Newspaper Page Text
T TO HE EKE NIX ERA IU VOL. 3. XO. 1G. WHOLE XO. 91. rnCENIX, MARICOPA COUXTY, A. T. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 4, 1879. NEW SERIES XO. 23. The Herald. rublifhetl cveiy Saturday and Wednesday. GOSPER &. McCLINTOCK rBOPKIKTOBS. Scesckii'tion Kates: One ropy one year. - - -One cony six months, - - -Hy- carrier, in Khtfuix. p?r month. - AwTrr.Tisixu Kates: ne inrh. one insertion. - -Efh fiubscquont insertion. -Professional cardn. per month. - - S-"i 00 50c t $? on 1 Ut 1 50 W. Chan e id A cent in San Francisco. our Authorized PROFESSIONAL. U.K. PATRICK, Civil Knglneer Pepaty L. S Mineral Surveyor for Arizona. Orricc With V. A. Hancock Phoenix, A. T. M. M. IIAVKM. Attorney nnd Counselor at Lam I'hoenix. A. T. All kind of Legal Basinets promptly Attended to. BI'.VJ. llORIiAX Attorney and Coanaelor at Law. Tucson. Arizona. All lair rnalni--9 will receive rrooipt and careful attention. MISCELLANEOUS. Phoenix Hotel. Washington St.. between Maricopa Hiid Pima tttreet. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Rooms By the dar or night. ltest or ArrommodatlOBD .Families. for MISCELLANEOUS. AGENCY OP THE Bank of Arizona, PIICEXIX, A. T. Telegrrnpliio or XIelt F.xrhanee Drawn on the Principal Cities of the I'niteil States and Kurope. MISCELLANEOUS. " s kTr r "oFTm cke n na's" SALOON On Washington street. In the old Capital builUiiir, haa bei-n Refitted nnd Itefuru.Khed, A SHOWER BATH connected with the! Tint,-! fir iIih of aiiHttri ntiil tIip i A V" 1 11' VI RCH ASK OR t t r- a urT vfr I luuiit gcucrajit. a, a . i Aj it., FRESH Beef Cattle J. A. ZABBI3K.-S. B. U. HERKFOU 1 1 K It F F 0 1 1 1 A ZA KRI.SK I K. Attorney m and C'unrlor at Law And Notary Public. Office on Myer- ntreet, opposite Talace Hotel. Tochou. Arizona. t-E RKSPECTFl'U-T INFORM THE i Ket ailera of Arizoua lhat we are prepared to furniah ou hoof Fat Beef Cattle, - I ot any season. In any quantities, and at the i. j Lowest Pot-twible Price. The cat lie are at I the excellent grazing country around Tonto j Bun in. and in good condition. e luriiipii iun rciaiicra iu mm net- tfon with Dressed Keef from our Slaughter Ilouaes, north of town. Order solicited. BALTZ & KELLr. Phoenix. Phyxirian and Snrseoo. Graduate of the Ciiivert-itr of Va.) OuVrs bis prife-inal rvice to the yope of Phiruis and vicinity. Office X. W Corner Valnnton and Center Street, op-po-iti the Pot Office. MAKE ADVAN- ce on (iold and Silver Hullion, Terri- toiinl Hini County Hon (If ami Warrants. Dis count C. mnitTfial Paper, receive IieHnit re payable on ttmDd. undertake Collectiuug and traim-wt a e"nTa) hankinir buKiness. 'Ttice hours from 9 n. m. to 4 p. m. 73lf M. W. KALES. Cash ier. Makine it Phoenix. the moat attractive place in PHCENIX ART GALLERY, T Southeast Corner of Plaza. UK I'NBKRSTGNET). HAVING COM The Parlor adjoining contains ames ca pable of aniufliii? the uiot faatidioua. FURNITURE ! The undersigned has on hand a large assortment of Furniture and Upholstery. Also manufactures to order FIXE CABIXET WARE, DOORS. WATXSCOATIXO, AND OFFICE FITTIXGS. Ensiern made chairs constantly on hand. Oti Wasfliiugluii Eireet. adjoining the atore of Nathan & Co. GT-tl A. COEKA. e. inrrsE d- co. A NEW DEPARTURE. THE PIICEXIX HERALD KEMI-AVi:EKLY KIHTIOW W ort jiesday, .Ttt!ie 4, tHTO. TRAVELING IN ARIZONA. Experience of a Detroit Press " Man. Free Cash Down Or No Sale. EVSeat Market. Opposition and Competition. t. U. COX. A. C. BAKER. COX A BAKER, Attorney at Law,' Phrenix, A. T. ! OnV. up-atairn. in Capital buildia. on 117171 T TVaeiilcgum street. . 1V1"'' Ou Montezuma street, opposite the Her ald oflice. and acroea the street from our loriner location, where we are prepared to furnish the citizen a of Phoenix with the veiy beat M'UARTOX A SIIEKTH. j P Ii v n i r i a n and SnrsronM.j Will artend profnaional rails at anv honr r the clay r niht MUTTOX, PORK, ETC. Ncv.: J. K. (Jtlire ea?t id of the O. II. !. S!ieta. M. !.. lnt--ot Kcnu. Wharton, it. I).. I . S. iU-dical Fxaniini-r. i w n. si. itin; ;i.K.iiix;K. 'ivil Kajci"41 and 'tKui'VPyor, J'hiru;!. A. T. i OfTie. with I.inville A V.'iley. one door tj-irft of ExprtMp onitrc. All ordi--rtl promptly j uiteuam to. II A It It V It. J it X KS. j Attorney and ( ounarlor at Law, I'li-Eiiix. A. T. Offlre np-elatrn iu Capital buildiu. Wasli- j That Can be Obtained. OTF.nO & It IjA K I'.. Big Bug Station, YAVAPAI CO., A. T. parei be"! atyle and at reasonable rates. A complete afortinent of ARIZONA SC'KNEKY always on h:md. A full Hue of Picture Frames and Mould ings. Pictures framed to order. G. 11. KOTIIKOCK. The United States BREWERY WNlis to inform the public and lovers of jjootl LACER BEER. That they liave reduced the jirice of hot lied hii-r, to Three Dollars per Dozen, In order to allow the poor ,n well as the rii-h, to obtain a beverage hisfhly heuetieial to health. It. WFIIRFIIKTZ of Suit L.-ike Citv llrewcrv. Livery Stable! Washington street adjoining the Phenix Hotel. Woarderl h.r the IVeek or Itftontli. Iay WE WILL HAVE THE PAY OR KEEP OUlt GOODS! Keepi always on hand the beet quality of wheat and rain hay, barley and uate. Good accommodation for teamster and travelers. Keeps constantly 011 hnnd line turuoutn. Horser boarded at hiy stable will receive the best attention. GEO. HAMLIN. White 6c Walter; 1 KEEP A FIRST-CLASS 27 Mile from Ire-ott nnd HO IiIM from PlicfMii. on the ltlaek. f 'anon ltuud. J. it. i ;i. ah. Arehiteft aitU Superintendent., Plan.- pt;iE-:atitins and etstimatea rare f'tMv firoprfL tt.nce with lrs. Mieftet V barton- Aide tf the plaza. -t : j Tlnvinp pnrrh.i.ed the above ptation. the B. I.. I traveling pnlilic will alwava find mealn. rhi lifiti and Mnrzeon.! snrni hay at all timea. A bar, with (Late of Vibalia. Cal.t Offlrw on Washington atreet, two doors from Monteznma- i;ood itock of liqnorH on hand. HWRER. MAUXCEY A CO. Jl'tlt" W. VAX KLVCK. Attorney and Connxelar at Law, MrMillenville. Maricop Co.. A. T. Will practice In all thceoarts of the Terrl-Urv. J H X T. A LSA l. Attorney and Cannselor at (Law, Phipnix. Arizona. All hnaine.. promptly attended to. Office with tb Di.trir.t Attorn-. rtdllTE JCDOE. NOTART rUBLIC. W.H. A. IIAXCOCK. Attorney at Lin', PhuMiix. A. T. I'F,nd business in all dpartmentu a pectalty. PA I" I. tVKBBKIt, Attorney and fpunselor at I.a, Prencott. Arizona. Will practice iu all the courts of the Terri tory. joii.v 1.. t;nr.(;u. 11. j.!iirseoii Jt Aeroueher. Rcferencei- without pTUiif-ion : F. M. C.ckrill. I". S. Senator. .Mo.; Col. John T. Cri-p. Democruttr nominee lor Conrffl from Mi-soori. Oflii'e two miles south liav fln.s Ferry. Arizona. KLAKK A VO AAYI.IIS. tifM dnsr. arold and silver bullion and oris of every description melted and assayed. All assays jinaranteeri. Price of ore assavs: Silver and gold. S:t: lead. copper. S5 Saraples cn be sent bv mail or express, and returns will be promptly made. Office with Wells. Fato & Co.. Prescott. HUSIXESS CARDS. NEW FIIOEXIX BAKERY! J. HE1XNOX, Proprietor. "ashinzton St., opposite court Itouse. T. Olson, Boot and Shoe Maker. VYavhlncton atreot.adjotnins the Ktore of Caataneda. Fashionable Boots and Shoes of the best material made to order in elegant .tyle. Ferfect Fits Guaranteed. I irive my entire attention to custom made w.rk. and I have every facility for giving entire eatirtfaction. Seud Iu your orders. Lumber I LUMBER! LUMBER! ! -AT- Ou Washington Street, Phoenix. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cheap Living! Board reduced to $ 7 00 per week Single ileals - 50 cents. nt the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. WJI. IIOLLAXI). CALIFORNIA BAKERY, ADAMS STIiSET, One blirk north of the IIfrai.ii OOlce: nUo iu the rtiir of Copjlaud's a.h and j l.iuiti oepol. j Frrsh Itreml Always on Hand. I RYE AND GRAHAM BREAD made to order; also PIFJSJ AXU CAKES. fE7Prices to suit the timed. Tucsox, April 2D. A rain that is makin'r himself ready to o out on a prospecting trip through Hie moun tains must provide the lollowino: Iu the first plate a stood rifle with plenty of cartridges and a ;ood six shooter, Colt's improved, wilh a belt lull . of cartridges and a larjre butcher knife slunj; to tho belt. lie may never have any shotting to do unless it is a deer, bear, antelope rabbit, "mountain Iious," tiirer cats, etc., but, neverthe less, he must keep the armament as trusty companions in ease friends all forsake him. Close to the Souora Hue one need not be surprised to see a Mexican riding otl' with your horse, mule or burro." Then for the first time one can realizs the beauty of picking up a "bull-dog," asking the Mexican to excuse haste but the soon er he can it off that animal the belter, as if he don't "his hide will not hold simple " Then lierin tn ''tinnin rnnr I ..0. ... , Winchester" and observe him slide oft like a mudlurlle off a lot. An other thins in favor of these "two companions ' is the camp may bo robbed ; if :o vou can bv their help live on meat till civilization is reach ed asrain. The next Ihitiir lhat must be taken i two srood plankels; lake them or sleep in the sand, or cover I yourself wilh the "Arizona blanket," I which is the best mesquit tree you I can find. Xext a canteen or twu to j carry water; it is more than likelv We Will Ceae IO . "iucI wu ui ic lc.iuueu uie 111 t iiiunk inti. xi wiic unit Mnnu it. w ithout he may dispense with his burpen, Au indispensable want is a pair of new boots no less than "Xo. 10," the bottoms rilled wilh nails and th pair weighing twenty pounds more or less. CARL SCIIEKRER u.ate of San Brnardino.) 88 tf New Saloon. MV would respectfully notify the pnblic iliar we have opened a new saloon in the building opposite the Express Oflice. and intend to keep it as a ealoou should be ktlt. The very bett quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS OX flAXD and cold at pricen to suit the times. A handf-onii'ly furnished club room attached for the use "of our nitrons. THE BALDWIN. F.KiHT LOAVES OF BREAD OR EIGHT BREAD TICKETS FOR A DOLLAR. Clark & Adams' SAW JIII.I. AVI) Y.IBO, PKESCOTT, ARIZONA. PIES AND CAKES ON HAND. PIOXKKIL F,AKKT?V f VAS!IIVaTOX Stkekt. Xortlteast Vomer of the Plaza, Kisrht Loavf of Bread for 91. OO Fruit Taken and Paltry of all kinds, fi-r wedding parties, etc., prepared to order. BAL RLEN & C O. Tlhe Lending TTotel of San Frnneiro and X the imtwt fleanilv appointed hotel iu the world, over S I.'iUI.imm havinir been r- pviided by Mr. Baldwin in ita eonTructioii and fnrnifhin;;. Headrpiarters annv and navy. Special accommodations fur tamilies and larirc parties. iriceB the same a at other tirn-class hol.-l-. to $5 per dav. Special contractM will be made for pernia ntfiit boarders. The hotel coaches and car rinires in waitinirat all boats and rnilwav deMitr. can ht reserved before arrival by telernphin the Baldwin. A. MAC'ABKE. lousiness .Manaper. Dudley. House, Hurley St., Trescott, A. T. FIRST - CLASS HOUSE On the European Plan. Wo hereby notify our ; friends and the public generally that from this time forth sell for credit on any terms whatever. We are nwnre that in order to do this we will have to sell cheaper than our neigh bors, and we are prepared to do so. As we are building we are veiy much pressed for cash, and therefore it will be better for us to sell for cost than to sell on ever so short a time, no matter how good the biryer. The facts in the case are just these: it is a necessity with us to have our goods or to have the wherewith to bu' more. Of course we do not expect to do so much business, but we are de termined to do what we can. Our Lumber Yard is now full and nearly com plete. isions Xew and Clean Beds for Lodgers, and Elegant Kooms for families. FRED WILLIAMS, Pnip'r. Young America Hotsl and Restaurant, (IM.KTT. ARIZOX.l. T. A. Watreman HAS OPEXD A NEW Tin Shop. Tlavinsr movd our mill five miles west of j Prenrott, on YViHow 'reek. Near Thumb i Butte, at a point within turn mile- of the j Mirier road, near Inm Springs, and having j completed an excellent road to the Miller road and to Prescott. we are now prepared to furirh any amount or quality of 1 ronxl by the Day or AVtek. LUM B EE, Shingles, Doors, Sash, LATHS, ETC AT BK'DF.OCK 11 p'jioe of hns'neiap romp: aiientioj: given to i in OfiUlman's 1 Telegraph Oirice. S Repairing and Job Work. A k2 fifrr mrrt cf x.'c and Sheet Iron Barlry, Flonr, Corn nnd Trodarr Taken in exchange for Lumber. Szo. CLARK A. ADAMS. Lomxo, Ajcct. Plixnls, A. T. GiUnn :s tlif lorntion nf tho mill nf tho ( Tinlitp Mining Company. IVri-oi; vi.itin I thif livi- ntiiiinpr cmnp will find lho Yonii" j AmHn Il.-i.-l and K. -tMiinml r li- rhenp't 1 and heal place to pul up at. Terms reurou ! able. ! SIXtil.E & ANDERSON. Piopr'n. Washington riho pnhlit arr- r"f prctfnllr informed that ; JL- I have nrnved my barber bop to tbc btii'dinii ou WawhlnTon street latlv orrn- j pied by toe rlrus; i"tire of Dr. Convert", and thut I have alo opened a firt-clas bathing es'abliphmeut. By strict attention to bnpinK I hope to warrant a fair share of vour rntroTi.e WI. STL'KNBl'KC. Late of Saa Fracccu. T. J. JVIORGAN. Hurley street, one door aat P. O., Prestcott, A rizona IeaU-r in Dinnioudp, AVatchos, Clock, Jew elry ami Silverware, Spectacles, Gold Ietis and l'enciln, etc. Watchmaker and Mann fact urinEr Jewelers . All kind of jewelry and silverware made from native gold and silver. Kn. era vines of every description. Seal presses and ribbon stn nips. uaiders' MATERIAL. The undersigned has jut received a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fruits, Hone, Summer Hats, Kanch Butter, Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery "Ware, Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder, Fuse. Sec , c, iVc, See, Sec. Irvine & Co. Keep on the "West side of the Plaza. . Remember the sign over the do r, provisions. Then fifty pottniU of flour tacit montli and thirty pounds of bncou If you nre as good a hunter as I am about six DoumU will do, iiud I know some of the Michigan boys are hard to beat at hunting, as I have the first one to met yet iu 1113' travels to baat me Tery bittlly. Also one wants two pounds of tea unless re solved to drink what they call in this country "duck tea;" that is made by tying a taspoonful of tea on a duck foot and swim him across a small creek; dip out below; boil the water ten minutes; drink it hut. This being the case less will do you. Sugar, ei'ht pounds; beans ten pounds ; yeast pow.ler half dozen to each fifty pounds of flour ; two bars of soap; salt, thre pounds; pepper, half pound ; matches ; a little rice say eight pounds and above all dried fruits six pounds; but do not put them all in the kcttla at once. But if you forget ths be pure that you do not forget tobacco, for if you do you will be crosser than a bear with cubs and you may get whipped hy somebody and cry to get home. Bl ltltOS AND si LX1C9. There mint be taken cook'ng uten sils: One lea pot, one good size frying pin, one camp kettlo, tin cup, spoon, knife and fork, and also one gold pain pick and shovel. Looking nt this cargo by this time vou may think you are just from the city and would not be able to carry all this stuffon your back. Well, ifyou think you cannot, vou had better buy yourself two or three burros burro is the name riven lo that patient animal which has been sung by poets an ass, and if you are one of those kind of men that lly into a thousand pieces every time a little pet comes on you, I would by all menus, buy a " set of burros," which is, think, about four; three lo pack your stuff" on and one to ride. You ought to have a partner or hired man to help you pack up; but if you have no help, I will tell y :u how to do it. sAnui.iNO a liritito. The first thing you must do is lo saddle up the one yo;i intend to ride, and then tie him up until you get all of the rest of them packed, for while you are packing one, the rest of them will have their noses in every pot and bag in camp, and may have eatn up all the boxes, sacks and grub that ynu have on hand. You will prevent thi by keeping your eves around vou. When you got tho tiit one packed, tie him up, for ifyou do not he will go to the firit tree that he can lind, and while vou are fiirhling, and pulling! and tugging, and you aro very deli cate about swearing, the other has by this lime crawled under limbs and through the brush till his load has been pulled oil ; avoid all this by ty inj; them up. words on his head, you find him go ing throush the brush, and you are pulled all over your saddle. Raising up from tle ground you only see hi tail going through the brush; he can just run fas enough to keep out ot your way. Probably at this stage of the proceedings, perhaps you are hot and strike oat in part to faint up lf those that trer? lot, and finally find them two or three loads torn off and half Vou have is lost. Bv and by voir get them back Into the road, and start them into the road you want to go. and then run to hunt your sad dle animal, and he has taken the oth er end of the road. If you wilt rut three miles you will calch hire. FOOTI.NCJ IT THHOIHH THT. PLAINS. Finally you return, wounded and bleeding, for everything in thiscoun try has a thorn on it. 'Iielore you get back, some Mexican, who has been watching you, has driven off the other three burros, and when you return t- 3'our old camp, you tie tip your sad dle animal, believing that yon can maV.e better time on foot. You hunt all day and return at nisht, nlv to find that same son of a gun hadstrad oled the last one and gone. You arr dry and only twenty miles to the' nearest water. You sit down and not being in the pious mood, too da nol fcl much like praying. Reaching down, you pull ff your boots-, nnd I find jour feet too largo, there beiDg ' .i hunt fiiilr liliqtr4 nhrmt tlid ci7 nl' hen's egss. You need not wait alt night expecting a wagon. The boots four sizes too small, vou must walk j twenty miles to the first water, rnd i thirty from there to the first house, fifty miles in all. That space is to be traveled with nothing to eat. AYhea you arrive ut the first house, your feet all blistered, and find that they havejnst moved away, there is no other resource but to go to town, 2-"i miles distant, no road, hot sand ami lame. After a dreary time you get lo town, thoroughly broke up, flyinir into a thousand pieces, and can sit down calmly and pull the rags off of your feet, dress them and thank the Lord that it is no worse. Providence having saved you from the Jaws of death. 1 HE WAY TO GO. There is a way to avoid all this trouble. Lay aside bigotry; come to this country expecting to find men of knowledge and practice in its way. Buy yourself a new outfit; hire some one to help you three or four days, and you may for the first time in life begin to learn something. The bur ros will cost from $10 to $12 a head, ia all about $100 for the whole outfit. The best way is to have a horse or mule to ride fer when you want to make a success at driving burros, you will carry with you a six-year old club, brinsr him a" '-sidewinder" with both hands on one side. He will wind to the opposite side of the road ; then bring him a red hot one on (he other side; that will straighten him in the road; then come down with both hands and rake him from the ears to his tail; then he will settle down in the road and not leave it un til night. When you want to turn him throw the stick out in an oppo site direction, he will think you are not a tender foot and turn as quick as lightening the-way you want him t' go. When yon have 80 miles to go ou a burro, go on foot, as you will; gnin two days by the transit on foor When you get t town avoid the whisky' saloons and gambling hotises miud your own business and I can, almost guarantee that you. can. Biuka a fortune in three Tears. She Came Uen n on Her . A young lady gave lier skating ex perience, as follows:. "Vou ought to have seen me," saiii the vivacious young lady to the new minister; "I'd jus) got the skates ont and made a start, when down I earns on my " "M aggie!" saM her mother. "What Oh, is was so fminyr rne skate went one way, awl the otter'11 I other way ana oovm 1 earae u my " Margaret '.!"' yelled hojh parents, "On my little brother who Sad me by the hand, am like to have smash ed him. Now. what's the matter?" The girl's mother emerged from be hind the coffee pot, a sigh of relief es caped from the minister, ana the old gentleman adroitly turned the con versation in a political channel. Bi it isiet'ck JXcirs. DOORS, SASIf. BtlVDS. and nnnons Wiiich are of a hotter quality and will Bold cheaper than at the fafh Fjtctiry in Prrscott. Al! order? prompts- attended to. Adnrcp rtrr-er, one-half biok north of tbn Herald c2i--. i- I. COFUAM). E. IRVINE & 00. Variety Store Tienda Barata. EXrERIKNCE WfTH TtlF. PACK ANIMALS When you have them all loaded turn them loose and straddle yoi r saddle animal. If he jumps and acts the fool, do not be afraid of hint, for tiiis is one of his tricks to give the other ones a chance to scatter. You mount alter a while with a big pur 1 on each heel. He will start oil' on a walk, as though he was not particu- j lar whether you ever tound the rest of them or n't. By this it is time for ,y)U to send both of your luels into liis sides. Be sure you keep ou spur ring and you will yet turn into a trot which will be nine and a half times slower than the walk was. Foaming Lothing and kicking, heaping Uaitl George C. Swan of Paradise Valley, nea- the city of San Diego, has a seedling lenwin tree in bearing the fruit of which was recognized in a competitive test at Riverside and Los Ansrelcs last March to be of superior quality. The rind of the fruit is very thin, but thick enough, however. l bear shipment. It proved to be less bitter than any other seedlincr levoon submitted to the competitive Irs! mentioned above. It had aTs tho largest per cent.. SS of arid of any of varieties passed upon by the Commit tee. The great merit eiaimed for it, aside fron its general superior ap pearance, is that it has very little bit terness so Utile that tlo majority of the committee making the test at tho Riverside Fair failed to delect any w hatever. Its three copetiiors at i Angeb's were grown on foreign stocks. 3fintr: Messrs. Gosper, Richards and Shipman went out to the Emmet mine this morning for the purpoFe of examining lhat property. Should they find indtu e n nls sufficiently flat tering, we understand that they wilt cause the removal ot the Senator milt 10 the Fiiiraft, where it will be 1 er manently established anil put to work reducing tae said to be fabul iously ri h ores of the Emmet and wther rich of that vicinity. r