Newspaper Page Text
THE PiKEXIX HERALD. 8E3H-WEEK.r EIITIOX, GOSPER McCLINTOCK Proprietors. WettneuMtay. June IS. 1?Q- The recent Iudi.-iu troubles in Ton. to Busiii again shows the need iff. a telegraph to Fort McDnvell. The placing of htsaX-yiarteM In direct oomnWMweaJron- with this post in tlvc Waaxim'issioii of order and to ex jHRtt"ite wny necessary movement of Irmrpn, is- muuli nee.le.l. We under st!mt there isstlfrlciKnt material avail Me and near at h ind; it would vir tually cost tliu Ctiveraineiit nothing. The necessary poles could bo procur ed in the Gila Valley, nd the labor ' furnished by soldiers, and by the Jlmc the line is completed a soldier ould be prepared to ;ict as operator nt that end ot the line. Besides be ing an actual necessity it would save its price iu horse flesh now used ia carrying dispatches, every j-ear. Our special Territorial dispatches sre full tmi complete, snd are better and nwTB- of them that published in ny other paper, They re costins: rs lots of money btit we re happy in knowing they are appreciated by our readers. The dcmaini for Mexican Dollars is active, as the Chfrrese want them lor shipment. TIroy are quoted at 9o 9tf. Congress Mine, Mohave County. It is claimed that within the bor der of Mohave county soiivc of the richest miner-il deposit lie. OHviiijj to much niisinanugcment, iwany fail ures have occurred ir this jwrt of the Territory, but th-o friends of this sec tion expect at no distant day to- see it "com tsp." It is- Uva purpose of th HuAMt jfive from time to time short articles on our different mines-, arid in this notiev speaks of a proiwisth? mine in the above uaHd -unly. The Cangress snine is in Cedar Valley, near the Silver Queen luinev a mill'tor which passed through Phcraix a few days since. It was lo cated In 1873 and" is the property of T. H, Bb-the Alex Gordon and 11. F. If afford, and h-a been patented. The haft is- now down- 4 feet, but Mr. H afford, nm is businessat Maricopa, will abtwtiy viaii the property and coot tart tor pn ft iag down the shaft fc a depth of 200 feet. Some 555- tons mt or Iras been shipped to San F-an-' rimsn averaging f 478 to th ton. The ore seam ia ten feet wida between granite and poTphory. Hoisting WOrKS will whhi uts vrocmu. mieers are well pleased with their property and think they h-avc a tw nanza- . - . ISIARfCOPA MATTERS, rOOTlIlESKNIENCE OF THE HERALD: Makicopa, Jne 16 A petition is King numerously signeu nere, asK iftX that a nwwf service be put on be tween tl city nl Florence, by way of Marrcwpa Weils, Pima Villages, Saci.ton arxf Adanwville. Our mfrt now is of excellent qual fty. It is supplied by a live firm of yotir city. Bulge & Keliv. June 11th. Rictard Franltlfa, bet ter known aa Old Brown, died at this place, having been sick but two days-. An autopsy was held upon the borry and the immediate canse of his death was discovered to have been embolism of the aorta; and although the dfseased htadbeen ffiin&vng muchr f late, .the Jmmedfate cause of his death was from' (his disease. A Correction. A few weeks since we pu-brisned ar Jfen relative to Sylvestef Mowry be fog confiWetT in the Napa Insane Asy lum, It was a slipping from an Ari zona exchange, ad St appears was an error, Mrs. C. E. Mowry of San T'rancfsca, writes us r "That Lieut, 8ylves?er Sfowry died in LorwloB-, seven years ago last Octo lier, with iWtgftf's disease of the kid neys. I saw him about a year before lie died, and he wa perfectly sane. I never heard that his mind was'at alt affected. I have known bin well tor many years, as my husband, Charles E- Mowry was his elder brother, and he also died last Kovember, so that all th family are gone. I know ot none of our relations in the Napa Asylum as lunatics. SylveMer Mow ry met with many losses and disap pointments before he died. He was well-known in Arizona, and I hope you will correct the statement. A Pen M'orf h Keeoinmrndlnsr. We have been favored with sam ples of the celebrated Spencerian Double Elastic Steel pens, and after rying trying them feel justified in commending them to friends. They are made of the best stPel. and by tne wt expert workmen in Europe," and bave a national reputation for certain desirable qualities which no other pens ceem to have attained in so great perfection, among which are uniform eveaaess of point, durability, flexibil ity and action. . It is thus quite natu ral that the Spencerian should be pre ferred 4 ised by professional pen men, in business .collejt-s, --emwiting rooms. merit . .iilces,- puhlic s-'hooln. aad largely -.throughout the eountry. Indeed,' so popularjjave fhey become, lat of the "N'n. 1," tone, aa many as -eight millions are sold annually. The Spencerian pens may be had, s a rule, from any dealer; but when not thus obtainable, the proprietors, Messrs. Ivison, Blakcman. Taylor & Co, tie well-known publishers, 188 & 140 Grand street. New Y'-rk, will end for trial, samples of e.ieh of the 20 numbers on the receipt f 25 cents - Albert Harris having reKiwrtei itic rxUin as telegraphic operator nt D-vfon. John Lathi-op in.i tetz tyi J oi :t '. to the Taracry. TELEGRAPHIC. Ciarrison Will. Boston, June 13. The will of TFm. Lloyd Garrisoa glvs $300 to each of his grand chSklre n, uud be queatiis the remainder of his proper ty ti his firs children lit be equally divided. An Act rtclatlnc to IIomeMtead Mr tilers. Va8KrsTOS. June 14. The Ht'USe Committee on Public Lands yester- day authorized Representative "Wash, burne of Minnesota to report to the House and recommend the passage of the bill amendatory of section 2,297, title 32, of the Ravised Statutes, relat ing to homestead settlers. The prop osition is to add to the section a pro. viso, granting a settler twelve months from tlio date of ftHn?r rt which to cor.mence his residence ou lands mentioned, ' Delegnrte Kenuett of Dakota was alio authorized by tho Committee to make favorable reports to the House on two bills, namely, one extending for one year, the Act of 1877, granting absence to settlers on public lands who lsave suffered from jrrasshopcrs and providing tho during such ob seneono adverse right shall attach to said lan Is, settlers being allowed to remain ard perfect their settlement as though no absence had occurred, etc. The other bill abolishes th military reservations at Fort Aber- crombie. Fort Sewaid and Fort Ran som, Dakota, and authorizes the Sec retary of tho Interior to have the lands embraced thereiu surveyed and made subject to homestead and preemption entry and sale, the same as other pub lic lanls. Tlie rights-of actual settlers on the reservatioas are to be protected- TERRITORIAL ITEMS. rrom the Silccr Self: The Milton lode is still looking well, and six mi am kept steadily at work. The Millner fe Watson claims are looking quiet promising. When the Morrill mill is ready to go into oper ation, there will be a good supply of second class ore available for its bat tery trom these mines. The Buckeye company is still drifting northwest in tho lower noilu, for a parallel lead. The ground i very hard, beiug a solid green stone rock. Only three men are at work. it is said (bat the owners of the La Plata claim at R ichmond Basin, arc threatening with legal trouble from the old McDowell company. We understand that at the depth of 150 feet a great improvement is visible in the ore body of the Inde pendence lode. It is richer than it has been heretofore, is more com pact and more abundant in quantity. McGargill, Martin and McCarthy are running; a drift into the Contin ental from the . bottom of another tbalt near the gnlcii and "will strike the Continental rein at about forty fet from the surface. Mr, II. C. Hoffman of McMiilen has juat had fifty-five pounds of ore specimen- worked at the Haskin nill and a fte product was nineteen pounds six oivnce of bullion, nearly 890 fine, our readers will understand that the Globe district ores are unu sually rich. The specimens referred M, came from different mines in the district Being in- tire aggregate one-third pure silver they ne cessarily have been selected with great care. SETAD.l .NEWS ITEMS. Reno wants street lamps. The doctors in Elko are idle, while Belmont is calling for one to locate Carson is overun with lawless char acter. An escaped counterfeiter has boen captured at Winnemucca. A miuer working in the Argenta mine near Tusrarara, came near los ing his life lately by descending into the sfc'aft tewsoon' after the shot was fired. The Board of State Capital ComJ missioners have purchased a spring of water about three miles from Car son. The wyter will be used for the State Capitol and Orphan home. A young man in Austin, says the ReceilU, has ben hanging around the home of a damsel for about six month, giving all to nnderstand he meant to marry the girl- But young men are fickle, and t!re hero of this went off and found another love. He was thereupon confronted with a bill for sit month; board from the parents of his first sweetness, with the choice of paying it or being s-:ed for breach ot promise. He took the matter un der advisement, weighed the chances or a breach of promise suit over care fully, thought over the many en dearing epistles he had written the deserted girl, wondered whether the old folks had overheard any of their evening connaos, t nought the little brother might possibly have seen something, and concluded to pay the uoaru Dill. rtah IteniM. Saturday afternoon, George Rey nold?. roDvicted of polygamy, wag re manded to the custody or the United Htatea Marshal, who will take him to Lincoln, Nebraska, to serve out bis term of two years. He was to have been sent to the Detroit House of Cor rection, but Lincoln was substituted. Mrs. Emclina Younir Mcintosh, one of the daughters or Brigbarn Younr, began a suit in the Twenty-third District Court Saturday to restrain the executors of the estate Apostles Can non, Young and Carrington and praying for a receiver. It is alleged they have appropriated about 1,200, 000, end robtied the heirs. This even ing, W. S. McCoimiek and Col. Shmirlt nessy were appointed receiv ers. The suit is the great sensation of tho hour in Utah. Manley Stevens, ot Hunter's Creek near Detroit, went home from the saw:mill at nn earlj- hour Snndav morning, and finding John House there, and snsper-tinir him of intima cy with his wife, sot him three times. He shot In's wife through, the. head. And thot )!mef and expired inuue-;it-!. MISC ELLAS EOUS. Lumber. LUMBER. THE MADERA FLUME &TRADI7JG Company. Fresno Co., CaL Having established a LUMBER YARD AT MARICOPA Are prepared to furnish all orders for any kind of building lumber, as FEXCKVG, POSTS, SHINGLES, SHAKES, At rates lower than any inside or out side of the Territory. Give us a call, before purchasing or ordering elsewhere. Correspondence Answered. C. II. (1IAMPI.IV, 93-rf AfT'mt Maricopa-. LAO DUSTERS, From S2 SO Upward. LADIES LINEN SUITS of every description. WHITE VICTORIA LAWN, NAINSOOK'S LAWN, AND BISHOP'S LAWNS. ! I'nui 0 rents a Yard I'pward. Beautiful Pattens in Ginghams. Embroideries, From live cents a yard upward. L. BIEN, 24 J Street. SACltAMESTO. By sending Bust measure, length of sleeves, length of skirt, a SUHE FIT IN LADIES' SUITS can be secured. Ladies will bear in mind that it takes but. Three Days for a letter to reach Sacramento, and Three Days more for an answer making the time only Six Days altogether. Notice." Having established a Purchasing Agency, MR, L. BIEN will give his per sonal attention ;o all or ders of any kind, such as boots, & Shoes, Furniture, Groceries, Crockery, Car pets, Milenery Goods, etc. ancopa Hotel. WOOD & SMITH, Prop's. This hotel has bsen rocentlv finish ed at great expense, and is now ready for the occupation of guests. THE TABLE Will be supplied with the choicest the market affords. Board by the Day, Week or Month Liberal Termn matte wltta Regu lar Boarder. THE PCD ROOMS ABE LARGE And commodious sod suitably farntibed. THE BAR in connection with the hetel, is liberally supplied with the choicest brands of Inii orted WINES, LIQUORS, AND. CIGARS. 93-tf FOR MA1.K. From 5 to 20 acres Of Land with Water Privilege, within ONE-HALF MILE OF PHENIX. ALSO -t .In the Town or Pheenlz. tf WM. A. BANCOCg. $100 Reward. The shove reward will ho paid for infor mation that will to the arre-t of the Mexfcan Wf!h the mVp. hn vnniirfo.1 Iim I H. . Tb?gtas, Sheriff. M ISCELLANEOUS. " STAR " BARBER SHOP. FELIX DEES, Formerly with William Storenbnrj list fitted no a Brbrr Shop opposite the HiiiLD OIKce. where he will be pteaed to pee bii nnmerons frtftnds snd the pnblic In reneral. Shevine. Shampooing and Hair Cmtlng done in- the Lateet Utjle and satis faction guaranteed. Arcade Brewery. AND SALOON, Cor. Washington and Jefferson street. pnCENIX, JLRIZONA. Coolest Plsee or Kenort la Ti. BEER AS COLD AS ICE, which we offer for aile by the Glass, Quart, Gallon or Barrel. Five Gallon Keg of Beer for $3, AND One Dozen Bottled, $2. RALOOKS AID FAMILIES Supplied with Battled or Keg Beer. Choice WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS' jyCome everrbody and enjoy comfort. C. A. LrKg. Joe. THALHK1MER. Bueinei Manager' Proprietor. S. CARLLI8 & CO., Wholeeale and Retail Dealera in Foreign and Domestic FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, GROCERIES, ETC. Good. Carefully Packed and Snipped. 1SI Main atreet, - I.oa ngeles, Cal. PoatotBce Box 30. In. IIO FOB THE Rlazatzal MINES. The nndernijroed hum opened a atore t the mine and mill, wnere can he found a full aaaortment.of CBOCERIES t PBOTIMIOXfl MINERS' OUTFIT, CLOTHIXG, BOOTS & SHOES. tilve me a eall and see for yoor elves that 1 sell AT PRICES That will prevent yon from going to Jfc Dowcll or Verde. C. M. CLARK. Notice to Farmers Peraona deniring to purchase machinery of any kind will do well to order the aame throngh J. A. SMITH, A cent. for Frank Brotbera. We are ready at ehort notice to farnieh Mowers, Reapers. Headers, Separators, Engines, etc., And to give time on the eame. Jl. A. Smith. PHCENIX Flour Mills KING S. W00LSEY, Prop. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR For sale in quantities to suit Purchasers.-' : BRAN & SHORTS FOR SALE. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. ! MISCELLANEOUS Nothing but the Truth. New Store And First-Class Goods. J. M. Castaneda lias pn IT fin ntck nt rlrtt-(ls ?1 in the iture formerly iKmipirl by M. I. Pvralta, rpit the Plaza Our Stock Coaii! 6f a Genra.l A eaortneat of Family Groceries, Wines and Liquors, CROCKERY AND QUEENS WARE, Glassware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, And Gents' Furnishing Goods. ITardwire, Agricultural Implements, Tinware, Cigars and Tobacco, Wall Paper. Etc. W bnTt on nf lb bnt ti4 tnmt rarffnllv Phoenix. W wnrrurt th qnality uf oar g-oodi to b what mm rprrnt them. Our fooli will b sold us low as th urn la or goods can b purchased anjwkero ia tows. Call and examine onr stock snd jtfe that we represent to you nothing but the facta. J. M. CASTANEDA E. GERMAIN & CO. Ferwardlng and Commlsafan Merchant. M ARICOWA - - - A. T The citizens are informed that a ! Targe Lumber Yard I has been established and the bes CALIFORNIA LUMBER Kept for sale. (lend far lrte f.ixt. BUCK ALE W & OCHOA, GENERAL Forwarding and . Commission MERCHANT, HARICOPA, - - ARIZONA. Alo. wholesale and retail merchants at Sanford and Florence. THE PIONEER SALOON, MARICOPA, A. T. CHAPMAN A AHERN, PROPRIETOR?. -Vf ICE COOL BT7DWKISER, MIT.WAU kee and Philadelphia Laeer Beer al ways on hand. Polite and attentive bar tenders alwaye ready to attend to the wanta of cnetoraere. A share of the public patron ago aolicited. Bar open all night. BARNETT, BLOCK & CO., MARICOPA, and CAS A GRANDA. A. T. Forwarding AND Commission MERCHANTS, R. E. Farrington & Co.. Dealers in General Merchandise, AKD FORWARDING & C0MMISSJ0N MERCHANTS, Maricopa, ... Arizona. All freight conifmed to onr care will be promptly forwarded to any part of the erritory. MARICOPA HOTEL, H. W. KLEIN, Prop'r. MARICOPA, - - AT. The patronage ot the traveling puhlic is respectfully r!icitel. The table supplied with the bett the market affords satisfaction guar anteed. Eggs, vegetables" and fruit for sale. NEW HARXESS SHOP, IN PHCENIX. TV r flwry ilyt er gTvi of TIsn)H nd vry thing pertaining to oar boainess cq be bad. As near California prices as can b mod. REPAIRING DONE AT BED-RQC K PRICES. Gira as rail and 1r onr Prions. IBOMFbJfl at 3KIUISUBB. TUCSON, 8 AND ALEXANDRA. Wholesale Corner of 3Iarlropa and Jefferson Our connections in Kentucky. STew York and San Frasciseo en.i na to purchase direct from Manufacturers and Importers, ami havioe; facilitie to always carry a larse stock, the quality of which we guarantee. w caa sell at much lower fig-ures than any other house in the trade and can con fidently invite purchasers to call and examine our grcU Iwffor. b'Jbyiag where. Have on hand a select stock of Old Bourbon and Rye niiskievBfci Gins, Rums, Port, Sherry, and Maderia AVines. Cfeanjsagaof, Ctareto, Sauternes, Liqueurs, Bitters, and EVEltTTniNO appertaining to th LIQUOR BUSINESS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC wntikT rai? the attention' of connoistires to our retry sejrrt swkv of Wines, Liquors and Clears, thu quality of w hu h will eqA sarthing supplied by first-class houses in San Francisco or Eastern Cities. , THOROUGH BR E D Poultry and Berkshires Lsrsrest Stock of Imported Fowls on tlie Pacific , 1 Coast. Carbolic Powders, etc., etc.. Always on Hand. fi My Berkshire Breecers have be n imported direct from KerfaiMl a great expense. I will sell a limited number of choice pigs TJRY LOW advertise my stock. I amalso breeding Poland China Pigs. From stock ck imported direct from the Magee Companr. fra of inquiry, inclosins; stamp, cheertullly answ LN NILKS. Importer and Breeder, Los Anfreles, Cal. Letters Wtt I 1 i XT XTTT t. Imnnrlnr . lltliUIAll 1 1 IJ.J ' ! i " " -1 IV.. ...... -' v. Safe arrival of fowls and eggs TJSTICK & CO., DEALERS IX GENERAL MEG HAND ISE ! AND OUTFITTING STORE. the P i oncer Store OF MARICOPA. Faiu Dealing Our Motto. Teamsters, Miners, a n chers OR ANY ONE ELSE Will fincj it to their Interest TQ ALL UPON US o. PHtENIX, Liquor Dealers. Streets rke-all. General. "Pacific Coast Agewt fr Amkricax Pot:t.- MiH" w'' ake your rfotf3f39i hens Tttr ami pre- ernl. Atldresa guaranieeu.4&i & Co. HATE OPENED OM Washington street, west of Gardiner's hotel, A la-gft-and npUadid stock f General M E II C H A X DI SE . Whrch tliey offer to our citizens at the lowest, pos sible 'pricesJ ' . " . ; .'Every-' one is respectful ly invited to calland exam ine our stock and'prices. Fast Freight Line Phoenix and VMarloopa. Fraight' r5IiVired - in One Day.; . t, pMlr rr Informal that wa tv - tabltsSod Kai-t l-rngiii i,(uu twrwa this eitr and ih- rai!roal Addrcf. all fBU0l- rim- A. T. Ho lull & Ho u