Newspaper Page Text
THE PIIQiXIX HERALD. A KM l-h;MKi t: i t T 1 OK. rdursJaj-. May AH. 1S7U. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Meeting 7o-mcrrcw io Consider ihe Same, Nig hi A Hireling is called for tvinnrrow evening at 8 o'clock in 1 lie Court House, for the purpo-nj of forming joint stock companies, for the con struction of a liotc-1 anil the improve ment of iiio jilaza. The ii!e:t is that f Jmljje Porter who lias carefully canvassed both propositions and feels f-ertain that llicru will bono ('ifliculty in carrying both objects to a success ful completion. Every person who ; li.ts an interest in the welfare of this city in earnestly requested to be prcs- ; -nt :it the mecJiiijj and Ux'.k over the j matter. The following plan hns been j suggested for the hotel proposition .- j Tlie incorporation i.f a company, sell ing slock and the building on some suitable location of a two-stiTr hotel, at a cost of about $10,0:W. The build ing could be easily routed to an expe rienced hotel man. and we have no doubt but every room would be c:i aged long before in completion. J ich an enlei prise has long been ner.lo.l in tliis city, and too much haste ennriot hs displayed in taking hold of the matter and pushing it to a "iicceasful terminal iou. 11 liiis is not done now. our citizens will Jind to itieircost that cur proirres will fill tier much, ."since the constructio f the railroad, our city has bren vis ited by men ofcapital seeking invest ment. They find the lodging houses tilled to overflowing and are com pelled to hunt around town for a place io sleep. The result is they go away disgusted. I'nrenix wants a ho ld and mast have one. For the improvement of the plaza i suggested the incorporation of a Pari; Association, Sxinjr the fee at lti anil monthly (itiBii ol 1. A liosra of Trustees would have clis.rge of the; work who would appoint a Superia- tendent. Secretary and Treasurer. The Superintendent would have charge of the improvement, and need be the only one t receive compensation. The plaza at a very little expease, could be transformed from its present unsightly condition to a thing of beauty. I5y all means attend tlie meeting at the Court House to mor row evening. TOWN AND COUNTY. Chew Jackson's Dot Sweet Xavy Toliacco. ! Work is progressing rapiiiiy on E. ' Irvine cV (.'o.'s r.fw ricihliug. vliici. ' wiien comnhted will be the finest in ! Phienix. I If j-cni want Hii! h:a ls. T.' lter-heads ' CirU. I)odgirs. etc. I'lii-'.Ai', call at' tiie JoU Kooms. E. Irvine & Co. w.-iv.'! yesterday : a large coiisiirnmeiit of lumber from : the mills of (i. V,". Curtis, 1'rescott. i For building lumber at bed-rock prices, address Clipper Mill lumbe- Com panv, i'res':ilt. Good bath tub for sale inquire the Posoriice. Our streets, "during Monday find 1 Tuesday, were unusually alive with ! team from Maricopa atid Prescott, i tiuloadiii" frei'dit tor our merchants. I tuite a number passed through town j to time ia the columns of The Ilm; lor th". mining districts nurih. i ald. Last Saturday evening a band of stoc.k. the property of J. M. Castena d: of this city', stopped over night at AguaJ'ria station, on their way to 'I'onto Basin from Mohave reunify. There were a! o ft 1)00 head of cattle, and 200 of horses, sheep and goats. The grazing around that section is unsurpassed anywhere. We have just received from M. Gray, 117 Post street, San Francisco, an exquisite llltle ballad entitled Grandfather's Home. It has simple, heartfelt wortls, wedded to a mslodv that lea res a lasting impression on ; iiiu uf.iiei ; mat niiags io incmiiui inc gi-ou oui iiiiiu sonss, 1 1 ni ijaKen Bucket, Old Kentucky Home. Lily Dale, etc. Mr. Gray informs us that his California sons:. Where is Heaven V I has caught the fever of popularity in : tie Kastern Stat'-s. which means" or-1 ders for from 100 to oOil cotu-s a da v. ! j-iiner ol iiiesii twri pieces will mailed on receipt of S cents. be PERSONAL. Gen. Wilcox is exected in town to morrow. Judge Silent passed Omaha on the 19t!i in. st. Mr. Calderwood, of Agua Fria sta tion is in town. Cant. Eagan, I". S. A., arrived in with Fort McDowell. I nomas Cordis, V. S. Internal Rev- ; e.occ. cnue Col 1-ctor, arrived from Prescott ! A .s'iO.000 fire occurred last Snlur on Monday. He is looking after ; day in ' the V.'nssau Lii:eed Oil Lncle Sam s l-lerest. I .lames Stewart, superintendent, of; ii!mcr, Salisbmy it Co.'s staae liin-s, ' passed through on last night's coach!' ' bound for the railroad. Thos. M. Cash, special freisht agent I for the Southern Pacific railroad," a-, rived from the north last evening and i will make a short stay in Plumix. j .I.F.Chittenden, front California,! called on us Monday. He contem- plates establishing a imsiness here of I manufacturing plows, and other farm- i ing implements. j J. F. Xesmith, of Portland, Ore-' gon arrived by private conveyance i from Yuma. He has gone to" visit the Tip-top mine, in "which he is largely interested. j Farmers and Builders. And all persons wanting Building lumber at Bad Rock prices, call on or address Clark it Adams. Jt Prescott, A. T. For Wale. fir wilt exclian'."! for 1 -v arid fllo-id Poland -Maree f'i-. r.c Walker. California. Ai,. sin; JJjcalues. latpure al i'li ;;v :i i .-. ' T'-n:::. Per" i hv Ii. I) r yf -i ri- i-"c:a ix; GLITTERING GOLD. Many Tons Containing the Awaiting Reduction. ame Cautiou3 Cushsnbery at Work on tho Vulture. A reporter of the Htii.u.d returned last evening from a vUit to the north- eusieru portit'3 of Maricopa county, and learned from Messrs. Cusheubenr and l.ourdwell, the following infor mation regarding the property of the Central Arizona Mining Company. The mill will be locate ! on lue vet bank of the ECasuyatiipa. at the Iowa of Seymour, 48 miles northwest ;! Phcsnix. The mines are nine miles west of the mill, and fourteen miles south of Vv'ickenburg. Mr. Cu-hen-bery did tiie first work on the Viii lui in ac.i new returns in IS70 to again work;!. Millions have been extracted lro::i it, and it long since ceased to be a prospect but i:; a we!! -1' developed mine. ie (Joe i- w--)ri:- 1H2 15 3. leftt, cat: tunnels, arms una inclines in every direction. Ore has beta taken out to a dentil of U0 feet. til us In jvin.' It leet ol ore exposed expos in the main siialt. llv. present are employed and they are engaged in the debris so m to a! room for the birne force i 1 men at leaning out . w wo i king ; that w ill be : employed v. i.en tin Tile ore will average six month's contract jnill sets ready. : JC! rier t n. a! has been -riven i to the Cerro lioitlo Ereicrhting Coin - panv for the haulicg of ore from the , mine to tiie mi!!, the price being rs:3 per ton. Tlie contractors w ill cov- I mence hauling ore June 25th. The S ant ire force a:- the mill numbers 2'2 men. Only five carpenters were at 1 work on Momiav. A tieluv or three ! week lias been ' experienced by the ! non-arrival of l:i,.iber. Yesienl.iv j morning' ox teams loaded with 10,000 ! feet of "lumber arrived, and the bal - j auce en route so no further delay in ' that direction will be experienced. i r'l.-rL- A- A.T j,,,c Pr.-f,.,i t ot-o t-m- ! plviiig 'tue lumber their contract I catling for TJO.KC't leet. ! The mill building is U.sHO and will contain forty stamps. The tirst twenty will be set at work sometime brtween the first and tenth, oi" July, the remaining twenty abotit thr.-e weeks later. The stamps weigh 7o0 pounds each, snd drop SO times per minute, and rich stamn has a cara- city ot two tons every twentv-tour hours. The or" passes from a large bin into two Iilake. rock breakers; thence is fud to the batteries by tisht Challenge ore feeders two auxiilar- , ies indisiiensible to economical ouartz ! milling. Tiie mill is supplied with ' eight llendy cosiecnfrat'cs. O-ity ' twelve men will lie n--::!:.-. ii .. i the entire machinery ot th:; :ni!l. Wiien completed, the entire expendi ture will not be l.-ss thm ?4i),()(.0. II. . io:irdw nil, at tiie firm of Boc.rttweil cc Uoger-', Han I' is superinfendinir the erection of the r.:;!!. Tills eeiiiieriiai: is well known. ' I bavin? trerled nuartz mills in nearly 1 1 crery import-.-L mining district on j ,!!(" coast. lien the null connnen- ces work the company wiil employ ; I not less than iit ; men, while the pres- j i cut lime the entire torcc docs not ex-1 l cced 50. i ! This cnterpris.? cannot but ! sue- j ' cessful. r.nd v. ii! bo nf grr-.-it beneht I to the Territory nt larye. and Marico- , P1 county and th.- town of Pho-nix i in particular. The operations of this j co111 puny will he. watched with inter-! est- ::n wiH ,je chroni led from time MOHAVE COJMTY, A Prospect cf Better ar.c! Her Times. Live- A. Kimble of the firm of Kimble Bros., Signal city, Mohave county, arrived at Seymour, Monday cveninir. i whera that firm have opened a branch store. He informed a IIkkai.d re i porter that limes were still dull at Signal city, but that tilings would be- jor; long tae a uttlerent course ana enliven up. W. A. Fuller has on the road a five stamp mill that will be ore' ed on the Silver Queen mine in Cedar V west of alley, about miles norlh Sit'iial eiiv. About fifteen uien are now ompioved by tlie Com- panv in inakintr tlie mill louimation and building a road, so that no delay wili occur upon the arrival of tlie machinery. He expresses tlie belief that work will soon be resumed upon the McCraekin mine by the old com pany. Mr. Kimble left Sevicour yes terday morning lor Signal. ! d TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Indian Territory is infested with Iawlsss wiiite men. "William Lloyd Garrison died in Xew York last Saturday night at 11 Works, at llrooklvn. ew York. The lire in Watson's I'nited States bondeil ware!ifase in Brooklyn, will result in a loss of nearly a million dollars. Th Catholic Cathedral, Fifth ave nue, ynv York, was blessed last Sun day. The building will hold i ver 111, 000 people and hns cost so far, .-i.ii0il.()J0 and sd'iO.UOO wiil be re quired to furnish it. The Whipping Post hns hern re vived in Delaware. One while and iire colored prisoners were publicly whipped last Saturday at XeneasJe. The strike, of longshoremen still troubles Nv York shippers. Frederick Billings, formerly of Cal ifornia, has lie -ii elected President of the -Northern Pacific Railroad. The wool market in Boston, la st week, footed up to nearly 0,000.000 pounds. Gen. Grant kaves Yokohama for San Francisco irwout the latter part of June. Troy Dye charged with the murder of A. l Tuilis, near icrauionto. has been pronounced sane, and v.iil be liangr mo;.-jw. 2URG AND SEYMOUR. :ess snJ Prospect Tv,3 Towns. oi inec: Armed with a bundle ol sauinlo ; copies ofTuE EliutAt.o ttlie only semi- ; week!' in Arizona), and a receipt ; book, our lightuiuir canvasser left i last Sunday morning for a trip to Seymour and Wicke.iburg. The first named piac? is -ly miles northwest of Phii-nix and was reached in eight hours in one of the Ihoroughbrace j wagons of Gilmer, Salisbury x. Co. This town has its bitili in the com- ' ; meuceuiL'U'. of tim erection of the j mill of tlie Central Arizona Mining j ' Company. At prtsent it can poll j ; fi'ffy votes, but inside of the net six month j ne bespeak lor it a popuht-; i laliou ten times tui.t number. It is 1 named al'lrr J. M. Seymour, treasurer ; ! of the above named company. Most of the people there are lroiu ti?nal ;ci; . Three Ltre';, three saloons two i hotel's, oni restaurant, two laundries, 1 one butcher s'.iop. one blacksmith i shop, one barber and feed yard coin ' prisu the business portion of the com- m unity. ! l. r.-na-a oi uns cay iiks h store in charge ot Ed. Kirkiand. A ! lent is now used as a place ot luisi nes. but lumber used in i mi Id in is on hand to 0i I.. Levy of this city h:is the Pio neer to-.-j in a large name building. Levy also acts as postmaster liniii one is appointed : petitions lor two par- ties having been sent in. Kimble Uros. linisli 1he list of store?. They are occupying a large : aaobe tut.. ,::ig. shinglf) rowi.tue projv ; ! erty of Brown & Daniel of Fhienix; , j Goluwater of lVtscott is putting up a i building for a store, that will be ready i ! lor occupation ia a few weeks. ! ! John Cociy is running a large, hand- j i some saloon and is doing a good busi-i I ness. liu has one of the liuest billiard i j tables in the Territory. Charlie Tor-j ry of this place is tlie mixologist. j I Conger James, in the same line ( ' of business, are directly opposite, i Their billiard table is an excellent: ! one, never having bem unpacked be-I ' fore. Tilev lire well Tiatronil'i d ' i iiouenburg o.' n ebcr have a place fartlier up the street. Charlie Webber j runs the eslabli.-iiint-ni. llis paid, ! Cits, remains in I'rescott. j G. A. Strickland of Williamson j 1 allej', is running a hotel. His pre- ! cnt quarters are but temporary. Lum- ; ber is expected daily for the erection i I of a permanent hotel. Owing to the i presence of the senlh r sex. every- tliinrr is neat andciean. Tiie location is next the pioneer slore. Mi. Strick land lately removed '.'rem William son Valley, where he kept hole', and is well known. Mrs. i'ach wood, of Mohave, keeps the other l:::'ol. -'. c- !o.-::ted at the 'iivelv? his iiiou jo a leeii yaid and : corral adjoining, where those wish- ' ing a riding animal to visit the mine . can be ;:c--imiiio luted. j A heathen Chinee is also doing a 1 small business in t'la restaurant "line. 'i'hcf.e people have moiiorrnhzed tiie undry business here as w ell as else ' w.iere J- -del. :o;m smith shop in is lit'.ilding ! the li.irthern . black part of n-wii. A. H. Prtp'c is supplying t'lepeo- pie with fresh meat , -dotiat is run- ning the shop. Eritz Brill fiirnishes Ihc vcgetablrs from his ranch some nine miles to the no; Ui. lie makes regular trips and has quite a trade, evcra! buildings are in course of construction and strangers arecontin- ualiy arriving and tlie luture is very bri'-bt for tiis section. Wiekenburg, twelve miles to the north is slill there, in all its ancient glory, which is about nil that can be said about it. It is the base of sup plies for the Vulture mine and other locations ni that section. At this i point is a postoilice, express office j and an oflice of tiie military tele- ! graph, and will no doubt, upou the in- j crease of mining operations in that . j section regain some of its former im- j j portanee. There is one store, two sa- j loons, laundry, and boarding bouse. I I Henry Wiekenburg still lives on his j ranch just outside of town, where he i has resided since tsij:;. Mrs. Hamil j ton keej'S the stace station, and trav- er can be assured that an excellent. meal awaits them at this point. j XKW ADYKKISEMKXTS. I C, 5 w. 1 1' ". v 6 u a Stc.ln. fr. orv.vr of Ti: l t'lickskin n the h.-'le n ll the southeast liL'hr of Mav 7. lark", lt'coa- I' l. on l : lr.arki-d n.-l the f lne pair o) ilts s'-t in u-r. in th.: simae of lir amrlhvsl !crvr bullous, s in r:u i." A piece of C'llth" I' li i;lu.:n. A huiich of keys ilv-six dollars in coin. For i sl;:r. One wirii f:ar p'?.r miin's :ol;i w:; .unl aooitt tv r-'ti:rn i f Ih. proi.--iv to the IIr:i:.T.r of. wiil lie paid. ;md no qaeslious ukuJ. For Sale. ( 5 "a ACKFS JlKSKIiT I.AXO FOR )!r r rif(. Ii.qi.ire of E. Lo rinc, at Kxpn-ss C':!ice. hprirr Sale. )Y VIRTt'K Of- AS KXEf'fTIOX I5S- ! a Rt;i of tim Ilistri.rt Cn'i't of the Seennd .Ti:(iii'i;,l JHio riet in and lor the county I of .Ma iot ii, itnd Teriiniry of Aristna, in the ; ni: of Miirnel I.. I'era'ia n'r.i'itiff. and Jerainst ! T. Iloaa-and (tenri-e II. Kimh!e. rartnra do- in; leiinef-s on Ipr ilia lirfn nanif and Jv!e of jiie A-izi.n.'l .Mining and smeltine AVerl s : !np:oiv itfeiiilii!it5. dn! r tested April loth, ; A. 1. IS7':l. I hr.vo levied iii'.tn lh fo lowing j dfferib..! proprry of s i: 1 def ndants. to-wit . I I'nfpvide.t oTiP-'hlrd loi nf la:lintrs known us j th. Vii'mre taintf1; lirelc furr.nee ; tot rf biiek. 1 Pro more or lss; I. r i f elmrcoal; lot of . lnml-er, e- us'stinir of Mpiare li;-,hrri seantlin'r, I iioard. A-e. a.01.0 f. et. more or less ; section i sbi j rle n.olii'r; thre twear ironi f ir turnare; ; nt'c piee" boiler ir:n; its jda-f.nm F.i'ei. ! il'aiib:.n'si-;; one a.y eealei;; oue grindstone t ore windlass; i nn elttek. l'ublifi notice ia hereby piven that on Jlonrtay. t!i Ifitfi J)ay " Juno A. I. JST'l. at t'l o'elock on r'-ar ilay, in the lon n ftf I'lioo-ix. ni'iTity if M:oicopa. Terri-lir-if Arizrioi, I wilt 11 pit tlie ritrbt, title at.d interest of fi;ii.I I). H fnf end lleo.-jre TI, Kimhle. the lef,-ndnnts in Hie abov.3 deseiibed pr(-ertv. at jnibMe miction, for carh. to the l.ia'To1! bi Iier. to satiety hTid execution , or to u.och tijorcof a, may h. Tlrs "31 cay of Mny, 1&7;1, Coun'y of Maricopa. Arizona. V. s TPOM'.S. SLeriSr. E. T. i; .T--!!.',se.v. Hrpuly. miscellaneous. T li!'.m:ilion:il iioti'l. J4 auil SJG JL Street. ban Fra!Ka,:o. fil.Co p.nd SI. 50 W-i- tiny. 11. t . rminiee. I'roprletor. T-vo Coui'yrd co:u.ln3. wilh the nuiae of the i ill ulvriiv" lie ill wailing at tbe taadm to convey passfiijiera to the Hotel life. i,v sure you gel into the right coach ; ii you do Lot. ihey will charge von. tin T T Kmw nrd Caps. Whole- JlX sale aud Keiail s o. 15 Kearny st reel. Cm San l-'raucisco. 1 Hi.-k-' Co. 'rHclical Kook Binders J and Itlank Honk Manufacturers. Ni .!:- c'trfy slrcel. Monti-orncry. Saa Fran-ris-cu. lilsiik buokri ruled, piinted and bound to order. tin Berrv Jl- I'lue-'. importer bmI Dealers ia Mining Ensjiiii'S. Saw MilkJ. Steam Pumps. Portable and Stationary Eiiine. Slump ViiUa. .ir ConiTiressors and Rock Drills. Vood and Iron Working Mr?chlner-. e-t'.-.. fie. Catnioaue ent uu application. Market s'.rjel. head of Front street. San Francisco. em L. lih.iu. I. D. S.. Dentist. All branch- of ti:' Itental art done in prior;-;, and satisfnotioTi irtmrnTiteeil. SontU 'ves! cirar of Thinl and Varkiit street. Kniratic-! Xo. H Third street and 7U3 Market strfft. Siiu Fran isoo. tin "Va.-lecuii A" C. Iuiuor lers ard Af flnnfjip- : 1" turer. of Jleti'j Fur: rnihiutr Goods. ' oi.: and t Kearr.v Ktreet. corner of Market. ! an t ancisoo. siurls readr made and made order a specialty. 3m B. & J. S. DOE, WhoU-aie aLd Retail Dealers in DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Sash Weights. Sash Cords. Pniles. 4c. 4-1. 4t and S Market street. San Francisco. Cnl. Seatl for Catalogue of sizi: and prices. ?m .ELO.C'S r.'URSEFIIES, Los Angeles. Cal. The Larc"st ?nrl flost Conplo'e Slock Seml-Tropicai znd Northsrn of Fruit Trees, Evergreens, SHRL'ES, FLOWERING PLANTS, ROSES, &C. V-ead for ('iitaioerH aud Price List. Frc'j to ali on ; 1'1 uaTioa. 1'res ihkI l'l:u:t depot free .f tLur;' ted and delivered at 4ui 3. CARLLIS & CO. Wholesale and Kelail Dia!ars iu Foreign end Domestic FRUITS, CAXDIES. XUTS, GROCERIES, ETC. Cloodit C'nrcrully racked Shipped. end 151 Main stre-jt. I.os Annies, Cal. Poftoftice Fox r.0. pico house, Los Angeles, - Cal. Firt-C'laH. JOHN" Ho for folazatzal ! I The tinder-icned ha opened a .tore at the j "Mazntziit mines and mill, where can be i foaud a full assortment of (.KOCERIE8 & PROVISION'S . . . .ALSO. . . . MIXERS' OUTFIT, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES. i Cive nif u call nd see for your- solves that 1 A T Pitic i: s Thai will prrvpnt vou from jroing to Ic DowcII or Vcrdc. C. M. CLARK. Notice to Farmers Persons deeirinE: to purchase machinery of any kind will do well to order the same through J. A. SMITH. Agent. for Frank Brothers. We are ready at short notice to furnish Mowers, Reapers, Headers, Separators, Engines, etc., 4sd to gl'. lilac c; i the Fame. J. A. E,iiiitla. GOLDMAX & CO. iffy Thousan - Assorted Merchandise Jdst Received at the Huge Establishment; DIRECT FROM THE E 1ST, and especially selected for this Market Mr. A. Goldman, comprising : Latest Novelties in Calicos, Dress Goods, Shawls and ! White Goods. Latest Styles in Fancy and Gloves. Latest Fashions in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Latest Fatterns in Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Latest Designs in Boots And, in fact, everything desirable for Ladies, Gen tlemen, Misses, Girls and Boys The Whole Stock Has Been Purchased for Cash, AXD "WILL OUR PRICE LIST Will be found in the Store, where wc shall be pleased to show everybody that we are SELLING SO LOW That Competition Becomes ah Impossibility. Yours Truly, GOLDMAN & CO.h Dollars Worth OF OF Goods, Underwear, Hosiery Hats. - and Shoes. BE SOLD AT For Casl ii MISCELLANEOUS H. Morgan & Co. Washington St., Thoenix -AND Morgan's Station on the Gila River Importers and Dealers in Groceries and Clothing, Dry Goods, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, .Sec. At prices to suit the times 0E0. E. LORING, Dealer fu rocenes PKOVISIOXS, FRESH NUTS AXD CANDIES. A Large Assortment of FLOCK ou Hand. 'The Finest Brflnds of Domestic and Imported CICARS and TOBACCOS In the City. In Wells, Fargo d- Co't. Etprets OJfieei Washington Street, at of the Court Hoxtte. asnters CHEAP Cash Store- Removed to th Walters Untitling: on Honieffl ma Street, next aor to tL Printiiig Office. Tba Attention f the Public is called to mf well elected toe It of DRY GOODS, CLOTttlXG. BOOTS tc SHOES, GROCERIES. LIQUORS and PROVISIONS Whicb I propose to sell dn the XAvm and T.e4 Live principle. A rord .o tbe wie in Kufll- cient. JTMIS MAMTEK. Montesnma Street one door uboTe the ilEB- alu Office. E. CERMAIN & CO. Forirardins and ('nmmi)aloit Merc li ants. MARICOPA - - - A. t The citizens are informed that & large Lumber Yard has been eslnblished and the bes CALIFORNIA LUMBER Kept for sale. Semi for Trie t.lst. Y. V. STRF.KTER, Contractor and Builder! ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK Nostlj- Executed. Plastering and F retroeing Cnrrful'y and )) ell jJone. OrrtiT left with Linvillo Wilcr prompt- lv attcntleti to. fsy-Thc Nsiional Gold .Modal was award ed to Braillov A nplofpon, for Ihe bwl Fho- graphs in tbe I'nited SiaicK and tho .'icDiia Modal for the rtt'pt in tbe world. :n Jloatiomer--- ilrcct. fat 1'tii.ciito.