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Ttttv 1 JUL Hi Hebaid CENIX VOL. 3. XO. lo. WHOLE XO. 89. RIKEXIX, 3LVRICOPA COUXTY, A. T. "WEDXES D AY, MAY 2S, IS79. NEW SERIES XO. 22. The H ERALD. Publishud fvciy Saturday ami Wednesday. GOSPER & McCLINTOCK, ritoi'iuETimfl. Subscription- Hates: (nr copr oni rear. - - -One copy iix month. - lty carriwr. in Jitmuix. per month. - Adtektisixg Kates: nc Inch, out insertion. Kftch iilMe)iienf inornon. -Professional card, per mouth, - - $5 W J T4I OUcts t Ml 1 50 Ciiari-k W. Crane Airont in Sun Francisco. in our Authorized PUOFKSSIOXAL. II. It. PATKK K. Civil Kng;ineer Pepnty U.S Mineral Surveyor for Arizona. Orrice 'ith V. A. Hancock Plia-uix, A. T. II. M. II A V KM. Attorney anl t'ouiiKflor at Ian PIum-iUx. A. T. All kind of Legal BusiiK'HH prunitly attended to. UJ--.XJ. MOKU.W". Atlornry and 'nnntteior at Law. Tncsou. Arizona. All law business will receive prompt and carcfnl otrention. 1. A. ZABIUSIilE. B. U. IIKREFOKU. IIKKKrORI) A ZABRISIilK. Attornryn and 'nnNrlors at l,w And Notary TnWic. Office on Myers street, opposite Talacc Hotul. Tucson." Arizona. It. J,. RO!SOX. SI. I. Phyiirian and S n r f o n . ((iradnatu or the University of Va. OflVn his professional services t the paopleof Phnuix and vicinity. Otiice N. V Corner Washington aud Center Streets, op oflilK the Post Office. i. h. cox. A. f. dakeu. 0 A It AKEIC, Attorneys a t Law, Phutnix, A.T. Office, np-stnirs. iu Capital building, on "Wnnhintou street. WIIAKTOX A NIIKKTS. Phyfllrianx aud Suroons. Will attend profefsionil call at any hour ( mr UH or Ilium viihit i-am ' u- lila.a. O. II. P. Sheets. M. 1).. late ol Keim. S'cv.: J. E. Whartou. M. U.. L". S. Medical Examiner. WM. ST. KV: 2KMt I IM-K. 4'iril Knimrer and Co.Survcyor. Pluruix, A. T. OUcp with I.inville & Wiley, one door c-vt tf ExprusH o!tiee. All orders promptly attended to. HAKICV 11. JOXIX Attorney and OounsIor at Law, Ph.enix. A.T. , Office iip-taini in Capital building. Wa-h- i Jnton sirref. J. IS. I ' I'ti LAS, Architect aial Superintendent . Plan. pe.citication anil estimatea care fully prepared. OihVe with Irs. Sheets fc , Whartou. eat side of the plaza. I K. L. C OXYFILS. Phyfllcian and Surgeon. (LattMir Visalia. Cal.i O.Hc on Washington street, two door foin Mcmtezuma. JI Lll'K W. VAX MACK, Attorney and roiinitflor nt Invv, MeMillenville, Maricopa Co.. A. T. Will practice In all the courts of the Terri tory. JO!I X. AI-SAT. Attorney and t'on.melor at II.. aw, Phtenix. Arizoua. All bninefl pntmptly atteuded to. Oflicc with lu District Attorney. FKUI1TR JCIMiE. N'OTlUT rCBLIC WM. A. HACOCK. Attorney at Law, Phoeuix, A. T. rV"Land business iu all departmentp a specialty. PAI L M'F.KIKIOK. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Preecott. Arizona. Will practice in all the courts of the Terri tory. JOHN I. InUKUU. .IE. I. rhysician,Sars;oon A Aceoueher. References without permis-ion : F. M. Cm-.krill. l . S. Senator. Mo.: Col. John T. t 'Hup. I)eni(Hratic nominee tor Conirress from Missouri. Oftice two miles south Jlay drn.s Ferry. Arizoua. IthAKK A CO- AKMAYKKS. Ooid dust, sold and silver bullion and ores of every description melted and assayed. All assays guaranteed. Price of ore assay-: Silver and sold. S: lead. S:: copper. S"' Samples can he seut by mail or express, and return will be promptly made. Office with Wei la. Fargo &, Co.. Prescott. BUSINESS CARDS. NEW PIIOEXIX BAKERY ! J. IIK.IXSOX. Proprietor. ""asliington St., opposite court liouso. EIC.HT LOAVES OF BREAD OR EKIIIT BREAD TICKETS FOli A DOLLAR. PIES AND CAKES ON HAND. PIOXRER BAKERY ! Washington- Street. Xorthentt Corner of the Phtza, Rieht Ioaven of Brrad for l OO j" '""'T "f kimls. for j Trntt ' nrliep, etc., prepared !o ordrr. wedding P BAl'RLEN A CO. T. A. Watreman HAS OPENED A XEW ! Tin Shop.1 TIIp pine nf hn.ino-. i In Rnldmnn V rchiiue. jti.f holnw the Telegraph Onice. Repairing and Job Work, A Ur?r n.aortmrnt of Til! and Mieet Iron' ' cjn-tanllv 011 haud. ' j MISCELLANEOUS. Phoenix H otel. Wahiiiton St.. between Maricop I and I'iina street. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Roams Bv the d:iv or liiirht. ICeHt or Arrommndatlou! i' umilieM. for A SHOWER r.ATII connected ni h the Hotel lor the of quests a:id the public 'cm-rally. I. J. (iAHDIN FRESH Beef Cattle "WK KESPECTFI T.T.Y IXFOHf THE Ketailern of Arizona thai We are prepared lo lurninh on hoof Fat Beef Cattle, at any season, in any quantifier, and. nt the Lowest I'o-sibh I'riee. The entile are at the excellent jrraziii;! country aruuudToDtu Dasiii. and in com1 condition. We will turiiif-h the retailers in Thin fec tion with Dretffl 1eef from our S'snhter iIoUies. north of town. Order soli.;iTed. BALTZ A KELLY. Phoenix. Pileat Market. Opposition and Competition. On Montezuma street, opposite the Iler alil office, and bitumi the street from mir I'ormer loi'iitiou. where we are prepared to furnish l tic citizens of Phoenix wilh the vei v bent BEEF, VEAL, ML'TTOX, PORK, ETC. 27 Mi lex from lrccott and lilen from lMnniix. on the It luck Canyon Itoad. ITavincr pnrehased the above station, the travel iii'j public will always find meals, ntin and hay at all times. A bar, with a ood sun k ol lienors on hand. Boot and Shoe Maker. Washington street. a!jolninc the Htore of astaueda Fashionable P.oot and Shoe" of the best material made to order in elegant style. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. T srtve my entire attention to custom made w.rk. and" I have every facility for iriviu entire satisfaction. Send in your orders. Lumber! LUMBER! LUMBER! ! Olark & Adams' SAW 3lII,t AMI YA Kit, PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. TTavinir moved mr mill five miles wt of Prescott. on Willow 'reek. Near Thumb Butte. ;it a point within two mile- of the Miller road, near Iron Springs, and havinn completed an excellent road to the Miller road and 10 Prescott. we are now prepared to furnish any amount or quality of L IT M B ER, Shingles, Doors, Sash, AT IIS, ETC. AT miens. nEDHOCK Rarlcj'. Klonr, Corn and Produce Taken in exchange for Lumber. CLARK A ADAMS. Gro. L Lonu.G. Ajcnt, rha:i::x. A. T. That Can be Obtained. j OTERO & BIi kr I ibig Bug btation,! k YAVAPAI CO., A. T. S h La 0 0 Sl i lsoo5 JflSCELLAXEOUS. Fresh Milk 1 0 Cts. per Quart AND 37 C(nts Per Gallon, AT Jesus Otero's. XEW BARBER SHOP. FELIX DEES, Has fitted np a Parber Shop opposite the IIkkai.o Office, where lie will be pleased to see his numerous friends and the public iu ireneral. Sim vine:. Shampooing and Hair Cutting done in the Laler-i Style and batis factiou guaranteed. C. H. CURRY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. (Late of San Francisco.) Has established himself in Phoenix and is prepared to do all kinds of Watrlt, Jewrlry and dock Repairing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Or No Charge. Give him a call, as he intend to become a permanent resident of Phoenix, and has flattering recommendation as evidence of a rood workman. In the window of Lin ville A Wiley, on Washington street. Yhite 6l Walters On Washington Street, Phoenix. Imported "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Cheap Living! Board reduced to $7 00 per week. Single Meals 50 cents. at the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. vryt. iioLLAn. THE BALDWIN. rfihe Leading Hotel of San Francisco and JL the most elegantly appointed hotel in the world, over $l.."00.0i)0 havins; been ex pended by Mr. Baldwin in its construction and furnishing. Headquarters army and navy. Special accommodations for families and lare parties. Prices the same as at other firs-class hotel. $:J to $5 per day. Special contracts will be made for perma nent boarders. The hotel coaches and car riages iu waiting at all boats and railway depots. Kooms can be reserved hefoie arrival bv telegraphing the Baldwin. A". MACAISEK, Business Manager. Young America Hot:;! and Restaurant, raLi,KTT, ARIZO XA, Board by the Day or "Week. :illtH i tho location of the tnill of the Tiptop Mininir Company. Prrsoi:s viitinir nils live minimx c:iiup will hnd the lounir America Hotel nnd Reslaurant the cheapest and bent place lo put up at. TerniH reason able. SINGLE & AXDERSOX, rtopr. Washington rihe public are respectfully informed that X I have moved my barber shop to the buihliuir on Wa- hi 11 tji on street lately occu pied by the dru stire f Dr. Corn ers, and that 1 have also opened a first-class bathing establishment. Hy strict attention to hnsins I hope to warrant a fair share of vonr taironft''e. WM. STL'KXBl'RCJ. Late of San Francisco. E. F. Lowell, CARPENTERS PLASTERER All work in tbp above line prbhiprty attended to. Kns end of Wnhinctnn street, one block bryond the Pbnpniv hotel, nnd directly op tc bi;:hl;:i of A. ormtcr. MISCELLANEOUS. PACKER & MCKENNA'S On Washim t(m re building. t. in the old Capital nas nccu Reftttetl and Itefurnilietl, Mnkfn? it the Phoenix. most Attractive plsce in The Parlor adjoinim contains iramd ca pable ol amusing the most faatidtoui. FURNITURE ! The undcrsinncd ha on baud a large assortment of Furniture and Upholsteiy. Also mnnufactures to order FIXE CABINET WAKE, DOOKS, W AIXSCOATIXa AND OFFICE EITT1NUS. Eastern made chairs constantly on hand. On Washington Mreet, ttiljoiuiu the store of Nathan A Co. GT-tl A. COEKA. Livery Stable ! Washington street adjoiniug the l'henix lluu-l. Ilinrli:l ly the IVcek or Month. Iay Keeps always on hand the best quality of wheat and "Train hay, barley and oats. Good accommodation for teamsters and travelers. Keeps constantly on hand fine turnouts. Horser hoarded at my tablo will receive the best attention. GEO. HAMLIN. Express and Delivery Ayr n I flavin 2 a wai'on built expressly for the purpose I am prepared to do anything iu the above line. Furniture Moving; a Specialty. Orders left on the slate at the Magnolia t-iiluou will receive prompt attention. J. IV. nARKLEY. New Saloon. We would respectfully notify the publi that we have opened a new saloon in the building opposite the Kx press Office, and intend to keep it a a saloon should be kept. The very best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND nnd pold nt priop to puit the tiniop. A handsomely furnished club room nttached fop the uau of oTr pafronH. Kit OWN tllAMEL. Dudley House, G urley St., Prescott, A. T. A FIRST - CLASS HOUSE On the European Plan. Xcw and Clean Reds for Lodgers, and Elegant Rooms for families. FEED WILLIAMS. Prop'r. T. J. MORGAN, Gurley street, one door east P. O., Irescott, Arizona Dealer in Diamondp, "Watches, Clocks. Jew. t'hy ami Silverware, Spectacles, UolJ l'eus and l'encilis, etc. Watrhmnkerand Manufaettirins JewelerK. All kinrN of iewelrv antl silverware made 1'nim native old and silver. Kiizrnviimx of every description. Seal presses aud ribbou stamps. uiiders5 EVi ATERi AL. The undersigned has just received a Ianrc aud complete assortment of DOORS. .S ASH. UlilMIN. nnd lVlVllOfl'S Which are of n better quality and will be sold cheaper than at the Nanh Fart"ry in I'rexcott. All orders promptlv attended to. Adam---. one nun imock mini nt me M'"-M:a LIU e. iiivixe cC co. A NEW DEPARTURE. Cash Down Or No Sale. WE WILL HATE TOE PAY OR KEEP OUR GOODS! We hereby notify our friends and the public generally that from this time forth we will cease to sell for credit on amr terms whatever. AVe are aware that in order to do tliis we will have to sell cheaper than our neigh bors, and we are prepared to do so. As we are building we are very much pressed for cash, and therefore it will be better for us to sell for cost than to sell on ever so short a time, no vaatter how good the bii-er. The facts in the case are just these: it is a necessity with ns to have our goods or fo have the wherewith fo buy more, ut course we do not expect to do so much business, but we are de termined to do what we can. Our Lumber Tard is now full and nearly com plete. Provisions, Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fruits, IIoner, Summer Hats, Ranch Butter, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery "Ware, Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder, Fuse. &c , tc, .Vc, Sec, fc C. Irvine & Go. Keep on the West side of the Plaza. Remember the sign over the door, E. IRVINE & GO. Variety Store Tien da Barata. THE riKEXIX HERALD. . K JU'W K K K l.TC KIMTIOV. Weilirrrsila,. May H Ift7. Arizona Letter. The Salt River Valley Salinas ites Dowrf There. Etc. Salinas Index. TiKKNix, A. T., May ',. TSTil. Thinking sonic of jour readers might wish to hear from Arizona, I address you a few lines of which you can publish such portions as mav prove desirable lo you. I arrived here Mav 1st and found Phoenix a lively little city of about 2,000 inhabitants, situated in the cen t't of ftilt River Vullej-,. and iu the heart of a line tannin;; count ry ot about 4f.!?10 acres. Times are lively hete artl money is plentiful com pared wit!V California. Harvest has jut connnenceil and in consequence thereof there are very few idle ifcen here. There is at prt'ferrt some ver;,- fine agricltural land lyinjj vacant in this valley, bnt is rapidly bein:r settled with a steady and industrious class of people principally from Cali fornia. The average yield per acre is: wheat, 1, l 10 pounds; barley 2.500, while alfalfa, sorghum, and all kindj of vegetables do well. There are some very tine young orchards here which look as well as do the fruit trees of California. Anion;: the former residents of Sa linas valley who are engajred in farming here. I met with Messrs. Wm. Isaacs, K. Isaacs, John Isaacs, n.xn V tl,l,nll P. I,"U..,,r,r C. Small, C. Bryant, O. Kellogg and D. Cummings; II. Scott and Geo. Collins, of Santa Cruz. All of these gentlemen have line farms and good crops and seem lo be doing well, and well satisfisd with their change from Salinas City to Phoenix. They say that, although this is a new and thinly settled valley, they are confi dent that in time the comforts and coiiTemencos they nave lett ueuiwi will appear once more; and they will eladly welcome them on farms of their own unencumbered with mort gages and not fearing dry seasons, as there is plenty of water for irrigating purposes. The water supply is ob tained Iron Salt Kiver. There are five ditches running through the alley canying about 3,000 inches of water apeice. The climate is very hea!lhy, though at present quite warm. The average temperature for June and July is HO-1 to 115. IJut i!tle mining is done in this vicinity, though from 40 to 00 miles distant there are some very rich ledges. Grain buyers are af present con tracting willi farmers for their pres ent crops, wheat at ?2.50 per cental. barley Jf'-.tio per cental, showing that the near proximity of the S. 1'. It. li. (2S miles distant) will not materially ellect the prices of grain, but has caused a reduction irr groceries, clothing, dry goods, etc. I see some new arrivals from Cali fornia, among are J. F. Kellernian, C II. McKenna, Fred Vischer and S. Ballou, all former residents of Mon terey county. These gentlemen are delighted with the future prospects of Salt Kiver Valley and are rustling around making homes for them selves while the- can obtain good land at government prices, thereby avoiding the high prices aud heavy rents that the people ol California re subjected fo. Grant Co. X. M.) ltemliJ: Henry Lesinsky will leave Silver City for New York on to-morrow's cnaeh. He has decided to build a railroad from the Longfellow copper mine to the furnaces at Clifton, and goes ea! for the purpose of purchasing rails, cars and other material required for the purpose. The road will he four and a half miles iu length, with a grade of 130 feet to the mile. The guage is to be twenty inches. As no ted elsewhere, Mr. Lesinsky has clos ed a contract with lilnck Jo Cwsgrove of this place lor 10,000 ties of suila bleilimentions, which will he deliv ered at Clilton without delay, as work upon the road bed is to commence at once. Three hundred thousand pounds of rails will be required for the road, and it to he equipped wilh cars wilh a capacity of two tons each. Mr. L. has not yet determined wheth er he will purchase a locomotive or 'use mules to drag the empty cars up the incline, but is disposed to favor the former class of motive power. The Longfellow Co. determined some time since lo increaso the capacity ol" their works at Clifton, and to this end the railroad became a necessity, as a sufficient supply of the ore could not be obtained from tha mine by wagon transportation. Mii.itaky Oiideks. Acting Assis t ant Surgeon Dorsey M. McPherson is relieved from duty at Fort Grant, A. T., ami will report in person to the commanding ollicer, Fort Apache, for duly. Private Andrew Lee, company K, 6th cavalry, is relieved from extra duty in the quartermaster's depart ment, and will report for duty. Private Geo. W. Gardiner, compa ny H, 0th cavalry, is detailed on ex tra duty in the quartermaster's de partment, and will report at Whipple depot for duty. Captt-in Clias. P. Eagan, CnAimis sarv of subsistance, U. S. A., will make an' inspection of the suhsiM ance department at Fort McDowell. A terrific fire is raging in the woods southeast of Prescott and destroying much very valuable limber. tERRITORIAL ITEMS.- From the Silrer Belt : The Stonewall mill successfully. is runnmjr Work on the Newton mine is pro- grossing with ;f1od prospects. Everything looks well at the Inde pendence. The Armit mine'ist looking well and work is being piisried. Work for the present has been sus pended on the Bohemia'. Milner & Watson have rrtnroed work on the Silver Era. Dr. Wilson aud J. Gibbons rtaVeV re-comiueuced work u the Centen nial mine. The Antler mine looks very prrrtir". istng. borne native silver has been taken out this week. The Cox & Copiin mines r still turning out very tine e-r'e and plenty of it. Messrs. Salter and Loronce Eros-., are still tokingout very rich' ofe and the mine is improving daily. Jaiws Thompson and Thos. P.earl. owners ot the Lymenia, near Cox A- Coplin's camj), are making some rich developments on their claim. The amount of water obtained in the well dug to supply the Haskii mil! is 57,000 gallons every Iwcnty fwur hours. The Buffalo mine, recently pur chased by General McDonald, of Chicago, was surveyed Wednesday, a preparatory step " to obtaining a patent. Farmers in the vicinity of Florence are busily engaged in harvesting their small grain. We are also in1--tormed that in that' section the fruit crop is most promising. The peacA crop will be unusually large. A San Francisco letter dated the' 13th inst., to a firm in this place; conve3 Sthe statement that it is cur rently reported there that 00.000 shares (the controlling interest) in (he King mine have been sold. We have also heard it said that the price paid was twelve dollars per share or $720,000 for the 00.000. Should this prove true the purchaser is to be congratulated for having bought a' bargain. Citizen: Territory of Arizona vs. Oliver Boyer. convicted of murder in' the first degree: Motion for a riei trial overruled and the prisoner eri'--enced to be hanged by the neck. The' day of execution to be fixed in his" death warrant. Postollice changes: Bumblebee, Yavapai county, discontinued. Same of Mo':nt Hope, same county .changed to Fort Bock. In the near future the Silver King' will reduce its 6?es at lie mine, in stead o'" sending their concentrations' to San Francisco. A young man was lately murdered' at Dos Cahezas by a miner named Pat Caniion, wh was drunk when ho committed the deed. In flic House of Representatives, on Mav 6, Mr. C'atnbell introduced'. IIoase'Bill No 17(54, for the relief of Bowers & Richards; read first arid second time and referred to the Coni--tn it tee on Indian Affairs. A company Of Chicago capitaliitst with ex-Governor. Beveredge, of I1H--nois amongst the number, are about to take charge of arid develop some of the numerous ricfr mines in tha' Black Hills', near Prescott.- The wooden portion of One of the storehouses-at the QuarJcrmns-rVr's de pot, Yuma, says tha Sentinel, is to b taken down and moved to Maricopa, where an agent is nfrendy stationed, and supplies for Northern Arizona wilf be delivered by the K. R. Ce. at that ilace.- A fiet'itinn asking for daily" mail from Prescoit to the end of the . rail way in Utah is being circulated and generally signed. It will be of vast I benefit to the commercial and general- business interests of Arizona if thn' petftion is granted and the service put on at once. Sylvester Mown', at oA'e time a Lieut, in the L". S. Army and enf the Mowry Silver mine. Sierra, Col orado, Pima county, has been ad judged insane and sent to the Xupa (Cal.) Branch Insane Asylum. Mr. Mowry was a promising young offi cer 20 years ago.- He is now a poor" lunatic. .Through fares from Tursorr to San Francisco are as follows: First-class, $80; secoud-cfass, 70; third-class,-$00. Miner Joseph Ii. Walker, Sheriff of Yavapai County, went out to the Peck on Tuesday, accompanied, hy Deputy Sheriff Pierce, anil Wm. Hardy.Snpcrrntendent.for fhe piV'rpi of taking poseession of the mine and mill under an order of Court Com .missioner llargrave. They were re sisted by armed force and were un able to take possession Those lifid ing the mine claim to be doing-so by an order of Judge Porter, of tie 2nd District, who, it is asserted, is acting outside of his jurisdiction. A brother of 3. L- Fisher of Tres cott was drowned at his home on the 4 inst, near Victoria, British Colum bia. Miner A small barn on a raeant lot bclonjring to lion. J. G. Cambell, from some cause became ignited re cently, and was discovered just in time to extinguish it before doing any harm. In this building w stored several kegs of powder which would had they become ignited, hayp. Caused much injury to properly adjacent thereto and espec ialy the county indigents, who are quartered in the adjoining house. A report is in circulation that Johnev MeXeale, the friechler, had ilied at Maricopa a few days since. We think and hope the report is untrue.