Newspaper Page Text
The Phcenix Herald. VOL. 3. XO. 13.' WHOLE XO. S5. PIKEXIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, A. T. "WE DX E S D AY, MAY 14, 1S79. XEW SERIES XO. 20. N The Herald. Published eveiy Saturday and TVednosday. GOSPER St McCLINTOCK, I'KOl'KIEToES. Kates: $ 00 2. SrnscisirTJox One copy uum year. - ):a- tiT .ix month, - ly crritT. iu rhtiix. prr month. AiivF,r.Tiixu Kates: -nc inch, om iiii-rriiim. - - $i 00 Karh MiliHeiueiu insertion. - 1 ( Professional cani. per month, - - 1 50 Charles W Chase is our Authorized Jrint in Sun Frnm-i-eo. PRO F TO XAI. li. 31- HAYKS. Attorney unci uiiKor at Phoenix. A. T. All kinds of Leal IJutiffio-s promptly sitteimed to. Attorney antl Cocnwloi at Law. Tiic-on. Arizona. All lav fcnsmi-: will reecho prompt ni:d careful aitvunou. MISCELLAEOUS. Phoenix Hotel. Va-3jnton St.. between Alancopa ai'd Pmia ftrcciti. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Rooms Br t'tie (lav or liiirlit . Kcst of Arrnmniortatloxis 'amities. for AMIOWER F.ATil connected with the Hotel lor the r.:ivuiiic!ice of irnests :md the pnblie mmeraV.r. I. .1. C.AUIHN Eli. .j. a. zarriskik. b. n. liF.r.r.rnRu. in:itr.i oR! zabsimkik. Attorney? ami Counselors at Law And Notary Public. Office on flyers street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tncsiiii." Arizona. 11. I. ItOSWOX. 31. I I H y i c i a n an l Kiirercon. (Cradnnte of the I'nher-ity of Va.t Oilers his prole ssiotinl services to the. jieo;ile of Phinii and viciijiy. CJaije ir. the. Capital building. LIVERY, FEE AND SALE STABLE. - - Proprs. I. 11. COX- A. C. UAKE1I. ( OX !L KAILKK. A 1 1 o r li c y at Law, Phirnix. A. T. Ofiieo, Xip-stsirs. iu Capital building, on Vashiuvloa street. VIUHTO A NUKKTK, rii.vairiaiiN a n ! SiirrilnH. Will mend prof.-ssioniii r;31s at any hour if the dav r niL'h:. Odice ra-I sii of the li!a.!l. C- H. I. S'iee(. V.. 1).. hlti-oi J.'elio. Nov.: J. E. Wharton, -M. !.. I". S. Mr-dical I JCxamiurr. This Pioneer Stable nf Gillctt has at nil times Hay and drain, and all the accommo dations for bourdinir horses. Horses on Hand at All Times to Let and !)! Sale. 31 1 SCE LLAXEOl'S. Fresh Milk 1 0 Cts. per Quart .VXD 37 CENTS PER GALLON AT Jesus Otero's- M I SCELLA X EO US. NEW Barber Snop W.W. .11. ItltlU KKXHI OfeiE-:. 4,'ivlt Ensinoer and Co. Surveyor. Plxeuix, A. T. Office with I.invillt; & Wiley, one door -a-t of Kxprcfs uilice. "All orders promptly jitieiidt-d to. lIAStKV H.JOM.S, .Attorney and Counselor at I-n.iv. Phrenix. A. T. Ortirn np-stairs in Capital buildinir, "VYa-h-aiiLTun street. J. li. I) M (.i- S. Architeet and' Superintendent. Plan. MH-ci float fous i:id imatt's rar ftilly prepare.!. Oliivi with l)rs. iiiufi !c "Wharton, east fide of the plaza. . J j . COXYKKM. I li j" s i e i a it a n l Surgeon. (Late of Yi.-::iia. Cal.t ORr-o on Wa-Iitu:o:i ftreel. two c!oorr Tnnii Montezuma. Meat Market. Opposition and Compatliion. On "Tontt'7.nma street, opposite the Her ald oilire. j)d across he .-ti eet f rom our former Juea: Urn. where we are prepared to fuinis!i ijic citizens of I'huciiix iih liie vei v bet KEEF, VEAL, MUTTOX, PORK, ETC. That Can he Obtained. OTEKO Jtl.Alir. FELIX BEES, Has fitted nn a linrber Shop opposite the IIi:hai.o -tVu-e. where lie will be pleaded to Ins nr.iiicrons friend and the publie i;i iiei;eral. !!!r. Mia m pool ami iiair (.'iiuii! done in l lie Latest Mylc and fuiis faetion jrua ran teed. PACKER & MCKEIMNA. On AVating'ton strfp in tli old Capitol Iluild iug has been Refitted and Kefiirnilied. rATTTNO IT THE MOST ATTRACTIVE I'lace iu l'Uenix tation. JTUIS U. VAX S2.VC44, Attorney and CoaiiMdnr at law. MeMilleJiville. Maricopa Co.. A. T. U'i'l practice In all the courts of the Terri tory. JOZIS. T. AI-SA5. Attontey and CoaiieIor at -Law. I'hrenix. Arizona. All business promptly attended to. OHice with the District Attorney. YAVAPAI CO., A. T. miles fro m f re e o 1 1 and ft ZTSileN from IMni'iiix. on the IMack. Canyon ISoad. Having purchased the above staMon. the traveling pubiie will always t::d meals, irrain and hay Hi all times. A bar. with a irond slock of liijiiiirt- tm iumd. G. H. CURRY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. (Late of an Francisco.) Has established himself in Phoenix and is prepared to do all kinds ol Vi'titrh, Jeict h'y find C'l'fk lltpnirinn. SsATISFAl'TIOX d'AHAXTEED Or No C'harire. flive hi:n a ca;i. as he intends to hecome a J.erniaiielit resident of Phoenix, and has nattering recommendations as evidences of j a ' 1 workman. In the window ol l.i vi'.le A: '.'i!ey. on Washington street. White & Walter KEEP A FIKST-CLAS3 "OS 3 Ou Wasliinston Street, I'hoenix. Imported Wine?, Liquor? and Cigars. Th. Parlor adiftiionc contains panics capabh foainnsiuir the most f.iMt'dions. Livery Stable. Wiislnnirtnn .1reet adjoinincr the rUcnix Hotel. Tlnrsps bnaMed by th day. Trerk r Tiiepllj Kefj-s plways on IihiuI the best quality of wheat iiud trruin hay, llarley and .uts. Oo'd eennimodntion for ten:iiteft nnd Tav eh)rs. Keep cuiit-tantlv eu hai.d 1'ine turnouts Tiers-- hn-ded at my StabV will reMm the best attention. Gl'O. HAMLIN. Express ar.d Delivery WAGOsi TTAV1XG A WAOClX HI ILT KXPRESSLY J for the porpose I am irepared to do anything i in the above line. Furniture inovins a specialty. Orders left on the slate at the Mlirnolia sa lotni will receive promp attention. J. IV. 2IA R K fiET. K. UIVIXK d- CO. OEF ARID RE. No Sale THE niffiXIXIIKRALD SK3t S- KI'.li iy i:iiti Wednesilay. .May 14. ARIZONA'S MINES. Giowing Description from the Traveler and Journalist. Mr. Robert F. Straine. 'ontTartivo Values of the ill:e and Otlter 3EimM 4'lc3iiate. Lawn aitl Xtnilroaus. WE WILL HAVE THE PAY OK KEEP OUR GOODS! FJew goon. AVe would respnrtrully not"fy the Public tha we have opt-ned a ue w s.iloea iu the buildiug- Opposite the PostofTIce. And iutend to kep n sr.loou shuttld be kept. The very bent quality of Wines. Liquors, and '5srars. ALWAYS OX IIAXD. and sold at Trices to suit the Times. mI Ciubiuiin aituchcd rUUUATE Jt'lKiC. NOTAKY I'L'ULIV. Y'M. A. HANCOCK, Attorney at L a tv , IMKenix. A. T. fcI-ttd business itt all departments a specially. Isors- Attorney and Conawelor at Iaiv, Prescutt. Arizona. Will practice in all the conrts of the Terri tory. Physician, Ssireren A Aeeoaeher. Iteferenres without permission : F. M", Cm-krill. t. S. Senator. Mo.: Col. .Jwbn T. "ris;. Democratic nominee tor I'oTvjre.-s Iri-m Missouri. Office two miles soe;;i ilav len.s Ferry. Arizona. 1SLAKK A i.. ASAYKItr. (io'.d dust, -rold and silver bullion nd res f every descrijH iur lueJicd and assured. All assays ;iarnntee-i. J'' rice of ore ;ctt: Silver and irold. lead. copper. '$7t. families can he se:ir hy ail or express, nml returns will he promptly made. OiMcc with Wells. Farjru A; Co.. 1'nl-coit. Boot and Shoa Maker. Wasliinston .itrect.a'.Ijoinins the r-toi-e of ajilaieda. Fashionnhle Bool and Shoes of the best material made to order in elrraut style. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. I ive my entire atteiition to custom made work, and I have every facility for irivin ejtiire saiisfaciiou. iend in your order. THE BALDWIN. Leading 1-SoteS ! OF SAX FRANCISCO. ! LUMBERS And tlifl most elerrnnttv appoftpl hotel In the world, iivt l."O0.i;tK) havimf been expended by Mr. Ualdwiii iu iti t'lmstruetiim aid iuruish inr. Heailijunr'er Army and Navy. Speeial Ai'Coiiitiiadiiiioiiii for FaniilifS and larife Vur tien Price? the enme as ut other first-cIaKS tao tel. to . per day. Special contracts will be made fr peruuiMent boanlerii. The lintel coaches and earriees in waitine at all iKMts mii railway depots. Rooms cau le reserved before arrival by telegraphing- tha UalUwiu. A. MAOAHKE, JSuiihiCss Manager, . b.unia.tiiit-i v fur fur tl.u i;ie ot our patn;!. MUVX V IA? LUMBER! LUIMEER! ! BL'SIXCS.S CAHDS. N E W J. 1IK1XWOX, I'roiirietor. rasliinton St., jpositc court liuusc. EKiHT LOAVES Ol- I5KEAU OR KKiHT It HEAD TICKETS lull A DOLLAR. PIES AND CAKES ON HAND. PIONEER 1? Wasihxctox Stkeet. Xorlhenst Conn'? f th e l'litzn, Kisht I.naveM or ISreaft Tor SI.OO. Frnit fakes and Past ;-y of all kinds, for -wedding parties, etc.. iirettared to order. iiai"i:lun jc to. lark i Adams' SAW .IILL AIM YABI), 1'IiJE.fCOTT, ARIZONA. T. A. Waterman UiS OPENED A Tin SliOpc Having moved onr mill five miles west of lrer-i-(r;. W illow Ovek. Near Tliumh Harte. at t poim within two mile-' of the Miller mad. near Iron Sprh's. and having conipleTeil an excellent road to the Miller road a;d to I'reciiif. we are now prepared to furnish any amount or (juulity of IUM B Shingles, Doors, Sash, L AT ETC., AT I'll IVES. DE1)I:0C1l YOUXG AMERICA Hotel and Restaurant. ARIZCXA. Board by the clay or week OiUctt is the location of thendll of theTii'top M i itiiitf Company 1 Vrsoas vis tinir this live iu li in if e:i!iil will liiil tlic V'"oilf A nicriea 1 In tel ami i'-s:aliratit tlie clie.ij'est and best Ji.uce t out u; ut. Terms reasonable. 21 SIXfiLK & AXDEIJSOX, Props. n uneap Living Bourd reduced to $ 7 per week.. 00 DUDLEY HOUSE, Gurley St., rrci;iett Arizona. A Fir.ST - CLASS HOUSE ox Tim rritOPEAX tlak. JjJ5 New and clean ueds for lodgers and elc .ut rooms for famiiie. FHED. WILLIAMS. Prop. T. J. Morgan, Gurkv Sr., one door east Post Orfice, Prescott . ..Arizona DEALER IN Diamond?, Watches, Clocks, Jew elry and Silverware, Spectacles, Gold Pens and TencHc;, etc. Watchmakers and Manufacturing Jewelers. All kinds of Jewlrvand Silverware made from Xa.i vi' It-il.i anU Silver. Kmj ravine's of rverv deecrii'tiim. Seal Prefses, ltibhon Stanus. I- The untlcrs URNITURE I ineil lins on liaml a lufi issortiucnt of Single rcals - 50 cents. i't the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. W.1I. i! O !.!.. :5. His place of bn-dne-- in ioldtrrtn! A"nrehou-e. jnt below the Tvlrrwph Ollice I'ronipt atlentioa jrivcu to 2IaiIc.y. Kloni-, Corn and Iio!uc Repairing and Job Work. Talien i:i eiclianirc IVtr Litnt'jer. A l.i-L-e us:;iu:l CI.AKX i: ADAMS. Washinston Furniture and Upholstery, Also manufactures to order FIXE CA1UNKT AV AUK. JDOOIIS. WAIXSfOATIXG. AX1) OFFICE FITTIXGS. Eastern ln-de Cliairs eonstanlly on liaml. On 'Washington street, ad ioiiiin.ij the store of Xiilhtin iV (V. U7-U A. COEICA. Builders RIATERiAL. Al:l: KESPECTKIT.LV IX I mv I' Shop on Wnsl.i, irf"ii street lati'ly Druir st.irei I Ir. ('Olivers. ;uid : 1 1 I have also cpened a tirat ciasj butuin es- uHlirtiiuivut., the prnr.ic! L forno d ttiat I have moe to ttie lini'iihn oeeilpied 1'V til Pysiriet attn'inn to hir.iness. I hopeto war luut a lair share ol 3 0111 patronage. Late utuu STl-KXDCEU. Tho nndcrsitreeil hns hist received a large and complete asortiaeut of BOOKS. SiAKlf. IJI.I'M. :ml Which nre of n hettef ' A L 1 V Y and w ill be voi.l e lieaptur than at t hi' !?i:txli 1'aet f.v ill l"r-eott. All orders pn.mpMv aitendeit to. AVe licrebj" notifr our friends anil the public generally that from this time forth wc will cease to sell for credit on any terms whatever. We are aware that in order to do this we will have to sell cheaper than our neigh bors, and we are prepared to do so. As we are building we are very much pressed for cash, and therefore it will be better for us to sell for cost than to sell on ever so short a time, no matter how good the buyer. The facts in the case are iust these: it is a necessity with us to have our goods or to have the wherewith to buy more. Of course wc do not expect to do so much business, but avc are de termined to do what wc can. Unr Lumber lard is now full and nearly complete. Provisions. Groceries, Ihy Goods. Clothing, Hoots and Shoes. Fruits, II one-, Summer Hats, Hanch Putter, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery Ware, Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder, Fuse. fcc., & etc. Irvine a Keep on the "West side of the Plaza. Remember the sign over the door, Adams KTreel XIAJ Oi-lce. tiJ-h.ilt l.l.-i I: ,i,.tli . 1IKI Variety Store Tsenda Barat; From the Cliicinjo Jou) niil. Your reporter had the pleasure la.s! evening of lr.eetinir, at the Palm er House, an chl-tinie Chicago ac quaintance, 3Ir. IX. F. Straine, for merly of the weather ofike here, and a newspaper scrilte of some note. Learning that lie had just returned In mi an extended trip through Ari zona, he proceeded at once to inter view him concerning that region in view of the present excitement re gardinir the salne. " Well, how are things in Arizona ?" "Everything is comparatively thriving and prosperous. Ilusiness affairs tire in a Hattering condition. A wonderful impetus has been given to raining enterprises within the past few months. Several important mining enterprises have been pro jected with the purpose of developing mining properties on 11 settle of con siderable, magnitude. Xumcrons capitalists or their agents from the Fast are investing heavily iu the mining districts. Quartz mills and mining machinery are constantly be ing brought into the Territory and put up, and several of them have be gun operations, with good results. The older-established towns are grow ing rapidly, through the augmenta. ' lion of the heavy emigration which has begun. Xew mining districts arc being discovered aud located, and the older ones are receiving numer ous additions to their population. Trade is brisk and the people are cheerful and sanguine at the pros pect of allairs now presented in the attention which Arizona's resources arc so generally attracting. " You certainly present Arizona in a most favorable light more so, in fact, than I had thought it possible." 'Yes, certainly, it is deserving of it. I am free to confess myself some what enthused as regards that isolat ed country.' Yet, withal, circumstan ces f 11 1 1 v warrant this, as I can readi ly convince the most skeptical, so that my statements can well be taken without the least grain of allowance. I might add, that this being enthused is not confined to myself alone, but, I find also, it is the condition of nearly every one who has visited Arizona." " Yes, there seems to be general enthusiasm on the subject, especially here; suppose you have learned be fore this of the present prevailing ex citement here concerning Arizona V" Should think I had. Have had innumerable calls from persons seek ing information of every conceivable character concerning this new E! Dorado. I had the pleasure of enter taining the other evening, for over three hours at the hotel here, several gentlemen, among whom were some prominent Chicagoans, describing the resources of Arizona. They plied me pretty close wit questions, looking to minute and detailed information regarding '.ie same, and manifested great interest in what I had to say." "What is your opinion of Arizona's resources r.nd prospects V" " The same as expressed by every one who has visited Arizona and in vestigated the matter. The mineral resources, both for extent, variety, richness and permanence, based upon present developments, are simply wonderful, fi"d beyond cavil or doubt are unsurpassed in the world. You will remember that in thecapac ity of correspondent I became well acquainted with the FJlack Hills and San Juan excitements. During mj- stay in Arizona, I had peculiar and exceptional opportunities of becom ing thoroughly acquainted with tran spiriug events ami the residents and visitors of the portions I was in, ami obtaining a large amount of complete and reliable information from person al inspection and otherwise, concern ing the mines witnin taeir limns, ami 1 eo(),i .reueral knowledge of the mineral resources of the whole Terri tory. Ill fact, I'm 111 it careful study of the mining history of the Pacific Coast, 1 am well conversant with the subject. So, as regards Arizona's prospects for extensive developments, and an era of prosperity and immense wealth. 1 think they are of the most promising ilesci iption." How long do you thing it will be belote prospects will':a an csi-tctici 12 icat.ty : " They are already to a crrt.iiB es tent enjoying a realization. It is mr opinion, snbstautiated y those far better qualified than roysrlf to ex press an opinion, that Arilofta is on the eve of a mining excitement Trbfch will a licet tlie whtrle country, grmfrr than any that lias ever been esperi enced on the Pacific Const. If Tun will stop to couMtler the state tT af fairs in the social ami business r.'orfl tit present, yon cannot fail to perceive that circumstances are rapidly com bining making t lie lime ripe for this. ' Yes, perhaps; but pray inform me what has served to interpose, wilh such a splendid showing, 1!iat Arizona has not enjoyed n cuusntn n'.tion of present prospects? "That can be easily answered. Ari zona has had much to contend against more so probably tiian any other portion of the Pacific Coast anil seemingly insuperable obstacles have ci instantly presented themselves by opposing her developmeu anil advancement. It would take too lung to attempt an enumeration of these drawbacks, but I will trv and give you a general outline of them. There lias always been the strangest and most indistinct ideas prevailing, concerning that wild, iso lated region, which has been greatly enhanced not only by Ihe halo of ro mance which surrounds its early his tory, but also by the vague and fabu lous reports, which have occasionally reached civilization. Its social state has hitherto always been in a dis turbed condition. After the numer ous savage bands of Indians which roamed about, spreading terror and desolation in their wake, had been gathered under control, aud the bard r and enterprising settlers who had braved the hardships and dangers ol that wild country were about to reap the benefit of the prosperity then dawning upon them, civil war came and completely revolutionized affairs. During and after the war, the coun try was invaded by the very worst el ements of both the Mexicans from Sonora and Americans, comprising white refugees from justice from every portion of the country. It was a perfect pandemonium for awhile. Another great drawback has been the isolation and inaccessibility of Arizona." "Well, this certainly presents things iu au entirely dill'erent aspect, far from being flattering or encour aging." "But this condition of things has been entirely changed. Arizona is not to be considered a wild and un inhabited country. You will find a population of over 13,000 people scattered throughout the Territory. Tucson, Florence, Phoenix, Prescott and Yuma ere quiet large towns and doing a good business. Law and or- dcr prevails. The Indians are well . under control; the largest portion of them living quietly tin their res ervations engaged iu agricultiral, aid industrial pursuits. I consider one's life as safe there as in Chicago. The advancing strides of civilization have broken down, to a great txtent, hith. crto opposing barriers. There are daily lines of. stages, telegraph com munication and mails to all these points and the mining districts. There is a desirable, energetic and enterprising class of society. There are large business houses, churches, schools and several good new spapers. Most all the comforts and many of the luxuries ol'civilization can be ob tained. Several railroads have been projected, and some are in process of construction, looking 1o opening up the Territory to the outside world. One the Southern Pacific has en tered the Territory and is advancing into it at the rate of a mile and a hal f per day. ThejAtchison, Toptka mid Santa Fe is approaching nt the same rate from the east. The Utah South ern will continue its road across the Territory to the Gulf. The Tucson and Gnavmas Ilailroad will be built from Tucson to G nay mas. Tom Scott's Texas Pacific will also cross the Territory. AY hen these railroads are completed the possibilities for Arizona's development and wealth will be simpiy amazing." THE OI.OllK DISTRICT. ' I suppose you have read of Mr. Hesiug's letters and the interviews recently appearing in the Chicago papers." "Yes,ntKl I hare taken great pleas ure in their persual Iu my oppin ion, they are the best letters ever written uboul Arizona. Let me add right here, that llmse desiring iiccu. rat,', detailed and reliable infoi mil lion can find it in those letters mid interviews. A careful pcisual will give them nil the information neccs- .-ary about thoe portions of the Ter ritory through which he traveled. I have lvei! over much of the same poitioc&of the Tenitory and can 1 ccouiiiu nd them tor ptrcual."' To he .VH ".":'" Xf:tu;-d.rv.