan Prompt attention ghen to Repairing and izh Work, j A it.r;re .st.ek of Tin nn.d sheet Iron Ware ' !: tj.t on MI.S( ETJ.AXKOUS. D U o, n n I v U ol i 1 Wa-binirtoii Sr.. ho- v.'en Mitr:civa arc! Pin:i street-. CLEAN BEDS 'And Wall Va-V.ilaied Rooms P-v tbe ctiv or iii-rlil. ; ilest of A ccommoiations for j Fault. Ucr-i. A SHOWER HATH connected with t!.e totel iir t:ie of guest- and th. .-ablic generally. I. J. OAr.u..M-i. 2 I W El R . FEED ' AND SALE STABLE. laiin A Cufark - - Provr. Thi- Plonr Sial ic rf Oiileit hi at nV ; lef I!ay a Ura'H. and a.l liie accoiTnno ; j.iliuUa for boards- lior CI 3at Parket, ! I OOi'i'On zni Co-R?3'ii'on Jri I I'unilel iO':at!jii. wu ;-e ;:..'.trea to r ,..r,,;i luu ,.!,., oi I bx.ii i. V(... ,J..j.t BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PuRK, ETC. That fn 0'.-t:.iBS!l. OTERO IS I. A Sir. a. B YAVAPAI CO, A. T. if .'tilen IVoirs I'rej-ott Ri-.ii O Jliles from Plitcnix. o: t!.e ; IS lark Cllliyoa Etoatt. j ' rt l'.ie ' ptr -Vl-e i t'le ab",e tatK-n. lee ;r-:..;:,i-i wiil alv.-.;yt Ur.d m-.i!s. a:.-.'. Ii.:. at .d: tite.e-. . tiar. witii a jood sUicj; 0. .niitors 0:1 nam!. I VsSr S U : Boot ar.d Shos Maker. ; lla-sliinurlo-ji strrot. a J i:ti:i; X lie Fa-hiotiahlf B-.t ami S.oe oft mxiWrUl made to order it: O.-i,'. sty Pt'UFECT FlTS G 11 ATiAXTEED. I r:ve mv enn;--; rTr-n:i:n to custo-u mMiP. ..ti.i'i r-( t:i-v f-u- -i.'ii" euti"r .Uxrou. -nu iu your o.-.I.--.-. " t LUMBERS LIT.IEER! LUfvlCER! ! AT- Glsrk ' SAW 3IEKli AXD YAI-i). .m:ic:a. Il.-.viiiir nio.-d our miil five intb-s v. t Pre-eott. on yi,;...v v- eek '-.. r Tittir of : tun Unite, lit a poiiii witb.iti . taw- ol Milier road, near Iron ami imxin: i the coinple.i-d an exe.-iieiit load to Ihe.nllo-i- to iiiriiL-h ttuy iimoniu or quaiiiy ol roa.l ami lo i-r, eo; i. v. e aie now .if, ....u "T TT UK "O T? T tU JXa. JLJ JLLi JL Shinqlos, Doors. Sash.. f I.ATIl.i, ETC., AT BEDlluCK I' 11 WES. - . . Barlf y, Hour, .trn ai.U s ouuvt-. Taken in c::cliaae foi Lumber. CLAIiK & ADAMS. Gz.. P. Lokin-s. ;-e:.t. -be::.:x. A.T J 1 SO Kl. L. IXEOL'S. I TT-S H TH. ST 3 B i: resiiiViiiK' 10 Cts. per Quart -AND 37 CENTS PER GALLON,1 i Jesiis Otoro's- P. SET ?,g ij b r b 8 r biiop.1 FHEL.X DEES, -in his liUiiift oti: iiiciiu and iii.' lui'jiiv in hauxess & SADDLERY XVI "CO OP "'Fti A SHOP FOR THE .rrtu1!.j,,.rnr f Hariiers and s? i i-l.Tv. T m p-. t.jir.'d 'o . . ctre a'! w .T i tt.a t:iad in a FIRST CLASS MANNEIi. ; rjir npT-i ;iriii srcoV m-n vr',' :t 10 1 1 - i- in- I rer st t ( ov r!.e r pitro-j!-'p upon ipp ji ; rn.i-f !i-iT fi si "lass r.'ork is turuet? out a! my ! i'!-h 'f nr. ! IVm- ly .ppjM't. : Hri:.T r ftp. n'l I ivaj r otuS LiveFV Stabie. Wi-Mnan!,t,,:'l5ng ,3,ei ! II ,kmV.,j d.'.l 'iv '- ' i.t.d sjraie bay, baric , ami w.-ts. -e--.,Mi..l .tl.m f. r 'e te--. T at cb.ii K-ep e. T..laatlv a lia d I'i i e ti.rnon 5 It. ' i' a a.- i at rr. v r;.i, ! ! e - iv.- ir .; int. inii.n. .E HAMi.l.N. LeacSinn: -!ote! ! OF SAN r'UANv'l-'CO. w thf inns' f'o-nvt'v ;V-P" ' hv Mr H.-.'-in :i in !-' "'.' t'.n.i.-b 1.1 I'o-i.i.tll :.-'i-r r'i V 'lll N.i- v. .- 'l 1 A can..n:u!;i-:oM- f-r ij-"in.:--s i:' If r-z- I' r fi- s i'-ic- tli. a,-- a r fi ' -.r ' I-:-. .-1' " vr-r V t ;;1 -it ra. If- w : II ,,' j' '' ' I'lv' A-'i'' (-'!'..' 1 -'",7 'Z. ;i ' i o r-'n; . ; ,r - in ; fr i f ii";;r i rM fivl licficc :irrl;il by tc'r;T: i'i i hi. A "TAl i t: IS.:- M . Y0UXG AMERICA KoU. and Restaurant. : tUIl.IjIITT - AEUCX.l. IJoar J by the v:iv or week fi U i- tin b rati. f'h-ml" -f !' 'op M ai - ( ' -eiiv p. r-.m. vi. tine tin- I v.- ' 1.1 td-.!rfiip - i'" .! -be V n-u i ."ic. II - : ,-i an.l :. s ;.;n-io t in-eht- .t-.-t a.-d b.t lu-e iii ir 1 ; t.' (nil 11 a . l e r as ia.bie. -I'f.l. & ANO'.ISSON, Props. i 1 : Board reduced to $7 00 per week 1.. Cillciie e;us i-t th,: 50 cents. ; Cosmopolitan Restaurant. IVal. IIOS.I-AXir. px rt3V (T Vi. ita FKKSil .U'ii TRIE TO XAalSl. . HT K ivii -en t '... f , l.ovl e e . s" " i t ; ' o. - eift.f ji e He it !.y 1'or.t .iljir .n.o.-r or nx- - ....-i- . ,.. ,.a,n-p Carr t I 7. "e. i lid;.--. "'T 'r?:L:vX .',,':,;;;V.;:.! t- lOni.... . r J ....lie vl . .--'.S.-. AUn. : lucent -an' " vari-fe-s .f V. lain . Fao.ver tool '1'r-e .S..N. .- t... 'r1 c .t. TIHIM S - HIS CO .for i-y. U-.-a: tr.-c Prater MISCELLANEOUS PACKER & MCKENNA. j a i riM n,,Wa'!n",,DMBI innxr, it the most attractive - L place iu 1'heui TH- 1 t! r f.r;:t-;nff f-'-tnTs -rames cprrbt rnei-intr 1li- lii s f t ill a. Photographs at p r-d t pjrfii'f a't w-k in 1 ,:n-' i'- fr el t-'. 's eons'. inr y .r. Iiaa-i a fine ,..Tn:m fvV . ,f j AliTZO N A S C E X E T? Y r.r,,sf,,pi- nn I PvIO s'7. r.ip; ist:n--i-pn ..f fti.v.T.-n.'iit T "if. A?.'co Tlui 3 -p I ir:ni: lij-zar s ' i" t i o. h no ii -' c . ; Express and Delivery I Vs? i & W U'J TT XV.Sr. A WAnnKV.nLT EXPR.-S.V ittr th- p- rj- s.- I run pri p ;r- u t" lo anytime : in Hi.' flb - 'nti . v'I! rr.'i iv- pr 1; p :i'ti" '. .F. IV. 'I.tniLMiY. r? 3 - 1 r r V.V irt.Ii'd r-s.' et n"yr T fv ill ; ive ! .ve i..e!jfi a !!' St " "i 1 i bid .!. Opposite the PcstoOlee. A ad int. nii In keep ' a 5..! ei fc'.eard i U-pl. Tl e v- tv t.- .,ir My ef Sues, l ii; prs. niMl it:irs. ALWAYS OX HAND. and ii.Mil a l'ri. ts t.. suit tl-e 'l inn 8. A h -. r :h-' .ne'y r:iriei-il ( tab le.-ra atta-b . t .-in n.'it. !i:;oiv v i iifTij. DUDLEY HOUSE. fJltrley ftt.. Tri Arizena. 1" 1 1 S T - C L A S S II 0 1 " S E 1N tut", ri-iton: w plan. A I Ne.v a ei -: -.-rit b-Mts '-t leajrors .tn.i e' ; r.Mnns f. r t'aniilies. i;i n. w ii.i.ia.v. rr. p. T. i. rvlcrgR, GurU-v St., r.e ii. -or a-! IVsi, if. in Di mi-o- J--. Wati-h'S? Clock?. Jev 1 !i y ai.d SUvi w lie, Spect;:. les, G.ilii IVus and IV-i:--ils. etc. Ya;chin:iVrs ami M;it:uf:u-tniirip- Jeivc-Ir rs. A I kind s "t 'rv- ir nn.i r-nvrrwure roa ' nm N's'.1' '" 1 ' s 11 "r- ' '"T,'"' K' "' ' d - ei r'ti- n. ;. a Pr ss Kod.... :-;tan:ns. FU RITU RE I The uailfrsiain'-l !j:is n hmid a htrse v urniiure anu L pnoistery. Also intiiitttMcttr.-fs lo order EIN:C CAin.NET WAKE. L'tJOES. WAIN'SfOATINCr. A XI) (il'EiCE 1"1 v nxes. Etisti-in m-i'c Cli-iirs coiifpint'.y on il. !):. V'i:s!.illu:'. sl!iri."iul- i. i:iii ilic- s!o:e oi mI'.i;m 'V Co. . ;.ti A. COEKA. s n h t? Hi n i-j 1 ' s.-isn. r5i.irvrx. r-i-i "t".' 2.5 YV 1 .., M,,i)raiiY-K.n1- ! '"'d heai.n .V lima at the ; Nish Fad 'i-y lo Prescott. j j A'lor.i rs iT-.ter' n'tewd. d t... ; 1 Xil-nri 'ret B -le.if i 1 ek m.ttli of t fllEII-! ' .t !J F. I. C?'t''J.lSI '?.' D tb- o'u! Capita! HuiM- j f S 0110 3 B 13 I 1 i j ia b d & a a w cat s ; Refitted anil Refurnished. i ! I ! A I BY IX E c- CO. fl3 l-l Gash Or we will have the pay oh keep our goods: AYe hei'oby notify our iVicmls and t!ie public jix-nersilly that from tliio time forth we will cease to sell for cretlit on anv terms whatever. We ave a v. ware that in order to this wc will have to sol 1 cheaper than our neigh bors, and we are prepared to do so. As we are build us v."e are vorv much re ?sed for cash. and therefore it will be better for us to sell for cost than io sell on ever so sh rt a time, no v.iattcr how good the buyer. The facts "in the ca?e are just these: it is a necessity with us to have our goods or to have the wherewith to buy i more. Of course we do : not expect to do so much business, but we .are de termined to do what we can. ; Our Lumber Yard is now full and nearly com plete. . Provisions, Groi'eiies. Drv (ioods. 'Clothing. Roots and Shoes. : Fruits. Honey, Summer TTats. Ranch Putier, Hardwire. Tinware. Taints. : Oils, Glass. Putty. Crockery Ware. Iron and Si eel, Lamps. Powder. E'.!e. &e , tve, ic, &c, &c. 9, P s3i r 4 I U S S S v Ivcep on the .Yest f ide of the Plaza. iienieinber the .si Lf ii over th j do r. H Els! tS J r. 8, sis W a si !o Variety Store T sen da B a rats. THE PIICEXIX I1ERALP sra!-WEESitY i R1TSOS. Kill ur-.tnv. Jlny 3. IhSS. RAILROAD RACKET. Site I: i Co i' e nl Lints Folia-T a: Ton aids t r is Tmltory. Tl.c fol;. ".win I. fr.'.p.i Hie Tiostn-1o..;i'vvi'iUi-ii by R. F. Sa-Hiii, will In t' i.'i'rrcst to onr remleri : The nice of the ruilmi'aA I- for i'i P.-icinc. of cotirp gathfrinr ;is in'.tr' Voio'ht by the wwy a possible. Tli vtchisoii. Topt'kn and Santti Ye, i .vliit ii the capital of Boston is lartrcl; . ntifesled ; the Union I'afifu', bciv sotitiivvesluurd at Denver City .he Te: ; s P.eiiie, Inteked hy coneei . tiling i.. i. roads Irtun this sii'.e of ll, .i ississ-ippi : :md the Utah nmd soitl! ..;.rd thioutih Arizona to (he Gulf J.dif.iniU, are all strivitig, the flr f .i as rivals in the race, to reaci the Pac-ifiC at a point vt hence th ore;;!! pn::;;e lo V oUohamti viil la . try much shorter than by vay ol Franeiseo. 'i l.en tl.eie is ll e Soutln-rn P-.iciS i. :. !!:, :.-k:i.g lor no laibiie it., lii 'it has pn.-hed rapicly .lira n thrown ootiilarn C:;':ilori-i:t to Villus on tin Colorado.aLitl is advancing at the .'ale of one and a half to two ar.d hair doily int.) ArizoiPi, into wiio iiither southern corner it wii! come ;iy nel winter. ritartitig t.nt iiidt pendea'iy from the Pacific at Sal Etanchco, as if that farther coast .vol lid 1 1 ciprocate the bent lit of th. 0. .1d nit.-, a raer.l by wiiith Ihe eont; nci t v.'ks on.utnally pptinncd. ileomis '.v.-ii-.l with :i view to meet all tin 1 ::' r i.-t is ai so.n-j eoaveaicat poinl on tlit-ir wcy w-slwai.l, pursuintr a line below the snowfalls which ob .-a net the Cnion antl Central Pa cific, and open lo settle ment a tier of fir tire Slate; in which the va! .-torei of li.intnal woa'th ar. supplemeiited with Ihe most ir.a'nii iceat ti ui 'n t.iiural ii:)i!rlin)itiiS. A I'tiiihtul lelerence to the map wi. s-how four ttieat Terra rics and Stale, lyitor in almost :i perfect square, which practically include all the are;, of aii this unpaiaileicd fuiuru aetiv it v. and .-ire lo be the .-ccnes for many years of combined railroad and mill iii"; enterprises such as are not to be found re..rd.d in the i.i.-Icry ol any country. They are Colorado and Xcw Mexico -n liie east and Nevada tind tin the west t 01 ilivitiin lii cm ditfeicnlly, Colorado .ml Ne vada on th.orih and Xew Mexico and Arizona on the south. The up per ones arc -.;m,viratHv!y better known and more populously occupi ed le-cau-c ;i trunk railroad has for years li .ivcrs. ;! i'oeui to liie Pacific. 1. u this square niitlit properly be in clude L'lah. which litis, enj y.'d its railro:;tl eonncclion too. 'the prob lem r.eM to be solved is how lo open the lower htilt id' that Territory to railroads antl connect it wilh both the Pacific, tut ,! Atlantic. The sche ; mapped out. and not much more, by (Jen. Cha : iner.-: in Ihe bouse aitd Senator Jones in Ihe Sen ate rc'tuire much familiarity vi'.h the map to he proper'v comprehended, and arc not unijlly characterized as a system. We dismiss fnu.l consul em! ion for the moment the Govern ment aid asked for at least a portion of them, and refer to the tren ral out line of Ihe plan proposed only as a strikinjr illustration of what is in progress in that distant part of the country. Somewhere in Southern Arizona, ihe Alehison. Topuka and s-in'.a Fc and Ihe deiiccii.ig Union Pacific, reinforced by the Texas Pa cific on its west'o aiii wav from the south, will join the Southern Pacific ttnti ever iis u-.teks find Pacific ports at sjau I.-:cgo and Uaaytyias. This hitler Tcriitory of Aiizona forma! the. richest slice of lite Cads-kn pur. chase of Is.".:;, and within it are known to be tict'siiics of ntiitllc oto itiat wii: cijit'iv- whole pr-puia-tio'l-j into i's teetning v.-dh- for tiie to be t tt'itt: llici-e. jsy the ti! Santa Cruz vtiiicy the Uiah ihe icnvc! and Kio Grand.e e' 5 tad, as well as the Atchis n, Tope k:t tin I Santa Fc roa.l, wi!! find an easy way down taro-tttlt S.mora ti Gee. mas on viiili' of California, lii.i westward io Yum i and t hence to San Diego. A .single year will wit it -s a change in rmi -e.'ji: ol a movement ia p-'p -'..tli. u tiiithtr, that will ttimtisi esiahlish a miracle. The railroad iii.tttnti ititititt as we'd as !h kn.-w v.-ry weil w hat ali their advancing its of ihe At - PtiLltic c.iasi it is that points rt. iis in that sin trtt.ispoittaioi) tisirict of mines possession th y nd. The fn.'c gie direction no : busini ss of that ric h is the prize for wi.os H ike h'ts.e : . n 1 eotti I ,1 t-,.,.;'u .!: t.lti ac- , lo be overlooked. From El so westward to Yuma will ere any years be one of ihe best trav sed stretches of our common couri y. 8an Dieo "lies beyond, the st spacious port of the few that l rk the line of the Pacific coast ; uavmas lies, nn equally flue harbor, l the Gulf of California, which is ithout doubt to furnish the base of lure railroad enterprise looking to ie commercial conquest of Mexico. R. F. S. I Vulture's Operations. i A correspondent sends the Miner ie following items from the Sey ; lour the mill-site of the Vulture ompnny: Wickexburg, April 20, 1ST9. WicUeaburg and the new town of ymour, situated about twelve miles ' utheast are quite lively. The Cen tal Arizona Minin? Company's new ; orl v-stainp mill, adjoining Seymour, s being rapidly built uuder tbe di ection of Mr. B oardwcll, whose rep etition as a mill builder is a jrutir- ; nty that the company will have the ,-ork done in the most thorougb antl ibslantial manner. The superinten ent, Mr. J. D. Cusenbary, is also on tie ground and berrying the work at loth the miil and mine. This com pany own one thousand feet of the .'uiture properly, having purchased f the Treadwel! party. 3Ir. Geo. A. ; i'readwcll who, in connection wi'b lis party, own the remaining feet and ; nterests of the Vulture, is activtly iiisiiin"; l lie survey for the pipes and dher work necessary to take the : .vater from the llassnyampa to tlie : .nine, where an eighty-stamp mill is ; :o be cree'ed at nn early day. To : 'onduct the water will cost in the ' leihborhood of sixty thousand dol j Itirs; but this outlay and the build i intr of an eighty-stamp mill, although i amounting to a round figure, will be , 'ally justified in ihe return which the company will receive when the works ire in operation. The Vulture is au I immense gold bearing lode over one j hundred feet thick and the ore will all pay to mill with a mill at the ; mine. I Farmer BriU's large crop of pota j toes is looking fine, and his peach, j orchard will have an average yield, j E. O. Grant has returned from San ' Francisco, and is now presiding at I his store in person, i M. L. Pernlta. one of the most I energetic merchants in Arizona, is ; here and flying around on business. A. H. Peeples sojourneth and is as i jolly as ever. I forgot to say tkat Seymour has I ciijht saloons. .j i Aztec Ituins. A singular ruin stands upon slit. ' tic bill near the north bank of the i Gift river, three and a half miles i from the new railroad station at Gila ; Uend. Surrounding a space of two ' or more acres are stone walls, still standing to a height of three or four ! feet, enclosing some twenty rooms : and a pec-liar structure which can i readily be imagined to have breu ; an altar. It is a perfect circle, witL ; in w hich lines of stones describe two ; equilateral triangles intersectng cat h other and forming a six-pointed fctai. i At e?.ch point of the star, and in its j hexagonal centre are small circles of : stones, fpon a lock near tins struc- ! lure is cut the figure of a men with outstretched arm pointing to the ; north. There is liltle doubt that cx i citvation of the debris si rrouuding ' these ruins would disclose imple ments and other relics of a long lor gottcn race. Sentinel. A'ot Arrestoii. Sax Cap.los Agexcy. April 11, lS7t. Edi'or SPctr- Belt : ! fir A report having appeared that U II. L. Hart has lteen placed under arrest on this Agency, I "request rots to si ae that there is no foimdu- tioa whatever for such'report. I Very reptcifnl!y, J. II. IIammono. I . S. in it. n Insptelor. Ct'l-iz-n: Speaking of "prairie schooners," w e have some news of a mutiny connected with the voyage of some of these craft, from Adonde to Sonorn. wilh machinery and supplies for the San Antonio Mining Company. Frank Ilyrttnt was Commodore of the feet. At Timijas A'tas, four days out, three of crew drew revolvers and captured the entire navy, sent Bryant and another man adrift with out food or water, ar.d sailed away their own book. The b.dtl buccanci rr. had a long start, and wii! probably be safe in the posst-ssion of their plunder befo they can be overtaken, their nam s are ,1. E. St-niuiers, Johnson ai i c!;i:!!.-!U- Hit