Newspaper Page Text
THE PIICEXIX HERALD. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. 3HSCK L L. -IXKVl 31I&CEL LAX KOI 'S. MISCELLANEOUS. gCIII-WEEKkY KIUTIOX, Otftt A McCLINTOCK Proprietors. Matartfay, May Ml. 1H1. The HERALD to-day consists of six pages. OCR L1JIBKIS IXTEREHTS. Sinre the completion of the South ern Pacific railroad to Maricopa, a sort of competition in lumber and other articles geeins to have set in. Xot that we would decry the railroad, for it is a benefit to us and tlie Terri tory al mge. Still there ar it dfs arirantages. The lumber merchant of Sau Francisco, anl particularly three of Ln Augelc?, see a large field for the vle of Uunbcr in this Territory, anil swtiMiy every ende- rr t have the tararf" go to tlicro. So anxious are they to secure this trade they have caused a reduction in the prre of lumber in the hopes that it will be an incentive- for those de- airing to purchase to transmit their orders to their city to lie filled. To "build up a country in wealth and af fluence, is to patronize home itiilus. Iries, and by sodoinjj keep the money in circulation here. To the north of us is a vast timber belt, compris ing pine, walnut, fir, ash, ec., which will take years to diminish. Men brought machinery tlerc years ago, wken it was a wild country, and v. lien Ihejr had to guard their wills with armed men, lest the sa-vage Indian wmild destroy thcn. Tlncy bare fur-ft-isbed this country at rats as low as was possible, and we are confident that they will do by us fairly, and it is our duty to purchase ot them in preference to California, for they are the principal consumers of our products. Our wheat, barley and Hour find a steady market in tlirr re gion. The population of Northern Arizona is larger than that of the rentral portion and is steadily in creasing, ani tlje greater number ther Iwrt-e, tli better and more prosperous we become. Lumher may be pur chased a few dollars cheaper from California, but do we gain by it? Cannot our neighbors buy their bar lev, their flour and other products pe culiar to nis ralley, in California, thus cutting off oar market? These arc things w hicl should be looked ito and not tafc a leap in the dark. Lumber jhi re ha sed in California must be for cash, while that from Prescolt is exchanged, for the most part, in goods; the money is kept here, im provements arc mad that would not fie done if it were sent away; the Country becomes better off by virtue of the improvements, and both the purchaser and manufacturer are ben. efittd. Look to yoni home intercuts, friends. We present to onr readers 10-oay, a large amount of reading matter in our paper and supplement over sev enteen coltmis. Notwithstanding this improvement wfl are still perfecting arrangfjaeirts to bare the IIekald, what it has always been, the mor newsy, brightest and best conducted newspaper in tha Territory. Our business has increased to such an ex tent, that we have been unable to give our readers the amount of reading matter that we desired, but this difli' culty will soon be obviat'd. Tonto Basin in not rii!y a stock grazing region but a mineral district of no mean importance. The Mazat zal Mining Company, is located in the northern portion. This company have a two-stamp mill in operation, and a good mine to supply the ore. The owners, Messrs. Dougherty and Kaymond are practical miners and would not waste their time on any thing that didn't promise well. A number ot other good locations bare lately been mad with good indica tion. It is often said that " men look for wrk, and at the same time wish that it could not be found. Monday last w beard s gentleman who has charge of some harvesting, ask seme fifteen loungers if they would go to work in a harvest field. They replied that it was "too hot." These are the kind of men that say a town is dead an -1 curse the countrr. The law against va grants, if there be one, should be en fere ed. Thk Bulletin has exposed an at tempt of the Chronicle to obtain the names of their subscribers for the purpose of sending sample copies of that sheet during the campaign. The Los Angeles Commercial has been changed to a daily morning pa per. TERRITORIAL ITEMS. The Southern Pacific Railroad has !AbnsJie4 its revised time-table, with lbs "Msritxipa Express" running 4-lrar to ttu Crande, 4o0 miles east of Los Angeles. The Board of Territorial Prison Vmmiioner8 meet at Yuma this af'ernoon. The business bel'o-e it will be the opening of bids for the construction of new cells, and matter relating theieto. The Nfw York etret Railway trike is ended; that of t'le woman 'npestrv weaver in iliggina c Co, frpel factory Hie ,iioiit rnriel Tlif" "lull;: s,ofe!Ht?D iill hold i)ut. Congress will adjourn June 10. Baltimore has a population of oil, -74... The ship Lnckawnnna lias sailed from Cullao to Saicoa. The Republican primaries will be held in Sacramento June T. The New York M'orM thinks that the Darwin Canal will not he built. The Ohio Republican State Con vention is in session at Cincinnati. In Chieaj'O tle assesor has decided that grain in elevators should be as ssed for taxes. A meetinz has bcert held in New York looking toward the oTwnfza! ion of the western praries with Catho lics. There is much opposition in Xew York to the proposed celebration of the hundredth birthday of Tom Moore. A moii numbering 7."i entered the ?akerrteld (Cal) jail last W'epnesday moruing and lyuGhed Thomas and William Yorkum. The President" veto message of tin Legislative Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill was to have been seat to the House of Rcpprcsentatives Wednesday. BY privntn letter from Seymour we learn that water was struck in the company's well at a deptli of seventy-five feet. Great rejoycing was in dulged in. as water was very scarce, and that question was begining to as sume a serious aspect. A steam pump was ordered by telegraph and in structions given to ship immediately. Three months from to day we expect to see this a lively town with plenty of money in circulation and a popu lation of not less than 500 men. M I SCELLAX EO US. Herrick & Lutgerding Are now receiving: a lull asvornraent of Iron and StrrI Tojtthr with a larjre lol of tho bttt NEW JKKSEY TIMBER, And are prepared o Ho a sreneral busiess. in BLACKSMITIIIXG R K P A I R WORK. Shop at the old stand Frank nf Congrore wet ot Flour mill, where you can getanytuing rejaired. Hor4 and Mtrie Shoeinir, by best Veteri narian iat'ue Territory. 13-tt CALIFORNIA BAKERY, ADAMS STREET, One block north of the HitRAi.n Offlce: alo in the raar of Copalaud's Hash and Blind depot. Fresh Bread Always on Hand. RYE AND GRAHAM! BREAD made to order; also P I KS A X I I'A K. KfS. tTricea to suit the tiuica. CARL SCHERRER. (,I-"te of Sau Bernardino.) 88 tl Sc Co. HAVE OPENED OX Washington street, west of Gardiner's hotel, A lapge sad splendid stock rf General MERCHANDISE. Which they ofler to our citizens at the lowest pos sible prices. Every one is respectful ly invited to call and exam ine our stock and prices. S50 Reward. Stolen, from th honpt on the sonthpnst corner nf the plaza, on the ni"ht of May 27, i n nin K-Kiii I'Hir. njnrKi'n "V-iarK . it ron j tined the folio win; artirlt: One pair ot I dimnond ramni'f -et in jet. in the nhape of ! "nr. One puir amethyst plc-ve buttons, t with four pearl in ea-h. " A piece of 'omle- mnn"n L'old watch ehfitn. A bunch of kev , r.rd abnn twTiy-aj- dt)i:r in Ci.ijj. Tor r.i.' return of prnrn-rf" ri the Tlr.jt i.r of. I'ci- th' nhovo r.MV.ird .. ill , p;tiii. and ito , fjne - t!ui a-feed. Arizona Lottery UNDER THE DIRECTION OP Govenor J. C. FREMONT, Territorial Commissioner. Mime i. Oot.pMrTT-n. Irt'tri-Ilt. Bank of Arizona. Tit'anrcr. In neroritnnrp with nn net of th T,p vfi AtfPiblr of Arizttwn 'lVrrifurv. ml tho Proclamation of the 1ovrnor Lsaurtl thereunder, a Lottery! Will be drawn at rrrscntt. A. T., on Wednes day, June 4th, 1S79. Ac of the Iecislature. An at to in the ronstmetitm of Cr"tM BtiiMins'A. and for th unpport of Public Seb4MlF in the Territory of Arizona. Be it enacted by the Lesilative Assembly of Arizoua Territory : Section 1. It shall be lawful for. ami th rieht. power and authority is hprby prantiMl (or the pfriM nf fi'tity yar. trm the Jt dav of fvbmarv to th Arizona Iprl- I opmcnt Cnipn" a corporation organized am! Iexistinir under and oy virtue tf the laws of the Territory of Arizona and it. ajiirn. to , ffive public htterii5. at which, or by man of j whirh nionv m;iy b lawfully ili!""l t be chance, anythinir in the law of tin 1 rriti ry to the eontrnry notn'ithatMndtrir. etc. Nee.. 2. The Governor of th Ter.irorr of Arizona, and hi uecetor in office, and in the vnt of th ar-enee, rlisiualificKtion or iiih of the Governor hi Ijral junstiut i hereby ppintto. a Commi'ioTitT o ni rintnH the drawinir or di-triln:tion of jr!z in ai i lutfr ie anl each of them, and certify to the cor rectness therot. etr. efe. Ko. 3 All lotfrtr drawn under the pro visionn of this (;, hall b drawn in ome public pbtee to b deeiiriiAtefl V y the Cnimi ioner, Iwlwn iht hour of tn o'clock a m. ftnd fire o'clock p. m , ard in a maimer to be approved bv the CTnmiioner. Section 4. . and fi proriite for the collection of ten ier cert, from all priz and the pay I metit of the lame into :he capitol Jiud school I una. i j ! OrtiHralc Trcas j urer. T. Th'inn .1. "Butler. Treasurer of Arizona Ter.'t"rv. hcrehv eertifv tn:it the Arizona ' lie ci'ti-innt ('omjiany hiB ihl day tiled in j i- y filic- i act-ttnncH in writing1 of the act ! ft wliirli the ulMve i copy, and ha a!o : tild it- iny ttic n bond in the ?nn of twenty . th.nw.ti l dol:.n which bond has len mx ' j mv- d bv lo Governor and n Aoite j Jtilic i-l the u- ivnif Court t-f A-isona Ter j rtt.sry. c.n-dit:o d t-r i'F fiithlul perlorti.ance ot the pTOV'nii"- .-f -vl a-t. ! THOMAS .1 Bl"TT.rR. Terrio-tal Treasurer. Precu;t. rcbiuars OOtL. IB'O. Proclamation oftlic Governor. TKHRITOHY OF AKI2n!CA. I j KxrcmvE iJrr'T.. Ft-bruary 'JO. lfo j j I. John C. Fremont. Oove-rtor of the Terri tory of Arizona, ard ev-oftV-o f omiiiioner i to (superintend the drutrinr of lot tori for the I npptrt of the public nclitto' etc.. by virtue of the power arrd nuthority vteo in iue by . law. Ho herety deirnate as the plnee where . the firnt lottery hH be drawn by the Arizona t )vetopment Coin pan v. th Tharr in Pres i eot. the Capital of said Territory of Arirona, and the time when the am hnll h drawn shall be the 4th day of June. 17f. Isetween the bfMir of 10 o clock a. m. and it o rlocK p m Witne my hand and the rrent s-nl of the Territorv of Arizoaa, this 20th day of Febru ary. A. D, le'iO. (skalI JOHN C. FRKMONT, Governor and ex-offteio Lottery Com toiani oner Tlxfirt Totlrry nndr th fnreroinu law will be dranii Mt Ihe Tbentre, in Prt-scott, ou JUNE 4th, 1S79, or jtnnner. if nil th tickt nr oonr ilinpAfied nf n wliirh fKaion tlire will r litriiurfl TMIIJTV E TMttl'SAND TWO JU'N- IRFI ANT) FIFTY" DOLLARS, prizes as tollotrs : One prize ft ....... On iriz- or ... ... .. On prix f(. Tlir-r prizfr of. .... Tn frizes nf . ..... r"itir prizes ot . ...... Svn r.riz of ....... Tn prixrmif ........... Fifiy prizfiof ...... Fifty pnziif. ...... Fifty priz if Oue huudreil prizeit uf...... . 1 -'Hi l.'MK)enh ft) a-h .V0 arh arm rh l.VI ivh 1"0 f'h THE MANNER OF niSTRTRFTION WILL BK AS FOLLOWS: Twlr thousand ulips of leather nnm'wred frm n to twi!re tlnuipand will b ptibliely deposited in a larce frlau wheel which will then be rld and skilled by the lerntnnnl lottery Commission-r. Tito hnnilred and eiirhty-two of leather minihrred in nc- eordance with fh prizes annoi need, will be publicly deposited in a small frlaiis wheel, which will also be closed and sealed by the Territorial lottery Commissioner. A eommitt'e of seven ritizen will be se lected by the ticket holders to examine every fetag-e of the proceeding. Huth wheels will then be revolved in ?itht of tli andierjee, until their conteuts are mixed and thoroughly ininpled. Th seals will then be broken and th wheels npened. nml TWO CHILDREN l-NDKRTE N YEARS t)F AOK will be placed, one at each wheel, and a prizA and a number drawn at he same time. The wheels will then b eled and revolved, and another number ami prize drnwn. and this process repeated until the 2?2 prizes are all drawn. The holders of ticket bearing corres ponding numbers will be entitled to the prize draw a. Only 12,000 Tickets Will be Sold. Whole Ticket 5. Halves, .50. qnartcr, 1.25. Th Bank of Arizona will act s Treasurer, and all moneys received lnm sales of ticket will b dejoited thereto await the d rawintr. l'rize will be paid ten days a?r the drawinir. All orders for tickets must be aet-ompu'iie I by the motiey, which can be sent in Hnnk Orafts on .San Francieo, OerTilit-ates nf Ie psit or Iofu. )!oney Orders, or by Wells, Fiircro &. Co'. Express. Add rem all communications, and make all drafts and money orders payable tt the ordr of ithe Arizona Lottery Copmany, Presctttt, Fe.-(er .iil leffers eontat.ilnp1 dr;;iis or post al "fders. To .ivid IfrtC'T'." t.n no ti. ,:-!! -xf t ot rejfn!.ir.'.it'iifi. but the Truth. New Store And First-Class Goods. M. Castaneda l Has open h' fine toek f firnt-elaw croodg in 1 lue itt'trr formerly Kcii'in m M, Lt. I l'eraltu, of (hi site the IMazu. Our Stock Consists of a Genaral Assortment of Family Groceries, "Wines anil Liquors, CHOCKE U Y AX D QU EEXS WAKK, Glassware, Clothinsr, Bools and Shoes, Hats, Anil Gents' Furnishing Gooils. Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Tinware, Cigars fnd Tobacco, Wall Taper, Etc. "Ve haT ot of Hie hpst anil most rarrfnlty SHleoted ttM-ks ot Fsini-v and l,di Gotwis i" rbafoix. We wnrrivrt the quality ol our jfuods to b whnt we r-presnt thm. ttiireoi.l. will htr sold ns low ns the seme olnis or gooiis ClxD oe purchased anywhere in towu. Call and examine our stock and see that we represent to von nnthine but the facts. J. M. CASTANEDA E. GERMAIN & CO. I'orivardine nnd onimisisiu .tlerchan t . MARICOPA - - - A. T The citizens arc informed that a large Lumber Yard lias been established and the bes CALI TO RX I A L CM BE R Kept for sale. Send rr Price I.Ur. BUCKALEW & OCHOA, GENERAL Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, MARICOPA, ARIZONA. Also, wholesale and retail merchants at I Sanford and Morence. THE PIONEER SALOON, MARICOPA, A. T. ; CHAP A N j & AHERN, TROPRIETOKS. TICK COOL Pl'DWEISER. MILWAf" kee and Pbilnflelptua l-aircr Ber nl- j tpiirliTri slwnrff roativ to nttond tr tho waiitfl i ,.tif inucri" A -hjri nf th rtiihlic Datron- Holiciifd. lJur opcu all nitht. BARNETT, BLOCK & CO., 5IAKIC0PA, and CAS.MiBASDA. A. T. Forwarding A N D Commission EflERCHAMTS, R. E. Farrington & Co., Dealers in General Merchandise, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Maricopa, A rizonn. All Hviwht ennMirnecl to our rnre will be j V ro m p 1 1 v furwnrtlcd to hut pa r t of t he ; Territory. MARICOPA HOTEL, H. W. KLEIN, Prop'r. MARICOPA, A. T. The patronajrc ot the traveling public is respectfullv soliciteil. The , table suppliei with the best, the ; in.ukel, iill'onls ao-1 sal i-l'ai lion tritar- I :illlee(l. 3''", veetaWes au'.! fruit for si!". , Nothing International Hotel. 834 and fttt Kearny Street. San KrancMco. jd.go ami per clay. II. V. Pat rid cc. Proprietor. Two Concord coaches, with the ;iame of the Hole! on. will always be in waiting at the lfiiiding to convey pasNentferi to the Hotel free. Br mire yon iret into the right coach; if yon do not, they will charge you. 6m T T 3tenfdorffer. Hats and Can. Wholr- 1 1 uale and Ketftil, No. 15 Kearny street. Sau 2 raucirtco. and Blank Book Manufacturers. No. M:i Clay street, near Montgomery. Srn Francisco. Blank books ruled, printed ivl bound to order. 6m Berry tt Place. Importers and Dealers in Mining Eiigiuc. Saw Millt. Steam Pnmpt. Portable and Stationary Knpine. Stamp Millt. Air Conmressorn and Kock Drill. Wood and Iron Working MsrhinT. etc.. etc. Catalogue .mi on application. Market ntroet, heud ol Front etrsct. San Francisco. Cm Rhein, I. D. S.. Tentist. All branches of tho Tental art done in the best manner possible, at reasonable prices, and sat if(iction iftrantred. South west corner of Third and Market streets. Entrances No. S Third street and 00 Market street. Iau Francisco. 6m TTapleson & Co.. Importers and Mannfac j turers of Men's Fiirni shine .oods. No. 4 and fi Kearn v street, corner of Marktt. San Francisco. Shirts ready made and made to order a wpeclally. 3m B. & J. S. DOE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Sash Weights, Sash Cords. Pulleys, 4c. 4-1. 4G and 18 Market street, Snn Frnnslsrn, ... Cal. Send for Catalogue of sizes and prices. 2m LELONC'S NURSERIES, Los Angeles. Cal. The Lamest anil Most PoTle'e Stock ol Semi-Tropical and Northern Fruit Trees, Evergreens, SHRUBS, FLOWERING PLANTS, ROSES, &.C. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Free to all on application. Trees and Plant packed nd delivered at depot free or charge. 4m S7c ARLLIS & CO., Wbolfsalcand Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic FRUIT?, CAXDIES, XUTS, GROCERIES, ETC. Cjioods Carefully Packed and Shipped. 151 Inin Ptrect, Tor tolficc Box 30. I.os .nL-les. Cal. In. pico house, Los Angeles, Cal. The Only First-dawn Hotel in Noiitlieru 4'aliforniiu JOHN WUITXEY Manager. HO FOR THK flNES. Tli nndrrsiirnod has opened n ptore at the j MnzntTHl mine ami mill, wncre can dc found a full assortment of GROCERIES A PltOVIIsIOXS .MINERS' OUTFIT, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES. Cliv me it call nnd ee for your Hclvrthat 1 hoII AT I R 1 C E H ThAf vill pr'vMit you from ijolng to Mc Dowell or Wnle. C. M. CLARK. j Notice to Farmers Person deffirinir to purchase niaciiinery ; of any kind will do well to order the aic j through j .. A. SMITH, Asent. ' for Krnnk I5.-ithrs. Ve arc rcdy at short not ice to furnish Mowers, Reapers. Header?, Separators, Engines, etc., J. A. switl. TUCSON, AND ALEXANDRA. Wholesale Corner of Jlarioopa and Jefferson Our connections in Kentucky. w York amf S:m Trancisra enaWei to liurclia-ic direct from Mnnufactiircrs ami Importers, ami havfos taetlsJWi to always carry a lanre stock, the quality .if wliicli e puarasnec, w fn sell at inucli lower figures than any other linns in the trade and rau con fidently inyite purchasers to cull and examine our gomU before liuvvuf ctie-where. Have on h:nd a select stock of Old IJohtWw. and Rye AVhtskies nra.liMt Gins, Rums, Port, Sherry, and Madcria Wines. Chaniiasnes, CUnlft, Jaulcrnes, Liqueurs, Ritters, and apuertnining to the LIQUOR BUSINESS. IMPORTED AMD DOfVlESTIC ST- Wo would call the attention i oMVincs, Liquors and C i-ars, the j wlHed ly first-class houses in San USTICK & CO., DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! OUTFITTING STORE. T II E Pioneer Store OF MARICOPA. Fair Dealing 0ck Motto. Teamsters, Miners. Ranchers Oil AXY OXE ELSE Will find it to their Interest TO CALL UPON US Before Puwlianin EUewhcre. Arcade Brewery, Xew Brick Building, Cor. Washington aud Joflvrson streets. rilCEXIX, ARIZONA. Coolent Place of Resort in Towu. BEER AS COLD AS ICE, which we offer for pale by the Glass, Quart, Gallon or Barrel. N.ILOOXS AX1 FAMILIES Supplied with Bottled or Keg Beer. Orders promptly flfied. JSPleafc girc ue a trial. C. A. l.l'KE. Jos. T1IA1.HRIM EI!, ! Busuies lauaircr, lJropritur. ; pr?Thr National Gold Modal was awaril cd to BrjdVy .t TJplofeon. for thf bei-t Tbr tocrapbf in the (."nh-cl 8ttfH .vm! the Vienna Medal tor the lutt iu fhe ivoihJ. Vi'ii't' in- ry k'J.'y in Krps.vltco. PHCEN1X, Liqcoi: 1)ealki:s. Street of rtinnoissiirrs to onr vi-ry select .t.M-k quality ot" win. h w ilt anvthin Fr:ineis or Easlern -llJes. Attention! PONT IH"V YOUR SPRING GOODS iu:fh:k skniuxg to L. BIEN, J SStreet. SACItAJIEXTO. Great Bargains. In Kinhniicriei, from 5 cents a yard up ward. AVhitt liq'its iittin I'Ji cnt a yat.l upward. A h pip tul ul tw'k Fancy liinchams " 'Srvc ityln of Spring Dress Qool, at lil. d() Mtid -." rint pt-r yarl. Trimming Silks from '0cttn a yarJ SrECIAL ATTKXTIOV I'A II Tt Oft- .Samples of everj ilorijfiion meat on apIi- Direct all ItMtent, L. BSEN, J Mtret. I. O. Bx 34. NA1KAMKXTO. Eb-IilIvk A(flil .f h IXIMF.STH' I'A. I'KU l'A I J KK5.S. Sprnm SIjIm ""V. CiitiilojjiH' i;.ruihtfd Im, ou ai j-ai liuu Notice. llarir jf MtaHi-h'-il a Vurt hiisW Aprvf. Ir. I. Ui-ii will tfivH !' riiI ttm. all ordtrs .t aiy Mini. as It! Shot-, Kurniliiri'," Cnn-kry , i'ai AlilUa try KkK,;i, ftr, lifiiiC in constant uhstiv- rlarioni anl kav inc a thor.-''i jo-iiuait.ia with !l th Un i...,; 1mm-s. Iritis. ;a r!erintr J H Mr. riicn will ri't'ivt' the Mil; twiit-ti' i't h --r!,-,;): and hi d it !"T dvjit.KV till A--dr 5 Vt r-. I. li -H.