Newspaper Page Text
3 HCENIX VOL. 3 --X0. 17. WHOLE XO. 92. PIKENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, A. T. SATURDAY, JUXE 7, 1S70. NEW SERIES XO. 23. The Herald. Published cvi'i; Saturday and Wednesday. GOSPER & McCLINTOCK, I'Uol'KI KTttBS. Scbchiitii)S Kates: One oopy one year. - - (Jn ciit nnmth. - - By carrier, in 1'hanis. p;r month. -Advertising Hates: ne inch, one insertion. Kara subseauent insertion, professional cards, per mon: ii. - - r. oil "l M DOets 1 UO 1 r() CnAKi.Es V. C'kask is our Authorized Ae;ent in San Francisco. PROFESSIONAL. M. It . P.4TEH K. Civil Ei;iiier Deputy I". S "Mineral Surveyor for Arizona. Office With W. A. Hancock lhoui., A. T. II. 31. HAVJSi. Attornej- and t'ounwclor at law Phoenix. A. T. Ail kinds of Leal Business promptly attended to.; BKXJ. 3IOK(iA. Attorney and I'ounnelor at Law. Tucson. Arizona. All law business will receive prompt ar.d careful attention. 1. A. ZABRISKIE. E. U. HEItF.FOBD. HF.RKFOKl A Z.KIKIE. Attorney and Cannarlors at Law And Notary Public. OflVc on Myers street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tucson." Arizona. It. Ij. ItO"i-OX. M. I. rhyaician and u r e e o n . (Cradf.ate of the University of Vs.) Offers his professional services to the ptfopleof Phcpnix and vicinity. Ortice N. W Corner Washington and Center Street, op posite the Post Office. 1. H. COX. A. C. BASER. COX A BAKER. Attorney; at Law, Phatnix. A. T. Office, np-stairs. in Capital building, on Washington street. WHAnTOX A SHEETS, Phynlcian aud Surgeons. Will attend professional calls at any hour of the dav or niu'ht. Oflice east side of the plaza. O. H. P. Sheets. M. L.. late oi Keno. S'cv. : J. K. Wharlou, M. D- L". S. Medical Kxamincr. WW. W. KltKCKKMilDUK, 4'iTil Engineer and Co. Surveyor. Pliu-nix. A. T. Office with Linville i- Wiley, one door ci-t or Express office. All orders promptly attended to. II A It It V K. JOXES. Attorney and Couuxeior at Law. Phcpnix. A. T. OnV-e iip-siairs iu Capital buildius. Wash- ' iuirtuu street. J. It. I l t.L.VM. j Architect and Superintendent . j Plant, specifications and estimates care- f'llly prepared. Office with l)rs. sheets Ji: I Whartua. east aide of the plaza. i II. L. COXYFKS. rhj'siriau and Sursreon. (Late of Visalia. Col.) OlB.-i! on Washington street, two doors from Montezuma. J CLICK W. VAX SLVCEt. Attorney and Counselor at Law, McMillenville. Maricopa Co.. A. T. Wil practice In ail the courts of the Terri tory. JU1IV T. AI.J-tAP, Attoraey and Counselor at Law Phoeul". Arizona. All business promptly attended to. Office irith the bistrict Attorney. rBOBATE 4CDGE. NOTARY F L'BLIC. WW. A. HAXCOCK, Attorney at Law, A. T. f55Land bustiiefr iu all departments a ipceialty. PAI'Ij WEBIIKIC, Attornej and ( ursf!or at law. Prescott. Arizona. "Will practice in a!l i-Ue court of the Terri tory. JOH I.. (UF.GU, M. 1. rhynirian.Sorgeon A Accouchr. Reference!- vithoue permission: F. M. Cockrill. I. S. Sunatur. Mo.; Col. Tohu T. t'rinp. I)iro'craric rominee fur C-Qurefi froru Missouri. Oitlce two niles noui.ii Ruy dcn.s Kerry. Arizona. KUKK A CO.. AMH.VVKItK. (inld dust, sold and nilver bnJliAQ snd ore of every d-cri prion taelicd and atayod. AH a-sayp guaranteed. Price?, of ore tay: Silver and tld. S:; l-ad. copper. "$5. Sampler can be re:it bymaii r espre-n. and returns will be promptly inude. Utiice itu Weill. Kargo & Co., I'rt'Fcott. BL'SIXESS CARDS. NEW PIIOEXIX BAKERY ! J. HF.IXSOV, Proprietor. Tashinton St., opposito court house. EIUHT LOAVES OF HREAD OR EKIIIT BREAD TICKETS I"OI A HOLLAR. P IES AN D CAKES ON HAND. i'lOXEEK RAKER Y ! Was iiixiiTiix Strkkt. Xorthcnsl Cm i.r of Uir. Pliizn, F.isht loaves of itrrait Tor Sl.OU Prnir Ca'k". and Pastry of all kinds, for welding parlies, etc., pr'TOarct tit order. JJAL'KLEN A CO. T. A- Watrftman n.vs opened a :i:v Tin Shop. TTr- pVro of bninp i n OnVlrn-n" Var-h m.'. .just blow rbe 'V -t-zs OUiee. rompt .iitention giveu to Rspairing and Job Wark. A vcre n"or-mijiit 3.' Zln bhee; I.-os MISCELI.ANFOIS. Phoenix Hotel. Washington St.. between Mario. pa und Pima streets. CLEAN BEDS And Well Ventilated Rooms Kv the dtiv or u:-'!it. teat of Accommodation for 1- ami ' ic. A S1IOWKK BATFT connected with the not- ftr the convenience of ir.vla und the puolic aenerally. 1. J. GAIUHNEU. FRESH Beef Cattle -E KESPECTFIXI Y INFORM THK Ketailer uf Arizona that we arc prepared to lurnUh on hoof Fat Beef Cattle, at any season, in any quantities, and at the I.owe'st Possible Price. The cattle are at the excellent (irazin country around Tonto ltasin. and in (rood condition. We will furnish the retailers in this sec tion with Dressed Beef from our Slaughter Houses, north of town. Orders solicited. BAJ.TZ & KELLY. Phoenix. Big Bug Station, YAVAPAI CO., A. T. 27 Wiles from Prescott and HO Wiles from Plurnix. on the Ulat'lt Canyon lioad. Having purchased the above station, the traveling public will always find meals, irrain and hay at all times." A bar. with n trood stock of liquors on hand. SXVDEK.MAl.VC EV A CO. a af B B C z1 Boot and Shoe Maker. Washinarton street. atljoinlns the Store of Caataueda. Fashionable Boots and Shoes of the best material made to order in elegant style. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. I trive mv entire attention to custom made w.vk. and" T have every facility for giving entire satisfaction. Send iu your orders. u m d e r LUMBER! LUMBER! ! -AT- Clark & Adams' SAW MILL AXB VA It I, PIJESCOTT, ARIZONA. TTavinir movod our mi!! fivp nrlef wet of Preseott. on Willow I'r.'t'k. N- Thunib Bntte. at a point within two mi)e- of the Miller road, near Iron Springs, and hnyimj i.'oinplertd an escrlienf mud to the Miller roaii and to Preou. we are. now prrpiucd to furnish any amount or quality of LUM B EH, Shingles, Doors, Sash, LATHS, ETC., AT BED110CK PliTVES. Barley. Flour, Corn and Produee Taken in exchange for Lumber. CLAKli i ADAMS. Geo. E. LoRtNO. Ajrent. Phoenix. A. T. JOE POIIEIr, THE TAILCR. CO .MonT-nmery Street and 10:1 Third Street 3ake the - Best Fitting CLOTHES In the. Iltr' prire tn French Oood ar lowi.r ihfiu any iher Mcrrh::nr ailor fi.-r ci'li. loneM De.-tliiiir. 'roiitpt Attention, hh n rf-rfect Fi. nd fine workmnr' "nip fTTinranTecd, .r.' hi mottoes. 7 .... rrirpH Anierican fiieo.ii: Pants, from ?t 0(1 Suits, Iroin 20 00 I)o'skin l'ttntu, fniu 7 CO Ovrrcouls, from !" Of) Vests, fioni 3 00 Vo. 901 Morten mrry rtrert. ffi'iph rilcck and lt': Thinl ftreei. au Francitc". "5 .csrr.p:rs and Rrlcs fjr Cel." MrsFjre ccat .-a: K .-c;- a-idrck. on - MlSCELr.AXEOVS. AGENCY OP THE Bank of Arizona, PHCEX1X, A. T. Trleffrnphio or Sisht Kxwliange Drawn on the Principal Cities of the United States and Europe. iriLl, PURCHASE OR MAKE ADVA X CfS un CuM nud Si;ver Huilion. Terri toiial und Ciiuiity Houas auil Warrants. Dis count Cummereial . I'aper. receive Deposits re pa yable on demaml. undertake Ciilleoliuu. aod trans iet a ireneral bHiikin btisini-ss. ttice hours from 9 a. in. Iu 4 p. m. 73lf W. W. KALES. Cas!. ier. PHCEIX ART GALLERY, Southeast Corner of Plaza. npTJE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING COM J., pleted hi new Gallery. h low pre- jared to execute all work in his iiue ill the eM style und at reasonable rates. I A comolete ah?ortnent of ARIZONA ' SCENERY alwavs on hand. t I A full line of Picture Fraaies and Mould- f in Li6. Pictures framed to order. G. H. KOTBROCK. The United States BREWERY, Wishes to inform the public and lovers of jjood LACER BEER. Thai they have reduced the price of! bottled beer, to ! Three Dollars per Dozen, J In order to allow the. poor us well us the rich, o obtain a beverage hitrhly i bencticial to liealth. I it. WKHttt-'IlKTZ j of Suit La!:e City lirewery. Vhit3 & Walters KEEP A FIRST-CLASS Imported Wines, Liquors and Cisrars, Cheap Living! Board reduced to $ 7 00 per week Single jfeals - 50 cents. nt the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. 1VJI. 1IOTLAXI. T he Leading Hotel of Pan Francisco and nu'.-t elenntlv appointed hotel in the world. ttvt.T :? having been ex panded by Mr. Baldwin in it construction and fiiriiinbin. Headquarters armv and navy. Hper-ni are ommodatiou; for famiiiee! and Iavji partie. IriccK the same as at oth'-r ti-i-ein-p lHtt,l'. ;3 to $5 per day. Special contract will be made for perma nent boanlern. The hotel coaehe and ear riareri in waiTinirat all boaiH und railway depots. Jioomja cm be reserved before arrival by telei"nphiiiir the Baldwin. A. MACAI5EE, BiiM'ncr's Manager. Young America Hotel and Restaurant, ARIZOXA. Board by the Day or "Week. fJiltett is the lorntion of the miM of the Tiptop Mining Company. Pertiors viiTin tli- I've miniutr rump will find the Voting Aineriea Hotel and He-tan ram the eheitpet-t and best place to put up t. Ternit reason able. SINGLE & ANDERSON, Piopr'e. Washington The pnblir ar1. repctfi:ly informed, that '. I have moved my burlier hop to tbo build'nc oh Washington Ptreet lately ocru- - pied by the drill' stor f Pr. ronyerfe. ftnd ! ; that 1 hnve alyo opened a fir.u-class bathing j 1 entahlifdnnent. . j By Ptrirt nttcntlon to b,irin,: I tope to i ; warraot & fair share of your ritrorftre. WM. CiraNEUKG. 1 i late of Z-zzi Tracnico. ; SALOON Ij On ":is!iin"-tnn Strppt. Pbopnix. I MISCELLANEOUS. SK1RR0VV & IV.CKENNA'S On Washington street, iu the old Capita! .building. Las been Refitted and Refurnished, Mukiuir it the most attractive place izi Phoenix. The Parlor adjoiniuj; contains parses ca pablo of amusing the most fastidioua. FURmTURE ! The untieMignecl Ls on haiad a large assortment of Furniture and Upholstery. Also iuauufactures to order FIXE CABINET WARE, DOOK. AVAIXSCOATIXO. A.D OFFICE FITTIXGS. Enstern made chairs con5tar.tly on hand. On Washington street, adjoinit the store of Nathan i Co. 07-tl A. C0EKA. Livery Washington street adjoining the Pheui.Y. Hotel. Horses Hoarded h.r the Day AVeek. or Sloiith. Keeps always on hand the best quglity of wheat and grain hay. barley and oaty. Good accommodation for teamsters and travelers. Keeps constantly on hand fine turnouts. Ilorser boarded a't my t,table will receive the best attention. UEO. UAMLIX. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, ADAMS STREET, One block north of the Herald Office: also in the rear of Copolaud'a ijaah aud ! Blind depot. I I Fresh Itread Always on Hand, j EYE AND GRAHAM BREAD i made to order; nlso PIES ASD V. It ES. 35 Prices to suit the times. CARL SL'IIERREK. . Late of San Bernardino.) ti ew Saloon. Wo would reppertfully notify the puMio that, we hnve opened u new puloon i:i th building opposite the Exjre-K Oflice. aud intend to keep it a; a r.-nloou should be kept. The very best quality of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS OX HAND and Fold in price? to pnit the time.. A hamlr-or.ieiy furnished club room attached for the use "of our p-irrons. ItKOWX : I)AM!'L. Dudley House, Gurley St., I'rescott, A. T. A FIRST - CLASS HOUSE On the European Plan. Xew and Clean Beds for Lodgers, and Elegant Rooms for families. FRED WILLIAMS, Prop'r. T. J. fORGASvS, Gurley street, one door oast P. O., Presrott, ... Arizona Dealer in Diamond., Watches, Clocks, Jew eln and Silverware, Spectacles, Gold Pens aud Pencils, etc. Watchmaker and Manufaeturini Jewelers. All kinds of jewelry and silverware made from native old anil silver. Eunivinirs of every description,. Seal presses aud ribbon stamps. The underpinned hup jiif-t received a large and complete assortment of POORS. SAS3T. BUPH. an'l Whi'"i ar of 3 better nality and "will "be pold cheaper than at the Sash Factory ia Prescott. Ai! ordTF r-rorr-ptlv artecried to. Adams fff 0'1'-ii6,f Yijc rcrTh of th- Hersli Builders MATERIAL. E. IRVIXE CO. DEPARTURE. Cash Down Or No Sale. WE WILL HATE THE PAY OR KEEP, OUR GOODS! We h e r e by not! fy o u r friends and the nublic A. generally that from this time forth we will cease to sell for credit on anv terms whatever. We are aware that in order to do this we will have to sell I cheaper than our neigh-j bors. and we are prepared j to do so. As we are building we are very much; pressed for cash, and ' therefore it will be better! for us to sell for cost, than to sell on ever so short a time, no Kiatter how good the buyer. Ihe facts in; the case are just these: it; is a necessity with us to ; have our goods or to have the wherewith to buy ! more. Of course we do ; not expect to do so much : business, but we are de-. termined to do what we can. Our Lumber Yard is now full aud nearly com plete. Provisions, Groceries. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fruits, Honey, Summer Hats, Ranch Butter, ' Hardware, j Tinware, j Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Crockery Ware, Iron and Steel, Lamps, Powder, Fuse, &c , 4.V.C., itc, &c, Sec. Irvine & Co. Keep on the West side of the Plaza. Remember the sign over the do i, E. IRVINE & CO. Variety Store Tiemla Barat; THE FIKEXIX HERALD. M L 31 1 V. KILL IT KDITIO Ti. Saturday, Juiiti 7, li75. Th2 llERALO to-any consists a( s)x paaes. STATE Or SOKvKX. An interesting Article on our Southern Neighbor. Much Prosperity Looked for in the Near Future. The following article up pen rod iu a recent number of the Mining and Scientific Press. It was wrtiteu bv Mr. Schuyler, Assistnut State Eugi ueer of California, and brother of the gentleman of that name, who is lo cating the railroad from Guaymas to Tucson : The attention of San Francisco merchants aud capital if ts is being di rected more strongly year by year to the importance of establishing com mercial intercourse with tlienorlhern and western btates of .Mexico. The people of that section, particularly of Sonora, where they are far removed from and have httie sympathy with the revolutionary intrigues ol the na tional capital, and tdo not partake so strongly of the national jealousies uf the" Gringo's" are becoming eager for the establishment of commercial relations with the United Slates, as they realize that American goods for which they have Use, are superior to those ot Jt-nghsh or German manufac ture. Our calicoes and other cotton labrics, our agricultural machinery, wagons, domestic and general hard ware, cutlery, etc., are of a quality so much belter adapted to their wants that the Mexican people will not buy the European articles oilered them if the" can get those of American pro duction. This is a condition of af fairs that only requires fostering to bear abundant fruits to American en terprise. Soiior:'., therelore, is ripe tor an interchange of trade with Cal ifornia. The inauguration of rapid means of communication and ready facilities for transportation will ail'ect this object certainly and surely. As a means to this end THE SOXOHA RAILWAY And teL-graph line, projected from Guayuias to some undetermined point on the southern border of Ari zona, will be a most important factor. The Mexican government hr.s mani fested its desire to encourage an en terprise of this kind by granting to several individuals, resident in San Francisco and Mexico, a concession whose terms are exceedingly liberal, comprising exemption from import duties, und State and general taxes for a term of v ears, free right of way, a laud grant of acres per mile, ! and other important ad vantage. The j road will be commenced within a ! year, and wiil doubtless connect with j "the American system ol railways at j more than one point, as, in aduitiou j to the main line as laid down, a j branch line is projected, starting a ! hoi t diaiance south of tin Arizona j lx.i'.kr.and running east ward through j Mexican territory, aoross the lower j Sierra Madre to thelitis) Grande at or i ru-ur Kl, ri'tiiHctiinr wiili the j Ateh:sr. lVprka. and Santa IV, the Denver and l!io Grande. Ihi Tvsjs I'acilic railway, or some other of the Imis stiitchinti'oitt io.aru that local i point. The line ujder present con- ! sideration, from Gtu.ymas i"nh ward, ! passes through the heart of Sonora, a : Slate whose mineral and agricultural resources, but partially developed, tire superior to those of California.: with a climata of great saiu'oriiy and j an abundant rainfall to mature at j least one crop a year, without irriga- j tion. The distance from Gnaymas to , the border by the easternmost of the j three surveved routes is it).") miles, and the cost for a broad gauire road is i estimated at about .o.0'ti0.0')tl, or an average oi but little more than si:;,-1 u;X) per mile. This low estimate is I based on the excer-chngiy favorable ! topography ot the'ry througu which il passes, the- cheapness ot Mexican and Indian labor, (which is less than the Chinese labor of Califor nia), the low cost of importing mate rial under the exemption of duties granted by the concession and other favorable circumstances. THK H.UtBOU OF O.r.lYMAS. The terminal point for the railway on the Gulfot California, l,f:jj miles by water from San Francisco, is emi nently the best on the western coast of Mexico, being much superior to cither San Bias or Muzatlan, and be cause of the trade, wiuds, particularly desirable as a port for the trades of the Fast Indies and China. The bay consists of an inner and outer one, in all four or live miles in length almost completely sheltered from the winds by the bold bights of Pajaros o:i the east, and the islands of Terra Firma. San Vincent and Petayas on the west, leaving the channel narrow between them. The tides are irreg ular, being governed by the winds ia the Gull, "seldom rising and hilling more than five feet. The depili of water is from two fat bonis at the moat, to eight fathoms in the chan nel. The harbor is cupaple of giving g.iod anchor." ge to COO vessels. The town of Guaymas contains some 7.0110 inhabitants, and has an active trade, as it is the port of entry for the whole State, while the large quanti ties of four and other produce of the interior are shipped to other ports j a'ong the const. It is also shut in by i 111211 hills forming the fringe of the interior plateau Unit rises up from the const with considerable abruptness. The railway can surmount this range with little diilicu'ty, aud once upon the plateau, the profile of the ctrtmtry for the greater portion of Ihe disimee is an absolute plain, with scarce a variation, presenting a gradual rise ot from ten to sixty feet per mile to the summit of the dividing range near the Arizona border, where an eleva tion of i.UOO feet is reached. Hfcli.MOSII.LO Is 100 tniles lrom Guaymas, on the line ofthe proposed railway, and the most considerable town on the route. It is situated on the Sonora river, at a point where that stream cuts through a bed of pure white marble, pure enough for use iu the arts, free from blemish, pure in color and sus ceptible of high polish. Yet, stranga to say, the iuabilants of the city have been contented to construct dwell ings of adobes, as their ancestors have doue from time immemorial, making no tie of the marble so accessible to their hands. Hermosillo has the rep utation of being the handsomest city in Sonora. It is embowered in leafy gardens aud luxuriant foliage, water ed bv- the canals irom the river. It contains a population of 12,000, with empty houses for as many more. It depopulation has been caused by re duction of various industries to the north from Indiun raids and by in ternal wars the universal story in Mexico. It contains a mint, coining more than 1,000,000 annually. This however, does not represent the bull ion product of Sonora, as a large amount is exported in the form of bars and crude ores, and a consider able quantity of bullion is smuggled to avoid coinage and export duties. AORICCLTCRAL INDUSTRY. All up und down the Sonora and San Miguel valleys, where water can be obtained for irrigation, large crops of wheat, corn, tobacco, sugar and cotton are raised. The yield of the cereals is enormous. Wheat pro. duces 40 to 50 bushels to oiie sown. The rainy season sets in early in June and continues to October, though oc casional showers fall until March. Most of the wheat raised is made into flour for export. Six flouring mills in this city produce an average of 3,o00 tons of flour of superior quality per annum. One is run by steam, the others by horse and water-power. There are 30 mills of like capacity in the immediate vicinity of Hermosil lo, engaged in the manufacture of flour. The wheat is washed in vais and spread upon adobe floors to dry, previous to being ground. The mill stones in use, have been French burrs but a superior quality of millstone material has been discovered near Guaymas, which is coming into gen eral favor. With the opening of the railway, this quarry will doubtless yield sufficient to export to Califor nia and other points. Agriculture has made wonderful strides in Sonora iu the last few years, and on many of. the large hac iendas the equipment of farmin, machinery is scarcely inf ;rior to that of the mammoth ranches of Califor nia. American headers, gang-plovrs. threshing machines and wagons have largely taken the place of the crude implements of former times. This has been brought about by the fact that Ihe wealthier classes have in late years sent their sons abroad to he educated. The young men are now tekmir hold introducing the progres sive ideas which they have imbibed from association ith more enlight ened nations. The influence of tbo rising generation of educated men on the affairs of State give rise for strong hopefulness ofthe lit til re prosperity of Sonora, and the adoption of a more liberal policy of commercial as sociation with other nations. Indeed, they entertain the most exalted idea ofthe capacity of Americans and are in a condition to receive those who come among them with capital to de velop their resources with unreserved welcome and encouragement. There is a clan in political circles that even lavors annexation to the Uni ted States, they would prefer acces sion from .Mexico and absolute inde pendence. The public sentiment of that section may be set clown, how. ever, as strougly opposed to any con tinuance of internal strife. As a O HAZING COl'XTRY. Sonora, particularly in the northern part, is destined to pre-eminence. The higher lands, unfit for agricul tural use, are covered with a grow th of nutritious grasses, adapted to sheep and cattle ranges. There are three varieties of grasses upon the lands; the mestmit grass, confined to the ranges of the mesquit timber; the sacaton, a coarse species fonntl on the higher ranges, and the grama, occupying til- plateaus and less ele vated hills. The latter variety fcas much the appearance of dry, curled whit lings of pine wood, is very nu tritious ami is greedily eaten by ani mals. Throughout the entire year the cattle graze "pon the hills, there being no need to preserve the grass. TIMBER Is more plentiful in northern Sodo- than in the southern part of the State and along many of the streams Cot tonwood, ash, black walnut and syca more abound. On the bottom-lands are dense forests of mesqnit, a (species of iK-acia. yielding a fair quality of guma nrabic, and growing sometimes to a diameter of three feet. It is un equaled for fuel, burning long and fiercely with an intense heat. It ii paiticulariy valuable for charcoal. Co-.icl'ideJ next xrcek.