Newspaper Page Text
Phcen 3iJLJ VOL. 3. XO. 14. WHOLE XO. ST. P1KEXIX, MARICOPA COUXTY, A. T. "WED X E S D AY, MAY 21, 1879. NEW SERIES XO. 21. nn H E The H ERALD. Publinhpil rveiy Saturday anil Wednemlay. GOSPER & McCLINTOCK, n:ori:iKToi:s. Srisrni ptiux If ate s: One copy one year. - - - ine copy mourn. - - -ly carrier, in fhienix. prr mouth. - A o v E i: T s i s Kates: ne inch, one insertion. - -Kach Kiiltseiiilciit insertion. -Professional caruj. per month. - - Chaw-i: W. ('base in our Authorized j Airent in San Francisco. $." nil i : BHctf $ 5 on l im . l : MISCELLANKOVS. Phoenix Hotel. Washington Sr.. between Maricopa ai'd l'iiiia rUreeif. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Rooms ry the driv or niirht. Bent of PKOKKSSIOXAL. II. II. II AVKS. Attorney and t'ounnelor at I,nw Phoenix. A. T. AH kinils of BniiicHi prompt 1 y j nrtemled to. " j iti:v.i. M O lt(A, Attorney and Couowlorat Law. Tucon. Arizona. All law binine will receive prompt and c:irefnl attention, j j. a. zabui-kik. n. u. itKi:f:roi:i. HKRKFOlin A A lUdSklK. AttorneyM and Counselor at l.nw , And Notary Public. ' Office on Mycw street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tiiru. Arizona. ) n. i hoshox. ji. i. j r h y n i r i a n and Karereon. (4imduntu of the. University of Yn. j Offer his profesiounl service to the people of JMneuix and vicinity. Office X. V t'ofiit-r WrtfhinirttMi and Ceuter Street, op posite the I-I Oftice. Aceoni modatious f-'UHiilir. for MISCELLANEOUS. A SHOWEK ItATTC connected with the Hotel 1tr iIk? conveiiieiice of i;netn and the public iwiitf rally. I. J. GAKDINKL1. (aLLKTT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Mann &. Cuwack Proprs. Thi Pioneer Stable of Ctllt-tt has at all rime Hay and c; r:ii n. ami a'.l tlic accommo dations for boarding horses. Fresh Milk 1 0 Cts. per Quart AXD 37 CENTS PER GALLON. AT Jesus Otero's, j NEW j Barber Shop MISCELLANEOUS. PACKER & MCKENNA. On Wa-in-tnn Htree in thp old Capitol latiM ing has lieeu Itcfltted li ud It furnished. ATAWIXO IT TIIK MOST ATTRACTIVE - place iu I'lienix K. Ill VISE d- CO. THE PIKEXIX HERALD i A NEW Th P.trlor ailinininir oin tains panics ch pubic foumtisitiir tli iijfjst f;mt"tiiins. Livery Stable. DEPARTURE. Giish Down r Wo Sale, !S F. Ml - W KEKLY Kl I T I O X. Wednesday. 3Iay 189. ARIZONA TOWNS. A Truthful Description of Pres cott. Phoenix and Maricopa. W. IS. S., in Scientific rres. Prcscott is located up among tlie pines, at ail elevation of 0,000 feet lias a good climate, good water, men of enterprise and brains. live news papers, churches, a first-class school, library, dramatic club, theater and I good society. Fort 'Whipple, the j headquarters of Gen. O. 15. Wilcox, FELIX DEES. nslilncrton -treet adji Phenix Hotel. the TI tr1 badpd bv tb d:iv. xrpr'k or montTj Ki'' Mirny on liaml iIm 1-s (j;i;ttity of w heat jtnd grjiiii buy, Harl! and Oal. - 11. COX. A. C. liAKEI!. OX A H A K Kit. AttornejM at Law, PlKFiiix. A. T. Oflbf. np-tnirs. in 'aiital bnibliiiir. on l . Washington street. UII A HTO a kiiki:ts. !'hyftlf iaoM and Surcpo iih. Will attend professional catN at any lionr f the dav or tii-'ht. Office east side of the tI7.a. O. H. P. Sheets. M. I)., luteot Ketn S'cv. : A. E. Whartoo. M. D.. V. S. Medical Kin miner. f AVJI. 33. HltK( HKMtII(tiK. Civil Knajlnerr and o. Surveyor. PbtffuiXb A. T. ; Ofllce iritii Linville V Wiley, one door of Kipr.f 4lticc. All orders promptly nttunded t. HAititv it. joi;.s. Attorney and Coiinnrlor at Iatv. Phti-iiix. A. T. Office np-stirs in Capiral building. Wa-Ii- . iaifton pirert. ' IIoi-sc on II nn (I nt All Times to Iet nutl for Male. Meat fVSarket. Opposition and Competition. On Montezuma street, opposite the Her- j aid oftice. and across the siivct frmii our ! former location, when we are prepared to fu nii?-li tin; cil'izvn of Phoenix with the vei v best ! Hm-il fommiiTtinn fir and Trav fitted up i P.arber Shop opposite the . elors. Keep C"nftanilv uu h:o.l Pinr turnouts IIki:ai.i Otire. where he will be pleased io see his mino-roiis friends and tin- public in irenmil. Shaving. SliiMupooinjr and Hair TI..rsi b-.a-ded at my Stab' vri rpiv thp Ciittiii done iu the Late.-t Style and satis- nil;it attention. Oi'AK HAMLIN, fact ion "im ran teed. WE "WILL IT A YE THE l'AY OK KEEP OUlt GOODS! G. H. CURRY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. (Late of San Francisco.) iilitislicd tiiinst pn-pnrcil ti il If in "Phoenix and is ill! kind:- of Express and Delivery I WAGCfi TT AVISO A VAC.OX nt'ILT KXI'IJESSI.Y I : for Hie jorj"c I mil ire':irt'd t do an ylliir. coniniandcr of the Department of I en here Arizona, is onlv a milelrom the town j mountain prak of hare and the oilicers there, by their week- the incomin" of new ncoide and the development of new enterprises. Ten miles ui the Salt River, w-'irre the stage road from 1'liuMiix to Mar icopa crosses the river, is situated the fine ranch and flourishing mill of II on. C 1'. llayden. Ihe mill i?. run by water power, having 24 leet fall, lie lias also a store here, n postollice, stage station, corrals, freight team and a small army of Mexican and In dian retainers; broad fields of wav ing grain and herds f cattle, making him a veritable patriarch. The new railroad town of Marico pa, the central and general distribut ing depot for northern and southern Arizona, is rather pleasantly located on a gentle rise in the desert uear the Santa Cruz l iver, which is here a sub terranean stream. It is flanked on eitlx-r side by short ranges of moun tains, and between these, in a gap sev eral mile in width, the railroad comes in from the west. Toward the east the wide illimitable desert .-.pread out as far as the eye can reach, brok- aml there by n isolated and reddish rri-L- vliir-l tiff nr ll.njr i.wrIr.l ...,.) tprr-i t tt I vtilrrji iint ti II,.. .!., m ... 1 icccpuon..,, sme io enliven anil , mmly odd and curious shapes, that brighten society- It was a wise thing J glow with fervent heat in the noon no doubt, as far as human foresight I l';,v s"n- !"ul lult n l!ie most non could forecast the future, to locate Mlcrtul sha.lcs of color in the early ., , , rr, ; (lawn and evenirir twilight, the capital of the Territory here, but Here, where imt a few vw!;s railroads make great innovations, be- ; the silem e of Ihedesert was unbroken often iustrumunlal in destrovin" I ''-v i,"-v fiZn frliabitation. there is now nn active, hustling town o mnr tlirin rltO iwn-vl ,t-;C -,,. f.l" from a place of importance and large J express office, stage offices, stores. h business, has become a mere way ! te!s, saloons and new buildings goinir notwilhstandin; : "I1 ; every side, the i:nt ot ihe esirable location, the cncrirv and I t V" .'" eiUI,cs .;"JOVe lhe in as well ns station, so Prescott :t thrill of her people, will undoubted v ccqsc to be the capital, and the trade of the Jiradshaws will naturally go south to the railroad. jsorih, there is a large extent of KEKF, VEAL, Wntrh..T,'irdri ami Clrl; i;-inir;ij. in the above liue. ML'TTOX, POItIC, ETC. That fun lie Obtained. OTF.ItO Jt It I. A K 11. I SSATISIWCTTON CfAIiAXTEED Or No Ch;ir':e. J-'iiniiture isiovinp: a. speriatty. .i. li. i )k;i,as, Arrliiteet ami MaprrintriKlriit . IN.1UH. incirtc:itltn mid iTliiinrcs oirc--fi!ly prcarrii. oiticc wilh llr?. Mitels : b:irtu. c4iT iil of ihc vla.:i. Big Bug Station, YAVAPAI CO.. A. T. i (live him a call, as he intends ti become a I permanent resident of Phoenix, and has I nattering recommendations as evidences of ' a ood witrkman. In the window of Liu : vitle fc Wiley, on Washington street. i . ... . White Sc Walters . (Ir lor left cm tlic slat, lcwii will receive 1'roinp ' nt t!i Tairnolia sh attention. It. I. rOWF.KN. I'hynirlan and Surjf nu. llitt f Manila. I'nl.l Oili: tin WathtU'toii titrect. two door fiom MolltCZllUlH. Ji I, ICS . VAX NLVI'K. Altoniry and Counxrlor at Uw, McMillelitUle. Maricopa Co.. A. T. Wilt iiractic lo ail llic court of the Territory. KEEP A PHtST-CLASS On Wat-hinirton Street, Phoenix. ew Sa Icon. We woiibl rspet fully not fy the Public tha re have np-iittil ii newsalnou in tlie buildiajf Opposite the Aod inieud In keep rosioiiu'o. a !aUnn hutiUl be 27 Miles from lrerott and Allien rrom Pliienix. on I lie ISlaek ranvon Itoad. Sit Having purchased the above -t:itiin. the 1 ravelin- public will always tit.d ni'-als. in-ain and hay at all time-. A bar. with a !ImhI stock of liqitor. mi hand. rmporteil Wines. Liquor: iiiid Ciu'iiis. JO MX T. ALSAI'. Attorney and 'ouiielor at llienix. Arizona. All lm.iiie- promptly attciidcd to. vilh tliie llit-trict Allorncv. 5I.a. rKUBATE Tt'lMiE. SliTAKY ri BI-lC. WW. A. II.IC,0'K. Attorney at Law, Pho'iiii. A. T. f-and business in all departments a rprcialty. I A I" 1j WKKHKH. Attorney and Counselor at I.aiv. Preswitt. Arizona. Will pnictict; in all the courts of the Territory. son Boot and Shoe Maker. Washington til rent, atljoinius tlie More of C'asitantra. IALDWI! .cot. The vry best jti;tlity of Wiiiex. l.iiiiors. and ( i;ai s. ALWAYS OX ITAXI). ami ainltl ar Priees to suit tlie Times. A b:itlsomely ftiniiliil Club rot-ni attached for the use of our puirci 1H((W IA!KIi. DUDLEY HOUSE, and o, bearing the )rodncts of many lands lo distant mining camps anil mountain towns. Maricopa is about i!0 miles south of Pluvnix. 140 miles south of Prcscott, 170 miles cast of Yuma, 50 west of Florence, 101) miles northwest of Tucson and t!'l miles from San Francisco. It will eral upland grass and agricultural j be the distributing point for Flor valleys, notably those of I be Agua ! ence. the valley of' the Gila, and the Fria, (skull, Kirkland, Peeples, all of! (Jlobo District east l'luenix. the val which will, in ordinary seasons, pro- I ley of the Salt, the mining camps in duce crops of grain, vegetables and j the Bradshaw range, and to some ex hay. These will contribute to make ! tent Prcscott in the north. It will Prcscott in the future what it has ' have more permanency than most been in the past, a place of consider- railroad towns, a-d continue a place able importance. 'of business importance, until One of the most important local I branch road is built to Phujnix, when industries is the manufacture of luni- j nmst of its business will be transfer ber. This sutlers, somewhat from the ! red there, and that place w ill then loss Of that llOltion of lhl tr.-lile tlitit f become t Tl A liQlriblltin( licilnt lillildlllg WC arc Vei-V miiell ; "m' -oc's to tllu valleys of the y;,n j still wider range of country. -...,! f i " i I and Gila rivers, as this section will i - --M..I iui umi, uuu j hereafter be supplied from the rail- therefore it will' be bette ; roi,fl- a n . About ten miles south of Prescott 1(11 US to Sell lor COSt than there is a wide sweep of valley land ; to Sell OU CVCl" SO short a ! wui'1'- in ,ts desolateness, forcibly i i , reiniiuis one ot the sea. Jt is well i tu:ie. no i'.Kllier HOV gOOtl named 'Lonesome Valley," for not i tlm bttver Tim f:iot in 11 living creature is to lie seen! . . upon its many thousand acres. It is i lite ease are JUSt lliese: It covered with thin grass and would a neee-Jit' witli n tn'"lillie--""l'lls:''icll'lunl1 land were it ', hnvc our iroods or to have ! uable than an ordinary gold mine. n i i ji " ii ) mineral country which will be devel- . ilieisu.-- aim tlie pUUHC i ed in the near future, and within a i o-rmprn v 1 h:it f rnni 1, , j ramus oi uvciuy miles there are sev- Itime forth we will cease to sell for credit on any ; terms whatever. Ve are I aware that in order to do this Ave will have to sell j cheaper than our neigh i bors. and we are prepared. to do so. As we are Fahionallc Rvt nnd Shoon of tlic best material made to order in eli-jrant style. Pehfect Fits Guakaxteed. J4ll I.. UKKtiU, .11. I. I i'iv my entire attention to custom made i w.M-lr tittfl'f -tt-rv fni-ilitv fur .'ivlii.r t Ihjrirlan.Karseou A Arcnurlicr. j umire sati-nictioii. Send iu yoiir orders. " I It-cferences Wlthont Ilerlnission : K. M. i ' ("M'krill. I'. S. Senator. Mo.; t'ol. Jolm T. 'ris(i. Democratic nominee lor I'otmress Jrom Missouri. Onice two miles south llay den. s Ferry. Arizona. LUMBER! Ith.lKK A CO.. AH.A VKKM. 4ioId dit--t. nold snd silver bullion atid res of everr decripl ion melted and as-ay-l. ; All a-says uarauleed. Price if ore asar; Silver and bL lead. $-1: copper. S-"u Samjdes cm hr sent by mail or express, and ' r'-turns will be pr-Mnptly made. Otlice with WelN. Fai i-i Jc Co.. Prcacott. , LUMBER! LUMBER! ! Leading Hotel OF SAX FRANCISCO. I And h nms pTcHiitlv Hppt-tnd bnttd in ! wrd. tiv-r --!."iO( (HM h.ivinc- hen erinded ! by .Mr. Balitwin in ttti r ni!tructi.n and furnish inir. llea)rpiarfer A riny aiiit Xnvy. Special J AeoniMiu1an4iiis for FamilioB and Inrijw P-tr- 1 ties 1riee rlip :ime Hti at )li-r first-class ho- ' tl &l tt er day. Special ountract will be made ftr ermaiient !trtlers. . The hotel eahesal earriee n waitinir at ; all tui-itH ait1 railway d-pofM. Riniui run he r-erved btfure urrivul by tub graphing the i IWIdwia. A. M ACABKK. YOUXG AMERICA Hotel and Restaurant, A Ourley St., rrraeutt A FIRST - CLASS house OK THE EVKOI'EAX IT. AN. l New ami clean bed for lutlgers and elf jt ruomn for families. FKEI). WILLIAMS. Prep. T. J. Morgan, GurlfcV St., oue vlooreast Post Otfice, the wlierewith to biiy more. Of course wo do not expect to do so much business, but Ave are de termined to do what we can. Our Lumber Yard is now full and nearly complete. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. A number of mining companies are transfering their operations tu JS'enr York from San Francisco. Kev. James Hayes, a Catholic cler gyman of New York, has been held iu 300 bail, to answer a charge of cruelty, in whipping a child" five years ot age. i i - i i. tlowiug well here would be more val- i , ""--' . ivennar i.eram a TOI .,i,i H t: i.i : known citizen ot C incinnati, died at I.-:. !.!..., ..,;i... .,...,.!. t : . "'e iraini iioiei, jiav loin. milts W'ULII IU 1 lestfill IM 1 .1 . .. i - the valley of the Agua Fria, where is I ds.Pch reports tl.7 of located the line gras ami sltck ranch I 'tff lum of the town of of Xathaa 15. liowers,.Esa. This lo. ! "V M,crs. 1 f TT' LS CMl" cality is peculiarly interesting, j """ t 1"0,000; iiartially inarca upou this ranch, and in the iniinedi- ' John J. A est, w as executed at ate neighborhood are found many ru- j Boonville, Mo., May Itiih, for tho ins and other evidences of the an-1 niimler of a trami last October. cient people who once occupied these valleys. The mussive walls of Mr. Bowers' house are built of stones taken from one of these ruins, por tions of which still remain near by. A short distance away is what aii- lillXETT AltlZdVA. 1H" tlXESS CAKDS. N E W -AT- I Uoar J by the il.-iv or week Phcenix Bakery. Clark & Adams' .. IIKIVNOV. I'roprirtor. .Vashinjiton Slopjmsile court house. tl(;tIT LOAVES OK HKEAD OH EIGHT liUKAl) TICKETS FOIt A IluLI.AH. Oillett is tlie location of tlieniill of tin-Tiptop ! Mniimr Comt'nny IVroiis xts tin this live , in ninifeamp n-iil tind the Vmtiii; America Itn i lei iiini KesialirHttt the ehea;et auil beat p ace t pot ujt at. Tetn.4 ru tiiahle. i i I I SINflLK & AXIiEK.SOX, 1-rops. j AW MILL AXI Y.IRI). PIES AND CAKES ON HAND. PIONEER BAKERY, Washington Stkkkt. yui tlfnnt Cvrnrr f the I'li'-'i, Kicht l.onve of Bread rorfl.M- F'rnit Citki" and I'astry of all kimls. for votiiiiic: jiarlU's. elc. pretmred to oriler. BAl'ULEN & I'll. T. A- Wateman HAS OPENED A NEW ' Tin Shop IMiEl-COTT. AIUZOXA. Cheap Living! I KAL V. It IN" Di.imoiul.s, "Watdies, Clocks, Jew tlryanfl Silverwaro, Spectack's, Gold lcns and lVucil, etc. Watchmakers and Mutmfaetnriiijr JeTvelcrs. AM kinds 'tf.Tewi'Ire and Sil verrare ma-ie fnn Nn.ivi;ril suit Sj'vr. Knjrnivinirs it tyer dt-Mri j-titm. Seal l'ri'ss-e. l;ibho;t Stair;. 1 F13RHITURE. ! The inidcrsisned has on hand a large assortment of Board reduced to per week oo ; Furniture and Upholstery. &c &c & 1 rovisions, Groceries, Dry Goods. "Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fruits, Honey, Summer Hats, llanch Butter, Hardware, Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery "Ware. Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder. Fuse, , Arc. A. C. Ilessing, who has lately been interesting himself in Arizona "mines, started -May lliiU for Saa Francisco, whence he will go into tlie mining districts. The First Xational Bank Syndicate have received from J. pears In be an ancient burial place. : nf 'm Ymi the graves, if such they be, are coy- j s. Morgan & Co. of Loudon, a bid for ered with flat stones laid in a ci.cU-, S:j0,( 100,000 L'llittd States 4 per cent. raised but littleubove tne groundjand about four feet across. Over 500 of these mounds were counted in the space of about a.i acre. Who weiej these ancient people, and w hen did ) they occupy this land? Mr. Bowers j says that iu excavating he hasuncov- ' eel their floors, which were made of earth pounded hard and smooth, anil ! llnvilt nioverl oitriitil five tnile we.f of re-cott. on W tllon- t'tvrk. Ne.-r TliiitnU . Itti-.nt n point wittiin tuo mile- of Hie i - ' i r-n Miller roiol. near Iron Spi he'-. anil litivin- ll"'le A etllS - oOcCllts rotnplett t! ,tii excellent mat! to the Miller 1 nol unit to 1'rcf-cott. v:r nr. now jirepureil ; .' ' or oiiiiif-n nny aniotllll or (tlnllty ot I LTJM BES Shingles, Doors, Sash, r. at us. Cosmopolitan Restaurant. M ?I. MOM, AMI. ETC.. AT ruicics. HEJJJIOCK Washington 8 IlKSl-lH'TFrLLY IN" Hi- place of lin-onc. i in r;olilmi" M"arehiitie. jn-t lvloi tlie TeU-raph UlLie. I'roinpt attention civcii to Repairing and Job Work. A Iftrz1 assortment yf fa:taitlr uu ui. ! I j Also manufactures to order IFIXK CAI5IXKT AVAlli:. i DOOIiS. WAIXSCOATIXO. ! AND OFFICIO Fl'ITl.MlS. 1 Eastern m-dc Chairs constantly on j hand. On Washington street, ad , joining the store of Xaihan it Co. ! ' tiT-tl A. COF.KA. MATERIAL. bonds. The price of the bid was a little below market quotations. The order whs refused, but the Loudon houso was given half that amount at full price. A special from the City of Mexico. gives a lengthy interview w ilh Gen eral Frisbe, formerly of California. that whenever he has come across any ,!l ,.1 "u saJs, UB. present annual, of their household utensils, consist- p 11. u'"" , ,IM,n."? ' ing of the nutate in which they liblt,ut -2-.000,000. He adds: "I auj gound their corn, and pottery of va- m.1 uv,',:lr? ot flilres ln, Mexican rious sizes and styles, he has jnvaria- i in'n,es V-C",S f etl up?' thc ,uart-" l,tcf,in,lti.,i,mL ni,,,,i, i,,i in the L luted btates. If the iuiuera 1 111 Ware, ! ing him to the conclusion that the ! wt':l!,11 ot is country were Vude-; inhabitants had been forcibly driven i s1,,,'k1 "? tl,e L"',ei1, fc'ates' -WS from their lwinifstliv nn om-inv ;..,) . enterprises would doubtless Ue le- their rude furniture destroyed." girded with layor." He meBioneU. a One Imudrcdaud ten m'iles south "1,ne ln,,.'lvh,Sh lI,c s-J:irvs, which of Prcscott, on the Suit River is the ! wcru nS Ju'"-'. ,$1.0'oO, were flourishing town of Phcenix. A new j '!ow I.";Ll1, !lt $O.0OO. It iqmre impetus has recently been civen to i,',',V V)MJ0 tB i0 Vuk a sl,a" business here by the completion of j 0 '!' X" 'J;et. 1 he mttal is gener tiieS. P li. li" to Maricopa. The i "."" lai"ltll1 a!l 1,1 paying quau town is located in the midst of a wide i V,"t3' a' '! 1 l'pii? U 30 lo U0 plain or valley, made tertile by irri-; Mtl .Ue Jtuurs la Mjxieo sre gation, the water for that, purpose bo- i priii;iv? Vavidft. imr taken from tin; river, and it i '. Wa""" tutg cnutiUiyrd Oliljr to a ! said that there are a hundred t urns- ! i-i, aici u uu wii jiucry ' and acros in grain this year, mostly ' ! wlipjlt. Mml lliii-lov lie .Iiiiuk n .no, ! tlsmtin nf wi-nlth r.iul ..nt,.i ,,n,. u ! Knghsh u.ackiaery is gootl. but lie cuiisHtevs AiiievK-Mt Vi'.ut lor colli C. rvine & Oo. limited extent. is used only in ill Xortlsera Stales, and is supplied froai Sau Frsncisco. wealth and enterprise, is : V 1 il i 11 10 1 i n f U'ltli KitiT'jrc'trN li.,,-. I ing put in a large mtiu'lier of acres, i anU sslver mtnes.. iiil ivilli nrnnni1 li'i'if'li in- ! " Keep on the "West tlie Fl a za suru over the uo r sure to gel a rood crop. Hero is a j field in w hich sonic of the colortil j labor from the cane fields of I.ouiM- i ana, now seeking new luuv.i-i. could i 1 Iiiid profitable and congenial employ-1 side of , ment. Phrenix is anilii'.ions to be 1 , , l come tne umire ca piiai oi me ieiri- Ivemembei the - torv. lt ls t.entrailv Watert. and its plIK 1'lllLH Thn , coinpi 'iTiirnetl bus ' :e us9or.:neut e st received a lanreainl t'.rnC(i iluil I have nioel ny It.irler Shop j IMMKi. SCarley. 1'lonr. Corn and I' rod tier Taken in eseliaiie lol Lunilicr. 1 I .AUK ADAMS. O to. V.. Loi;b. .'.;vnt, rhfaU A- T- ;t.tlie lmi ilinir. on Wa-shi-irton street lalelc .H-i-iipi. il liy the Iimir -t'rei f Or. Conyem, ami iliar 1 have also opened a Crat-elans btuinir ej a 11 i.b lueitl, By 'ricl aliniiin to I'li-inef... Iliopelowar rant a lair iiare ttl your; v Lllie ot Sau t'rlicib p. n'r.MiiKi,. rSASlf. ' ttl.5 VS.. and nixiKins Whi '-ar of a l..-ltr O L' A LIT V an,; H ill he . swlii o -eaplur than at Trie- i :il far! ny i:t Irrt t, All orders proooitlv K4lwni!e,r to. i Adam -creel on--hiO f h . - m.rii ..f 11. irr::- ALUoiiioe, l.. i. .oPi:, v- E. Ir!NE & 00.1 Variety Store Tien da B a rata, importance will lie largely increasei! by the building of a branch nmd, litre in c'i!item;i!atiou. trom the P. U. j R. at Ma: icop.t, a distance of about I DO miles, over a country favorable ! for such construction. '1 he town is ; flat, the drainage is on tile surface, it I is extremely hot in the summer, and. ' unless the sanitary conditio;! is eH i looked into, it w ill become with a i population of -l.OM or 5,000 p'Oide, jSew liuildiiis are A cii:e?po'i.V.-,it io Uic JiW front Fitircic.-e says; por the first lime in iis iillmy, Pi.'va county has a repre sti.'.alhe i;i -Ue Teryitorial Prison. Alltel Tapia i-onvi, led of an as sault vvi;U iuteut lo commit murder, Mi-1 svuii nced to sojourn for seven years Vuiua. Tlic.iail of the couniy 1s tejiav.tUss lor the fust lime in niany uu''.llv Shwitl' Pi le tiuin-iel. who is well known iu Yavapai, has proved, to l"v ;;u excelieal executive oilicer, vilUdently discharging his duties, lie W 4 terrov to the lawless element, and e t! doers ill no; ;uoper iu l'ini:i dwUig his administration, Willi iluilgc French on tlie bench and J. il. (jury, a learle.-s irosccutor in Iho ultice of IHstrict Attorney. ,,,.1w.,lll,,- going up, mostly ot adobe ; a turns : m. tt. inouui, pvoprivtor -r Iho has luei! opened ; t'.ie ju ice hits is ; Lus Angeles Daily t ouiBiercial, ji 1 adviuicing; and there is an ;dr of ex. 1 an old Arionian. lie 'us one of peclancy about the lacp indicatinr the pinprictors of t!o Avi.oniaii. an appreciiilion of the new order of . Started the Cit:7,eu.x tmd the VltUl.v '.Ui!: :(iiuut to lie :a,u: -Ututcd bv -jcu: 1.