Newspaper Page Text
'if ' $3 V PS J MIL Jl Mill. 11 A. e a rli EiA iilK VOL. 3. XO. 14. WHOLE XO. SC. PIKEXIX, MARICOPA COUXTY, A. T. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1S71. NEW SERIES XO. 20. x The H ERALD. Vtibl'shed evt'iv Satunhiy an si .Wednesday. GOSPER &. McCLINTOCK, 1'JH'i:iktiii;. S v c s CI! I PTIOX 1' A T K H nn com one vear. - - , (X: One copy fix Kinpths. - ml T.i Uy carrirr- in i'hnnix. p-r month. - TAk;i A ;i v e r. t i s i x ; IIatks: nr inch. n i.i-tt i;tn. - - i Kaeh .-nsi'(iiunt iiwiTlion. - 1 t t lnfessioiial i-anW. per iiinith. 1 ."u f'iiAit!.K W. Ckane is Authorized JVireiii in San Knincicti. PltOFESSlOXAL. II. jr. IIAYF.S, Attorneys" a?iI ronnwelor r.t law Vluui.ix. A. T. All kind's of Bniiu's promptly nTTeiided lo. Attorney ami riiiijcIor at 1-a.iv. Tiie-ion. Arizona. All law hn-sim-s will receive prompt and careful ar'eiiti-m. J. A. 9EARU1SK1K. R. U- HEIIKVOItU. IIKKKPOi:7 A 3EAHKl2iIK. Attorney? ami Conasplor at Law And Notary Public. Office5 on Myer- street, opposite Palace Joel. Tufon Arizona. it. ij. ltoMKOX. 11. i. P h y n I r i a and S u r s p o n . ((Jradnate of the University of Va.) Oilers liist professional service- to the people of I'lio-iiix a:i(iicin:ty. OlnYe N. W Corner Wahin-jton and Center Stieets. op posite the lt Othce. i. u. cox. A. C. EAK!:ii. ( OX A 5$Alfc-:iI, Attorneys a 1 Law, I'hienix, A. T. Oflic. ii-stn:rs. iu Capital building, on Wa.-hiiiton street. r It y n i r i a ii n and )S u r o o n m . Will Attend professionil calN at any hour j of the dv or iij-';t. Oibe. east side of the j pla.a. O. II- P. Sheets. M. (.. lateot renn. Net.: .T. K. Whartiu. M. D.. V. S. .Medical j Kxaiainer. YV11. .If. HHK UKMdlM.r:. ivil Kninepr and Co.Sui'Vfyor, l'iKi nls, A. T. Ofti'-e with I.inville & Wiby. one door Tif-t of Kxpress tttlice. All orders promptly utti-ndru to. IIAKK V 15. jOl-:S, Attorney and C'ouiiM'Ior at Iaw. Pheni:. A. T. OHiee np-tair.- in Capital building. Wash 5 nirtoit street. J. IS. I )H.LAS, Arrhitert sital SaTXS'iiiteiith'iit . Plans. speeitKUT ions a:id estiniates car--f'llly prepared, ttfiiee with irs. ,sheei kv "v'h irioii. east stile of ihi- p!az:i. ? h y s i r i a and Surgeon. L:!te of i-:d'.a. C:d.) Oiari- on W;i-iii!i''iou strje.;. t-.vo door; from nleciii)ia. JI KII S V. 'A I- Si. Attorn)' anil nnntor at Ij.iw, M.:iiilei:v:lie. M:ir!copa Co.. A. T. Will practice In all theeo irrs il'he Terri lory. ,OII T. A rvii. Attomry a.:d Cennsrlor at ;LrAv, Flio-nix. Ar:.on i. All business iro:ii(fty aKeuded to. Oilite with the District Ailornev. J-liuUATK Jfl';E. N'tTAlIY 1't'lli.lL-. WM. A. KA(,Ot'li, Attorney at I a v , l'lurnix. A. T. J?TLand busim-sis iu all dcpartitifntp a flH:cialty. I A l ij 1: IS II Kit, Attorney nnl Counselor at I-aiv. Prescott. Arizona. V." HI pnicticL- iu all the courts' of the Terri tory. i JOH. 1,. iiliVAiii. T!. i. PliyHiciau.Sui'Kcon A Arrourlicr. References wiihoiit prriuissjon : F. T.I. i'oekrill. I . S. Senator. Mo.; t'oi. .Toiai T. ! iVisp. I),;in'cra:i'- ijo:a:uet; lor Coiiurn-.-.- ( IVom Misniiri. (JilicL- :vj miles ,ii!ih Hay- j tieii.s Ferry. Arizona. j EEl.AKi: A .. ASSAYK1W. toot dust. ir-'!d and sil vr bn!!in and i ores of eveiy di-st-rlplioii imdted and asav-d. ,ll assays iia;-:iiii ed. I'riee-- (d' ore. ns-ays: j Silver and irohl. -ti ieid. i; cooper. .". 1 Samples c 1:1 he sent by mail or cspns. ami j re:iiriis will be proinprly made. Ollic wilh i Welti. r.irp Jk (o., Picsscolt. Bl'SIXKSS CAUDS. NEW aKery. J. II-:IX.SX. I'ropi-it'tor 'usliiniTton St., (ij))n.sitc court house. iHJIIT LOAVES Oh l;l!EAI) OI KH;!IT JSltEAU TILriiKTS A IJOI.LAIt. PIES AND CAKES ON HAND, PIONEER BAKERY Washington Stkket. ! yurlheiixt Comer i,f the PUtzit, Kist l.oavc of llrcail for SI (K. ; KYnir CmUi'i :mh1 l:i.-try tr nil Uin i. for : Wi'ildiu:! liiirllc.-. cic. jrt i):H''l i. . trilcr. la.KN a in. T- A. Waterman! HAS Ol'iiXKO A NEW Tin Shop M'.iri-lnmsr-. iu-i In-low tht? Ttkrr;ipii Ullicv. '. I'ruinpt aHriitio.i jriveu li f Repairing and Job Work. l.-irrr MISCELLANEOUS. Phoenix Hotel. Washington St.. 1etvren Maricopa a :ut !'in;:i i:rc;-. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Rooms y the day or r.iijht. isst or A rpom n: oI at ion s fuiiiilies. for A SHOW FK HATH conneeted with the Hotel for the eon veil I erne of ue-ts :nid the pnl. lie -rneiaily. I. J. WAKIMNEK. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. 31 mm & C'tiNsrk rroprx. Tliii Pioneer StaWe of Cill-tt nt ail tiim-s II:;v ;inil (Irain. ::i:tl all Ihc ai'i-otnuur-thilioiis !'or boarding Loir-cs. Elorps on Ifnn'l nt All Times to lict aiil for Hale t Market. Opposition and Competition. On "Montez'Tin-i slreet. oppo-ite the Her ald offlee. and aero-s tiie .-luel from our fnne; lo :it ion. where we are prepared. J furnish the citizens of Phoenix with the vci v best Rpep ' VEAL, MUTTOX, POIIK, ETC. Tl:nt C'au 1.j 01)tai!H-d. OTKIEO : !t!,A HI'.. YAVAPAI CO., A. T. Silcs front Srrsro1t sind .11 i I 'i r;m lkliuit j v. ;i t hi" ii.arlk. i uii.v on ICud. Tl-ivit"; purchased the above niaiitn. the traxeliii n;li;e will always ft ml meals. irr::in ar;d Jr;y :! linifs. A :tar, a irood stoel; oi li'Ho.-rs 00 hand. Boot and Shoe Maker. XVashiusrton st rect. adjoin in 2 Store of CastaucUa. the Fashionable T'ot and Shoos of tin best material made to order iu elegant style. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. T L-ivi' my fit ire attention to custom m:uie vork. and I have every faeih'ty for -jivinj n!ire saiisfari ioii. Send in your order. LUMBER! LUMBER! ! uiarK & mms SAW 3IIL.Ii AX!) YAKI), piiescott. AltlZONA. lliivinir mm'i'il our mrll live mill's wv-sT iif I'rr-ci:!1. na Willuw l'ti'i-k. Nc:ir Tltlim! liillli-. :il :i Mii!il williiii iwn luiiiv- i-l'Tjir Mi;:. v r..:i.l. ::.-ar Iron N;-ia:. ami liroin- c:n:I.-; ! an i-xr. nirn! In I in' Al itli-r ; rn.-nl anil N I'i-i cm l. i i- arc mm" pe.'raix-il j lo l'araish auy ainoam or iit:ality ol' T II 31 BE it n Shingles, Doors, Sash, LATHS', ETC. AT I-HIVES. Itavlcy, I'lour, Corn ami I'ro'.tucc Takeu ia e...jl.:i:!"c fi i-aiiii.KT. I Big Bug station, 31 ISC EL LA XEOUS. Fresh Mill 4 r iT nart 3 -AXD- 57 CENTS PER GALLON, -AT- Jesus Otero' :lix DEES. Has llttt'd up a F.arbcr Shop opposite tTie ki:am t 'OU-e. where he will be p!fa-er: t. e iiis n:i!tiero:!s fii.-THi and the pi'.'iii.- in L' 'rm:iL'. iiar.ipto;!:;r :ui:t iia:r i ''lining dine in the Latest Sivic a:id -s..;;s- f:ictitn guaranteed. G. H. CURRY, Vaichmaksr and Jevve!er. (Ltitc of S:in Francisco.) Has tla't'ilii-fl l'im-'ir :n TMtfM-ix and is tri'a!H-d ti tin ail ki;iu ttf Ii"?.',-, J unify t'.UVtttfl. SATISFACTION Ct'AKANTKEl) Or No Char-e. (live him a enP. i he iii'nds to berono a p-Tin a rent resident of !!ioeni. and h:i I.-iIT't: hit n-eom nuT'lat :ou- as I'ViueiM-e. ol w'lidow of Idn .01 street. ii workman. In the t. ; Wiit-y. o!! Washiie.'i , : . jr. ; . e : 2 S. U tsi. t y elf tt-r, e KEEP A FIIIST-CLASS sQ; fess a 3 On Waslihiirtoii t5lrt-i-t, I'iiuuiiix. Impovtril "Wines, Liquo: and Cigars. Hi Leading Hotel I OF SAX FUAXCISCO. Ami thp most plrnr.tlv appdn'd hotfl in th ovtr .;.rw)0 (HK( havinc- bte xjn-mled by Mr. Hiiliinin in its eonstriietion am! inriii.ili iinr. H4a'hpi;irtr Army ami Niivy. rS-H.I AeeonoiiH.;itionft for Families and larce l'ar lies !rits tlie nauiP 11s at tUlir first-elass ho tU. t r .lay. Sppial eontraetd will be made for permanent boanlers. TIip hotel eoaelies ami carricire- in waitinc at J all boa an- railway dpoT. Rmnn can l,e rpr-p'l before arrival by telegraphing the 1! ildwiu. a. ?t c. p,i:k. Ibi.-itiPfis JlanairiT. YOUXO A3IEKICA HotS and Restaurant. AltICA. Board by l lie Hay or week ni'tfti -s Hip toeatb'Ti 1 1 'em paiiy IV 111 ni 11 it i-aiiip ui.I ii-'d tl i't and l:. r.;.mr.o:l the r .f rliemiH of the Tit otts vis IiiiiT this top Y--iirii A tnei iea Ho ln'ap-t at itud best p te out u ;U . 'i'ei ms rriis'n;ab!i'. J. single & A.n::i:sox, pmps. Cheap Living! Board reduced to $ 7 00 per Aveek . . - . UllflO A.eai.S 't thr. 50 cent? Cosmopolitan Restaurant. V7i5. 1IOIIiAX:. Washington ' ''iiK ri Ai;i: i:t:si'Kt-TKi"i.i.v ix ': - i tti.i 1 1 I !-a I In; v.- mm I;. y !i ir 1..T S!n p ! riii- 1-ui ili-'ir. mi VV:i..;. l'i-'i -:n -l lati-iy upi. .1 y III.- Irit i..iri'i I I r. r.niyrs. aiii III. ir I li:t i- a'sj iijii-in'ii il lirnl liaaj u.iIlliT:r es a ui ia!i liic HI, 1 y ' r ' i t a! ,iul a :.i.r ii njie In nur w M . s-: ';;:;:;ui:ei. Barber Soon MISCELLANEOUS. PACKER & MCKENNA. SC- ii e i5s txr -aa On AVafinpton str- in tin M Capitol TJuild- iiijj has been Itefittoil and ZtefKrniKlird. AfAKINO IT TKE MOST ATTRACTIVE -'- place iu Phenix Thf T frl'r .liHirlinc pontninj! camps oapablr :lnti:tIr tl un st f,ist"!ii-ns. Livery Stable, Washington fr.rt ndjoluing" the Pltonix Hotel. Tlorsps hofil p1 1y tltP Hny. treeV or montlj Ke-i'S always n ltrtml t h-sf lainlity of wheat jo id irraiu hay, Jiarhiy and Outs, Omil f rnTno(tilion for fmtcs fin"! Trnv clors. Kfcn cuuMaiitl y ni lou d Pine turnouts JT T1 b-n-iled at mv Stab will r""'ivo tht 1et artenn.a. O KO. II AM MX. Express and Delivery vi o o JAVIXO AWAOOSr.fir.T RXI'RKSSI.Y for tiie 'irPf I am jirt'lmred to do an ythitii : the above line. Furniture moving a sisorialty OHrr bft nn tli shit at tli Masrnolia sa Iomii w::l rei-eive ir"iiip atlentiuii. .1. V. MAKKfiEV. Kew Saicon. ,i.v, ..,,.:, h. . ....iMiMB Opposite the PostoiTloe, Ami iuti'ml lo kt1 s;llom slni:ll be The vry best fpiaiity f IVinr. Kiiiiior. and iars. ALWAYS OX IIAXIX and sold at Prices to srtit the Tino-s. A handsomely ficni-'i f:r the use of our patn i 1 Cbd ro"iu attached DUDLEY HOUSE, Gurley St., l'reseott Arixona. FIllST - CLASS HOUSE A ON THE EUnOFE.W PLAN. New and clean beds for lotlgers and ele iit rooms for families. F 1!ED. W 1 1 T , I A M S . Pr p. T. J. Morgan, Gurley St., one door east Post Orlice, Diamonds, V;itcho?, Clocks, Jew elry niitl Silvonvart. Specrnclcs, Gold iVii.s mid Pencil:?, etc. "Watclr.ualiers and Manufacturing' Jewelers. All kind of .If irdrv nnu Sil vertvare ninde from N;i.i v t ii- hi :imt S:l ver. V Kcm vitiL's t t Ye l -.-Tiptmn. Seal l'r:.ssts, Uihbon Stair;-s. i The undersiuncil !i;is in !iaml :i lare j as.-iortinunt uf Furniture and Upholsteiy. Also manufactures to order FIXE C.M5IXET V. AliE, IX )( ) 1 IS. VA IX S( ATI NT,, AND OFFICE FITTiXltS. Eastern m-de Chairs conslantly on hand. On Wahinirton slreet." ad joming Hie store of Xathau A: Co. 07-11 A. COE1CA. IJaJf a ik -4.2 W d AT El Th nii-1 i"oai;'ii U riir'f ! liii-i 'ift rucci vi'il a, lurcauil a3unmi-iit ol ics. N.-ISII. J:.I !. mail t tS4 S W!.i , li nr.. ..f i 1.. H. r i;( Al.I I V iil bu miiil.'li.'.giH.rlii.ia at i;i ri.s-!j I'arC'ry in i'ri'srol (. Ail ..r.l-r.i i.!. m .:1 v :it i. n-i.-.i I... Ail... i.- . ! . n i..ili . - .. .i Hi l H - 111. !;- a. 'I.. L. t O : t.L..i .i. i 77. IltVIXE tf- CO. A N E W WE "WILL, HATE TIIE PAYOR KEEP OUR GOODS! "We hereby friends and notify our tlio public generally that from this time forth avc will cease to sell for credit on any terms whatever. We are aware that in order to do this we will have to sell cheaper than our neigh bors, and Ave are prepared to do so. As we are j building we are very much presscl lor cash, antl therefore it will be better , i 4 ,,11 J' 1. llll 113 IU iM-ll IUI ium mail to sell on ever so short a time, no matter how good the buyer. The facts in the case are just these: it is a necessity with us to have our goods or to have the wherewith to buy more. Of course Ave do not expect to do so much business, but Ave are de termined to do what Ave can. Our Lumber Yard is now full and nearly com plete. Provisions, Grocei-ies, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fruits, Hone, Summer Hats, Banch Butter, Hardware, Tinware, raints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery "Ware. Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder, Fuse. Jcc, Are. Irvine I Keeji on the "West side ol' the l'laza. lienu iaber the sum over the uo SJ) ( i Variety Store Tienda E Cash Down Or No Sale, jE. IRVINE & I ! THE PIKEX1X HERALD KKII'I-Vt F.f.M. I,V KIHTIOV Saturday. SS:iy 3 7. ARIZONA'S WEALTH. An Outlina of tho Most Pr ront Minos. onii-. Some Facts and Figures of lnt3rost. C''iii i)iu,:7 from Ln.sf WtrfiH stliiy. "Do you know iinvtliin!! concern ing the mini's Mr. Ucssinir 1ms oli tiiiiicil ? AVluit do yon think of them I anil iiis project." "I am well acquiiintcil wilh Mr. Ilcssiag's )roperty. It is rencr;UH conceded to he it line one. I think he has a big tiling, at least present indi cations promise as much. One good point in its favor is Unit the original owners are first class miners anil prospectors, and have signitied their prell'ercuce to receive stock ia the company for their mines. Another is that he has already s identitied himself with the interests of the Territ.iry and Globe District, that I am confident that, viewing him in the liirht of a representative' man, they will do ail they can to insure the success of his project, and, rather tha'i see him seller from failure through f.ny untoward circumstan ces, they will do all in their power to prev.-nt it. There are some promin ent mining men now hero who know all about liis property, anil I know, of not one but what has cordially in dorsed the property and consider his project one of merit and excellence, deserving of public confidence. Tins is flattering, coming from disinter ested parties. Mr. Ilessing exhibited wonderful push, enterprise, and en durance, during his visit, to an ex tent remarked upon by all." "Is Globe the only mining district of importance in the Territory? AVhat portion do you consider has the best mines?" "Globe is by no means the only one. It is considered, though, to have the best location and facilities, the best developed, and possessed of a greater number of mines, with higher grade ores. There are other district showing larger bodies of ore, but of a compai atively lower grade. 1'ina! county, in which Globe is situ ated, is by far the richest in tho terri tory. Last year it shipped some 1,200,000 of bullion by Wells, Far-o A; C'o.'s express. IJeside this, lare (Uantities have been shipped by private hands, an in addition hun dreds of tons of concentrations have been shipped to San Francisc. The whole territory of Montana in the same time only shipped $3,000,000 in bullion. Globe district itself is some ten miles wide by twenty-three in length, and has nearly W.O'i'i loca tions. Such mines as the Silver King having a market value of .s:i.OOO,000 ; the Stonewall Jackson, 7.j0000; the Mexican, sjoOO.OOO ; the McMorris, $250,000; the Cox tt Coplin, sGO.OOO; and the Isabella and Julius proper ties are to bs found hi this district As to what portion I consider the best, would be rather difficult to an swer. You must know that Arizona is an empire in extent. Its mining resources are incalculable. It is crossed and recrossed by mountains larely mineral in their character IJut comparative few districts have j been opened up. Mines and districts j havo to a great extent certain individ ualities of their own. In the north and west are the famous Fradshaw, Signal and Castle Dome, Silver and other districts which have obtained note from such mines as the McCrack en. Vulture, Peck, Tiptop, Ajo and others of equal note, which are stars of the first magnitude, around which cluster numerous smaller satellites, so it is with these mines above men tioned in (iiobe; the Chief and Saca tiine mines in the same county, and the immens:; properties in the Tomb-j-toiie, Santa llitas and other districts further south. The districts recently discovered in the .Mountains are wort! Santa Catalina j : of special note. ! i The mines :old and silver. It is I easiest ol access, has the most wood j and water, the heaviest grasses and ! undergrowth and the mot beautiful scenery ol any liisa ict m liie len t- , Tlie first mining company ever j poratcd iu Arizona was organ- j iiiewi' i.ed 1 " so nc prominent Arizona : gen- I tlcutau to deveb.'p the mines there, j This is the Arizona and Lousian:', Mining and Mill Company, with a '.-lock capital ol" !? ir..v!Ul.!)i!'J. Their i mines :::.! the E.-uali'., Fci!ri Grant, ' and 'hi !!"' I iuik-i.Lu;b!i peri:. have i .bUmi-ii i Uiuu-..c. I Arizona's olhcr ro- sources ?" " Agriculture and grazing special ly. In Ihc river v.-ilicys are large tracts which will yield fine crops of temperate and firai tropir products. I do not. think they will produce more than will be necessary forborne consumption. In the foot-hills a nil mountain valleys are the grazing lands, capable of profitablysustuiiiing large herds of cattle, sheep etc. The mountains are heavily timbered with pine, oak, hemlock and other timber. AVhen I speak of Arizona's mineral resources, the immense mines of co per, coal, iron, lead, etc., areot to bn forgotten." " How do you like Arizona as a place to live ':" " From niymvn experience, I must say that I like it very much. There is a peculiar fascination and inde pendence about life in Arizon not to bs found elsewhere. The climate is magnificent, with the exception of June and July, when the heat is in suffcrable and intense. The climate is so dry though, that the heat does not so seriously affect one as a much lower degree would here. The living is comparatively good and cheap. When capital is further interested there and the consequent develop. ments begun, there will be a vast field for every variety of laimn en terprise, and Arizona will be capahlo of sustaining a dense population. I am glad to see the interest aroused here by Mr. llessing's letters untl tho frequent interviews the papers arc freely publishing, and liopj to see the present excitement continue." " AVcll, I don't think the present excitement will amount to much or be lasting in its effects. As regards Chicago, it is more in the nature of a flurry than anything else. You see Chicagoans have suffered so much in the past through wildcat investments that they are wary anil distrustful." " To be sure, but that is not an un answerable objection. If I am not misinformed, the business world suf fers from ovor 00 per cent, failures, and our most prominent capitalist! are bankrupted. I don't believe that the failures in mining enterprises ob tain any such high average. More over, when mining enterprises do pay the returns from such are of a vastly more rapid and colossal nature thau in any other business. You will find that, with a comparatively small number of wild-cat schemes, the nu merous failures in otherwise legiti mate mining enterprises cau ! traced entirely to incompetency, ig norance and mismanagement. I con. sider mining investments everyway, as legitimate a business as any other, if it is conducted on business princi ples." " Perhaps, but nt any rate Chicago capital is invested in Leadville." " Yes, I know, but then that is not so large an amount. Besides, it only shows that there is capital here await ing such investments. "Why, St. Louis has now more money invested in Arizona than all that lias been in vested in Leadville. I believe it is essential that St. Louis and Chicago c-ipital should lie invested in Arizona, it will be repaid a hundred fold. Ari zona is as much tributary to these points as Xevada and the Pacific Coast Territories are to San Francis co. Her machiney, the products of the manufactories and staple prod ucts of these points, will be obtained here. In return, her products will seek a market at these points. IIe..l- jzm:r this f;ict St. Louis is evidently investing her capital and seeking to control this trade. " Well, it is time for me to go now Many thanks for your information. irj Entnprixf: Deserted vilage. Each Arab has folded his tent and gftue. Of the busy town of 1,000 people, plenty of McCrackin script and mro expectations, perhaps twenty-five are left, until hardly a sound is heard. All due to the splendid management, or no management, of the Signal ami McCrackin mines. So much for the management of men wbo sit in pal ace ollices. luxuriantly furnished willi other nconle's mosey, who ,1,;,, (hey know how to manage a. v:li,..hie niining property, but have- always failed. Everybody liere. lhosi who know, and thoso v. ho. ought to kaow, believe that botb iln se minus: are as irood t'vday as ,i,..,. ve.irs .-i"-o. and the ore lttst HS ."u.!s Ht fe;ls, .rilo .ippearance f ., mi,.s :lUl the assays of the ores prtvve botli these assertions to bt! cor rect. J. II. Slaughter, of Texas, is on the, way to Arizona wilh a band uf 'O.'il'U cattle. There is a probability of pU - ntiful supply of bc f in the uiltl. t;,.. itvU-uj wf Tc'iiloiy. "What are