Newspaper Page Text
THE PIKEXIX HERALD. iK3I MVEKKLY KI1TIW. Waturilaj, May 31. TOWN AND COUNTY. Alfalfa seed at Lorin's. Cider vinegar at Loriug's Irvine lin burlaw hay, baled. IIirspj!ioe tobacco at Loriu.'S. Bnrbed fence wire at Peralta'3 Jackson's best tobacco (it I.orinj's. The Herald consists of six rmges, Ladies' Linen sf.ils at Goldman's Mr. .Xathnu lias returned from Turfon. The Hour wills are about ready to tart up. Smoke Professor Horse's cigars at Luting's. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Xavy Tobacco. " Chairs, meat-safes, was'.istands, cots at Gold man, s. Good batli tub for sale inquire at the Posoflice. Irvine Im received a larje lot of California lumber. If you want to get trnod California lumber cheap, go to Irvine's. Imported Vaaify Fair and Old Judje cigarettes at J.orinjj's. Rrad the adrritix nsenls of Sey mour business n:e:i in this issue A. sjilendid assortment of Paints. Oils and Hardware at Goldberg's. Full Iiiiff of crockery. Glassware nd household o.nls at Goldmau's Don't fail to sac- those beautiful v bite sewing machines at Peralia's Cumniins it Cosncr, carpenters and builders, adtertise in this issue. Free delivery to any part of town f goods purchased at II. Goldbenj fc on. Families furnished with choice groceries at reduced rates at Gold berg'. The Arcade brewery saloon an nounces a grand opening Wednesday sight. The stajres of Gilmer & Salisbury are crowded both ways from :hi"s ', Jla;e. ; Don't ask us what we have pot, but j ask us what we liarnu'l got Gold- j man &, Co. j Til !tlltliitl'ltritnr- tif Ilia Act'ita ,iF J-Jisha Kichoul, t lorcuce. has a no- tice in this issue. i force of men at. work putting on the For building lumber at bed-rock finishing touches. The second story prictii, address Clipper Mill Lumber i 's being fitted up into rooms, en suite Company, Pres-;ott. ! and single. They are all being hand- If you want Bill heads. Letter-heads ! f""Iy furnished With the addi CanL. Dodders, etc. cjieai-. call at j 'on, a most completed, 14 rooms will tliB Heuai.d Job Rooms Kmher's teams passed through tun.i on Thursday, with freight lor 1 res::ott merchants. j have nnencd Burnett. Block & Co. 3i store at Csa Grande ill addition to i the one at Maricopa Linville A- Wiley have added a 1 r-n' addition to their commission 1 out ; on WaUingtoa i-truet. A larg-; quantity of assorted msr-I1.-1.1JU1: was received this morning I - Asher !c Urn. (or their new store. Ti b-ii!ding on Wa?!iing:o i stre. t to uj occupied by Wodiiid it Gay, il" Los Angeles, is nearly completed. U rn. May 31), to the wife of Al. W.i iueil, Ihjv. This makes a "p-iir." Keep on, Al., "three of a kind beat a lair." By order of the Board of Directors Jhe water will lie turned nut of the Grand Canal, on Monday next, for ne week. Tha Gardner hotel is under-going many improvements, nliich will 3e noticed at greater length next Wednesday Last Thursday Judge Porter denied a motion to order the Receiver in the Tid well-Mi Her case to turn over cer tain moneys. A considerable number of lots have lieen old in Phxnix during this Month and will show a gain oyer that ol th preceding mouth. The Board of Supci visors will hold si meeting Monday. Mater; looking owr.rd toe construction of a Court House, will occupy their attention. Goldberg & Son increase their ad--ertisenicnt ia this issue. A man's -uterprlse can be iieaured by the amount of his newspaper patronage. Judge Bolae's court was occupied yesterday afternoon iu try io g the case ot Juan Alcantero, charged with i hootin another Mexican some tims j since. John Cahill ha filed a complaint iii the office of the clerk of the dis trict court, asking for $l.-,!K)l dam aiges from Hiram 11. Linville, for injuries sustained bv reason of at jault committed by said Linville. List of letters remaining uucalled for in Wells, Fariro it Co.'s office May ::), 187U: Geo. H. Wyraan. T. Cupurro, J. W. Johnson, John Grif fith, W. Trask, Hauiou G, Gonzalez, .Miss Lorena Burton, care of Hosea Greenliaw. A complete s-t of surveyor and c iril eugineer's instrutuents'for sale reasonable; in first-class condition ul guaranteed accurate. Aiiply at this office or to the nndersigeed !if Wm. Isaac The L'nited States brewery has se. cvrvd the services of I;. Wehrfriiz, an -xpcrienrel brewer from Salt Lake City, and his already excellent beer is being still further improved. They liave ais reduced the price of their bottled beer. Winchester Miller informs us that last Sunday evening while a Mexican circtii was in progress a row ensued d caused a stoppage of the show. man was badly cut but how ever hi injuries we did not learn, no oth (oarticulars. Our Celestial residents had a li:t!e scrimmage Thursday evening. Som. blows xere exchanged and a heap" of Chinese invectives were thrown o it on our otherwise still town. They M ere probably discussing Kearny anil Hie Clironiric. Fresh Kigs and Dates at Loring's. W. J. Baldridge has jest completed and will opm tc the public tc- lav. a sho( linjj gullliry. It is just below Tiik J 1k! v i.: office. The muse is-is left and is .injiplii-d with tir.-t class X. tvs. e,r tliwt kr! of sjw,,. wsll lin'J thii so. I. I'l-Jijiit !i r o: rv HELPING HANDS. Ever Ready to Assist in Making Improqements. Sketch of Canz's Now Hotel. The project of building a hotel iu this city has been agitated by our citizens at intervals for a long time, and with the increase of population the importance of such an institu tion has often been brought to our notice and spoken of in these col umns. With the arrival of the rail- ; road at Maricopa 28 m!ls distant ; strangers are daily arriving. To a j larjre extent tbev are supplied with ! capital and while seeking investment drm md a suitable place in which to reside. The meeting advertised iu hist Wednesday's Hkkali), for tne double purpose of talking hotel and fur the formation of a park associa tion was largely attended. The last named proposition was the most pop ular, not that thetirst had fallen favor, but owins to the fact that a hotel would soon be opened by. Mr. E. Ganz. The building of a hotel by a j joint stock arrangement was a last re- ! sort, and when private capita! occu- ! pied the field our o-ahead citizens I were willing to show their enterprise in other directions. The meetinr was organized by the election of Win. A. Hancock Chair man and A. C. Raker Secretary. The- niei'tinir was uddrrsd hv Jnd""e. Porter. A. D. Lemon. J. W. Van I Slack, Captain Hancock. Hon. C. H. Gray and others. Subscription books were then opened, and 111) shares of stock were subscribed, and a com mittee appointed to secure subscrip tions. The suggestions of last Wed nesday's Heiiai.u regarding the Park Association were adopted, ami six irentlenien appointed to solicit mem-; lias purchased an interest in the sa i loon adjoining: Morgan & Co.'s store. b.-rships. The location selected by Mr. Ganz for his hotel is on Washington street opposite the plaza, iu the very center of business part of the city. The large two storv brick building, the property of Dr. Goodrich, has leased for a term of years. been i Tbei building has been changed and altered, together with addi tions made, will make it the brst lin tel in the Territory. A reporter of the i Heiiai.u vesterdav found a lii-.e t "1- " L till. 1(1 1 1 I . . . C- randa the width of the building will be a pleasand resort during the even ings. The first storv has been titled up as a saloon and billiard parlor. A reading room supplied with all the latest ptpers is au attractive featur ! Private card rooms are at the dispusa ot the patrons. Barber shop and bath rooms wiii also be connected with t'ie institution. The dining room will be under the charge of experienced per sons. In short, the stranger will find ever convenience and comfort under one roof. Xn expense or pains has been spared in the titling up or fur nishing. Everything is neat, tasty, and will add much to the attractions of our already popularity. Success to the enterprise. OF BEAUTY. The Handsoms Soda Fountain of George E. Loring. On Thursday last, our enterprising young merchant, Geo. E. Loring, re ceived direct from Uoston, one of the finest soda fountains that was ever brought to the Pacific Coast. It con sists of a generator, four fountains and au apparatus. The fountain and gen- j crator are lutts patent ana are ac knowledged to be the best in use Mr. Tuft, the patentee, having re ceived the highest premium for his patent at the Centennial Exhibition. Tha generator is made of hammered copper, apd is capable of sustaining a pressure of 'near 400 pounds to the sijuare inch, but that amount is sel- oiiiii retjuirvu. jn tins one tlie gauge is set at about 200. The fountains sire also of copper but lined with heavy block tin. These fountains are made very strong, and are guaranteed for ten years. All the pipes are of block tin, indeed, everything that comes ii: contact with the liquid, is lined with that metal, with the excep tion of the generator, that being lined with lead. On the counter will be placed the handsome soda apparatus. It is of octogon shape and thirty intlses in height. The base is of Italian marble, while t He panels are of domestic marble and of eight dif ferent shades. Within the center are four coolers, and a larje area for ice; ait seven tubes lor dirierent syrups. In front, at the b'.ttom, there is a magic draught by which the operator can draw three ditl'erent kinds of syrups at one and (he same time. There, arc four deliveries for the drawing of mineral water at the rear of the maehiue. Eighteen different j kinds of drinks can be made. The ' glassware and ludders are really hand some, the metal work being heavy plated silver. The apparatus entire j weighed over 2,fo0 pounds, and its i e-ost laid down in I'hrenix. will ex- ' ce -d $1,200. Mr. Loring will have it ! "' as soon as the chemicals ; arrive. 1 PERSONAL. I Ex United States Marshall Stanrle" i fer passed through :i Tuisday for Tuc- j son. I Col AVonlsey bas associated him- self with Mr. "Harris to run the Tima j station. Hon. Win. M. BtilTum. merchant of : Prescott, passed through town on Thursday evening, en route to Yuma to atlend the meeting of the Territo rial Prison Commission of which he is a member. John Lavoie. arrived on Wcdnesd; y from Prescott. en route California for the purpoMj of purchasing buggies, . '. !''-,- l!;. j.ta hie .it !!. Chpit-.l. He -H.:d rho-uix whs the lircltcM j!a-e ii: Ar:.o;i:i. TELEGRAPHIC. YI'MA. Sentinel will contain Today's the following: Colonel Barnoy, General Vandsver and Doctor Tonner have gene to the Silver King mine. The Yuma mill starts up on June 20th. The Picacho mil started up last Tuesday. John Strode reached the peniten tiary last Wednesday. Steamboat for Hardyville will leave on June 10th. A saw mill and fixtures arrived here this morning for Mr. Otis ol Tucson. Seven tons of Silver King concen trations left for San Francisco this morning. Some mining machinery arrived this morning for Bowen, Knowles & Co.. Bradsbaw district. Francis Xeale, official court report er, left for Phoenix this morning. A Criminal t'ansht. Los Axof.lks, May 31 John Tay lor who broke jail at Florence, Arizo. na, was captured in this city last Wednesday, i.nd will be held for a requisition from the Governor of that ! . . I Territory Hayden's Flour at Loring's. Judge Alsap, and F. A. Shaw have returned from n trip to Cave Creek, and Camp McDowell. The former gentleman informs us that a man named Joseph Gleason was found dead in bis cabin last AVednesday by the watchman of the Golden Star mill. Cartridge of all kinds at Lorings Charlie Skirrow. one of the "boj-s," Charlie is well known and it is only sufficient to let his finends know he is ready for business and he will be well treated bv them. Charlie and his "African Piano'' nightly r.muses the guests. . , .,. .... naries Aiiscnui. oi i-romtnan cv Co., returned from San Francisco a few days since, where be bag been to seek medical relief after a long busi ness confinement. It has been "nil work and no play" with Mr. Altschul sine bis residence among us. and the result was beginning to show itself very plainly. A wall of an adobe bnildinc situ ated in the rar of the Gardiner House fell Thurgdsy morning with a Inud crash. A Mexican who was employ, ed about the premises, was buried for some time under the debris, but forlunntelv received no serious injury. The cu of tlf fill ' ip d't'.? rnf 'mi-"- -iroperiV dried b-. fo-e.ihev were used. X E W ADVK IITLSEMEXT.S. Lot it now ho Avi'le spread So that all may know it, THAT Goldberg & Son. Arc now and selling; their larjro Avell selected stock of General Merchandise, AT REDUCED PRICES. No trouble to show goods Satisfaction for our CnHlomrrx Families furnished with choice GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ax iti:ir Ki RATIX Goods delivered to any part of this Town, free of elianre. All Kiiuts tit Produce and Sold. Bonslit H. Coldborg &Son. Next to Stcineikcr's new biiildinj for Sale. Or Trill Tchfcr.TC fnr har pnd rrnin, Put Tlnnd Polr.'t-M!:"c Tis-. Vr1 hj- B. T. JlacliUj'1?. Itrj'n.-e ct J"h;cnii I'ccti Yard. NEW ADVEIilSEMENTS. BAIEXCHANimEL. Washington xtrert opposite the Plaza, IMitrnix. E. GANZ Proprietor. This new hotel is now open for the ! accommodation of the traveling public. The rooms nre well ventilated and handsomely furnished in suits ami sinirle. Superior aecnmmodatiorcs for families. The aim of the propri etor will be the comfort and welfare of his quests. Rooms Itfscrvd by Telcgrrapli Billiard Table and Bar Connected with the House. Only the Finest Liquors & Cigarr. PRIVATE CARD ROO.IIS. The principal Eastern, California and Arizona papers kept on file. A share of the public patronage is olicite d. COME OXE COME ALL. Grand opening of the ARGADE BREWERY SALOON, Wednesday, June 4th, Free I.nncli in tlie Kvenins- C. A. I.T'KK. Businenn Manai' JOS. THAMIEIMER, r. Proprietor. AdminiMtrator'i Male. NOTICE IS 1IKREBY ;IVKN. TFfAT in pnrsnanrc of an ordi-r of rhe Probate C'onrt of the Conntv of Pinal. Territory of Arizona, made on the 2iith dv oi'Junr. lli. in th; matter of Tlie e-tute "of STEPHEN BICIlorL, deceased, the um'tTsincd. Ad-minir-tiator of the said estate, will sell at private pale, to the highest Mdiler tor canh. in lawful money of the l'nited States, and Htibject to confirmation by said Probate Court, ou or after Katurday. .Iiinp lKt. 170. All the riirht. title, interest ami estate of the said Stephen lliehotil. deceased, at the time of his dVaih: and nil the riirht. till; and interest That the estate bas hv operation of lonn or otherwise acquired, oilier than or in addition To that of the said intestate at the time of his death, in and to the muli- I vided one-fourth interest in the tMnn i mou rli mine. itnated in the ;iohe District. ('!"- - f T.-rr!!i;iv "1" :i. ""- TM- :.n ! -id't : "r in ! Irtwtnl money ofrhu I". s.:lred at expt-use ! of purchaser. Jtids or ottW- mav be niatle at any time after the first publieatioii of this notice and before makinir The sale. Ail bids or otteria miHt he in wriTinir and left at the office ot Ii. 15. Summers. Florence. A. T., or dclivon'd to the und-ri:rned person nil v. Dated Mav 37th, 1S7. KLISHA BK'IIori,, Administrator of the estate of Stephen lticbout. deceased. )-S CUMMINGS & COSNER, CAEPKXTEKS, AND BTJIXDKRS. Stiop opposite Herald oflirc. The United States BREWERY, Wishes lo inform the public and lovers of good LAGER BEER. That they have reduced the price of bottled beer, to Three Dollars per Dozen, In order to allow the poor as well as the rich, to obtain a beverage hitihly beueticial to health. It. lVKHRFRKTZ Ialts of Sett Lake City Hrewerv. SEYMOUR Feed Yard and Corral. E. P.U'KWOOD - - Proprietor This, the pioneer stable of Seymour hag at all times hay and grain, and all the accommodations tor boardiur horses. Horses on hand at all times to Let 90 tf and for Sale. SEYMOUR HOTEL. A. STKK Kl.AM), I'ro'r. Situated at the mill site of the Con tral Arizona Mining Company.. Staje station for the famous Vul ture mine. Prices Hensonahlc. SEYMOUR SALOON, JOH CODY, PROP He who calle- on mr will be trtt.'tl in a gen tlemanly maimer. A FIXE BILLIARD TABLK Tn connection with the house. FOR SALE. A complete set of Surveyors and Civil Engineers Instruments, for sale reasonably. The' are in first class condition and guaranteed. Apply at this office, or to the un dersigned. "IHf ATM. ISAAC. For Salo. CLAIM TO SKCTION ;. TOWXSnit' 1 Ntrt-tli. Kuiit;;. l-:usr. tiiki-ii un muter E. L.iring, at Exprei-s otlice. Farmers and Builders. And all persons w:iiitiuc JSnildin 'amber at Bid KcL pi ices, call oner address CX.'.f"t & Adam'. 1'rtsi.ctt, A. T. GOLDMAN & CO. Fifty Thousand Assorted Merchandise Just Received at the uge Establishment DIRECT FROM THE E for this Market liy Mr. Latest Xovelties in Calicos, Dress Goods, Shawls and White Goods. Latest Styles in Fancy and Gloves. Latest Fashions in Ladies', Misses' and Children' Trimmed and Untrimmed Latest Tatterns in Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Latest Designs in Boots And, in fact, everything desirable for Ladies, Gen tlemen, Misses, Girls and Boys. The Whole Stock Has Been Purchased AXD WILL BE astern Prices cash. OUll PRICE LIST Will be found iu the Store, , to show everj body that wc SELLING That Competition Becomes an Impossibility. Yours Truly, GOLDMAN & CO, Oog Dollars Wotrh -0F- OF 1ST, and especially selected A. Goldman, comprising : Goods, Underwear, Hosiery Hats. and Shoes. for Cash, SOLD AT where wc shall be pleased are SO LOW miso:llankous H. Morgan & Co. Wabliiagton St., riucnix AND Morsran'ij Station ou the Gil.i River Importers and Dealers in Groceries and Clothing, Dry Goods, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, At prices to suit the time3 GEO. E. LORING, Dealer in roceries PROVISIONS, FRESH NUTS AXD CANDIES. A dirge AsNortniPitt of FLOCK ou Hand. . - The Flueet Brnnilt f Domestic aud Imported CIGARS and TOBACCOS In the City.' Iii IVell, Fiirgo cf- C '.. Er press (Hfieej H asningtun street, .att oj the Court Jluusie. .9- CHEAP Cash Store. Removed to tha Walters Bitfliline on NvDtwA lua street, next tftwr to tL l'riutittg Ottice. The Attention f the Public is called U nell8lected stuck of DRY GOODS, CLOTLUXO, POOTS &. SHiOES, GROCERIES, and rSOVIStOXS Whicdi T propose to SfH oa the TJve and Live principle. A wot- o tli wife i Kuril uient. JtlJI'Si HAMTKK. Mont 'in mo Street wue door above tlie 11 ER alu Uttice. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. EVER, PROPRIETOR. (Late J. D. Monihon'sO ashiutou Street Corner ol" C'ortez. nAVING Pl'IU'llASKD TIIK STOCK of Horses. Buiru'"'. iti'.. latrly in uo in thip Kiabiu, ihc iirt'-out proprietor wiil add to it fhe BEST OF HOUSES And rtlont Floant Tnrnonts, Ilay and Grain Always on Hand and For Sale, AT W1IOT.ESALK OR RKTAIU SS'' Horses boarded by the d:y, week or niont'.i, ill rtriiullo rates. Satisfaction cuaranteed. CAL1F0KMA Variely Store 31. Enn .lRllN. riiu ier. NOTICE. Mr. K.iwards. hnvin? lek f. P fcitn f"ran:so to select .1 nu" U-t f I'Ska fienTHi Men'hitmli- all tlie present titt. It, mt ee mid henp t'.i-(i Nt n;iivH rttui t-r i lie ne-, w 5i k will ariivv iu a leiv j GREAT REDUCTION IN I'Ml ES. The tiubllf nre i!ipf,"i,"- ;r.'tiri f rail