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TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. XfSCELLAXEOUS. 3IIS(.TLLAE(r THE l'lKEXIX UK KALI). HKMI-U KKKi,V I'.IM'tlO V. GOSPER & MoCLINTOCK Protestors. Wn?iliiy. Mat X-ISTKIi-iI' ATTORXEY .AYi.OK. ON TO MEXICO. Boston Wants the Trade From Our Southern Neighbor. A History of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. av. n. Yuml.-rbiit is estimated to : Nothing but the Truth. i ho worth 100.000,000. j j An Indian scare i.s reported amony : the settlers in eastern Oi-psmi. reach New .Mexico, tiiu most opu- tVc notice certain of our territorial Exchanged truubliiit; themselves ! nliollf the case of ex-district atloniev ; John E. Xaylor, of this county, and 1 ,l,,:s "'" "", territories. The iiu Whose case came up at the last session ! P"i lance of the railroad business in of the district court. It strikes us j lhis section ot the country U shown that if our rotcmrorarhs vmi! i ' the laet, that alilio-.iirh but one the Usne of the IIkhami of April 80. they would know as much about the matter as- we- eif; However, in or Troops are to be used to keep ties. ! "1T Q-nrk passers out. of the Indian territory. I . fcj VV kj LUX & ! And First-Class Goods. I One hundred mid thirl y-citiht ' English mormons lately landed in j Xew York. A lire in Monire:., Caiiada. the :!0th, tilt., rendered seventy l'amilies : homeless. I The Ilubv hill staire was ' ' B Kirs i railroad, and th-it reeemlv, has touch- ! "ear Mm Ua (.ev.) last week ami the : E tSt ed Arizona, live are now pointed to- ; passen-ers rel ieved ot about slOO. ward Tucson, its principal city. Ar- Xevada has a law prohibit"::!;; eer tiVo-a mort-stisfactorv idea of; izna and Xcw yie.-sico were once a ; opium smoMti- iuuht cnai,y oi lbs-mutter, we connect the" various 1 part of Old Mexico, and about them i Sl-'-W or two years imprisonment, jvents of the case, as tiiev have oc-Ul'dl flusters much of fie romance; It is tlo'nbiful whether the Wood en rrcil from time to time and the ' '' tbat fortner clory and departed j '""" scientific expedition will sail; farts so torn we Have been able to grandeur which Prescott has immor-! " in-to lacK ot applicants wua the ( (ynf Sfwk c I i ni : i ! iiror- fmI ! ufAfion r int iiv -. - .,i:':.' iiii: it1" t i v j : t c i n i r , - t - elected' I'Sat Tall to be district attorney j oncc bavin- supported a vast pop for 'lie county of Maricopa anil I u':,,'on- -""id though the people at filtered UDon tli5 discharge, of the ! present native lo the soil are barbar- H,o;..a r.r n. -t t , i . oiis li-v iea ii s of Stiaiiis'i rii sei'nt i rowed money ... Liu.; o .liltt .11 y 1 :il . j I - - -A . Added to the regular duties of d!s. I "ml ,,a,? civilized Indians, natural friet attorney are thoseof tax collect. ! wealth lies on every hand. The val or. The bonds reduired as attorney j !'.vs adapted to grazing and the j 111 Kansas and Colorado in a perfect arc 1,000 and as collector :l,0tW, j richer portions to agriculture, while j br destitute condition. There is sure but this latter bond had not -..;' I the mountains lock up inestimable : great sutlcring anion- them un- istaned Has nperie h:a line stoek of first-elas synods in store formerly occupied by M. I4. I'eralm, opposite tin- l'Lnz;i. Arizona Lottery USD kk tii n iii:ec I IDX or Governor J. C. FREFONT, Territorial C'oni mission or. Micnr.l. fCI.l'"ATri;. TIam; of AT7!zhv. TjViiMIHT. 1 -f .i.'ii,f?x o. TUCSON. pp . . wi ,- , J&js r- ! PHfENIX, The clerk of the city criminal court of San Francisco has iibroiuled with three or four thousand dollars bor- (Jreat numbers of nesro refugees iroin the Southern states are arriving less Hkw haye speedy relief. A religious fanatic by the name of Freeman, recently murdered bis little given.- On the morning of April -lth, ! wealth hi gold, silver and copper. 3lf. KnyJor, who resides some miles j The products ot Arizona mines have out of town, came in and renorled ! been sent over the Atchison road. that he had been robbed the prer-ccd- j being carted nine hundred miles to ! daughter in the belief that lie could inn- mVlit nf ,, .VM 1 i reach if j bring her to life again. She was of- 2,100 of which belonged to the j For the !hro;ig!i business to China county, beiii!r taxes col lecteil by him '. and Japan this lower route will have and we believe this was the report 1 some advantages over the northern .ew 1 oik is to liave a e:q fcrred as a sacrifice. He lias been arrested lor the crime of minder. lim.K,. Iron. i; T,-...., .., frim i SI I 1 Oil 111 !!. 1 lie grounds lor snow in winter. The harbor of San j buildings have already been selected. Diego, reached without great dill-cub j U " celebrate the one bundreth ty from Arizona, is the best, on the j anniversary of Ihiiains formal at California coast .south of iSa-i Fran- j U"wledgeincnt of American hide- It. is a small lau-t-locked lake I penitence. made to the comity on the following fcrndfty, which was the regular day foT settlement between the collector ami the cuunfy. At the session of the district coin!, Which immediately followed, two in- ' ciseo. flirfrtlnte n-nr fntil l.t' 15, a n-...l with :L ib'l'll. w:l f fr r-l t r ani-i- T!u-. jury Pgainst the district attorney, I surrounding country Uns a climate of j O O iC ! L.OOSC one for failing to ;iay oyer to lhc!cven temperature, -pronounced the treasurer of Maricopa county money I finest on the globe. Tlus point is j belonging to the territory of Arizona, ' :;i;5-l miles from Xmv i'oik via the g and one for faiiinn- to nnv over to the : Atcnison roaus, win to Snn r rancisco treasurer of Maricopa county money , is distant frojn Cew York j belonn-in? to the county of Mai icooa. I via the Union I'acitfo cov.d. Hut the i In the meantime, pending the i SAt advantage 1hia southern line charges and these indictments, Mr. ' u in )iav-' m its cost and consequent ylor had refused to act as district ! i"-rct bearing debt. While the attorney, and the oJIice was filled by ! L 'lion and Centra! Pacific roads are appointment (or the term of court. j bonded Tor fit mi seventy-five to The trial came off and Mr. Xaylor ; eighty thousand dollars per mile pleaded guilty to both indictments, ; l!ie Mexico & Southern Pacific was fined $-r0 or :25 davs in the i v' i:l c',st- il 13 -dcu!ated, but lrom county iail. and was dismissed from ! eighteen lo twenty-five thousand i Pkok. Jos. Calii- i:i:o Fa m i 1 v Groceries, "Wines and Liqiiors, j C'KOCKICKY AXI) (IlKKXSV.'AIJI-:, j Cilassware, Clothing, ! Hoots and Shoes, Hats, ! And (ients Furnishing Coeds. ! Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Tinware, Cigars and Tobacco, Wall Paper, Etc. In friri!jnir with nn act of tie Tets'a'i1 AssPiTil'iy "f A riznra 'On irorv. iind the l'ror!;i iiia'ioii Uu' (toYprnor Issued. thcrL-iimler, ;t lLOTTEEY Will bt? dratrn nt Vr!rti. A. T.. on Weuucs day, June -lib, lt7l. At the Irtirr;ni:iii f"r tlit Grand D. JONES & CO.'S STAll COMIUXATK )X "W"' b;iY 'ijir? of Vr 3 l-i i imst rurpfiiliv st-I.'iHrtl .in.-ks of and I.;nli-5 ( i'i ho'iiix. Wf w.trriiT.t tli qualitv -! our iroods to Ik? wh:it we r.-prt'sent ilicin. Onru inVill bo !. as l.m- s the f;ti:u -';ts or gtuili can bt. i-urcliusfd any where in - Call aiul c';imi;n' o;ir tocU spi; that wo ivprfscnt to viui notliin"; but t!u. l-ji-t. M. C'ASTAX KDA i Art nf the 2.o-isnti:ro. i Ati v.rt to jiM in Th" po!is?vi:i':i.!ii of Cimifnl j Iloihliii-r. iMul fir tli stiprrt f I'ublitr j .S' liools in the 'I'frrirorv of Arizona. ' IV it PTu-cfo i hy th Lv1Iative Assembly of Arizona rlVrritry : j Section 1. i: sh:i!l ho hnvfnl for. and ti;e liiriit. innvrrati.I :i n t li-ri t v is herehy izmu t eil hn- the -Tii'd nf fvt tity years. tr..n the Jt ! day et IVhrn;iry l.""'.t, 10 ti-e Arizona I'ovel j (ii-;ii.':if 'MTnp-iny a e..ri'r;i;iiri nrr iiiizii i;in' ; exis-in-r- naii.-r ami .tv virtue f tlie laws ot the 'IVrriM-ry ot" . rna -and it :issitftis, to ifivf juhiio lotteries at wiiieh, or hv incut's of which money nt:iy If hiwt'e.lly di-ijnis'd of h-el-aaee. ntivtiiinc i" 'he l;:w-; ot tiii;. Torritrx- lo tltt co'itrnrv i!--r iv: Thf.indi mr. 'b'.. -Ie, j See. i The f J nvornor of tic T-ri i N ry of Ar::'-oi:a. and his tiecesor in oti'n e, and in the event of the al s-mm-p, riis'jMnHSeMthin or dMfh ! m' tlie (Jovernor- h' ltf.V. jM-t :1 lte is her.-hv ;ti i"-;:i:ed a ( 'onnni -ioi:er sniTintci?d the j ur.iM :r,i or di-triimton of prizes 'r; jai.1 loiter- i :es and each tf ti em, and certify to the -or- j !t?ef mus thereof, e'e. etc. j See. a Ail lotteries d-awn under the pro ( visions of this ao shall be drawn in ime j public jtlaee to be desiirnated 1 y the ('oii!m:s- ( signer, between the hoars of rn o'clock a. m. : nnd five clo-l; p. m.. and in a manner to be I i approved by the ( 'ommi.-sioner. ' I Sections 4, . ami tt piovido" for the eollcefion ( ! of tea percent. JMtn all pri." ;in-i te p:ty- ! nii'iit ot ilii'.:i:in; ju'o :ho c.tpitoi and scbo. tind. AUD ALEXANDRA Wholesale Liquor Dealer?. Oii'iicr of 3f ni i'!i)a ami .lcfiVrs.011 streets OF VARIETIES Al the New Kailrollil Town of M A r? I C 0 P A ! JOXKS & IIATTOOX, 1'ropr's. AGENCY of Tin; Bank of Arizona, riKKXiX, A. T. liis oflice. 1 dollars per ln'Jc. The Mexican road j Musical Director. This is the Jong and the short of i Jliroiigli tiw; Sonora valley, awaitiug j Wsi. Ill: i:w stki:. Stage Manager, the story so tar ns we know. A lo Massachu-Us legislation, has not j J. M. I.fvi:i..v r, Secretary, "heliel's" aid "iioi.ular opinion" on i J"1'1 b(-'ru "lined. lint its lnanagcis j this subject, it is not our province lu i !aweurcd for it valuahle privileges "'i-'" m.jiit- ire expression to them as facts. Thev 1 'm inding an exemption from taxa- ; Trl's.ral:ie or Cxrhansi :n Ok- J'li ii i pa ! Cities of ! !e i nit-il siaics mitl I-2isrii-re. 'I'l-tiKi ali- of Trrritiirial 7i i'r.s ii vv i-. i T. Thnnns J. IVitl.-r. Tri-:iMircr of Ari.'-n;: rrTritnry. tn-.-.'liy fr'ir-.- tfuit thf Ar;z-ni:i : l)pv'lcini.Mit Cunniany ilrs !;ty!i!-l in i tvy orlic.' i s :n-c..jT:tin-H in wr::inir 'l ll"' net i 't -a lirt-li Th.- .T'...v.- is :i ( pv. i;n:l l':i-i i j 111. ,i in inv i.Mifo a lu.n.l in ttie stcr. !' lu-i'i:r- tli,.:!-an I '.i..lli,rs wni. li l.,.:l i,as Im-.-ii I ; rovnl ly Th.' I !. ivt-rn-:r ;ui-l :tri A i I t.t Hit- S'.mr.Miie dnirl i t' Ari:"!Kt Ti' '- , l il.u y. -.iiiiil:o-i t (..r i! f'.iithjnl l-('-"i'li-:il". il lite r1-1''''-' "I ;ir'. j T1IOM AS .1 1-nT.Fl:. j PlVH-ult, l-!i:M:!ri i;t:i.l.. Our connections in Kentucky, Xew York and San Francisco cnaMes im to purchase direct from Mannlaclurirs ami Importers, ami having facilities lo always carry a large slock, the quality of which we guarantee, we can si ll at much lower figures than any other house in the trade and can con fidently invite purchasers to call and examine our goods bei'ore buying cl.-e-wherc. Have on hand a select slock of Old llouihon and live "Whiskies, Brandies (iins, Hums, Port, Sherry, and Maderia "Wines. Champagnes, Clarets, r.'aiitcrncs, Inpicurs, IJUtcrs, and KVKitYTiMNci apertaining to the LIQUOR BUSifaESS. IM PORTED lUANll KIUST l'AIiT. Cimsisl 1 1 1 -r of I.-aulr. Taicat and Wit. I A Kn- have not yet been proved to he lads, lK'il lnr U n .vc:""s a,11 :l l;lIul "1:l,it ; 1 ,-'','" 'AJut,'-ei' i' h.'nv anci u is pwnie mat vre stioum cm j oicia.-um.!. .. .o j.. , .,. reat injustice in riving them. There ) of ,0;"1- selected from the unoc- ' ly:-rlm-u!.r. is a good -,iit maxiin of the law ; "'I'" K" i" couiiiit. .me. which it is always safe to stand hy, j I"d "ant now stands in the names which is that a mail is alwavs pre- j ol Uohrrt K. Synion of Xew York, sonieil to lw Innm-n.i nil hr hmn.1 a gentleman at present, in charne of, i'..ll.ue.t hv kkkwstkh. c.xsev ,v i.uvi- . . .. ; . ' .... ...i . T 1 1'k. i .1. !-:. V ,1. M. .. t-iliv Pl-'WTer liiicWt-. of I.ilH-rty, - Miss Minniv !rrtvn ( 'iiu. MKS. 11. D. JONES, the Pncitii- Ni-lilin- rate, in tier fliiiitrel nf Sei ii-l 'imii- !i -ii.t, rrtu-it asi: ot.1 ' its i. ii I I..!.! sin. I siivi-r 1 1 1 ? : i. .ii. T.-rri li'ii:'! an.l C'iii"ty llemls an-3 W ei-ant I linn-, n i l! Cap- r. r.-.'i-i. payalih' un ii iiiatiii. tin't.-rf.i:. (' traus.if! a '-'i-nfral baii: C'lnee bnura Irani a. m. In 4 i. lrorl;riiia:ioii orttil' tovi-ninr. Triiiii rieiv op Ai:i:ii . ) Uf .11. W. K A l.t:s. Ca.lii I'xi:n in r. l'i:r'.-.. r,hruai-y -n, ihtm 3 T. .I'.liTi C. l'ri-nniiie (liivprn -r nf "In1 'I'l'rri turv ol Ai'niat. ri 'il i---i..r'u-:'i i'miai: i-.-i.iinT ! U'c; iuii ami tn -!i:"rinn. 1 I in1 ii i-a wiiiL- nl' ionriis liirliii1 Mi; f'-.rt i.l' tin.' jMl'iiie S!-I(..ii-i t't.r.. Iiy virnif m. of tlii' li'in-iT an ! aililniri'x- vi-srer. ia ae' iiv i 1,.).. Vtj" 0 would call the att nl ion of connoissures to our very select stock of Wines, Lienors am! Cigars, the ijUaliiy of wini h will equal anything supplied by tirst-elas houses in San Francisco or Eastern Cities. pee-.aily i-nUiieit 111. TEK. ill tier Kn- to be I!tultv. e Cio not consider it 11113 -e.ii-aii nuinnnini-. minis, ami -j Wii Uivnl-." .1. .1., .. l. TT-. .... .-1 i -i Mr lerx-iwfiii ; AFev ie;oi hoi ti nf ' 1 !t . s i". N N I L Dlt M.W uc iiiuj o nit; j-.i;-j.ij hi iijtui any i - ... V1,rjtl. i;a;ia(v, one over the coals sit "diis prcsont whom will enter into a joint owner- j overture. stage of developnitnis U the matter. ! sIlil with the Atchison j.eople. The j apt si-cdn d. anci therefore propose to reserve our j ,l i nls "f .-rl -lnt ".v he chang- ' in:??Tin Farct'' "N:l"' tho (;",! r'"' N" fire till the proper Moment. led by the. Government to a certain ; . . . Mrs. P,. n. .i.n I Ess i lnw. do lii-iebv desiirnate i;s tlie place where the tirst b ttery shad be drawn by the Arizona ! Development 'riii an v, tin Tfo-aire in trs- ; ot a'd i rrritorv of .Anyone, THOROUGHBRED Attention: sum of money. How soon this rail- ' BKSTltin'IOXOI' I1SII. 11 1; if. ! " : Mrs. n.-imiia. roail will he completed cannot now ; litu. ln r, j hp stated, hut there will he no avoid-1 j.';',,j,:r; It is to he regretted that Arizona i able delay in its location and con- j civermre. has no law lor the protection of fi-h ' struction. "Work will bcirin as soon i Mr. nmi i . ' Ael. itravo in ner rivers. Almost uailv we see : :is "1! c tiarier is .ccurcO. At tlie Jin Pill . Jelllti P.rev. -ti :- I Prewsier j .1. Cas.-vl .1. M. I.i.v.-la. e j Miss M. l'.ii.wn I , S.IT!L'-. great loads of finh coming into Pine- ' present time our southern neighbor ' lii.t from the Salt liver that have been with a population of nine millions, caught hy the use of Giant powder. 1 has no connection with the stairs or No secret is made of the fact what- 'territories, ami hut 'three hundred and ver. The worst feature of the mat-! sixty miles of ten iloiy within her X-er is, that not only are llsh fit for the ! (nv" territory. Sonora is a tortile ag Tm.lrket ta.Ven, but the fry are also ' ricultural district raising a large va- detroyed and large cpiantities of lish ' l iely of products in her warm coast, co.nsiJc-red too SLiail to trouble with ; temperate, inland and mountainous -arc left to decay. lrhe river has been ; districts. Portions of her soil nicely stocked with excellent fish, but readily yield two crops a year, and is heiDg rapidly depopulated, and a products of our Southern states ico,Ke of j-ears more will leave that j eol ton, tobacco and sugar cane j Hotautiful stream without a single ; dourisli here, as well as wheat, corn ; i.a.ei ttr'-v.-st'-r in tlu-ir C'eli-iir.-'.ii'it nl. Miss Vl,,:-, ,,,-,- I ns. - - .Mrs. l-u-ll Ashley I She.rl Overture. .'i iitei uili i: ir Willi :l Me!u Iranei i vli.leil: -'t'!ie t'irale." wrii i en e. ; : e--! y J'.ir .Ki::rs" ' :uieties. hv in. Ilrewsler. j lll'l I:;n. a Fisherman, - W:;!. i.i'ew.-1er I'irare t liiet. - - - .1. i. ..,ve!aei lf"iii:ne. - ,leni:ie Itn-w-ieri i (mil-: t-!ieriil:in, - - .!.laev liy lite C'einiall nuts. ,V-e.. ir.. In- l lie i-.til n-e J roll ;ie. The inui-ie for this ;a t is i-.ii'ler !he i tiale ilireeiien ol' Si;r. .Tn. c 'aii I'erii. as: lev liiicco Tiiliraee: anil Oielu-slia. j fi DON'T P.I Y YOLK 2 U U Territorv in A arv A. I. isr SK.I. Ciiiveiiair ar.d t .mux c:. FUKMONT. s ollicio Lottery (Jmiiu.i.-.-inner isi (?- I1H..U1UI a sra1 in a"l ifrili'irvtii .i'7rii!-i. -m , "5 a T ,K Sf i anil Iiu. tin:. irhHi 111.' same :l,a!l l.n liraivn ? - "3 "S 3 VIVXT T fS Alllrri UlllACI Vi'i. s-i r-ty liami ami t!ie -ri e;tt js-hi of the i Jargest to?k ot Iiu- g uencral I acific Coast ported Fowl on tlie i. Agent for Americax rncil'ic Coast. Focltky Keep. It will Carbolic Fovdcrs, make your liens lay- Are., on hand. aiK prevent disease. My Ilerhshiro. llreeders have been imported direct from England at great I will sell a limited number of choice pigs VE1JV LOW to advertise inv stock. 1 am also breeding 91 iii:i-oi:k sr.xoixc, to A. I' nil Cb'! Firales, -ilierinen. T. I BIEN,j ! 'L'lie first I-iUtery nmleY the forLrf:nar latv will be tlravva at the Theatre, in Presrutt, tm JUXE -lth, 1879, or Foonrr. if :iH (lie tieVetr ar wtinur lii-f-cisffi of oti wiiieh oc-a-ioii there V, le ilisrribiit-tt TiiiKTY om; two m n- DI;K() AM) J'iL-'TY Uul-LAli.s, hi prizes as loilows : Poland Ghsno. Pie:s. Conijianv. Z:14 .1 Street. S I t 'ISAM i'.XTO fish, if some means are jiot foil ml to j nd potatoes. It is the only region check this wanton and wicked de-j iil ll'e west where anthracite coal, struction of its tinny inhabitants, i which commands a high price in "We say wicked because it is a dc-j California cities, can he mined. Hut structien of food, unnecessary ruid j ''3 chief value lies in its mineral uncalled for. The time lias bten j wealth. There are few farms in Sono when the river would furnish and ex- 1 la l'ult l' no' show traces of ore de cellent breakfast of lish for eveiy la-1 oiits, but the Amcricam lnachin ble now in the vallev durins the en- i er scjcli as i.s used in the mines of ire fishing seiistm. In short it has contained great abundance of ii.,h. Fine "U'sn. Lienors mul 'iy-ais ; Will be kept Always (in lintel. j -alltltlll otlliL' Ladles eunslrin! IV at ! -.inrteullslv alleml lo the ai:l el ' si ill : the l-'irsi tiirltt. Vo-iiivi'Tv ik Fl.'l-;;; I. IS"! -IONKS A IATT(miX.;()i J. yi. I.m Ki.ack. Secret:irv. In Kr.ibro'.df ries, frcm ward. ii HQ eats a yard np- Ib? r'.i i' ' One iri-. i.t 'rltr.- .rizes nl' Tiv.i ; ri-..'S .it' l-'.Mlr i-i-'..-s i.f Sven J ri;.es (if I'-ii U--Jl"i.r Pif'y i.r:.e:,..f. Ki!i v prizes ef Fifty prizes i.f (Ju-. hiindre.l J.i ul. . 1 0 (tril ... .I'lKI ..'ill , From stock imported direct from the M Letters of inipiiry, inclosing stamp, clieerl'iilily answ-ered. II. 1. 1 AN M I.l-.S. Importer ami ISreedcr, Los Angeles. C'al. C."V""'.S:ife arrival of fowls and eggs guaranteed. f."3 (iT-tf Addn leb a.-li -aeli L-.-D e.,el, j l.'.ll ea li ! 1. 0 eaei, ! r;n !t 1 1.. . -ael, I ili eaeh IB E J? loiooera & Sen. t 4 mm mm -r- JL t'apitni 11 lock. Ilici.v. M'iiite rinues l-.1' rnisa yatd iipwaril. ndid stuek uf l-'aaey C'.inlianis nun wori-: uic veins. -stiti in im,o ttiere Are there no means hy which this : were one Jhundred and forty-four abuse can corrected until the next i mines worked in the State, though legislature meets? Have our Hoard there were but one hundred and nine of Supervisors no jurisdiction in the : thousand inhabitants-. At the same matter? j time St3 productive mines wcic re- . ported abandoned. The chief exports Russia is on the brink of a terrible ! ef Sonora arc gold, silver, hides, pep- FLORENCE J""-" I! a Nevada, and California is needed lo ! CCQ U I S U feMlVery ' ile.-igris. i Xvr styles oi' S'ir::iir Drctrss OooJ.s, at 1, ",'') and e--i:ts ier yard. Tritnmiiio; Silks iron: W cenTs a y.'trd ti. SPECIAL ATTKX rtOX 1'AII) TO OR- ! i!:;;s. ) Satiij'les tf every do crii'iion sent on aii!i I cation. Uirect all letter;., A. GoUil Tin: MAN'Nr.i: ok ruii'.rTiox will i I liK AS FtiLLt WS : ! Twelve thAiisund v'ips of leather nuaihered froni one t' tweivo thoii.-and ill he jm iel y ' di'j'otsittrd i-i ii lare tiii.-s win el whielt will j then be ci.-il and s.alet! hy the Teriitor al ,otrery 1 'onutiis?int-r. Two hnndi -d :i:id ! e;irhtv-two fiit s of leailier tuiJtihered In r.r.- DEALERS IX Oi evolution. Since tb-e attemot on the tili-of tlie Czar sosuc since the y;n; gum, t:onr nati cigars. "W'ifbin live years and probably j fcpirit of reoluiiou has fcjlly demon- ' sooner, will the Atchison roads "nave St rated, itself. And here Ituscbi's in- ' opened to trade and ?ei!e.ncnt the trkate police and spy systt-ai litis 1 southern territories and northern been tmought into play until linn-1 Mexico, cany. ng the tuts utiii :n.'!9i dreds of arrests are being made daily i tries ot the civilization of to day info and, no person iu St. Petersburg is per-1 the mountains and valieys of the milted to be on the street, without a Sierras, once . copied with nations ass after nine o'clock in the eve- ! thaS were ld when the American liing. But the inore these fearful re- -colonic were young and bringing slrictions are enforced the more ar- j forth wealth t' tiie North and to the rests that are made and the more the tast. J!. F. tit ruin in the liosto trouble seems to increase. Tlie ac tual power of the Iuis.sian govern ment and police system is now to be I A lull has passed the lower house tested. j "1" congress and will probably j pass in trie senate making hilver half dollars tire scarce in J. V. WILSON, Proprietor 24 ,J SUoet, liiir?t. J!. F. tititint-. i)i the Ti'inxi'n'i't. Iio iu I'ioivuve. wiiieh wiil a!,--. he eU sed ;ui.l sealed hv the Tt'i riloi ia! Lottery L'ninmi."ri(n.i-r. A eo?r.lllitle of seven will Vr S" H't:led 1;,' the tieXet ho!der to exai.iine every S'iiLfe oi' the proeee.linirs. P.otl; wlierls will tli.'M ho revolved in slight of the nudienee, until their contents inied and thoroiihiy n.i:ii:led. The seals will he broken an. 1 the wheels opened, and TV" CIIILDUEX fNIU'.UTKN VKAK AUK w:!! lie jditci'd. euo ::t eaeh wliceL and a pri'.e and a number drawn ar -lie :nne tin:-, i he wheels wiM t!ie he ."h-e.l and revolved. ;r-id another number ant I prize di:i w n. and t hi proeess repeated ii:it: i The t-J i-ri..fs ;'rr a'l ti ra wit. Tin- S.e'deiK of titdet beat i up eorrrs p.mdii' nuinbcr.T will he er-litled tc the j'rizes uruvvH. Lxeiu.-ive A-eut or the domlsth' pa -1 Oiily 12,000 Tk-kcts Will be S-.M 1 Lit t . v 1 t l.nA.i. opiillij .-oj lea UM Ull!. cordanee with :'e anrnu need., will be ' fl "1 7 L1 I " T tmh'.ielv deposited iu a nti.all tias w heel, j 1 ' L 1 J lERCI IAXDISE. 1. . Box 3-f, BEST EATIXG HOUSE Lv The Salt Rivop Vai.'ey. Highest price paid for all kinds of Our Tables tire aiTv'ilVS f.l')- rntry produce, Hides, Grain, Wool Orders from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. G0LD3ERG & SON. Catalogues furnished free, uu application. ftlGtsee. ITliolc Tickets f.l. I ;n'tlip new litill of Yoolisr;:' anil Hi'iilnnit Ii. ihc filagnciia Saloon. plied with the best to be obtained in tlie Market. !"!ito , t tf nf ilii I'aid lo Uurst 8 ('. Sm.asi, Vkoi-'i: L'ALIFOltXIA Halves. t.,. it:ii'fivisi, i r-.;T."s.-r i iVK.hv Timts;i.s; to itt r.v silbsifharj" silver coin a legal tender 1 hr .lav, k r mmitii. en t .rioum. '"ft a tii.n-mi-ii n .iiwintum with nil the leu t Fan Francis at one per cent dis in sums of twenty dollars. Hereto- JX$Z?Z?r COMlU ; ( iC MfaiV,-!" r:ir Ul'-V llltVC Vn ! In re it l:is hccil ll tender 'li t'lH : ' rieite and find it mora ..dvautair-ou-i than . " Main Ftrcet -pT- site i-iind'-ni &. O . ) d'dwtf their own .shnp:ti-. The 1?ank of Ar!:',-t-a will art us Triisnn-r, and :ill moneys received trotn ales of rik is will be deposited There r. awnit the (irnwiny. Prizes will he j;iid ten duvs all r t:te irawiiij. A U orders for indi-:s must he a eomi ;t ii I by the. nioii'-y, which ran be sent iu rlnei: Dn'ff.s on S;tu I-'ranei.-t-o. Vri i Ivaf fs of J ie-jo.-it or por-tul Money Orders, or by V'tils. faro t'o's. Express. Aodr's a 1 communications, .md nnik- all drafts and nii'iiev onlers p;ivahie t the order iiitr houses, ladies, in orderine; throu-. li Mr. : of the Arizona Lottery Copinaiiy, l'rtacott, l'.:en will receive, the trill heatdif d his exnri- 1 A- I. j lTvin- estab'.i-hed a Pnreb;'.iv Airency, ; :r. I. Jlieii will fjive l:is jtsiiji 1 attttnion m ; all ord rs of any kind. Mich a.- litoN nnd i Shoes, I'tirnitnr.1, 'n-rkfry , ijin pets, Miliin ! ery (roods, LI rocerie,-, te. 7einc in constant bu-.a-sp relations nnd hav- rJeciir nTl letters containing" drafts or post al orders. To avoid for-.' r:t. ? I.-.-tv lj ncketa MORROW & Ct - - - Proprietors We would respeftfutly notify the pnblic tha f we haveopencd a Salo;n iu (he uew fkami: iu:ilo:n(; on the Corner of Washington and ronlczuiiKi Streets. The verv best qna!:tr of Wines, Ufjuors anl Ciu""iir.s aiwny on ban 1 and so'd at ptif es to put tl'' times. variety V ltl, l'roirir(or. G i v o 10-tf X l i'ITK. Ir. I'd wards, havimr lefr f. r S;.n 1 'r,nit-;seo to i et a new lot of fh..i.-t I Jen el ;-.l ! er. h;i f i e. ad 1 tie j rtsrlit s; k tnii)''! be rohl r'n-iiii for e;ih to make rooia tuf I he new , n iiieh wiil anivc iu a tew da . GKCAT KIUJt TTioN IN VMH KS. The public ;ne r :pee1fiiMv :ii d ek.:itntiif ai.ii t'ldire lor t:i-do- i -o IT-.cii.x l':o-.i .M in itnl t- call 'e!v . N-t