OS Corner of Washington and Center Streets. "SHj PeralfBp P 6 T K 1 f R n iiio rmTTsrr?5 lli The Largest, Best and Most Complete Stock in Every Department, Ever Brought to Phoenix. Immense New Stock will Arrive This Week Fresh from First Hands, Bought Expressly for This Market, AND SELECTED "WITII GREAT CARE. Great Reduction in Prices in All Departments. Agent for the Celebrated WHITE Sewing Machine! THE PHOENIX HERALD MEMI-WEEKLV KDITIO, Wednenday, May XS. 1879. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Indian Jack vras lianerd at Shasta, Cal., May 23d, for the murder of a CJkinaraan. It is reported that Vice Prcsiden "Wheeler is troubled with extreme nervousness and 6lerplcssness, a dis eace that killed (jrreelev. The government's proposals will probably be adopted. The landed interest is now urging the protection ot wool. - Tror Dye, sentenced to be haDjred May 23, had a violent attack and beat and kicked his wite in the most cruel manner while visitinehim In theccll The keepers had some difficulty in controlling him and getting tne wo man out. In the election vesterdav of Sevd witz (Conservative) President of the Keichstag, the Liberals abstained troni voting. Of 204 votes cast Seydwitz received 195. This vote, it is behaved, must be taken as an indi ration ot the future course of the Reichstag for a period which 'would be rash to set limits to. An official dispatch has been re aired by the Minister of War an nonneing nn engagement between the Turkish troops and the insurgents at Perlasia. Thessaly. The Turks lost 450 in killed and wounded, and the insorjents 70, including their leader. Twothousand underground conduc tors will be laid in New York city by September, doing away with the use of 15,000 poles. The wires will be insulated in oil pipes, according to Brooks' method. To test how long a line will work with this system, Jer sey City and Elizabeth City will next be connected witn pipes lull oi on. In the German Reichstag yesterday Bismarck made a two-hours' speech in support of grain duties. lie trove to shew that the imposition of duties by bettering the purses of the agricultural class would rrive an nn jvttus to industrial activity. England, France, Jjeltrium and the ether- lands were cited in proof thereof. Bismarck disclaimed all intention of peeking to increase the imperial ex chequer by a corn tax. All he de sired was justice to his long-sufferintr countrymen by removing to the fron tier in the form ot consumption duty a part of the direct taxes. The de bate was adjourned until iruiay. The New York Times says: The ew Senator from Oregon (Slater) has undertaken to "regulate" the Chinese in America. He brought his whole mind to the study of our treaties with other nations, and to that of the Rurlingamc treaty in particular. Krom this research he has emerged with the conviction that foreigners in this country are in possession of too Many privileges, and that the Chinese nay be lawfully excluded from all privileges not gnmted by treaty to subjects of "the most favored na tion." Slater accordingly proposes to exclude them. There is a novelty about this which suggests the tresh ess , of Oregonian forests. The Chinese are to be put on a level, so far as privileges are concerned, with subjects ot other foreign powers. It will surprise our fellow-citizens to learn that they have been governed Uy Flahertys and Muldoons in defi ance of treaty stiplutions. The New York Tribune says: Cal ifornia could support 50,000,01(0 peo ple without crowding; indeed, if as denselv populated as Holland, she wuld'hold nearly 200,000,000. It re quires not less than 10,000,000 merely to develope her resources. It is not, tttefl.se much a question u-liat the CUiiwae will do as it is what Califor nia will 'do, ami especially how some of her worthiest enterprises will es cape frommlarnfsnient. Those who talk flippently f "overcrowding,, should reflect "iij.on the fact that all the tnhb1tanls of the globe could raud 'oar Long Island in New York State, and each have ten feet of land. This is a curious comment on our institutions, this talk of expelling iiia, merely because they work too tmrd ami' too cheap, from a country where not one acre in ten has evi-r )mn fenced' in. nor U9 in tweuiy iWl!4 by the "iftiTT- I LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. E . MAYER, PROPRIETOR. (Late J. D. Monition's.) Washington Street, Corner of Cortcz. HAVING PURCHASED TTIE STOCK of Horpep. Bilgcies. Ac latrly in use in rbi ptnble, the present proprietor will add to it the BEST OF HORSES And Most Elegant Turnouts. Hay and Grain Always on Hand and For bale, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL TTnrsps hnnrrb'H hv tht rlflv week or month, at reasonable rates. satisfaction guaranteed. Clipper Mill Lumber COMPANY. Frescott, - Arizona. TTAVINO PURCHASED THE INTER JA est of J. (i Wiley, we have refitte4 tbe nnnve mills wim new sawn and machinery and are now betlar prepared than ever to turn MB ail ftiuas oi Merchantable. Clear, Fencing, Rus tic and Surfaced, Matched Flooring, Beveled Sid i n e. Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Mouldines, &c, at BED ROCK PRICES. Get onr price before? ehasinr eluewker. Ofcae carxer Cortex and jtiodwin streets. (i. R. PARKER, F. G. PARKER. Fresh Milk. IS DELIVERED BY THE rXDBRSIGXFD to c ii torn era in Phenix and vicinity daily, liar intra large dairy three miles north of town can luinisn Milk FrfNhfr and Sweeter Th an can be dune by keeping- your own cow G'.ve me a trial Orders left at the Postoffice Will Receive Prompt Attention. W. L. OSBORX. CARPENTER SHOP. CUMMIXGS & LOWELL, TTAVINO FORMED A COPARTNER hio in the Carpenterinc RnHinera, are prepared to attend to nil work in their line. Coffins made to order on short notice. Shop on Montezuma Street, opposite the Herald nice. :i-tt SEEDS! FRESH A.M TRI E TO X AM K. TTTE will send the ftl1owlnc needs, pout paid, ' on rncwft of price. Remit by Pofrtuflice Order or Postage Stamp: Beets, per oz 10c. Parsnips, per x.-liV. Carrot, per oz j Radish, per oz. . . . 1N. ahbujre. per oz. urwsJNpinneu per oz.. . (w. ttiicc. per oz I:.' Turnip, per oz- ... 1le;. Onion, per z Ifx:. ; Tomato, ier oz 2a. Alio, in 10 petit paeke. all varieties of- Ve( la !. K lower Hd Tree Sed. Send fr r.ce J'-M. I IIO.MAS A. i ns ,v t u lOT-ilowartlt itre'j !"?n Fratroi AGENCY OF THE Bank of Arizona, rilCEXlX, A. T. TclPRraphic or Sitjht Kxchnnse Drann on ths- Principal Cities or the I'nited States and Europe. II.T, PURCHASE OR MAKE ADVAN- cesonGoid and Silver Bullion. I ern totial and County Ronds and Warrnntn. Dis count Commercial Paper, receive Deposits re jtayable an demand, undertake Collections and transact a general bank in jr nnsmess. Utice hours from i a. m. to 4 p. m. 73tf M. W. KALES. Cash ier ATHA & Co. HAVE OPENED ON Washington street, west of Gardiner's hotel, A la'ge and splendid stack tit General MERCHANDISE Which they offer to our citizens at the lowest pos sible prices. Every one is respectful ly invited to call and exam ine our stock and prices. no!2 Herrick & Lutgerding Are now receiving a mil assornraent of Iron and -Steel Together with a larg-e lot of the belt NEW JEESEY TIMBEE, A nd are prepared to do a geaeral busiess. in BLACKSMITIIING REPAIR WORK. Shop at ibe M stand Frank of Coegreve went of Flour will, where yoa caa ge Anything repaired. . IIore and.?.Urie Shoeing, by the Vtest Veteri aarian in the Territory.. 5-tf mESCOTT. New Saw Mill. Two and one-lialf miles south of l'rescott. Having now completed, and in full operation, my new S;iw 31 ill, I aui prepared to fill or ders for Merchantable, Clear, Surfaced and Rustic Lumber Matched Flooring Casings, Mouldings, Panelings and Shingles OF THE FINEST QUALITY In short, everything in ny line for the construc tion of FIRST - CLASS BUILDINGS TERMS: Cash on Delivery. All orders s?nt by mail, or through the merchants prompt attention. Geo. AY. Curtis. SALT RIVER Flouring Mill. C. II. VKII rrop. The Largest and Best Mill in the Territory. OFFERS FOR SALE ALL THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR In quantities to suit purchasers The fnllnn-lner brands constantly on hand: XXX FAMILY FLOUR (warranted,) A1KA FA.M1I.1 EXTRA SUPERFINE, GRAHAM. CRACKED WHEAT. ALFO Bran. Shorts and 31iddlins. OVECIAL ATTENTION INVITED TO MY XXX Kitmilv Flour. Everv sack of which is fruarniited equal to the heitt manufactured in ihe Territory or mosey refunded, llavina large stock of hand, purchasers n-ill do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. fiFTRICES LOV AS THE LOWEST. IliehrHt Price Paid for 'Wheat. 21 MISCELLANEOUS. RESTAURANT ! Capital Itloek, IMienix. United States rewery. Jefiron Htreet. One Blorlt West ef the Klourlnx Mill. Tb nnblte nrs ri-pectfiill- informed that I nm now iol proprietor of the I'nited Stares Brewery, anil that I am maoufacturiDg a first- claSM quality of LAGER BEER, ALE and PORTER I asfc asbar of: ihe public patronae"- ih. BEllOiR. BEST EATIXG HOUSE Ix The Salt River Valley. Our Tables are always sup plied with the best to be obtained in the Market. Polite Attention Paid to (ineMtf 8 C. Salari, Prop'ii THE Chicago & North -Western KAIL W A Y , The fSreat Trnnk Line Trom the Went to Chieaico and the l-iat. It is the oldest, shortpst, most direct, con renient, comfortable and in every re!ieot the b'-st line you can take. It is the jrreat-at and grandest railway orga nization in the Uiiited States. PULLMAN HOTEL CARS auk hits alone hi IT THItOLl.Il I'.KTWtEN Council Bluffs & Chicago. Chicago ISo other road rum IMillman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between tbe MiHuouri Kiver ad Chicairo. PASSKX in K K H 4-OI; EAST shtn)(i bear in tuiud that this is the Best Route to AXD ALL POIXTS EAST. Insist that the Ticket Atrent selln von tickets bv the North-Western Itoatl. Kxittiiine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over this Koad. All Airents sell them and check usual batr- gratTP free by this line. i nronsii J K kptu ia this Koute to nil Eastern Poiots can be procured at tbe 'entral Pacific Kail roa l Ticket Office, foot of Market s reet. and at 2 New Monipoinery sireft. San r ratictsao, and at all Coai-on Ticket Otlices of the Ceutml Pacific Rnilnad. mauvi.v nroiiiTT, General Manairer. Chicago IL STENNKTT. vol-3no 1 General Pafsener Aent, Chicago W. G. LEROY, MAXUFACTUEER OP Artificial Lioibsl and Iefcnnt Ap- a f.r Cbib Fcol, Pow Legr .Spinal i'urvatur, Shorten, ed Limb, Hip Disease Weak .Itiints. &.. and Klastic Storkinc1. Support ers, Trusses. Crutches. Ac. A new and saperior Sns pennory bandatfe, prine, ??-J-new elnstic Tnics. 5- v Cnn b sent bv mail. ART) rT C1A M.I'M Its and Al'PA ItATt'S can bo made from measiirentunt Send ibr 3feas4ire blanks with in strif tions, or for Catalogue A." Addre-s tr i i.h:noY. N-.rtheatt Corner of t'l-rk and -.Madison Sts, 0 t-'Ul'i'AtiO. IISCELLAXEOX'S. JOE POIIEII, THE TAILGR. 203 Montgomery Street aud l&i Third Street. ifrtken the Best Fitting CLOTHES In the C;ty. Kin price in French (ioortsi are lower than any thcr Merchant s'nilor for canli. iloncst DoaHinr. Prompt Attention, vith a IVrfect Kit. -nil liiu workmnn- hio ipiiTirnnteed. iclhi mottoct. I.mi of I'riresi American oodjt: Pants, from 00 Suits, from 20 00 Dooskin PantK, fro?3i 7 00 Overcoats, from 1" 00 Vests, from 3 '-'0 No. 2s Montgomery utreet. (Knsh Iilock). and Utl Third ctrcet. Sua KrnncifC.i. Saniplei and Kules for Self-Measure ment pent to anj- address. Mm The Bradshaw Mountains IS OVR PLACE Or BUSINESS. DON'T GO TO rescott- For we will sell you goods RIGHT AT YOUll CAP.IX DOOK FOR LESS MONEY ! Than you can buy lit l'rescott and transport them home. MISCELLANEOUS. Marcus C. Hawley & Co. Importers ulid Di'alrrs ia Hardware and Agricultural IMPLEMENTS. Sole Agents for Boston Belting Co's Rubber Goods, Schnttlrr Wncrnii. -Oold Medal" Thrhr, -J'lTpt'tnnr' llnv l'i !!!.. --Kft-nlmor M'intI Mill-. "Htiikeve' Mowersj, iltlilies rjrul I'ane'n Iletiilen. Rltm it'T"t. ?ift mitl Korre Pumpt. l)prreV liaii-; PIiuvk, !rl ntimt NtiilK. Kncle File. Ameiicnn Srrew Cnnipntty. !. ,t F. C'orliinV LiH-k. A. Kteltl" stn'. l acKK. r.tc, htc. Etc.. Etc. 3IH. Sit!. :;ir,. r,iir mid " Market freet. rtirner Iteale wlreel. Sai FranriwetK N. 4:1. 45nnd 47 J Htreet. Sner- lneutti. 3m Boswell's Family Fruit-Dryer. Op"ratl by lrn-ct;d llfat. CAPACITY 500 Ike IfiSllla jj!aiit A fhap aui imidy ilrymc hint, wihtn ib armr nnl tmi "air. with whtrh hy on tlr th-lr r'ruita t hnno. i'h 'r hne nt Tery sm&U (pn. Price $75. Wc have depots at Gillette, Tip-Top and Tec District. Mining Men take Notice ! And save the bother of packing. The Loss cn Time, and Actual Cash, by buying of A DRES & ROWE. FLORENCE Feed and Livery Stable. J. V. WILSON, Proprietor. The Oldest ami Itowt Known Sta ble iu Florom-e. ITinriT tkifi bv nr.n.KCTru hent. when inrfwrtly rip, will rain frwnt Hi to 4C prr cnt. iu wfiifht ant 30 rwr nt in nA)tw, uTr any orhnr mtliCMl; hftHlM ihw ntire flavor and nutriment ar retaia4. All kinds ot f.uits twriiws. raisin. -wfm lilea, corn, grn. (KiflTfo. tilAw, meat Ask. etc.. can be Uf?fftAfilJy b jod in hm B0SWELL COMMERCIAL FRUIT-DRYERS. That will dry from l.OOO to 4.MMf rOI'IN. Furnislud to order at currespondiagljr Uw rnteit. A Ibi Jiostceir irfffrr CMK'r Sakerr Clothe itnd Kntit-Dryer ('iinib'nwl for family m. In warm weather, rlii-n fOiik ti(f or drying, th heat and odra can hr- mi1 olTthnui(a the fll: and ia cnhl weather the hent cau he reifNlotfil erealv throiiirlioiit the house. AVill dry and b'aar'le itli-s in half an hour, and heat the irons. Keqiiirei but nne-third the. quantity of fnl ued in anv otlier heatinir appatatu. Ad- dre far denoriptive rirnilars ItoMwell Pure Air Ilrateri'o G06 Montg-omery .St., Snn Francisco. Cal. DR. SPINNEY, NO. I I, KEARNY STREET, Treat all Chronic and W per I at DiNCUMen. YOlTNti MEN "llHO MAY JtK KrKFERlXa FROC the effcr of youthful follies or indis cretion, will do well to avail themselves ef this, the grentet boon evr laid at th nttar f ufTerinir humanity. UK. FINNEY will g-uuraiitee tit lerfeit r(H for every case HfioinHl wenknt-M or private diseae of any kind or character which Le uudertakea and .uils to cute. MirDDLK-AOKD MEX. There are many at the aire t thirty V sixty who ure tmnhled'wtth too frequent evacuati of the bladder, often aoHinn.ed by a slirht Kiitartint; orburn.nr sensation, aud a weaknee of the nyntem in a matin r the atient rannt account for. tn examining the urinary de poKits a npy nedimeot will often be (t-und anl oinerini mull iariilts ot albumen ill appear, or the color will be of a thin milkUbi hue. npiuss chanffinir to a dark and torpid aj pc.:uance: There are many me who- die this diflir vlty irnorunt ot the earee. which ia he seconds stage of seminal wea nesa. lr. & . will fftujrautee a perfect cure iu all such eaeea and a heahby restoration of the f eaito-niinary orjrnnst Oflice- Hours 10 to 4 and to P. 8m dsy from lt 11 a. m. Co..ati.thm free. 1 hur- lujfh exauiiuatton and advice. Call ow addiess. I'R mfct Xa. 11 Kearny auwet, fan r rauoiec. TINF.ST I-TVKRY HOnSFS TO I.F-t TY the day, week or month, on most canon able terms. The best of Ptablintr accommoda ti.ms, teed aud care )?iwn stock lefr in m ohHrue. Jlain street' (oppV.ila Guiudaui i. Co . Flvivu-jo.- Seeds, Bulbs, n ... IV- 1 s tyrV uiatl.. Sutl'f-r Catalnr". jc. j. i iu Mitrix & oo.. 419 uud San some St 2S1 0 San Krnnetoo. 't. fSK i. vixKXririto. Growers and lealer in Seeds. Handsomely Illustrated Caleloffiie mailed fre on Hftdxathm. Field. n V .fc..e ami K!ovr neil. Fiuiicifcco; Ual.